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Archive for the tag “elixir”

Weekly Health Wealth and Spirit message!

Weekly Health Wealth and Spirit message!

Your soul has a history of lifetimes through which it has learned to be wise and develop certain talents. It is impossible to learn the lessons and acquire the skillset to take on these abilities while eating a complicated diet of too many ingredients.

With all the stressors we have today it is an absolute MUST to go within and center ourselves daily! But what about support? We know that when we don’t have support within a business structure it will fail. The same is true with our bodies. We  MUST support our adrenal glands and other bodily systems with adaptogen herbs!

I’m CHOOSING to create a light raw vegan meal for tonight’s Tasty Tuesdays. It’s what the energy is calling for.

With everything I have going on it’s important that I honor my body and nourish my soul. After all, we cannot be of service to others if we do not first take care of ourselves.

The following day at 3:33 pacific for Wednesday’s Wisdom

I’ll be sharing the spiritual connection to each bodily system and the way each of these systems has the ability to function at a much more elevated state when receiving proper support.

Sound complicated? It’s not! It flows in alignment of the universal law of self care!

May we align ourselves with our highest truth so that we may be able to set out to serve our highest destiny.



This weeks healing elixir tonic recipe!


2 Cups light coconut milk

1 tsp coconut oil

1 scoop of Thrive

a pinch of vanilla bean

1/4 tsp cinnamon

1 tsp dandy blend

1 TB Sexy and raw hair skin and nails formula

2 tsp coconut palm sugar

1 tsp grade B maple syrup for extra minerals

Top with edible flowers!


Heat the coconut milk

Pour the warm milk in a blender, add the rest of the ingredients and blend (leave the edible flowers out).

Enjoy without shame or guilt! I LOVE this drink in the morning!

Take your free health assessment here to learn about some of the FABULOUS adaptogenic herbs I mention in this recipe!


Today’s spirit message is the message of the pig.

Spirit Animal

spirit animal

Are you far too busy dealing with the everyday stresses in life? Have you forgotten how to have fun?

The pig reminds us to get out in nature. To connect with Gaia ~ mother earth! Connect in order to roll around in the mud a bit!

The pig also teaches you how to find the gems buried in mucky situations all while maintaining a playful spirit!

As a vegan of 21 years I must also remind you that it is impossible to open up the third eye while still eating red meat and pork.

So leave the precious piglets off of your plate and use them as a spirit guide instead!

This weeks wealth message

Andrea Cox

Andrea Cox

The truth about what people really pay me for.

Two years ago I started a second business and a second youtube channel. It’s a spiritual business where I use my wisdom, along with my own innate intuition and problem-solving skills and even a few tools in the esoteric arts to help people in their personal life, business and within the realm of their health.

Before I knew it I had more celebrity clients than I ever had in my health business. And thats A LOT! Word of mouth got around and today, I’m booked out three months into the future.

The truth is I’m a problem solver who is able to tap into the akashic records in order to bridge the gap of confusion. I’m not only the detox queen. I’m the queen of clarity. Not just in the realm of health but also within helping others tune into the proper direction they’re supposed to take in love and in life.

As an intuitive healer people come to me with their pain and their sadness and I transmute their pain into their greatest victory. I explain to them why the horrific pain they feel in their hearts is actually tied to their past life karma and how this transmutes itself into their relationships, business partnerships and health issues they have today. I also teach them that without first caring for their bodies at an optimal level they cannot give to others.

I teach people to turn their back to codependency and to embrace autonomy. To know that they are 100% OK and can even THRIVE when facing life situations solo.

You can be absolutely happy and filled with joy while on your own. In fact, you must learn to be joy filled solo. This is where true peace stems from. I learned this very valuable lesson of being perfectly content by myself… within myself many years ago.

Although many question this and often don’t like to see others solo thriving, it’s the key to true fulfillment. Allow their triggers to push you into self sufficiency even more! You can have a life filled with peace joy and happiness. In fact, you can have it all!

I’ve coined for the phrase “your issues live in your tissues”. No where is this more true than in the beautiful underground tribe I have created in my solid second business that has become my spiritual sadhana.

I’m sharing this with all of you for a reason. Just because I “recovered well” from heartache, loss and even a serious stalking situation, doesn’t mean I don’t have a story. I just don’t allow that story to be my current story today.

We should never be quick to judge. You never truly know what someone else is going through. Some of us fought hard to shine again!

If you think you can’t end the destructive chain of codependency

I’m here to tell you, you can!

A FREE Portal To Health!

Today is the first day of a new month! A new month with brand new possibilities. I love the first of the month! It’s when I start fresh with a new group of clients ready and open to learning all of my healthy secrets. Below is a video on a ritual I do the day prior to starting with new clients. I really don’t think we spend enough time doing two things…

1) Grounding ourselves in mother nature

2) Staying away from our electronic devices

I hope the video above helped remind you how to “stay in flow”. We all fall out of flow from time to time (myself included). Just remember not to allow outside circumstances to interrupt your flow. You are the creator of your world, this is one thing we all have the power to control. We can choose non reaction over reactive behavior. It’s an on going practice but remember… practice makes perfect. The more you are tested, the greater you become and the more you will strive to overcome obstacles placed upon your path.

I guess you could say that nature provides us with a FREE portal to all our health needs!

It’s a great feeling to know we have the free resource of nature right outside of our door. At any given time during any given moment we can utilize this resource to our advantage Remember everything we do is a spiritual experience leading to us serving our highest good towards our highest destiny.

The other day one of my earth angels who is also a kindred soulmate reminded me that I am a Starseed… a unicorn Someone who is here to lead and be an example for others to follow. He reminded me that I sprinkle Stardust just by being who I am and that yes some people will try to take from my light but that others will want to emulate me and that’s a BEAUTIFUL THING! It actually is creating more growth for the universe to expand, grow and to wake up! How beautiful is that?!

How exciting is it to know that just by being who I am I inspire others to raise their vibration to grow their own food and to reach for the stars! I am so very grateful for these moments of growth and expansion! We really are all in this together.

Below… one of my favorite elixir tonic recipes! I encourage each and every one of you to check out the videos of my tonic’s on my YouTube channel AndreaCoxTV and to please try this for yourself. It’s a crown opener.

Chaga elixir

Base 2 cups of green tea

1 Cup of oat milk

A sprig of mint or mint essential oils

Half a teaspoon of chaga powder

A pinch of coconut palm sugar or Monk fruit

Directions Whisk this together as to not disturb the constitution of the magical healing powers that these herbs provide. I love starting my day with medicinal mushrooms blended into a tonic.

I love you

Only want the best for you

Please love yourself

And drink your juice

~ Andrea

FREE: Your Spiritual Nourishment Weekly Report

Hey Luv, 

I’ve got exciting news! For years I’ve taught you how to blend together herbs to create beautiful elixir tonics. I’ve taught you the alchemical process of mixing fruits and vegetables together to create beautiful juices and food that looks like a picasso painting. Two years ago I displayed my unique ability to combine my passion for both health and spirituality in order to harness the benefits of both for all of you.

Today, I’ve decided to bring this alchemic process together in a more formal version for you. I’ve married my gifts together to combine for you a FREE weekly Intuitive Astrological, Health, Wealth Love and Spirituality Report!

Here is your weekly report for the week of April 18th , The feedback I’ve already received on this via social media is MAGICAL! Let me know your thoughts. 

Astrology this week…Moon in Aries Sextile Saturn in Aquarius 

This sextile increases our sense of responsibility while driving us to become more organized. We pursue goals with precision and deliberation.

You should carry more confidence in your own skills. Act spontaneously, but also responsibly. Your mind should be crystal clear and more sharp this week.

Intuitive message of the week 

Today and throughout the week you are being asked to remain true to what inspires your heart and commit to your spiritual path. You have become an increasingly powerful healer. You were placed here to live your own life, to be true to what genuinely moves you and to find your life’s true calling. Most of all you were put here to adopt and learn the practice of unconditional love.

Your meditation mantra for the week…

I call upon my ancestors who walked before me, God and the power that is within me for master healing through the clear violet flame of truth and grace. I ask to know the truth in the perfect time and the perfect way, according to divine wisdom, the truth in all matters of importance to me and my divine life journey, now, including (here you may ask a particular question) that the answer to my question or path be lovingly shown to me now. Please allow my true nature my deepest desires and most important dreams to come into fruition. Please help me know myself so that I know how best to live my divine destiny. May all beings on the path of self knowledge be assisted and supported with unconditional love. Through my own free will and God’s divine grace so be it.

Your crystal I’ve chosen for you this week…

The smoky amethyst! It aids in dispelling stress and anxiety, and helps bring a sense of clarity to your mind. It is helpful for combating nightmares and sleeplessness. It has also been called the stone of sobriety – the name amethyst is derived from a Greek word that translates to “sober”.

Our inspirational message of the week I’ve created for you is…

“You have the right to express yourself in any way you choose. Don’t become someone else in order to appease others”.

 Our healthy herb of the week is cilantro.

Cilantro works as a detoxifying agent. The leaves of the cilantro plant have a potent anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antifungal, antimicrobial and significant chelating properties, that bind to heavy metals that are removed from the body through our excretory system. Cilantro is a lung purification herb.

Our healing immune boosting juice recipe 

2 cucumbers

2 granny smith apples

1 lime

1/2 a bunch of cilantro

2 stalks of celery

Place all items into your juicer and juice. Follow this with chlorella to increase chelating and detoxification. For more great recipes pick up my Raw-Lic-ous Recipes book here.


Hey! Remember those health readings with meal plan and detoxification protocols I was suggesting earlier in the week? I’m now booked until mid week next week (THANK YOU)! 

I’m thinking I’ll accept 7-10 more people MAX!

Book your reading and get your detox and meal program below. 

Health Reading Including Meal Plan And Detox Protocol!

I love you

Please love yourselves

With love, ~ Andrea


Subscribe to my two YouTube channels below

AndreaCoxTV {Health ~ Raw Vegan Recipes & Detox}

TheDetoxIntuitive {Monthly astrological Intuitive Readings ~ Spiritual Messages}

Scorpio Season and an Elixir Tonic To survive!

Daily Message ~ He who waivers back and forth on a decision should not be making decisions that impact anyone else’s life.

To whoever needs to hear this today… maybe things ARE working out for your highest good! Maybe people ARE working in your favor! There is a divine purpose for your struggle! Know this, take a deep breath and repeat these words… Everything is working out for my highest good in every hour minute and second of each day that I spend here on this earth in this lifetime.

I love you! Please love yourself

The Moon ~

The moon, Card of Pisces and Cancer. The moon represents secrets or what is hidden. The moon also represents the women who run with the wolves therefore teaching, guiding and leading them not to be led astray. The moon always knows what is healthiest in order to lead the people who surround them to the healthiest and wealthiest point in their lives.

Get extra sleep in Scorpio season and make wise decisions. Especially in love.

Scorpio Season Tonic

2 Cups gynostemma tea

1 tsp Chaga

1 tsp Rhodiola

1 tsp Lionsmane

2 heaping TB coconut creme

Blend and enjoy!


Andrea Cox’s written work is owned and copyrighted material On in Andrea’s news letters and her written published works on social media. Plagiarism is punishable by law.

Back to enjoying the self

This week I’ve been stepping back into doing the things I LOVE! The things I never stopped doing however have been too busy to enjoy. For example, I make my tonic elixirs every morning yet rarely sit down to enjoy them. This week I sat down in the park by my home with the dogs. I felt the sunshine on my face. I placed my hand on little Rodgers fast beating heart and I thanked Louis for being my husband with fur for eleven loyal years.

It felt nice. I felt comforted knowing my little fur babies and I have so much appreciation for each other.


After a nice workout I had the joy of creating a few dehydrated treats.The crackers you see were made from left over juicing pulp, herbs and pumpkin seeds. The raw sweet balls are made from dates, coconut, almonds, spices and walnuts.

I’m enjoying them now while listening to the sound of an ice creme truck. I feel zero depravation. Zero! Subscribe to my YouTube channel to get hundreds of free recipes.


Around three my long time web security friend came over. I hadn’t met up with him in almost five years. We sat down at my dining room table and had a glass of my favorite water. I told him what I needed and he was able to scan both of my sites locating problems within minutes. We placed a plan in motion to implicate a strategy to achieve my goals and to place security measures in place that I didn’t even know existed.

When he left, I drew a card from my favorite oracle deck and this is what came out. I had a smile from ear to ear:)


Nourish your adrenal glands while saving money by making my DIY Chia date milk & creating your own signature blend of tonic alchemy!

ac_linkedin_1-3-1Nourish your adrenal glands while saving money by making my DIY Chia date milk & creating your own signature blend of tonic alchemy!
dairy free

Did I mention that No baby calfs or sheep were ripped apart from their mothers at birth to make this milk?!

Date Chia Milk! 

This is such an easy recipe and a FULL ON crowd pleaser! I add this to my tonics daily!

3-4 cups quality spring water

5-6 pitted dates

3 TB chia seeds

Blend all ingredients together in a high powered blender such as a Vita-Mix. Strain the mixture through a nut milk bag or strainer! Pour the mixture back into the blender and add one date, vanilla bean and cinnamon! I always add some fresh chia too for Omega 3’s!

Blend again and serve!

Your herbal elixir tonic!

This is TRULY EASY! It’s also what the big herb companies don’t  want you to learn! They LOVE selling packaged teas and tonics for a GINORMOUS price!

Take your three FAVORITE herbs (I’m going to use an example below…

Oat straw



Order those three herbs online at a bulk herb store and store in a large glass mason jar! BOOM you have just created your own signature tea blend! Wasn’t that difficult?! 🙂

BONUS TIP: These make excellent gifts!

My marsh-mellow root, oat-straw anti swelling blend!

My marsh-mellow root, oat-straw anti swelling blend!


Gynostema-Based Beauty Elixir!!

YOU ARE SO LUCKY! In this video, I teach you how to make my famous beauty elixer! Enjoy!

Made with Spring Dragon tea Gynostema, FOOD GRADE diatomaceous earth, mucuna tribulus, Dragon Herb Pearl Powder and Ginsing and Astragulus, and, it’s true, ANT ESSENCE. I also offer tips for how to create the best elixir for you.

Post your recipes for your favorite elixer below. 

Subscribe to Raw Vegan Chef Andrea Cox




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