Andrea cox

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Have you ever felt this way?

After suffering through an extremely difficult time in my life, 2018 is serving me well!

I’m not perfect & never claimed to be

I am honest

I share my mistakes so you can be victorious

I wear my tender Pisces heart on my sleeve

I’m next to the word Sensitive in the dictionary

I’ve always been disciplined in life

With diet & exercise

With my time

With who I allow & don’t allow in

But somewhere along the way I slipped up

I let my yoga practice slip away

My peace was stolen & in the dark of the night, my heart was stolen too

I’m guilty for trying

Guilty for trusting FAR too much

Guilty for not demanding answers

From others & more importantly from myself

The one thing I’ll never feel guilty for is the way that I love

With all of me

My whole heart

My loving soul

My loyal body

My dedication of not giving up

& my open ever expanding mind

I will never apologize for the way that I love…unconditionally! No matter what you have or what you have not! This is my greatest gift & I am so very proud that it can not be taken.

I can remember a time last year that I didn’t want to see the sun rise. I didn’t want to do yoga, I didn’t want to breath.

I was isolated, sad & angry

I felt just awful about myself

Then I woke one morning in early November feeling a little stronger

A little better

A little more clear

I stopped being the “yes girl”

I began using my intuition

Letting it speak to me

I called upon my angels, God & the Universe to guide me

Finally, I looked into a mirror and said “pull it together”! You’re SO much better than this!

Without answers

Without clarity

Without peace, I did just that

I pulled it together

I had been sleeping in almost daily, I now wake at 4am

My bedtime switched from “whenever” to 9pm

I stopped taking calls & texts from people that didn’t have my best interest at heart

I stared looking at my life history. In business In relationships with my family & most importantly, with myself! I made a list of what I wanted to change & one by one I’m beginning to incorporate these changes.

I still have a LONG road ahead of me!

I have many goals to achieve

I have a deep need to spend as much time as possible visiting my family this year

I’m working diligently to be able to do so at leisure

So far I’m conquering building a new business that I’m truly passionate about! While crushing a business that I feel I’ve mastered. I’ve picked my yoga practice back up & feel that for the first time in my life, I’m proud of the woman I am!

A better woman!

A woman of depth & substance who knows how to love with an open heart

It wasn’t easy

I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy

I would however go through this all over again

Not for the love

Certainly not for the heartache

I would do it all over again to become the woman I am today

I love you & want the very best for you ~ Andrea


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