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Archive for the tag “gardening”

7 Tips to Finding peace in nature

Today was tough! 
My dogs oncology visit was tough!
The drive there was tough!
The fact that they no longer allow you to go inside the veterinarian hospital with your dog due to Covid was TOUGH!
I had a client from Florida stay on the phone with me for the almost hour call with the vet who examined my furry husband.
Someone else showed up in full on support for me even though he lives overseas.
But nothing felt better than coming home and just being outside in the garden with the animals. 


I feel so grateful to live in a healing space. 
I am grateful for the trees!  
I am grateful for the birds!  
I am grateful for my family! 
I am grateful for my garden and I am grateful for my tiny furry humans. 
Animals are unconditional love incarnated! 
Treat them accordingly! 



Seeking Solace Creatively within nature

These day’s I seek solace in my garden. I see my animals and the wild animals that surround me as my best friends and helpers. Gardening, writing, creating tinctures, elixir tonics and jewelry made from crystals also brings me peace. Brushing my dog’s hair gives me serenity. Feeding my furry humans organically makes me feel happy within my heart space. 

As for these radishes from my garden… I saved some for you!
Organic Gardening

Organic Gardening

Here are my top 7 Tips to find peace within yourself (or, in your garden)! 

1) Writing outdoors ~ If you and I have connected before or, if you know of my history you probably already know I am a writer at heart. My writing has been published in Fashion 5.0,  Your Tango, The Huffington Post, Mind Body Green, The Good Men Project, The Chiropractic Journal, The San Diego Voyager, The Del Mar Times and Women’s Day just to name a few. 

As I sit here and write this I am in a sacred space in my new home that truly brings the outdoors in! A breakfast nook full of windows. I find I write better while in nature. With all cellular devices off, I become one with nature. Truly feeling the breathable expansion of my creative abilities.  

2) Walking to run errands instead of driving ~ I recently relocated to an area that has both a gym and an organic grocery store within a mile of my home. Before I knew it, I was leaving my fancy foreign wheels behind in an attempt to walk my errands instead of driving. At my old place I was constantly inundated by the smog. In my new location this is no longer an issue. 

If you live in an area that is conducive to walking to the local post office, grocery or gym, I highly suggest it! There is something special about getting things done while feeling the sun on your face. 

3) Sun Gazing ~ Did you know NASA has confirmed sun gazing’s healing properties? So why aren’t you partaking in this daily ritual?

Native American tribes held a yearly sun dance to the approach of the summer solstice. The native people worship the sun! As a part of the ritual, the sun gazers would first fast for 24 hours. They then would dance and stare directly at the glowing orb in the daytime sky! Now if they did this, why can’t you?

The act of sun gazing opens your third-eye chakra. It is intended to be an act of communion and rebirth with the earth’s rhythms. Now, as a newly re-popularized “trend”, Sun gazing is enjoying a resurgence.

My method of sun gazing. I sit Indian style or lay down in the grass. I begin by staring directly into the sun for 30-60 seconds each morning. This brings me greater vigor, energy, alertness, and of course greater focus.

You may be wondering “but don’t your eyes get damaged from that”? Many of us recall our mother’s telling us, “Don’t stare into the sun, you will lose your vision!” After a bit of research, I haven’t been able to find any evidence that supports that claim. In fact, many sun gazers note more acute vision and even ocular regeneration as some benefits.

4) Connecting with animals

I grew up with animals and will never stop having them as a huge intricate part of my life. Animals are a prime and maybe the only symbol left on earth of unconditional love.

Animals enter our lives for a short time for a reason. They teach us unconditional love. We fall so deeply in love with them and then they are gone. Most dogs, cats and animals in general have a maximum lifespan of 10-20 years (max). 
We can discipline them, ignore them or even leave for week long trips and they always eagerly wait to greet us.
I connect with my pets and wild animals both on a daily basis. Prior to relocating I asked the two doves that always greeted me every morning to follow me to my new home. I truly believe they did. A week after my arrival two doves landed on the brick pavers behind my home. I knew them and they knew me.

Researchers all over the world have ran scientific studies on the mental health benefits of having animals.

For example, researchers are looking into how animals might influence child development. They’re studying animal interactions with kids who have autismattention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and other conditions.

The verdict is in! Having pets is a win win! 

5) Organic Gardening ~ It truly is magnificent  how peaceful and inwardly fulfilling gardening can be.  What begins as a simple planting of a seed can  turn into a lifelong love of nature. From a simple natural way of relieving stress by relaxing and gently stretching tense muscles while getting back in touch with that quiet place is within our hearts; to acquiring greater inner peace and spiritual connectedness by being at full peace.

We really do reconnect to source by being in a natural setting for a little while.  Either way, we need to be kind to ourselves while gardening and give ourselves permission to take breaks, to breathe in the fresh air; to feel the inner peace expanding within our hearts; and to pour forth our loving gratitude to GAIA! Mother-Father GOD; the angelic beings; the flowers; and all life desire this from us. We should also give thanks to life for such a sweet, peaceful blessing such as gardening.

6) Nature Hikes ~ Ah… the warm sun shining upon your face, the sound of the wind rushing through the trees, and the soft earthy feel of the trail under your feet. Not only are these experiences enjoyable to have, but they’re good for your monkey mind too!

Whenever I am working with a client the first thing I say when they are overwhelmed is “take a hike”!

Hiking is proven to have many health benefits, ranging from the physical exercise you get when out on the trail, to emotional or mental relief that comes from being in nature.

I hike with my furry companions once per week. We always stop to rest in the flower fields. Just being on the trail with them provides both them and me with peace of mind.

Andrea Cox

Andrea Cox

7) Crystal Projects! ~ Recently I started an Etsy store! It was a way to earn extra income for one of my dogs care while serving as a creative outlet for me. The art of making jewelry out of objects from earth has always been a passion of mine. Although some of the items are vintage pieces found online, many are hand-made by me. 

You may support my shop and my sweet fur babies care here. 

Blessings of peace love and abundance! Remember, I only want the best for you!

I love you, please love yourself and drink your juice! 

Cilantro Kisses, Andrea

Grow Your Own Food – Fast and Easy Home Harvests

Many of you have reached out to me over the past week asking when I’ll be shooting my videos again. Or, saying that you’re concerned because you’ve not received my newsletter.

The truth is I’m rediscovering God. Right before my move I had a series of women come into my life. Just as I had 16 years ago. Women of all walks of life, some religious some spiritual. But all women of power. And just like I was faced with myself years ago. I was faced with myself again.

the beautiful

the creative

the angelic

the ugly

Sometimes when we are given the gift of an outer shell that others may deem as perfect we can become lonely and introverted during this process of life. An unreachable need of feeling as though we must “live up to” the impossible standards of others. We can hide our true heart space behind walls of strength, walls of knowledge and walls of focusing on obtaining things that don’t really serve us.

The day of my move I rediscovered a box of books that had been given to me 16 years ago. Among them a more recent gift … a book of gold! Of course, always with me, my pink tattered bible was placed gently in that same box.

I spent two days last week in my garden absorbing the most beautiful writings. I allowed them to pour into me like the sun. Releasing any past pain with the moon.

So if you need me, Just know I am here for you in spirit. I am rediscovering God. He is reminding me of my purpose to serve others.

He is reminding me to remain humble amongst the gifts that he has given me.

He is reminding me that I do not walk this earth alone.

He is reminding me that we are all married to one another in spirit.

Most importantly he is reminding me that when I shine my light so brightly it is helping others to see the light within them.

I’m here Listening to the whispers of my soul ~ Rediscovering God

Rediscovering God

Andrea Cox ~ Pink bible and Rediscovering God book

My “art” appears to be prettier here!

Raw Vegan tomato soup w/ BBQ jackfruit on top! Heirloom tomato kale avocado salad! A meal at the queendom fit for a queen!

Tempting Tomato Soup 

Ingredients :

15 Roma tomatos

1 red bell pepper

2 TB lemon juice or apple cider vinegar

1 large avocado

6 leaves fresh basil

1/2 tsp dried oregano

2-3 garlic cloves

1/2 tsp kelp

Directions :

Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. I love to pour this cold summer soup over arugula. 

Option : Top with BBQ Jackfruit! I love The Jackfruit company’s BBQ jackfruit.

Andrea Cox Detox Salad

Andrea Cox Detox Salad

The First Harvest!

Andrea Cox

Andrea Cox in her garden

You can take the girl out of Ohio but you cannot take the Ohio out of the girl!

Farming ran in my dads side of the family. In fact I own a farm (farm house and all) with my sisters in Kentucky that was left to us years ago. My Kentucky roots on my fathers side of the family are POURING out from my soul!  My grandmother La Golda ( Goldie) on my mothers side had the most beautiful gardens. I feel her with me through this transition.

I feel right at home here. I’m grateful to not need to purchase any greens for dinner or lunch tomorrow!

Mind you this is only two weeks of growth!

Over the next few months you may see less of me. What can I say, I am far too happy to subjugate my personal life on social media. Social media just seems like child’s play these days. One thing is for certain however… I will continue to inform you of my up coming travels, garden growth and public appearances. There are also many projects in the works that I am keeping under wraps for now.


I love you, only want the best for you

Please love yourself and drink your juice!

Cilantro kisses ~ Andrea

The Power of healing herbs – A modern day medicine woman

Never underestimate the power of edible flowers, herbs and roots growing around your home.
Hi luv, Andrea here
Yesterday I was working in my humble garden along the side of my home. I love this home, I’ve lived here for eight years. I’ve grown my rose bushes tall and trimmed my hedges until my fingers bled. I had my friend from the gym “Dave” plant aloe bushes around the perimeter of my home last summer. I have an extensive herb garden that I harvest daily. And my vegetable garden looks pretty lavish if I do say so myself.
One of my greatest gifts however is drying out my herbs, boiling them down and making herbal tinctures. In fact, I’ve become quite the well known healer in these parts. 
In fact, my alpocary room could stand up next to my Grandmother La Golda’s white medicine cabinet and actually hold a candle to it these days. 
People call, text and show up when they need help. I’m not sure when this began really. I’m not certain how it began either. One person came and told another person and then the people followed.
As a little girl, I knew and could see things that others simply couldn’t. I could look into someone’s eyes and see if they were sick or if they were healthy. I knew when they were in need of a cleanse, a particular herb or, if they were low in certain vitamins or minerals. I could also see when the end was near. Through several attempts to try and be “normal”, I simply couldn’t hide the fact that I was both intuitive and a healer. 
I think both my mom and my grandma saw this in me. I just never wanted to accept it in myself.
Recently, I’ve made a choice to relocate out of San Diego towards a location that is more accepting of my medicine woman qualities that some see as a bit “witchy” but most see as magical! I’ve decided that New Mexico holds the vibration of my next creation. I’ve held this knowing within my heart for the past year without speaking about it publically. 
San Diego has been very good to me. I’ve been featured on the news 6-7 times. I’ve appeared in San Diego Voyager and Del Mar Times magazine more than once. I’ve even come out in the Union Tribune and spoke at the National Cancer Conference here on the healing properties of juicing and wheatgrass. However California lays on a pluto line that is very disruptive for people trying to take from me in business. People who attempt to build off my back by using my written words as their own. I just shared about this yesterday in a Facebook post here. 
So as I sat in my garden yesterday and witnessed one person come to pick up her remedy for low back pain, another come to lay down on the bio-mat for a sound healing and then a third pull up to cut some fresh rosemary who asked if I had any of that “burdock root tincture that makes her skin glow”… I finally realised that I accomplished what I came here to do. 
I moved to California nine years ago with an over sized hand bag and my little husband with fur “Louis” under my arm with a dream to help people feel better. A dream to get people to go vegan. A dream to make the world a better place. 
Never once was my dream to be seen or to gain a following. It was only to help people see the truth. The truth that “our issues live in our tissues” and in order to heal their relationships, they must first heal their bodies through the food and water that they drink and eat. 
Although I had many people place obstacles in my way, I can see what it was all for. For me to see that I no longer want to be near clout chasers or energy vampires. I want to be where the true healers go… where the shamans and medicine women are free to “just be”, just live and just write, create and heal without others trying to take what is rightfully theirs. What they have earned, written and what they own. What they have created.
About the photo above … All roses are edible. Just make sure that they are not sprayed with any pesticides. 
Sow thistle (milk weed), is a spicy edible weed that is great for the liver. 
Lavender (also edible) gives meals an incredible scent. 
Burdock root is excellent for both the liver and skin. 
Ginger is excellent for digestion 
Wash everything well as our precious wildlife uses mother nature as it’s toilet
Below Using the sun  as your oven! 
These vegetables were baked by the sun after marinating in gluten-free teriyaki sauce with olive oil and spices! 
Crispy olive oil rose petals (They taste like potato chips). Onions eggplant and mushrooms are all from my garden topped with fresh rosemary from the rosemary bush. Almost all of the herbs shown here in the photo below are herbs from my tiny precious organic herb garden.
 “Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine by thy food”!
I love you,
I only want the very best for you
please love yourself 
and drink your green juice

Foraged Wild Edible Salad Greens with Heart Healthy Omega 3 Dressing

Hey Luv,

In the springtime wild greens are fresh and tender for the picking, making them the best addition to your salads. These greens have been unaltered by man and are typically more nutritionally dense by containing more minerals and vitamins than hybrid vegetables.

I’ve been eating wild greens since I was a little girl in Ohio. My favorite thing to do would be to nosh on dandelion greens in the spring and summertime. Last summer, when my summer garden was nothing but a dried up bed of dreams. There was only aloe plants and a tomato bush. Not a single vegetable I had planted in the garden was growing well, which angered my midwestern ancestors above. Had I created better compost, this never would have happened. Oh well, live and learn!

Yesterday while looking over at the weed patch that I hadn’t pulled up yet, I decided to just eat them. Mostly out of desperation of not wanting to have another depressing grocery store trip. The coronavirus has the produce shelves looking like one of my ghosted boyfriends from last summer. So I plucked them, pulled them and tossed them into a bowl with my tasty fermented peppers and some nutritional yeast! After all, I did at water that patch all year while praying for a watermelon!

Fresh rosemary from my garden, Wild flowers picked on my hike Wild edibles from my baron patch of garden (chickweed, lambsquarter, dandelion greens and plantain leaves) Fermented peppers and sun dried tomatoes I grew, fermented and dried myself!

Growing a vegetable garden sure teaches a person a lot about nutrition and the importance of eating an alkaline diet. Even though our stomach needs an acid medium to digest food, it sure is worth the trouble to get fresh air and sunshine. It amazes me how the health of my soil relates to the health of the my body. After all, I come from pure good soil and loving Ohio roots! I’m just trying to make my Grandma La Golda proud!


Salad greens preparation
Collect and wash your choice of wild edible greens. I love to use the following, plantain, chickweed, lambsquarter, dandelion.

Omega 3 Wild Dressing

3 cups, or less Wild Harvested Greens
2 cups Red Leaf Lettuce, optional
1/2 cup Hemp Hearts
1/4 cup Spring water (only use water in glass)
1/4 tsp Grey Sea Salt
1/3 cup apple cider vinegar
1/8 tsp orange or lemon Zest
3 Tbsp Fresh Dill

Make the dressing by blending all ingredients except for the greens in a blender. Pour dressing over salad greens and top with dandelion blossoms and hemp seeds and avocado. I added nutritional yeast too. Dressing will keep for two days in a sealed container in the fridge.

Stay woke folks

Thank you for continuing to support me by subscribing to both my channels below. Be sure and hit the bell notification button followed by the “see all” button.

AndreaCoxTV {Health ~ Raw Vegan Recipes & Detox}

TheDetoxIntuitive {Monthly astrological Intuitive Readings ~ Spiritual Messages}

I really do love you

Only want the very best for you

Please love yourselves

Stay Safe!

Stay home!

Take your vitamin C and your zinc

Get fresh air and sunshine!

Find unique ways to move your body daily

Be there for the elderly and your pets

Be there for people

Give of yourself and of your gifts

Be kind

Be loving

I Love you

Please love yourself

Until Tomorrow, be the change you wish to see in others ~ Andrea

Your Weekly Cup Of MOJO!

Your Weekly Cup of MOJO!

Louis wanted me to remind you that to blame others for your financial or weight issues is to give your power away! It’s never too late to grow up & take responsibility!
Your Goals For today:
1) Be kinder
2) Gentler
3) More productive
4) More active & more honest with yourself & others than you were the day before!

From a face only a mother could love!louisface

new-websiteIt’s Finally Here!

Today is the launch of my new website that I’ve worked on for a year! Now you can Shop my Organic Vegan supplementsOrder my recipe booksListen to my pod castDetox through my digital productsTune into Andrea Cox TV & SO much more all in one place! I’m stoked to see who the first person will be to purchase my newest program (The thirty day path to Enlightenment)!

What brings you peace?

Gardening may seem boring to some but for me it brings peace. I had succulents growing over the fence in abundance. I walked around my home looking for items to recycle. A few old pots, a pen holder & an old can are now serving as planters. Not only was I able to have quiet meditative time with my hands in the soil but I put items that would otherwise sit in a landfill to good use. It’s a win-win! I learned long ago that

Creating healthy living food

Doing yoga

Working out

My animals

Learning about cellular detoxification

Reading and Gardening bring me joy! What brings you joy? Do those things daily


The succulents and aloe I planted this morning! They bring oxygen into my home and they were growing like weeds in my yard!

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