Andrea cox

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Archive for the tag “divine masculine”

Men feel too!


So many women stepping into their power

Many of us were pushed

We make our own money

Care and nurture those in our lives

We keep our bodies up to par
Care for our pets and our children
Some of us are Earth mothers giving advice to many
We take care of our homes
Our gardens

But we women have become protectors of our hearts. Many of us have hardened ourselves to not allow our beautiful men in. We are wounded And what we so often forget is that our beautiful masculine men are wounded too!

But where does this leave our beautiful masculine men? Feeling As though they are not needed:( Not desired and heaven forbid as though they are not loved.

I’m sending energy from my heart to all the men in the world reminding you that




This weekends Angel Guidance for Health, Spirituality and Love!

The weekend angel oracle card I chose for you is called “The sixth Ray of Devotion”. This card speaks of a couple “doing their work” while allowing one another to be free.
Free from clinging
Free from accusations
Free from judgement
The devotion between the two keeps the feminine feeling safe knowing the masculine is devoted to her as he goes through his journey. What a stunning photo of them both opening their heart chakras to all the world has to offer!

Honesty and Clear communication is a must in order for this to happen. Without either of these two components this beautiful awakening cannot take place.

Your healthy food I’ve chosen for the day is longevity tea by @dragonherbs This tea is wonderful as an anti inflammatory. I add a bit of homemade almond milk or any nut milk to give it a creamy taste.

Your health tip for the weekend is to stay close to the ocean in order to ground yourself. If you don’t live near the ocean you can about ground yourself by walking barefoot on unsprayed grass!

Enjoy your weekend and remember to love yourself!

Love always ~ Andrea


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