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How I Organize My Kitchen for Easy Vegan Cooking – Pantry Essentials

Organic OCD  ~ Do you suffer from this too?

Organization is KEY to your health! Last month I was Spending a lot of time with a client who paid me over $3000 to organize her raw food kitchen. Do you have a paper and pen handy? You’ll want to take notes! These are the exact tips many of my health clients pay me for when I help them transition onto their spiritual path towards wellness. 

* Don’t refrigerate everything! ~ Many fruits and vegetables are better left out of the fridge! Many foods such as berries, apples, potatoes, tomatoes and citrus are best displayed in beautiful bowls in the kitchen. I have antique bowls and beautiful crystal displaying these all over my kitchen you can find these items at garage and estate sales very inexpensively.

* Use Canning Jars ~ In Ohio we use canning jars for everything! In You don’t only can with them, you drink from them, carry things in them and you gift people with items using canning jars. This is one habit that this Ohio girl has never forgotten.

* Use Unique Recycled bags for labeling ~ Instead of labeling items it is much easier to simply buy in bulk and use a recycled brown paper bag with a non-toxic marker. Place your hand made label into each jar when storing dry goods such as coconut chips, chia seeds etc. Kids love this!

* Store Nuts in the fridge ~ Nuts should never be bought in bulk as they go rancid quickly. Nuts should also only be stored in the fridge.

* Shop Smart ~  Rarely do I make a grocery list. I have a set amount of items That I stock up on once per month when I do my large grocery haul that involves three different stores. My fruits and vegetables I get weekly at the local farmers market and have my favorite vendors who save all my items for me. My trip to the farmers market is as simple as me showing up, pulling up and sending a text message to my farmers. This saves me hours as I know they not only know my favorites, they also save me their absolute best pickings that week! When you develop a good relationship with your local farmers they will cater to you as you cater to them. It’s a win win!

* Items have different uses ~ I sprout my own sprouts and use a metal drying dish rack to invert them. This saves me about $35 a week and takes a little to no effort. There are many different ways to recycle kitchen appliances and items. Just open your imagination! 

* Grow your own! ~ Food is mood there’s more serotonin that runs in the gut in there is in the brain. I began growing my own tomatoes herbs and lettuce is back in Ohio and recently started an aloe garden that surrounds the back of my property. Gardening is not something you can fake. You either have a green thumb or you don’t. I’m blessed to have my grandma and mother’s green thumb. I highly suggest you get gardening to try just make sure you use organic soil because that is what will feed your gut the good bacteria you need.

I love you, please let yourselves

My Top Decluttering Tips!

 Our homes are a reflection of our personalities.

I used to LOATHE cleaning! I now find myself in a meditative state taking 20 minutes to sweep, dust and clean dishes by hand each morning. Recently a girlfriend of mine came over and said “OMG Andrea, I don’t even recognize your space”!

Months of decluttering, cleaning & donating is finally paying off!

I encourage each of you to rid your home, car and your body of items such as clothing, old books, knickknacks and foods not fit for your highest good.

I use a few special techniques to both clean and declutter my space! Here are the tips!

1) I hold an item against my chest and if it doesn’t speak words of love to me, I find it’s new home for it, or toss it all together!

2) I schedule the Salvation Army to do a pick up once per month. This is also a tax write off!

3) Every morning, I take 20 minutes to clean my floors, dust and do my dishes by hand. I set a timer on the clock and get to work. This is also great exercise.

4) On Sunday mornings I do an intense one hour clean of my home. I go to the farmers market, come home and clean my entire home. Including the inside of my fridge!

5) When I get rid of larger items in my home, I often replace them with living plants to bring more oxygen into my space.

6) I rearranged the furniture in two major rooms in my home. This made a HUGE impact! It feels like an entirely different space!

I hope these tips helped you. These techniques have given me great peace in learning how to love my space all over again. Ridding your home of items that no longer serve you allows you to rid both people and poor food choices as well. Like a chain-link fence our dwelling directly impacts our food choices and our finances.

My goal is to be able to pack my entire home solo in under 48 hours if I need to.

I keep this in mind constantly during the de-cluttering process.

Please share your clean space photos below of your home or office!

I love you, please love yourself

Until then….much love Andrea


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