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A Sanctuary within…


Create a sanctuary Within your home inside of your body 

Imagine a container surrounding your home

The walls of the container are high

The container is painted in beautiful pastels

Rich green ivy grows on the walls

Within the ivy are purple flowers

There is a door to the container

This door leads inside

Inside is your beautiful sanctuary

Your sanctuary has plants everywhere

There is always music playing

Animals that once had no home run about

High vibrational foods sit in baskets

It’s so clean you could eat off the floor

The linens on the bed are crisp & white

Candles are always lit

Fresh flowers sit in crystal vases

People who enter always leave smiling

Because you make them laugh

Over the years you learned who to allow inside And who to turn away

The front door to the container is invisible

There is only a peep hole for you to peer out

As people approach you get a vibration

You know they are coming prior to their arrival

You are wise & ready for the knock

You are prepared for all who show up Yet in tune with who to turn away

Everyone who shows up brings a gift

Some being flowers

Some bring a mind that wants to grow

Some bring open hearts that desire love

Some crave physical touch

And some bring knowledge

Knowledge that comes from pain

You’ve learned the lessons

The lessons that come from the pain

You now know how to recognize inauthenticity

Those who bring confusion to the mind

Those who bring chaos with words

Those who show up wearing a mask

Those are the ones who cannot enter your sanctuary

You have learned from your mistakes

You stopped asking why

You began saying no

No to inauthenticity

No to dishonesty

No to those who depend on you for their fulfillment

For their happiness

For strength

You now know those things come from within

You decided to stop playing muse for others

You returned to being your own

You forgave yourself

Forgave for believing in those who lacked integrity

Forgave yourself for loving who you loved

You prayed for their transformation

You prayed for your own

You were no longer blinded by others looks

By false sincerity

By the words “I love You”

Now, you know differently

Only the highest vibrational beings enter

Only joy & happiness are experienced in your sanctuary ~ Inside your house of love

Copy-write Andrea Leigh Cox


Today I wanted to share my heart with you a bit more and talk about forgiveness. For me it comes down to this:

Forgive, let live, and LOVE.

Let me know your thoughts in the comment section below. xoxo

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