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Five reasons you should workout everyday!

Andrea Cox fitness model

Andrea Cox fitness model

I woke at 4:30am to get my “business” done! It feels SO incredibly good to have released that fifteen pounds I had been holding onto since breaking my foot!

I’ve been waking earlier and earlier each day! It’s workout time now, YAY! In order to keep that lymph moving we MUST move every day!

Here are five reasons to move your body every day!

1) The lymphatic system controls water in the body! It only flushes itself when you move it!

2) Moving the body is excellent for your cardiovascular system! Its a heart healthy way to take care of yourself!

3) Improved mood! Feeling down? MOVE!

4) Sweat! Our skin is the largest organ of the body! Unless you have a sauna you must MOVE in order to get that sweat on!

5) You will look better! Lets face it when we look better we feel better!

Now get up and move that body EVERY DAY! Preferably in the morning on an empty stomach then once more before dinner!

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One of my ALL time FAVORITE exersizes is the lunge! Not only does it work your butt and thighs but it also gets your heart rate up during and after a few sets. Be sure and keep your form right:)

Andrea Cox lunges

Andrea Cox lunges

Tips on dealing with stress!

Isn’t it time we all just face our “stuff” in the face? This morning I missed a VERY important meeting! Thats not like me to miss things, to dimly forget! I was being interviewed and I simply had placed it in my calendar on the wrong day.

Flash forward to an hour later, the tears fell! I realized I was putting WAY to much energy into trying to figure out someone else’s “stuff” that is not my own. That led me to not caring to myself as I normally would.

What I did next made me such a happy lil camper:) i dropped EVERYTHING and spent 10 minutes meditation to a CD Tom Cronin created for me:) Tom’s interview will be shared on my You Tube channel next week! I followed that with 20 minutes of yoga! I did the yoga right on my bedroom floor! Even my little “husband with fur” tried to join in!

We all have vices that we use to help us cope. Once we replace these vices with fresh air, sunshine, yoga, meditation, healthy eating principles and LOADS of LOVE everything falls into place!

One of my FAVORITE things to do to cope with stress is to exercise! I LOVE to do hot yoga or cardio for my stress! Weight training is also STELLAR to release toxic emotions! 

Here is a great video I shot on how to cope with stress! Just click the pic below:)


Andrea Cox about to get her run on!

Andrea Cox about to get her run on!

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