Andrea cox

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Archive for the tag “fast raw vegan recipes”

Sexy is NOT a size!

sexyThe other night my boyfriend had taken us to Dinner at an organic vegan restaurant in SD. Towards the end of the meal two girls around the age of 20 came & sat at a table next to us. They were tall thin & literally looked like fashion models. Then, I heard something that was all-too-familiar. It was a conversation I had played in my own mind over & over again. A conversation I had with my own bodyfor years, DAILY! We listened as the two girls debated what to put on a salad for almost 30 minutes. When the food was finally delivered it was sparse. They both ordered a tea, stevia (a sweetener) & Romain lettuce.

My boyfriend was oblivious to what was happening however I FELT the eating disorder energy the moment they sat down & the second I heard the conversation. I needed to stay & listen. Selfishly maybe I was doing so to further my own work on myself or maybe I was just checking in with myself to make sure I was still on the “straight & narrow path”. Whatever it was, my heart ached for them both.

I began explaining to Will what was going on next to us, he felt my heart & asked if I was OK. I answered him & said I feel sad. I felt sad for them & I also felt sad for the abuse I put my body under for many years. I wanted to grab them & give them both a hug. I wanted to turn my chair & sit next to them telling them that SEXY IS NOT A SIZE! I wanted to say “your self-worth is NOT measured on the scale & that they will be able to toss away the “Allowed/bad food list” that they carry around in their tormented minds!

You see unless you have struggled with an eating disorder you have NO idea how obsessed the mind becomes with “allowed/avoid food lists”, calories, carbs, proteins & fats! You have no idea how this controls your every move, your every choice & every thought! Out of the millions of times I’ve spoken about poor food choices & helped others improve their habits, I realized in this moment, I could not speak, I had no words, I was numb!

We left the restaurant & I prayed silently for them in the car as we drove away. May they find peace in your words God, comfort with their bodies & love for themselves! May they lose the silent battle within their heads on whether to eat or not.

Ten ways to detox daily & feel better today!Andrea L Cox is the owner of  The Healthy Haven &  (Detox, Yoga, Juice fast & Raw Food Educational Retreats!)

Andrea is a fitness model turned health coach who has written two books on the raw vegan healthy detoxing lifestyle! Known as “The Detox Queen” She has taken the media by storm & has an impressive social media following with her YouTube channel surpassing 2 million views & her personal Facebook page alone having 20,000 people! 

Andrea has appeared on numerous news stations TV shows and magazine publications in her home town of Dayton Ohio and now where she lives in San Diego! She has also had national media coverage! Her retreats have become a destination health vacation for several Hollywood celebrities! 

Andrea’s online detox programs may be found at

Andrea’s retreats can be found at

If you’ve not checked out Andrea’s Facebook, YouTube, Instagram or Twitter yet FOLLOW her below!!! She would love to see you there! 

I want to connect with you!

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FACEBOOK HERE –> click here

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YOUTUBE HERE –> click here

TUMBLER HERE –> click here

MY RETREATS HERE –> click here


If you are reading this and know someone that can potentially benefit from this, please SHARE this! They will be thankful and so will I!:) HAVE A BEAUTIFUL WEEK EVERYONE! Be Well & Don’t forget to juice! I WOULD LOVE FOR YOU TO SHARE MY RECIPES AND BLOG POSTS ON YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA! Links are below! Thank you! Andrea!


7 Tips to becoming more emotionally healthy

Cultivate strong relationships~ Develop and maintain strong relationships with people around you who will support and enrich your life. The quality of our personal relationships has a great effect on our wellbeing. Putting time and effort into building strong relationships can and will bring great rewards. Studies actually show that married people live healthier longer lives! The proof is literally in the pudding!

Exercise everyday~ I’m not saying you have to become a professional body builder. The facts however are well known~exercise releases endorphins that are mood boosting! One of the best mood boosting exercises I know is to rebound! Yep! Rebounding has been proven to boost your mood! The average rebounder can be bought for around $200. A small price to pay for all the mood boosting and lymphatic benefits! Feel free to watch my video about rebounding here Rebounding Video

Yoga pants!









Eat right! ~Physical and mental health are closely linked; it’s easier to feel good about life if your body feels good. Try to replace one meal per day with a liquid meal. I prefer my clients use the all mighty all powerful juice! This gives your body a break from digestion! Try to consume at least 75% of your fruits and vegetables in their raw natural state. Eat only when you are hungry and stop when you are 80% full. No one feels good when they are stuffed!

Cashew curry salad!

Cashew curry salad!







Challenge yourself~ When is the last time you read a book, completed a crossword puzzle or challenged yourself to memorize someones name, birthday phone number and address instead of logging it into your cell phone? Learning improves your mental fitness, it expands your brains capacity and creates a sense of calm throughout the body by shifting focus off the body. 

Andrea shooting her YouTube

Helping others in anyway you can is also a wonderful challenge! When I started my YouTube channel it was for that very reason! I never thought in a million years it would end up as it has where I actually get paid to do what I love! By helping others the rewards come ten fold back to us! Try it! 

Try to not take things personally~ Be aware of what triggers you and how you react. Often times we are triggered the most by those we love! You may be able to avoid some triggers simply by sitting the person down who is triggering you and having a heart to heart with them. Express how your feeling and that you need them to approach or speak to you in a different way.

Get 8 hours of sleep per night~ Get plenty of sleep. Try to set a regular bedtime schedule. Sleep restores both your mind and body. When we feel fatigued we can literally “lose it” with ourselves and those we love. No one functions well without proper sleep! 


Ask for help.  A perfect, worry-free life does not exist. I find no shame in saying “I have a therapist” and neither should you!  If you don’t get the help you need first off, keep asking until you do. Therapist are like a new pair of jeans, you have to try on a few before you find the perfect fit!


Andrea L Cox is a published fitness model who has written two books on juicing, raw vegan food, bulimia and detoxification. Andrea owns The Healthy Haven~ home of everything detox! Andrea is in demand for her cleansing retreats by both celebrities and the average house wife. Andrea’s YouTube channel has close to 600 videos and 2 million views! She has appeared on such shows as KUSI San Diego, Fox 45 Dayton Ohio, Fox San Diego, channel 6 San Diego, The Del Mar Times, Dayton Daily News, Muscular Development magazine, Pump fitness, The Patrick Timpone show,One radio network, Mind Body Green and several others.

You can see more of Andrea on the following websites


Raw vegan detox corn salad recipe! GMO-FREE!

My handsome man-pan-ions first course! Raw corn avocado heirloom tomato salad followed by twice baked sweet potatoes saturated with healthy fats! We ended the meal with decadent dark chocolate chunk vegan cookies♡♡♡ A meal fit for a King! A king he is♡

Thank you for the massage today at La Costa baby♡ I love you! 
#love  #organicfood #Whatveganseat #wholefoods #weeatsimply

1 avocado {cubed}

3-4 heads raw {corn shaved off cob}

2 heriloom tomatoes {chopped}

2 cups baby kale

juice of one lemon

one carrot shredded

1/4 Cup broccoli sprouts

A pinch of sea salt

1/2 tsp  black pepper corns

Mix all ingredients in a bowl, toss and top over the baby kale! This can be served alone, on top of baked sweet potatoes or  a side of black beans! Devour without shame or guilt!



Raw corn salad! NON GMO!For more great raw vegan recipes, videos and beauty tips sign up for your FREE Healthy Haven gift pack at Also check out Andrea’s detox retreats at

Greens with fresh avocado dill mustard dressing!

Whipped up a Lil late night din din for the “man-pan-ion”smile emoticon I took all his favorites (dill, mustard, avocado) made them into a dressing and baked him a loaded sweet tater:) He only had one bite of the chocolate vegan mouse pie.

I adore having a man in my life who recognizes the importance of a plant based diet!

Dressing serves 4 or 1 very hungry person:)

1 ripe avocado

1 bunch fresh dill stems included

1 container West brae salt free mustard

1 pitted date

2 TB nutritional yeast (optional but loaded with B vitamins)

3 TB hemp seeds

Blend all ingredients in vita mix or blender. Pour over fresh organic preferably local greens and devour!

Spicy dill avocado mustard omega 3 dressing over fresh garden greens by celebrity chef Andrea Cox

Spicy dill avocado mustard omega 3 dressing over fresh garden greens by celebrity chef Andrea Cox

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