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Five tips to have your BEST day ever!

Hi there beautiful!

WOW! What a powerful love and fun filled week! I’ll be sending you my “week in review” along with an AMAZING recipe for vegan pumpkin chocolate chip cookies tomorrow! Until then I wanted to share with all of you why today was one of the absolute BEST days of my life!!!

Last week my loving sweetheart of a man AKA “the man-pan-ion” went dirt bike riding with his son and friends out in Mexico! Apparently they were taken to this stunningly beautiful meadow that he thought would be perfect for us to hike at! Today he woke me early to take me there. He even made my “special coffee mixture” for my coffee enema:) Now thats a man no detox Queen could ever resist!  

Somehow he managed to talk me out of my morning exercise routine (a first)! Apparently he knew we would get lost and end up walking for well over two hours:) To be honest with you, I was happy we did “lose our vehicle”! It was honestly the most stunning place I’ve ever been! 


Prior to leaving I made sure to pack plenty of lemon water with one of my favorite essential oil drops inside! I also slathered a mixture of coconut oil mixed with lavender essential oil all over my body so I wouldn’t get eaten by mosquitoes. They both worked like a charm! I also packed plenty of green juice and a few bananas! Although the “nannas” got mushed, I was glad I took them:)


After our hike we stopped for fresh coconuts and then had a couples massage♡♡♡ We then headed home for my loves favorite pastime, watching the sun set over the ocean off of the deck! I love the effort he is putting forth everyday to be the absolute BEST partner he can be! nl7

This day was extremely special to me! To be honest, the entire weekend was! My favorite moment was when we were walking to get our massages. My shoe came un tied. As he squatted down to tie it my heart filled with more love than I’ve ever felt for another. I love this life, I love this man and I love the possibilities♡♡♡

I have to say that leaving our cell phones OFF was a HUGE plus! Although we did stop to take a few photos, both of us together & of the beauty of nature in its entirety! Having a cell phone free day to “just be”!   

Stunning veiw!

Stunning veiw!








1) Start the day with prayer and or meditation!

When is the last time you woke up and before you opened your eyes you said a prayer? Meditated lately? I know these two things may seem like they’ve been beaten into us by a sledge hammer but they actually have been proven to be HIGHLY effective in relieving stress! For me, yoga is like a moving meditation! I also think that having one on one conversations with God will never grow old!

2) Move your body!

Move it or lose it! Turns out this is true! The more you move, the more you will be in touch with your body, your muscles and your spirit! Not only is moving the body great for the lymphatic system but its also STELLAR for the mind! Hows that for a BEST day ever BONUS! nl1

3) Alkaline your system with fresh pressed vegetable juice!

There is no better way to alkaline the body than to feed it fresh pressed juice! It goes into the blood stream within 15 minutes! Tell that to your smoothie friends!

4) Get out in nature!

Fresh air really is the best remedy for anything! The air I breathed in today filled my lungs with SO MUCH JOY! With the constant bombardment of smog and pollution try your very best to find a place to run, hike or walk with clean air! You’ll be glad you did!



5) Leave your cell phone, social media and computer behind!

Yes, yes and yes! Please trust me on this one! You’ll be SO happy you did!

Stunning veiw!

Stunning veiw!


Five tips to detox daily!


Keeping your body detoxed on a cellular level is an important aspect in maintaining good digestion, a healthy sleep wake cycle and a flowing lymphatic system! It just so happens that Spring time is the perfect time to detox! We are overloaded with toxins on a daily basis! Simply breathing in the air can overload our system and send us into toxic load over drive! I believe that in order to combat these effects we should do at least one thing to detoxify every day and a deeper cleanse such as my Digital Detox at the beginning of every season! Once per year a much deeper week long cleanse such as heading off to a retreat like the ones I offer at my Alkalize with Andrea retreats should be taken on!  
       1.Move the body! Enjoy these tips on how to detox the       body daily! The lymphatic system is at the hub of everything running correctly in the body. It carries lymph fluid and toxins and excretes them through various methods such as the skin and urine. We must move the body daily to assist the lymph system in pumping properly! My suggestion is a brisk one mile walk right upon waking followed by 5-10 minutes on the rebounder. This will assure that everything is flowing properly.
Andrea Cox lunges

Andrea Cox lunges

  1. Got clay? Humic and fulvic acid found in specific types of clay (such as my Evening Formula found here will not only detox you on a cellular level, they will also re mineralize you! 1 heaping TB before breakfast is a great way to cleanse the entire digestive track!dirty water
  1. Drink warm water with lemon and apple cider vinigar upon raising Drinking a glass of warm water with a squeeze of lemon and 2 TB of apple cider vinegar is an EXCELLENT way to cleanse the body! Do this daily upon rising! It will get everything moving in the right direct
  2. lemon water

Eat more fruits and vegetables! Fiber along with antioxadants are SO very important!  Fiber keeps us regular! The best way to get in your daily fiber is by filling up on the good guys first! The good guys” being fruits and vegetables! Stick to fresh organic, locally grown in season fruits and vegetables! Try to eat the majority of these raw! Antioxidants are full of nutrients that actually de age us! Yep! So pack those fruits in! Especially those deep in color such as blueberries!

  1. corn salad
  1. Stay hydrated with fresh green juices and loads of alkaline water! Drinking clean water is one of the best things you can do for your health. I prefer spring water collected from a natural spring. This will flush, flush, flush toxins out of the body! Drink at least half your body weight in water! Green juices sweetened with a small amount of grapes, green apple or pineapple are also extremely hydrating! Pinch a little cinnamon on top to stabilize blood sugar!juice2
    If you are reading this and know someone that can potentially benefit from this, please SHARE this! They will be thankful and so will I!:)
    Andrea L Cox

My self care transformation! Strength, power and vulnerability! Guess what ladies, its Okay to have all 3 of these!


Today is all about self-care and self-love!
As I always say, we cannot care for others unless we first care for ourself♡♡♡ #selfcare #selflove

Colonic, check!
Lymphatic drainage check!
Sauna, check!
Float tank, check!
Vitamin D hiking the tallest mountain in all of San Diego…triple check!

Self care hike!

Self care hike!


Today is day 2 of me being fully in the moment and fully on board with what I call a total life and health transformation!

Today I enjoyed a liver detox (my homeade recipe) followed by a healthy higher in protein meal plan with smaller portions. It’s also day one of going back to being 100% raw (it’s what works for me:) I also started my gratitude journal up again. This reminds me of how the Lord has blessed me with way more than I could have ever dreamed of! 

It’s hot yoga time for me and I’m grateful for this tiny lil bra top I’m able to sport at my yoga studio:) All of my hard work is paying off:) #yogaeverydamday #selflove #selfcare

Transformation day #2

Transformation day #2




Strength, power and vulnerability!

Strength, power and vulnerability!

   Power and vulnerability, two very admirable words. A women with too much power is often seen as a bitch. How dare she assert herself to such a rank. A man who shows vulnerability is often accused of being too feminine. 

Switch the gender role to a man with power and a female who is able to show her vulnerability and you have two seemingly perfect individuals. 

I’m proud to be a powerful female who not only shows her vulnerability but also allows others to share theirs as well. #assertive #conscious #woman







I’m moving:) An Earth day poem!


Am I moving to Hawaii….Heck no! After running off to Hawaii for eleven fun filled beautiful days I must say I was shocked and quite honestly a bit disappointed. Many of you have e-mailed me asking me if I am moving to the island. The answer is a very strong NO! You see I went away to spend time making a decision that had been weighing on my heart heavily. I thought I would find peace and serenity on the island due to the fact that my mother carried me in her belly there. To be honest with you, After being able to breath through my nose for the first time because of the air quality being SO much better than San Diego’s, I thought for a moment I had found bliss!

Then, within a day, reality set in! As I walked to the gym every morning I was smelling a ton of second hand smoke. My second day there a man at the gym was recommending a free “flu shot” (ugh)! Do people really still buy into that? The traffic was TERRIBLE! I felt like I was being honked at three times the second a red light turned to green! I paid $10 for a small container of lettuce or spinach wherever I went. I later found out that all greens are shipped in! The freshness of them does not hold a candle to what I have available to me in sunny CA!

I think what saddened me the most was the amount of homeless people on the island. They were everywhere! My last day there I took some food down to a man who slept next to a parking garage every night. His name was Fred and he thanked me more times than I could count. I simply could not believe that there aren’t any shelters on the island! Keep in mind I was staying in the wealthiest area in a VERY posh home right on the ocean! Right next door at the park, it was homeless central! I couldn’t help but to think, why do the people with money living there not build a shelter and hire those people to help?

With all the negatives there were some positives. The people in general are extremely nice! I got lost quite a few times and the folks there went out of their way to help me. I also found the water to be almost an angelic sea foam blue color! It was stunningly beautiful and I really enjoyed my ocean swims! 

I was very happy to return home yesterday! Today being Earth day I was inspired to belt out this poem for all of you. It literally took me less than a minute. Enjoy and may we all find peace in this ever growing technology overload government driven society.


Is it crazy to want to run away 
it’s sometimes hard to bear the day 
to find a land without the hustle and bustle 
clean air to breath and no government to muscle 
Is it strange to want to disappear  
to a place where clean air is near 
I feel stronger than the general race 
who lives in fear without a face 
bowing down to this place of control 
our food, our air our very soul 
It’s not my time to break away just yet 
with lives to change goals must be met 
In the end you will see 
this World we live in needs to “be”


Here are a few of my photos from Hawaii!!!

Found the beach:)

Found the beach:)


Cheers to increased health and vitality Aloha style!

Cheers to increased health and vitality Aloha style!


YAY! I made a new friend to show me the ropes on where to find the freshest fruits and vegetables!!!

    YAY! I made a new friend to show me the ropes on where to find the freshest fruits and vegetables!!!




Found the gym!

Found the gym!



I met a fan who follows me on Facebook:)

I met a fan who follows me on Facebook:)


Louis was happy to see I got home ok:)

Louis was happy to see I got home ok:)

I made it YAY! I found the Whole Foods!
I made it YAY! I found the Whole Foods!




It was nice to clear my thoughts in solitude!

It was nice to clear my thoughts in solitude!



I really could not get enough vitamin D!

I really could not get enough vitamin D!


Ahh! Time for a detox bath!

Ahh! Time for a detox bath!



Aloha from Hawaii! I’ve had a “moment of clarity” and would like to share what I have in store for you!


Hey there lovely! I’m sure you are doing FABULOUS drinking your green juice daily, getting yoga in and eating your big salads! I’m here in beautiful Diamond Head Hawaii staying in a gorgeous place on the beautiful blue ocean! I should feel FANTASTIC, right? Well, not exactly.

 You see, I’ve been here once before! I couldn’t walk or even talk at that time. I was in my mothers belly:) My father had brought her to the EXACT location I’m at! I’ve always wanted to visit and when given the opportunity, I jumped at the chance!

 Something has shifted in me since being here the last few days. Something I want to share with all of you. You see, many of you have been messaging me on social media asking “why I’m here”? It struck a cord in me, a wake up call, a “must change moment”!

 Although I love and value EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU that follows me on You Tube, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, I wondered why all of you were so curious about what brought me to this lovely place. This got me thinking about how much I share on social media and… as you know, I share A LOT! Sure you wanted to know! You wanted to know because I share just about EVERYTHING with you!

 I share photos, videos, detox and natural beauty tips along with other important things that help you create a healthier lifestyle. I also share personal photos, how I’m feeling and what has happened during my day! If I’m upset, you know about it before my own mother or boyfriend does!

 For some reason, since arriving in Hawaii this is beginning not to sit well with me any longer. At least what I’ve been sharing up until this point.

 I really feel torn here:( I feel torn because I’ve grown to love ALL of you on this mailing list and all of you that follow me via social media SO much that …well, you all are like family to me! You reach out to me when I am sad, help me with decisions and even send me beautiful art you create (some of you:)

 What I’ve decided to do is to start a membership portion to my website Now you will be able to catch up with me ALL of the time and see everything I do! In turn, I will feel like I still have my online support group/family!

 I’m even going to price it SUPER low the first week (like a buck) for all of you! After that it will go up. I just want all of you to have first dibs! 

 We are looking at 30 days from today at its launch! That being said….will y’all do me a favor? Would all of you go and mark your calendars for that date (30 days from today)! This way you can all hold me accountable for getting it done for you! You all have been SO very good to me! Now, its my turn to give back to you! I promise to have the content back there be EXCLUSIVE just for you!

 WHEW! Now that I’ve got that out of the way…i’m ready to share some of the beauty of this place with you!

 Here are the photos thus far!

My home away from home in beautiful Hawaii!

My home away from home in beautiful HawaiiI made it YAY! I found the Whole Foods!I made it YAY! I found the Whole Food Cheers to increased health and vitality Aloha style!Cheers to increased health and vitality Aloha style!Ahh! Time for a detox bath!

Found the gym!
Found the gym!     
Found the beach:)

Found the beach:)


YAY! I made a new friend to show me the ropes on where to find the freshest fruits and vegetables!!!

YAY! I made a new friend to show me the ropes on where to find the freshest fruits and vegetables!!!

7 Ways to become a happier person and improve your life NOW!

1) Choose to make happiness a top goal and don’t look back! In order to TRULY be happy you must first make the decision to be happy! Lets face it, life is short and I don’t know about you but I sure as heck will choose a happy life over a lack luster boring depressed life any day of the week! Once you make the decision its up to you to act on it! I suggest making a list of all of the things that represent happiness to you then start TODAY to cultivate a plan of action to bring those things into fruition! 
When choosing happiness as your path in life, never look back.

When choosing happiness as your path in life, never look back.

2) Go after opportunities, take risks and travel often! My very first yoga instructor who eventually became my dear friend had something she would say at the end of class. She would say “Do something different every day”! I could not agree more! 
Growing up in Ohio, I’ve never been much of a traveler. Recently I began dating a man who lives here in San Diego and has a home in Mexico. He loves to travel and I didn’t even have a passport when we met:) I’ve been spending my weekends with him in Mexico and I must say I find this absolutely invigorating! My routine gets completely of centered and by the time I return home on Monday everyone tells me I look like a teenager! Travel, take risks and go after opportunities daily!
 Andrea Cox in Mexico!
3) Eat more raw living foods! You knew this subject would pop up! Food really is mood! The more living foods you eat, the more plant based foods you eat the better you will feel! What goes into your body really does make all the difference in the World! We really are what we eat! I don’t know about you, I would rather be a living sprout, juicy strawberry or ripe banana than a dead de composing cow that once was living!
Raw vegan foods feed your body on a cellular level!
4) Juice on a regular basis! Juicing is the best anti depressant I know of! It truly is the color of life. When we juice, we flood our system with live enzymes that feed us on a cellular level! If that doesn’t make you feel happy, I don’t know what will!
Fresh Juice
5) Move your body EVERY day! Moving our lymphatic systems is so incredibly important to our happiness! The lymph system is responsible for cleansing our bodies! Everyday it needs to pump in order to flush us of toxins we intake! If we don’t move, that lymph system gets stagnant and we end up feeling sluggish. Last time I checked, sluggish doesn’t equate to the feeling of happy!
Love my 8am workouts!

Love my 8am workouts!

6) Take time for meditation and spirituality! Recently I interviewed Tom Cronin for my You Tube channel! He is a leading expert on mediation! Tom said that even 10 minutes of meditation can change your entire day in a new positive direction. 
I like to meditate immediately after prayer in the morning. It sets the tone for having an amazingly positive day! 
Relaxation is KEY to enjoying life!

Relaxation is KEY to enjoying life!

7) Fall in love and get married! A new study by Duke University Medical Center found that the key to longer life might be found in your relationship status. The study showed that Baby Boomers who were married had a decreased risk of premature death during midlife years. Individuals who were never married were more than twice as likely to die early than those who had been in long-term, stable relationships.
Find your true love!

Find your true love!


The end to your overeating/binge eating and self sabotage! Video included!


Do you binge eat? Do you consume way more than you should especially when you are bored, lonely, sad or anxious? Chances are you have done this before and if you haven’t you know someone who struggles with this issue! Sadly I struggled for way to long with binge eating and bulimia! As a model it was imperative that I keep a certain “look” that look always involved staying a certain size.

 The good news is that I made a FULL recovery several years ago! The even better news is that I now teach around the World those same methods that helped me end this deadly cycle that was causing havoc to my body! The BEST news is that my method works and works fast! Not only will the pounds FLY off of your body but I can promise you that those daily and weekly binges will be a thing of your past! 

 I have a four tier program that has worked for not just myself but for all of my clients! Many of them stop binge eating and begin losing weight as soon as five days in on my program!  I only take on fifty people on this program per year! I’ve already got all but five spots filled for 2015! 

If you are finally ready to say goodbye to that excess toxic weight you’ve had on your body for FAR to long this is the program for YOU~! If you’re tired of feeling sick and tired and ready to end the binge eating cycles for good, than this is for you! If you’re ready to lose fifteen, twenty-five or seventy-five pounds than this is the program for you!

 Here is what to do…Send me an Email at and in the subject line say “BINGE EATING HELP”! If I don’t get back to you that means the spots have been filled. Leave me your information anyway. I may be able to send you in the direction of someone who also practices my method of coaching who can help. Please know that this is a minimum of a one month commitment! I only want people who are “in it to win it”!

 I’m only accepting five more people into this group! This will go VERY fast…so again…if I don’t get back to you within forty-eight hours that only means all spots have been filled.

 Check out this video I shot on self sabotaging behaviors! If you can relate then its time to move forward in your quest for THE BEST HEALTH EVER!  Here is the video >>>  End self sabotage

 If you are reading this and know someone that can potentially benefit from this, please SHARE this! They will be thankful

and so will I!:)

 One more thing….. Its vitally important that you hire a coach that walks their walk! Here I am after applying my own methods on myself to lean out for a few events coming up! I removed twenty-two pounds that were not necessary:)

Andrea Cox, detox expert, celebrity raw vegan chef, TV and radio personality and published author

Andrea Cox, detox expert, celebrity raw vegan chef, TV and radio personality and published author


Andrea Cox, detox expert, celebrity raw vegan chef, TV and radio personality and published author

Andrea Cox, detox expert, celebrity raw vegan chef, TV and radio personality and published author

Lose weight fast through a one on one cleanse!

I have a huge announcement to make!

Its become VERY clear to me that my one on one VIP clients are occupying 90% of my work time! This is WONDERFUL and I’m over joyed with this! In the past three months I have detoxed nine separate clients one on one! These clients have flown in from as far away as London, Japan, Australia and Vancouver! This is a HUGE sign to me that not only is my business growing but that I must scale back my group retreats to just three times per year!

I’m officially launching a VIP one on one or couples retreat for a private five day cleanse! I can travel to you or you can come to me! If you choose to come to me I have three private locations for you to choose from! Hawaii, San Diego or Mexico.

If you are ready to completely transform your life than this is for you! During your journey with me I will be cleansing your physical body, as well as your emotional body. We will work together to clean up things in your life that are ready to be let go of while transforming them into something beautiful! Morning meditation, colon cleansing, ocean front yoga, detox and raw living food classes, breath work, lymphatic movement, business and life coaching are all included!

This will book up fast! Send me a private email at I will send you back a brief questionnaire to see if we are a good fit!

If you know someone who you feel can benefit from this share this post! They will be forever grateful and so will I:)

Now go have the BEST Sunday ever! #detox #cleanse #retreats #retreatsinsoutherncalifornia #healthretreats #weightloss #loseweightfast #healthcoach #californiahealthcoach #detoxcenters #detoxweightlosscenters #weightlosscamps #vegan 



Five reasons you should workout everyday!

Andrea Cox fitness model

Andrea Cox fitness model

I woke at 4:30am to get my “business” done! It feels SO incredibly good to have released that fifteen pounds I had been holding onto since breaking my foot!

I’ve been waking earlier and earlier each day! It’s workout time now, YAY! In order to keep that lymph moving we MUST move every day!

Here are five reasons to move your body every day!

1) The lymphatic system controls water in the body! It only flushes itself when you move it!

2) Moving the body is excellent for your cardiovascular system! Its a heart healthy way to take care of yourself!

3) Improved mood! Feeling down? MOVE!

4) Sweat! Our skin is the largest organ of the body! Unless you have a sauna you must MOVE in order to get that sweat on!

5) You will look better! Lets face it when we look better we feel better!

Now get up and move that body EVERY DAY! Preferably in the morning on an empty stomach then once more before dinner!

For more health tips, raw vegan recipes, detox and beauty tips sign up for my news letter at




One of my ALL time FAVORITE exersizes is the lunge! Not only does it work your butt and thighs but it also gets your heart rate up during and after a few sets. Be sure and keep your form right:)

Andrea Cox lunges

Andrea Cox lunges

Words can hurt or heal! Working out daily, the best medicine for a sour mood!

Words hold so much power! Loving words from the heart can bring a grown man to tears. They can melt a woman’s heart in a split second. On the other side of that coin words uttered at an improperly chosen moment can ruin that moment and crush an innocent heart. Choose your words wisely. They can make or break a moment just as they can build someone up or tear a person down.

Words can hurt or heal!

Words can hurt or heal!















Today I woke feeling a bit sad:( I always honor my feelings and nurture myself when feelings like this come up. I would rather feel them In their entirety rather than stuff them down. One thing I didn’t do is skip my workout! Although It wasn’t one of my best, it was what I needed to get back to my “happy place”. Life Is full of sunrises, ups and downs …through it all, keep your health front and center:) luv u

Feeling down in the dumps? Move your body!

Feeling down in the dumps? Move your body!


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