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Archive for the tag “elixir tonic”

Scorpio Season and an Elixir Tonic To survive!

Daily Message ~ He who waivers back and forth on a decision should not be making decisions that impact anyone else’s life.

To whoever needs to hear this today… maybe things ARE working out for your highest good! Maybe people ARE working in your favor! There is a divine purpose for your struggle! Know this, take a deep breath and repeat these words… Everything is working out for my highest good in every hour minute and second of each day that I spend here on this earth in this lifetime.

I love you! Please love yourself

The Moon ~

The moon, Card of Pisces and Cancer. The moon represents secrets or what is hidden. The moon also represents the women who run with the wolves therefore teaching, guiding and leading them not to be led astray. The moon always knows what is healthiest in order to lead the people who surround them to the healthiest and wealthiest point in their lives.

Get extra sleep in Scorpio season and make wise decisions. Especially in love.

Scorpio Season Tonic

2 Cups gynostemma tea

1 tsp Chaga

1 tsp Rhodiola

1 tsp Lionsmane

2 heaping TB coconut creme

Blend and enjoy!


Andrea Cox’s written work is owned and copyrighted material On in Andrea’s news letters and her written published works on social media. Plagiarism is punishable by law.

Back to enjoying the self

This week I’ve been stepping back into doing the things I LOVE! The things I never stopped doing however have been too busy to enjoy. For example, I make my tonic elixirs every morning yet rarely sit down to enjoy them. This week I sat down in the park by my home with the dogs. I felt the sunshine on my face. I placed my hand on little Rodgers fast beating heart and I thanked Louis for being my husband with fur for eleven loyal years.

It felt nice. I felt comforted knowing my little fur babies and I have so much appreciation for each other.


After a nice workout I had the joy of creating a few dehydrated treats.The crackers you see were made from left over juicing pulp, herbs and pumpkin seeds. The raw sweet balls are made from dates, coconut, almonds, spices and walnuts.

I’m enjoying them now while listening to the sound of an ice creme truck. I feel zero depravation. Zero! Subscribe to my YouTube channel to get hundreds of free recipes.


Around three my long time web security friend came over. I hadn’t met up with him in almost five years. We sat down at my dining room table and had a glass of my favorite water. I told him what I needed and he was able to scan both of my sites locating problems within minutes. We placed a plan in motion to implicate a strategy to achieve my goals and to place security measures in place that I didn’t even know existed.

When he left, I drew a card from my favorite oracle deck and this is what came out. I had a smile from ear to ear:)


My #1 Beauty Secret!

My Morning Tonic! It’s my #1 Beauty Secret!

Hi there:)

I don’t claim to be a beauty Queen. In fact, I struggled with a low self esteem for the first twenty-five years of my life. What I do know is that I FEEL better than I did ten years ago! I truly believe that much of this is due to my Beauty Elixir I drink every morning!


I hope you enjoy this recipe as much as I do! It’s truly delicious!

16 oz of Synergy Kombucha

1 2 inch slice of fresh aloe

1/4 tsp green leaf stevia

2-3 capsules of My smiling gut pro & pre biotic {found here}

2 heaping TB of The Raw Detox Formula {found here}

1 TB of Sexy & Raw Hair Skin & Nails Formula {found here}

Blend and enjoy the earthy & sweet taste of a drink ULTRA HIGH in vitamins, minerals & probiotics!

I’ve drank this every morning for three years now. I feel that I look & feel better than I did at twenty-five!


Two things that have a HUGE impact on your health!


How I do mornings!

I’ve always worked out first thing in the morning! There is something about waking up and making an elixir tonic to nourish my adrenal glands along with my hormones that has always made me feel great!

This morning at Equinox, I had the sweet team at the juice bar make my tonic for me. I then moved my body for 45 minutes. It doesn’t take much time or effort when you choose to move your body daily!

Moving daily is key! Moving upon waking is key in order to pump our lymphatic system!


Today’s Hydration! 

I thought it would be great for you to see what I drink before taking in any solids. You see, hydration is a key factor in our health! We are 80% water! We must consume a minimum of 80% water filled fruits and vegetables along with good quality water daily!

Fruit water ~ A mix of fresh in season fruits with spring water poured on top!

Elixir tonic ~ A special blend of herbs and adaptogens to stabilize my hormones and boost my adrenal glands.

Green juice ~ A mix of fruits and vegetables juiced for maximum absorption!


Nourish your adrenal glands while saving money by making my DIY Chia date milk & creating your own signature blend of tonic alchemy!

ac_linkedin_1-3-1Nourish your adrenal glands while saving money by making my DIY Chia date milk & creating your own signature blend of tonic alchemy!
dairy free

Did I mention that No baby calfs or sheep were ripped apart from their mothers at birth to make this milk?!

Date Chia Milk! 

This is such an easy recipe and a FULL ON crowd pleaser! I add this to my tonics daily!

3-4 cups quality spring water

5-6 pitted dates

3 TB chia seeds

Blend all ingredients together in a high powered blender such as a Vita-Mix. Strain the mixture through a nut milk bag or strainer! Pour the mixture back into the blender and add one date, vanilla bean and cinnamon! I always add some fresh chia too for Omega 3’s!

Blend again and serve!

Your herbal elixir tonic!

This is TRULY EASY! It’s also what the big herb companies don’t  want you to learn! They LOVE selling packaged teas and tonics for a GINORMOUS price!

Take your three FAVORITE herbs (I’m going to use an example below…

Oat straw



Order those three herbs online at a bulk herb store and store in a large glass mason jar! BOOM you have just created your own signature tea blend! Wasn’t that difficult?! 🙂

BONUS TIP: These make excellent gifts!

My marsh-mellow root, oat-straw anti swelling blend!

My marsh-mellow root, oat-straw anti swelling blend!


Reasons to Listen to Our Bodies and Be Grateful

I decided to juice it again until dinner! I find so much freedom when I LISTEN TO MY BODY!! I had been trying the 80/10/10 thing again and honestly found myself on a sugary high for the last 24 hours and my body said, “PLEASE listen…no more sugar, just for a day!”

I started the day off with prayer and meditation followed by a trip to The PAC (Pacifica athletic club) AKA “Princesses addicted to cardio:) I always take a “Elixir tonic” to the gym to get my workout on!
 I came home and had the water from a young coconut (blood transfusion in a glass) along with about 34 oz of spinich, parsley, fennel, carrot, beet, cuke, celery juice….DIVINE!

People always ask me, “Andrea, do the green juices really taste that good?”

“YES, THEY DO” I always reply! I find that I crave juices over most anything these days!

Beets are stellar for the liver!

I ran errands and visited with my friend Gita, and when I came home, the Tahini was calling my name: “Come and eat me, make me into something yummy…please!”
I had a huge salad with half a jar of homemade kim chee from a local farmers market, on top of one of my mammoth salads with cuke, radish, edible flowers and purple scallions! I followed it with my Divine Tahini dressing (see recipe section). This was truly a work of art! I took a celery stick to scrape the bottle of dressing and trust me if my head would have fit in the bottle, I would have licked it clean…so yummy!
I ended the meal with my “coconut bacon” and a few tahini/carob truffles!

so simple to make!

Sipping some more blood transfusion coconut water now as I write and think about what I am grateful for today:)

This should always be kept on hand!




Five Things I Am Grateful for Today

  1. My friend Lori Painter for helping me learn this blog thing!
  2. My kind, sweet, beautiful mother who listens to the same things from me 
  3. And who always gives the best advice!
  4. My two legs that allow me to run!
  5. My ability to and knowledge on how to create beautiful healthy juices, elixers, and food!

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