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I didn’t always “LOVE LOVE”!

At least not other people’s love that is!

I was sad

I was lonely

I missed being in a relationship 😦

I remember seeing couples walking hand and hand and thinking “that may never be me again”. I can recall crying myself to sleep at night! Then, I woke up, I became strong again and most importantly, I began enjoying my life as a SINGLE VIBRANT WOMAN!  That my friends is what must be done in order to attract your twin flame as I have!

I can remember talking to a male friend of mine on the phone and hearing him say “you have to meet my friend”! I belted out a quick “NO WAY”! About a month later, I caved and decided to meet William. I’m so happy I did!

Two years ago Will & I first met after talking on the phone for a month❤️

Two years ago this man walked into my home spilling dog treats all over the floor. He was carrying the most beautiful purple & white orchid & I’m almost certain he had chocolates too!

We had spoken on the phone every night for over a month. He later informed me he hated that time and loathes the phone! He suffered through it however!

We cancelled our plans that night and spent the evening eye to eye on my couch.

His jeans were far too tight!
He was way too “stylish” for this Ohio girl!
He was quirky with his sexy glasses 👓!
He said EXTREMELY inappropriate things FAR to soon!

Somehow, I woke the next morning wanting to know more of him! I craved his words, his goofy nature, his deep voice and his intoxicatingly addicting laugh! I craved the conversation that left me feeling exhausted with emotions I didn’t know I had in me or had buried long ago. n2

We’ve gone through more in two years than most experience in a lifetime. I ❤️ him to the moon & back! After two failed relationships, this my friends is something I thought I would never have again!

Happy Anniversary to us! n3

I made the man-pan-ion a healthy salad before our date tonight❤️

We then headed out for some AMAZING vegan gelato in Mission Hills!

So is it all roses and butterflies? Of course not!

We argue, we disagree heck we even shout on occasion!

I think the thing that keeps us together is the fact that we both are willing to try. We also have a loyalty and a trust that we are both working at building more and more with each passing day!

I love William’s quirky, strange humor! I love his sense of style and the fact that he is a wonderful father to his son. What I love most however is that when you peel back his layers of being the tough business man, the jokester and the provider, he has a HUGE heart that loves animals and all people.

2017 We are ready for you! 


I think the best advice I can give to those of you who are “looking” for love is to STOP! Focus instead on being the very BEST version of YOU!

The last thing you want to do is wait around for someone to make you happy! You and only you are in charge of your happiness!

Namaste and blessings!  Andrea


Feel free to use this quote and photo above!!

How we do New Years Eve!

William and I decided we wanted to ring in the New Year “Andrea Style”! We opted for a healthy salad followed by the splitting of A delicious gluten-free vegan brownie smothered and coconut cream!

We planned the upcoming 12 months including important dates and healthy vacations in my new “Happy Planner”! I even shot and uploaded a new video to YouTube here!

this morning when we woke up and had our morning tonics William said “this is the first New Year’s day that I have ever woke up without a hangover & it feels GREAT”!  That my friends made me smile from ear to ear!

Here’s to 2017 being our healthiest happiest most prosperous year ever! Both mine and yours!


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