Andrea cox

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Archive for the tag “For the animals”

Giving Back ~ Are you listening?


I love you, are you listening?

Everyone who knows me knows I love animals more than people {truth}! Tonight I’m asking all of you for a special favor…please pray for all the animals who have no food, no shelter and no humans to love them. Please pray for the abused animals in factory farms, the animals who live out their entire lives just to produce milk and have their babies ripped away at birth. Please pray for the millions of dogs breed-ed in puppy mills who are mistreated and often end up in terrible situations. Please pray for the animals who are created by forced pregnancy for the sole purpose of consumption by unconscious humans! Please pray for the injured animals who are hanging on for dear life. Pray that they each have healing sleep and wake restored in the morning! Thank you ~ I love you!


Giving Back!

My mom feeds the homeless on Tuesdays. It’s her way of giving back. I try to give back to all of you by teaching y’all how to live healthier lives without sacrificing our beloved animal friends.

How are you giving back today? How are you loving yourself? How are you serving others?

Let us all become the light we wish to see in this world!

Take a look at this video below and rethink giving back! To yourself and to others!


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