Andrea cox

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Archive for the tag “Go Vegan”

My Heart Is Broken Why this world is going plant-based

I was going to post a happy photo of my juice.
I was going to post a video of my pretty vegetables. I was going to say something noble and positive. But I’m not going to!
All of it would be a lie.

My heart is heavy today

I’ve often talked about being an empath and how I tend to take others moods & feelings upon myself. I feel that’s part of this but I cannot deny the strong feeling of sadness deep inside my heart that stems from a much bigger issue. The issue that I’m not making a big enough impact to affect our beautiful sacred animal kingdom.

I see SO many animals that need homes! Especially in Mexico and other less fortunate countries. But this is also a HUGE problem here!

I see SO many people I know and love that don’t see the connection that animals are not food! They’re getting sick. They’re not connecting the dots from the paid fast food advertisers & Big Pharma!

I see the pictures & videos here on Facebook of both factory and even “organic Humane” farms & it makes my heart feel sad. THERE IS NO HUMANE WAY TO MURDER AN ANIMAL!

The burden I feel for what these animals have to go through & the little impact I’ve made is personally heartbreaking💔

I want to do more! It just seems like it’s never enough. My heart BLEEDS for ALL animals!

I want to encourage you that if this meat eating Ohio girl can successfully go vegan and rescue and place dogs & cats in her lifetime SO CAN YOU!

‪Feeling the weight of the world today! But it is nowhere near the weight that the animals suffer each day!‬

Bottom line! There is no reason to not be vegan! There is no reason to cause animals endless suffering.

‪PLEASE GoVegan‬
‪PLEASE STOP consuming dairy!‬
‪PLEASE STOP breeding animals!‬
‪PLEASE STOP buying from pet-stores‬
‪PLEASE Protest for animal rights!‬
‪PLEASE Don’t patronize zoos ‬
PLEASE Don’t patronize Sea World

Four Words I live by Animals Are Not Food!

And if you think for a moment there isn’t a spiritual side to being vegan… YOU ARE WRONG!

When we stop eating animals and all animal byproducts we open our heart chakra and become more compassionate towards all humans and especially towards the animal kingdom.

I truly believe all animals (including fish, birds, lizards, dogs, cats, cows, pigs, sheep and chickens) are spirit animals! They are here on this planet to lead us and give us signs. To guide us along our sacred path and journey.

FACT : One cannot open the third eye while still eating dead decomposing animal flesh!

But PLEASE, don’t take my word for it! Just try going vegan for yourself! You could start the process with baby steps having a vegan family night or going vegan for a week. I think you’ll find once you transition, you’ll never go back to eating animal flesh again. 

I love you

Please love yourself 

And please, Go Vegan! 

Andrea Cox, vegan 19 years, celebrity raw chef and detox specialist.


The Transition – plant based diet

When I first became vegan 17 years ago I felt so unhealthy. I was addicted to diet pills and had stuffed my body with six meals a day of dead animal protein and fake protein bars. It took years for me to de-program my mind of what I had been taught in TV commercials and by government programming.

“Got milk”

“The latest fast food add”

“Fat free”

“High protein”

“Plastic fake food that’s been sprayed with pesticides is better than the natural bruised fruits and vegetables”.

I see these programming suggestions now and it makes me feel sad. Because I now know the truth! Now, all of you are learning the truth right along with countless other people that have been victims of government programming, Big Pharma and mass media marketing! I invite you to take the plunge and go vegan. Push yourself to watch some of the videos that you don’t want to watch about how the animals are truly treated on factory farms. There is no humane way to kill an animal! There is no easy way to digest dead decomposing animals in your body. There is scientific evidence that proves white flour, white sugar, Artificial sweeteners chemicals and added colors affect the brain , the heart and your longevity!

Even if you start today I want you to be proud of yourself! Know you’re taking a step that is leading your children and grandchildren in the right direction!

I love you, please love yourself!


Three “must do’s” to becoming spiritually enlightened!

Spiritual enlightenment does not magically occur in a clogged body! When you are clogged from eating animals and their by products, the mind is clogged too! More importantly the heart is clogged and cannot open to love, abundance and truth.

Eat only high vibrational living foods!

I know what you’re thinking! You don’t have the time. You don’t have the knowledge! You just can’t stick to a plant based let alone a high vibrational raw eating lifestyle!

My coaching FOUND HERE can help you! If you don’t want to invest in coaching a good one on one hour phone or Skype consultation FOUND HERE with me is LIFE CHANGING!

Your new life is a click away!

There are no excuses to having the health, energy and spiritual soundness you desire! Its all in your hands! y-pants

NIX the Dairy!

I spared you photos of half dead cows tossed into a pile left to die!

I spared you the blood work of a non dairy human compared to a dairy drinker!

I spared you live video of the cows screaming for their lives as they are lined up to be slaughtered!

I spared you the list of hormones, antibiotics and drugs the cows are shot up with daily! Hormones and drugs YOU in jest whenever you drink a glass of milk or put cream into your coffee!I spared you the HORRIFIC planetary affects the dairy industry is covering up!Wake up! Go vegan &Please go dairy free!


Actually “Getting the lessons”!

Forgive others! Forgive yourself!

The biggest part of the lesson is “getting the lesson”! Everyone we come in contact with in life (bosses, children and life partners) are one of three types. Karmic, soul mate or twin flame! I’m releasing a YouTube video today on this subject! Everyone you have a relationship with (even your parents) you chose prior to coming to this Earth!


What I want for you in 2017


I want you to find this type of love… bf

I hope you find someone that gets excited every time you walk through the door. I hope you find someone that makes you laugh. I hope you find someone that calls you on their way to work just to hear your voice. I hope you find someone that holds you when you cry. I hope you find someone that never leaves you guessing about how they feel. I hope you find someone who tells you they love you every time the phone call ends. I hope you find someone that knows the purity of your heart and the depths of your soul. I hope you find someone who leaves you with lessons instead of pain. I hope you find someone Who doesn’t give you a few pieces but who completes the puzzle you always dreamed your life to be. I love you~Go find love!

I want you to eat like you give a damn! 

Last nights dinner for one… 16122040_10208482886610377_387129027_o

A big salad~roasted fennel onions & yams!Gluten freeDairy free VeganCrueltyFree

YES, I WANT YOU TO LOVE YOURSELF {and your selfies}! PLEASE, only place food in your body that you would give and aging loved one, a sick friend or a child! THE BEST un processed un pasteurized LIVING vegan foods!

I want you to know what unconditional love feels like…

If you know me, you know where I’m going with this! Please consider adopting an animal this year! I love all three of my rescue dogs like they are children!

Today I had 6 workmen in my home! Two were installing a furnace, two a water heater and there were to electricians. This sweet soul didn’t make a sound! He just sat on my lap out back giving me “puppy kisses”! That is what dogs do, they love unconditionally! YES! They are a HUGE responsibility and they are SO worth it!

Let us take lessons from dogs! They love us more than they themselves! PLEASE ADOPT and rescue or even FOSTER a dog, cat, goat or pig in 2017!


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