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Archive for the tag “Fasting retreats in Southern California”

Finding Health Through Spiritual Peace & Downtime

55576519_10214446469856231_2558682064572383232_oI’m taking the time over the next few days to tune in & decompress:) De cluttering both my home and my body. Spending time with friends whom I love and reconnecting with spirit.

A few things I’ve got lined up for the week ahead….

Lymphatic drainage

Deep tissue massage (done✅)

Acupuncture & hot cupping

Leaving my cell off after 2pm (I have no TV)



Nature walks

Fresh juice & harvested spring water

Donating 25 items to the Salvation Army

Taking time to unfollow & delete anyone I’m not in direct contact with via social media

Utilizing My dry brush & sauna as much as possible

Every day is a new day to grow, evolve and manifest beautiful love in many different forms.

Today’s Spiritual Message… When you are no longer moved to tears but can still feel sadness….when you no longer feel the need to broadcast a life event yet you feel happy…when we no longer need to grip a feeling that has long passed…then we are traveling in a state of un-egoic peace. Repeat this message “I am peace”!!!

Please love yourselves




When all things are flowing beautifully in your life, thank God!

You will also want to thank him when things are not flowing properly! Why? Because when God’s will overrides your desires it is him presenting you with something MUCH MUCH grander and lovelier than what you had planned for yourself!

God loves you and he only has the absolute best things planned for your life! Blessings of health, love and abundance! May God’s grace pour his love upon you today and every day! april-11

Great news! We are OVER booked!

I am SO happy to announce that not only did my April 18th retreat book…BUT I HAVE AN OVER FLOW OF PEOPLE! PRAISE GOD!

I’ve decided to hold a second retreat the following week!

If you are interested in attending a FABULOUS intermittent fasting raw food yoga detox retreat and learning from me on April 24-28

E-mail me at

Think berries and cream, raw chocolate and avocado salads are not aloud on a detox? Think again!

Below are just a few of the YUMMY meals you will be eating during your cleanse!

Meals like fresh berries and whipped coconut cream!

Raw vegan soups like my creamy dreamy sweet potato soup or my Happy hormones cauliflower soup!

You’ll have raw vegan pasta dishes that will blow your mind! So much so you’ll think they are cooked!

Whatever you have been led to believe about both raw and cooked vegan dishes up to this point (being bland etc) you will no longer have in your head by the weeks end! My food is certain to blow your mind, and your taste buds!

Click here to book your upcoming April 24th-28th retreat Now! 


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