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Archive for the tag “green juice”

Could the Coronavirus Crisis be creating more healthful habits?

As unemployment and gun sales spike and Quarantine recipes circulate the Internet, it’s easy for me as a holistic health coach and detox specialist, to focus on all the noninfectious ways that the media is not affecting our health.

“I’m so scared to let my elderly father out of the house” one client said to me during our Facetime call yesterday. Another client told me how sedentary she had become since the lockdown went into effect in Chicago a week ago.

But, to my surprise, not everyone is reporting a decline in self-care since the start of the pandemic. They are the people who are lucky enough to have access to food and safe housing, and not be away from their loved ones. In fact, there are many indicators that the pandemic itself, and the massive shutdown it has triggered, is forcing the adoption of more-healthful behaviors. And hopefully the adoption of more pets in need of safe homes too! 

Before I give you my take on this “situation” we are in, I want to remind you not to judge! People are suffering even those who don’t appear to be on the surface. Be mindful of how you treat others at this time. Sensitivities are heightened. 

Andrea Cox, green juice

Here is my take on it!

This is not a dress rehearsal we are living in! Critical thinkers are an endangered species!

For 10 years I’ve demonstrated a beautiful plant-based lifestyle to you.

I’ve told you that you must go plant based. For the animals, this planet and for your health.

You must begin juicing every day.

You must grow your own food.

You must begin taking your health seriously.

We are at a critical time folks! If we don’t truly adopt the lifestyle that myself and many others have been living and teaching, many will perish.

We truly are living in the day of age where it is survival of the fittest.

No, this is not to say that if you have a degenerative disease or are not in tiptop shape that you will not make it. This is more about
* governmental control
* forced vaccinations that contain poison
* lies they have been feeding you about how to properly eat for decades!

News Flash They’ve been feeding you lies! And this post is not fake news!

Please head to my advice…

1) Start juicing! Juicing is different than blending as it removes the fiber creating a blood transfusion of vitamins and minerals that goes into the bloodstream within minutes.

2) Start a vegetable garden. Even if you live in an apartment you can still create a garden in a grow box.

3) Hydrate with quality water and invest in a high-quality water purification system.

4) Get your hands on an infrared biomat to reduce muscle soreness and help you sleep better during these stressful times such as the ones I sell here 

5) Hire a holistic health and life coach such as myself or one of the ladies I have worked with in my squad.

6) STOP using chemicals and parabens on your face and body! Use cruelty free skincare such as the ones I created and use here 

7) SAY NO to Big Pharma’s deceptions and get your mind and body right!

Take my free herbal assessment to get you on the right track! 

It’s time to start investing in your health and the health of your loved ones. Because at the end of the day you get one life and one body it is never too late to start treating it well.

I love you

Please love yourself and drink your juice!


Why you should be juicing daily!

Good morning beautiful!

If you have been a friend of mine on social media or, if you have read this news letter for a while now, chances are you know I’m the QUEEN of juice! That being said, I got a disturbing Email the other day from a woman who says she cannot stand to juice! She actually said it takes to long to clean up after she’s finished! I’m not sure what juicer she’s using but mine takes 3-4 minutes max! She ended her email with the following question…

“Andrea, what’s the benefit of juicing anyway”?

As if there is only one benefit! Smug! Alright alright, I know, we all have to start somewhere! Her email did however make me feel as though I’ve not been CRYSTAL clear about my juicing views! This email is for her and for you too! 🙂 

My top ten reasons you need to juice!

1) Hydration! Juicing is a good source of liquids & we need plenty of liquids in order to stay properly hydrated!

2) Toss out your vitamins! When we begin to juice suddenly we realize what a game changer it is! It’s a blood transfusion of vitamins and minerals! We can literally toss the junk out in the plastic bottles! Juicing is like a blood transfusion of vitamins and minerals.

3) Antioxidants & Phytochemicals! Minerals and super hero powers anyone? When you juice fruits and vegetables, you get specific vitamins and minerals in a natural, easily absorbable form! Most of these simply cannot be extracted & absorbed when eaten!

4) Plant based Protein! Think protein can’t be found in fruits and vegetables? Think again! Not only will you be getting all the protein you need from plants, you’ll be able to absorb it much better! Why? Because it’s not dead & decomposing! Yuck!

5) Absorption! When you drink juice, the nutrients get into your bloodstream in about 15 minutes! That’s quick! Think “blood transfusion of nutrients” to feed you on a cellular level!

6) Less Digestive Work! Your body will thank you for giving it a rest! Less energy on digesting means more energy for healing!

7) Curve your sweet tooth! Juicing allows you to curve your cravings by giving you the opportunity to nourish your cells! Choose foods like green apples, carrots, beets or even oranges to sweeten your juice! Pretty soon, you’ll be off of the sugar train and onto the juicing train!

8) Get the GLOW! Juicing truly is the #1 way to have great skin! Gone are the days of spending money on expensive creams that are FULL of aging chemicals! With juicing, you can turn back the clock without all of the clogging greasy packaged product lies the cosmetic industry sells!

9) Disease Prevention! Juicing is one of many secrets Big Pharma doesn’t want you to learn! They know that as soon as you begin your juicing journey, they’ll be out of business! Just look at the major natural healing institutes around the world! The number one protocol they all have in common is a regimen of juicing daily!

10) Got Enzymes! There is no better way to up your enzyme intake than by juicing! Fruit and vegetable juices provide a plethora of enzymes! Enzymes spark the essential chemical reactions we need to live! They are necessary for digesting food, clearing brain fog and for providing energy on a cellular level! Not to mention the effect enzymes have for repairing vital tissues in the body!

Alright, the message is clear! Get to juicing! Your mind, body and cells will thank you!

If this article has helped you, Please SHARE this on your social media! If I see you share it, I’ll create more healthy happy motivational pieces to inspire you to create healthy habits! Have a great day & Be well!

If you are reading this and know someone that can potentially benefit from this, please SHARE this! They will be thankful and so will I!

Andrea L Cox

Raw Vegan Carrot Soup Recipe |Tips on How to Break a Fast

Hey Luv,

Lately I’ve been doing a lot of dry fasting, water fasting,  juice fasting and systematic under eating. I’ve been getting plenty of rest and trying to limit my favorite treats such as Raw Vegan chocolate and my delicious Raw Vegan gluten-free cookies to a minimum. I’ve pretty much been living off my herb garden and foods I find from foraging and by hitting a local underground farmers market.

Working with clients on a one on one basis via zoom and over the phone takes a lot of my energy. So does digestion. Therefore reserving my energy for helping you become healthier wealthier happier and more in tune with your intuition is where I desire my energy to flow. One of the most common questions I get is how do I break a fast”?

This is a great question that I LOVE answering! I’ll just bullet point a few facts below… 

Easing back into solid foods after fasting

Stay away from processed foods and fast food! After a fast it is always important to ease back into eating solid foods.  This doesn’t mean to go out and get some fast food and eat it slowly, if you do, it will be a very unpleasant experience and not at all beneficial to your health. If you are like many people in today’s society who are woke, you simply have never or would never indulge in fast foods knowing the facts that are out there today. 

Focus on eating fruits I find what works best for both myself and my clients is to eat some of the lighter fruits, like apples or melons (melons are FABULOUS after fasting)! Just be certain to eat enough to produce a bowel movement within thirty minutes.  

Only eat until you are almost full. You will know you have eaten enough within the first 10-20 minutes because your stomach will feel full. Make sure you chew your food thoroughly. This allows your digestive system to work slowly, allowing your saliva to saturate each bite. This entire process allows the enzymes in your saliva called amylase, (also in fruits and vegetables) to break down carbohydrates into simple sugars.

Don’t eat until you are hungry! Tuning into our bodies can be difficult. This is where meditation, yoga and just plain old mindfulness come into play. 

Chew your food thoroughly Masticating your food into the tiniest parts, saturating them with your saliva, making digestion efficient and easy on your body. I like to say we should chew our juices and juice our food”. Meditate on that and there will be more in tomorrow’s newsletter.

The photo below is of one of my recipes found in my Raw-lic-ous recipes book here!

This is a quick and easy recipe that is full of enzymes because it’s raw not cooked! This makes it ideal for breaking a fast.

The photo below is of one of my recipes found in my Raw-lic-ous recipes book here!
This is a quick and easy recipe that is full of enzymes because it’s raw not cooked! This makes it ideal for breaking a fast. 
Raw Vegan Carrot Soup Recipe
Place the following ingredients in a blender or vitamix and blend. 
* 34 oz carrot juice
* 1 avocado
* 1 clove garlic (optional)
* 4-6 dates pitted
* 1 whole carrot
Enjoy without shame or guilt! 
I love you, 
only want the best for you
please love yourselves and drink your green juice Blessings of peace love and abundance
Andrea Cox
All material on this website and across all of Andrea’s social media is owned and copyrighted material. Misuse or stealing of this material is punishable by law. 

The Power of healing herbs – A modern day medicine woman

Never underestimate the power of edible flowers, herbs and roots growing around your home.
Hi luv, Andrea here
Yesterday I was working in my humble garden along the side of my home. I love this home, I’ve lived here for eight years. I’ve grown my rose bushes tall and trimmed my hedges until my fingers bled. I had my friend from the gym “Dave” plant aloe bushes around the perimeter of my home last summer. I have an extensive herb garden that I harvest daily. And my vegetable garden looks pretty lavish if I do say so myself.
One of my greatest gifts however is drying out my herbs, boiling them down and making herbal tinctures. In fact, I’ve become quite the well known healer in these parts. 
In fact, my alpocary room could stand up next to my Grandmother La Golda’s white medicine cabinet and actually hold a candle to it these days. 
People call, text and show up when they need help. I’m not sure when this began really. I’m not certain how it began either. One person came and told another person and then the people followed.
As a little girl, I knew and could see things that others simply couldn’t. I could look into someone’s eyes and see if they were sick or if they were healthy. I knew when they were in need of a cleanse, a particular herb or, if they were low in certain vitamins or minerals. I could also see when the end was near. Through several attempts to try and be “normal”, I simply couldn’t hide the fact that I was both intuitive and a healer. 
I think both my mom and my grandma saw this in me. I just never wanted to accept it in myself.
Recently, I’ve made a choice to relocate out of San Diego towards a location that is more accepting of my medicine woman qualities that some see as a bit “witchy” but most see as magical! I’ve decided that New Mexico holds the vibration of my next creation. I’ve held this knowing within my heart for the past year without speaking about it publically. 
San Diego has been very good to me. I’ve been featured on the news 6-7 times. I’ve appeared in San Diego Voyager and Del Mar Times magazine more than once. I’ve even come out in the Union Tribune and spoke at the National Cancer Conference here on the healing properties of juicing and wheatgrass. However California lays on a pluto line that is very disruptive for people trying to take from me in business. People who attempt to build off my back by using my written words as their own. I just shared about this yesterday in a Facebook post here. 
So as I sat in my garden yesterday and witnessed one person come to pick up her remedy for low back pain, another come to lay down on the bio-mat for a sound healing and then a third pull up to cut some fresh rosemary who asked if I had any of that “burdock root tincture that makes her skin glow”… I finally realised that I accomplished what I came here to do. 
I moved to California nine years ago with an over sized hand bag and my little husband with fur “Louis” under my arm with a dream to help people feel better. A dream to get people to go vegan. A dream to make the world a better place. 
Never once was my dream to be seen or to gain a following. It was only to help people see the truth. The truth that “our issues live in our tissues” and in order to heal their relationships, they must first heal their bodies through the food and water that they drink and eat. 
Although I had many people place obstacles in my way, I can see what it was all for. For me to see that I no longer want to be near clout chasers or energy vampires. I want to be where the true healers go… where the shamans and medicine women are free to “just be”, just live and just write, create and heal without others trying to take what is rightfully theirs. What they have earned, written and what they own. What they have created.
About the photo above … All roses are edible. Just make sure that they are not sprayed with any pesticides. 
Sow thistle (milk weed), is a spicy edible weed that is great for the liver. 
Lavender (also edible) gives meals an incredible scent. 
Burdock root is excellent for both the liver and skin. 
Ginger is excellent for digestion 
Wash everything well as our precious wildlife uses mother nature as it’s toilet
Below Using the sun  as your oven! 
These vegetables were baked by the sun after marinating in gluten-free teriyaki sauce with olive oil and spices! 
Crispy olive oil rose petals (They taste like potato chips). Onions eggplant and mushrooms are all from my garden topped with fresh rosemary from the rosemary bush. Almost all of the herbs shown here in the photo below are herbs from my tiny precious organic herb garden.
 “Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine by thy food”!
I love you,
I only want the very best for you
please love yourself 
and drink your green juice

Pure Positivity

Hey Loves:)

No matter what life throws your way…greet it with a healthy response.

I’ve learned a lot over the past six years of my life and one of the biggest lessons for me is to know that there is a reason for everything. God has a plan and we are all just players on his ball-field!

I took on a pretty confrontational stance in 2018 and I am just not in that place anymore. I do however now know the purpose of why I was so outspoken and harsh. It was to help other people who are going through similar situations. I see the growth in my clients. I feel their pain and I know they’re suffering and therefore they choose me to help them. Not a single one would have chose me to help them along their path if I hadn’t suffered in the same manner.

This past week has been pretty tough. I appreciate all the prayers that everyone sent for my family. I am choosing to embrace everything that happens in life with a positive outlook and a healthy mindset. I encourage all of you to do the same. Life is truly what we make of it please make healthy choices every day, learn to trust within your intuition and please don’t harbor resentments towards others. Know you are loved beyond what you may be seeing or feeling at this time. Sometimes God slows you down to hand you a baton so that you will take the wisdom you’ve learned thus far…and run with it!

Your biggest battle will always be your greatest strength!

YOU ARE LOVED💗 Life is a mystery…enjoy the journey.


Finding Health Through Spiritual Peace & Downtime

55576519_10214446469856231_2558682064572383232_oI’m taking the time over the next few days to tune in & decompress:) De cluttering both my home and my body. Spending time with friends whom I love and reconnecting with spirit.

A few things I’ve got lined up for the week ahead….

Lymphatic drainage

Deep tissue massage (done✅)

Acupuncture & hot cupping

Leaving my cell off after 2pm (I have no TV)



Nature walks

Fresh juice & harvested spring water

Donating 25 items to the Salvation Army

Taking time to unfollow & delete anyone I’m not in direct contact with via social media

Utilizing My dry brush & sauna as much as possible

Every day is a new day to grow, evolve and manifest beautiful love in many different forms.

Today’s Spiritual Message… When you are no longer moved to tears but can still feel sadness….when you no longer feel the need to broadcast a life event yet you feel happy…when we no longer need to grip a feeling that has long passed…then we are traveling in a state of un-egoic peace. Repeat this message “I am peace”!!!

Please love yourselves


My brief disappearance ~ Going live!

aloThe energies shifted last Thursday and I was being asked to take a break. Last week I had two Mac laptops die on me. My Apple desktop would not connect to either the keyboard or the mouse. I took this as a sign to take a break through the weekend.

If you have ordered a personal reading from me, I shared a brief video on the new YouTube channel on when you will receive your private reading. If you have booked a detox for December or January, your emails have been received and space has been held.

When spirit requests you rest, you follow the path of rest.

I am in AWE! Complete and utter AWE of how many of you have placed your trust and faith in me to care for your health, to detox your body’s and to help you along your spiritual journey. This past month has been my biggest month in sales of products, coaching and especially the new readings. It tells me two things

A) many of you are putting yourselves first! YAY!

B) You believe in me and the work I am doing (Thank you)!!!

We are headed towards the most abundant, happy love filled times of our lives! For now just FLOW with this retrograde. Soon, everyone will be walking in their truth.

todays-hydrationI am happy to report that I took the entire weekend to be good to myself. I fasted during daylight hours on wild blueberry water and green juice. Last night I got a two hour massage that was absolutely wonderful! blueberrywater

I’m Sending you all SO MUCH LOVE  ~

Please join me tonight at the link below on my face book page here! 

I’ll be going live at 6:00 pacific (in 30 minutes)!

Until tomorrow, Andrea

Three “must do’s” to becoming spiritually enlightened!

Spiritual enlightenment does not magically occur in a clogged body! When you are clogged from eating animals and their by products, the mind is clogged too! More importantly the heart is clogged and cannot open to love, abundance and truth.

Eat only high vibrational living foods!

I know what you’re thinking! You don’t have the time. You don’t have the knowledge! You just can’t stick to a plant based let alone a high vibrational raw eating lifestyle!

My coaching FOUND HERE can help you! If you don’t want to invest in coaching a good one on one hour phone or Skype consultation FOUND HERE with me is LIFE CHANGING!

Your new life is a click away!

There are no excuses to having the health, energy and spiritual soundness you desire! Its all in your hands! y-pants

NIX the Dairy!

I spared you photos of half dead cows tossed into a pile left to die!

I spared you the blood work of a non dairy human compared to a dairy drinker!

I spared you live video of the cows screaming for their lives as they are lined up to be slaughtered!

I spared you the list of hormones, antibiotics and drugs the cows are shot up with daily! Hormones and drugs YOU in jest whenever you drink a glass of milk or put cream into your coffee!I spared you the HORRIFIC planetary affects the dairy industry is covering up!Wake up! Go vegan &Please go dairy free!


Actually “Getting the lessons”!

Forgive others! Forgive yourself!

The biggest part of the lesson is “getting the lesson”! Everyone we come in contact with in life (bosses, children and life partners) are one of three types. Karmic, soul mate or twin flame! I’m releasing a YouTube video today on this subject! Everyone you have a relationship with (even your parents) you chose prior to coming to this Earth!


Two things that have a HUGE impact on your health!


How I do mornings!

I’ve always worked out first thing in the morning! There is something about waking up and making an elixir tonic to nourish my adrenal glands along with my hormones that has always made me feel great!

This morning at Equinox, I had the sweet team at the juice bar make my tonic for me. I then moved my body for 45 minutes. It doesn’t take much time or effort when you choose to move your body daily!

Moving daily is key! Moving upon waking is key in order to pump our lymphatic system!


Today’s Hydration! 

I thought it would be great for you to see what I drink before taking in any solids. You see, hydration is a key factor in our health! We are 80% water! We must consume a minimum of 80% water filled fruits and vegetables along with good quality water daily!

Fruit water ~ A mix of fresh in season fruits with spring water poured on top!

Elixir tonic ~ A special blend of herbs and adaptogens to stabilize my hormones and boost my adrenal glands.

Green juice ~ A mix of fruits and vegetables juiced for maximum absorption!


Weight loss and Puppies Oh My!


Tonight is Tasty Tuesday! Join me LIVE! We will make dinner together!

Join me tonight and EVERY Tuesday night at 6pm Pacific time in my kitchen for Tasty Tuesday”s! We make dinner together! It’s always vegan and always gluten free! Here’s the link to tune in on Facebook every Tuesday night at 6pm LIVE!


On my way to shoot more videos for the 7 Day Juicy Cleanse!

WOW! I cannot believe the turnout we’ve had for my 7 Day Juicy cleanse! We just passed 50 people who bought the program for just $197! I have two private Facebook groups, one group for the people who purchased coaching or a consult off me prior and another group for the “newbies”

{I love newbies}!

Yesterday I was knee deep in shooting videos and now until Friday I’m going to be wrapping up those videos for the private groups and even tossing in a few bonus’s!

I truly feel this is the absolute BEST way to connect with you personally and guide you through a detox! If you are interested please visit the shop below or click here

If you’ve been wondering what to get the person who is struggling with their weight, body image or overall health click here!

A great Cause! 

WOW! I connected with these two beautiful ladies last night! My heart feels INCREDIBLY FULL from the experience! The blonde is Stephani Rizzo, owner of Miracle Foundation animal rescue! She helped us find Jackson and also helped me adopt Rodger! The other pretty lady with adopted the sweet white Gizmo on her lap! He is blind, only has one eye and is deaf!

I believe (and many others do too) that ALL dogs deserve to have a second chance at life! I also believe that when we buy from a breeder we are breeding to a much bigger problem (the over population of animals)!

PLEASE adopt this holiday season! If you can afford a roof over your head, can you not afford the love in your heart for a precious dog? Elderly dogs are WONDERFUL to adopt because they are already spayed or neutered and have been house broken!

If you need guidance on finding your next pet reach out to me or Stephani for help!


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