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Archive for the tag “diet”

Trusting your intuition to balance your food, friends and family dynamics.

I was having a discussion with my friend who has also been a pioneer in the Raw food plant-based health movement the other day. We were discussing how we both became a bit apathetic a few years back and moved more Into the realm of spirituality with our businesses. And in my case starting a second business and YouTube channel in the realm of using my intuitive-guidance to help guide others. Not only in their health but also in the way of diving deep into their akashic records.

I can’t speak for her but I will say for me, it felt like a natural progression. She mentioned she became a bit bored. For me… it felt natural due to decades of cellular detoxification pushing me more and more towards my North node of Scorpio and the esoteric arts. It became a new way of thinking feeling and knowing that if I didn’t drop the judgment and perceptions that other people had of me and go towards what I truly wanted to go towards, I would be living in the same box that they were. One where judgements, ridicule and societal/childhood conditioning ruled me. One where always staying the same and making date balls in the kitchen and filming my Tasty Tuesday’s show would be the norm at age 90!

And I may very well be filming tasty Tuesdays when I am 90! But the fact of the matter is creating that second business which is a complete niche for me and utilizing my intuition to not only heal people but to guide them in the right direction was the right path for me.

In the near future you’ll see more and more of me working my magic and introducing you more to what I do at “The Detox Intuitive”. The natural alchemic process of healing with herbs, connecting the dots between the troublesome co-dependent relationships we have with others in connection to our past lives and our Akashic records. And my teachings of how to tune into your inner guidance and intuition to find the proper balance of foods friends and family dynamics that work best for your constitution and choices YOU wish to make in this lifetime. Not the choices and constraints that others see fit for you.

I’ve said for years “Our issues live in our tissues”. This means that you cannot have balanced relationships a successful business and a beautiful home life until you first balance the body. With the way my chart placements are it is easy for me to marry these two together incorporating them into one business, body mind spirit and soul. 

Andrea Cox ~ Celebrity Vegan Chef ~ The Detox Queen

And don’t you worry! I am still going to be putting out raw vegan recipes, detox programs and videos on Andrea Cox TV! In fact, how about a simple salad recipe below! 

Simplicity is beautiful!

Today I hiked in the sun, harvested one of my aloe plants and fell asleep in the grass next to my dogs. It was peaceful and somewhat dreamy.  Life is so much more clear when you spend the day in nature.

When I woke, this creamy dressing came to mind! I hope you enjoy the recipe! Feel free to share!

Andrea’s Simplicity Salad Recipe 

4 Cups of wild greens such as arugula, mustard greens and spinach

a handful of chopped tomatoes 

1 cucumber chopped


4 TB stone ground mustard

1 avocado

4 TB Gluten-free nutritional yeast

3 TB apple cider vinegar

Directions: Blend salad ingredients in a blender and pour over greens. Enjoy without shame or guilt! 

Andrea Cox simple salad

Is This You?

Do you ever feel this way…

Do you ever feel guilty about the eating choices you’ve made as a result of all the stress and responsibility you carry in your day to day life?

Do you feel lethargic mid day?

You don’t have much energy like you used to. Or maybe you’ve never had the energy you think you should have?

Is your husband or wife saying you are overly emotional?

Is your work life suffering?

Do you feel like your not in a position of doing what you were put here to do?

Do you feel scattered and have trouble concentrating?

Do you feel like you’ve “let yourself go”?

Do you find yourself standing in front of the fridge after midnight?

Are you addicted to food, drugs, alcohol or even work?

If you don’t take that first step towards healing…you simply will not heal. Reaching out for help is the first step towards your new life. The keys to your new life are waiting for you! All you have to do is reach out and pick them up!

At Alkalize with Andrea Spiritual Fasting Retreats we give you the keys to your new life!

Fasting is a health and spiritual practice, where you drink only water, elixir tonics and fresh pressed organic juices for a certain period of time. This allows the digestive system to rest allowing the body and mind to heal. Most do it for spiritual reasons, to test their willpower, to break addictions, to detox and cleanse their body, and lose weight. Spiritually speaking, fasting is considered one of the best ways to burn karma (toxins). Creating a fire in the body helping you to release negativities and toxins that often affect our emotional, mental, physical and spiritual health.

Isn’t it time you put yourself first?

People have travelled from all over the world to experience their spiritual sadhana. Letting go of their stuck mind thought patterns, addictions and poor binging habits.

Join us for a journey of cellular and spiritual detoxification. Your keys await!

Sign up for our next retreat here! 

Sharing something VERY private…


I remember the days of dieting down for fitness magazines:(

Avoiding foods such as

white rice


sweet potatoes


I remember how moody (bitchy) I was! I remember how although I had what everyone else perceived to be the perfect body, I felt sick all the time and my cellulite just wouldn’t budge:(

Yes, I remember those miserable days of my skin looking like a teenage boys back!

This photo was taken of me Friday night while eating a red velvet vegan cupcake at a place in downtown San Diego! It was a fabulous treat after eating THREE sushi rolls (also vegan) made with white rice! I was in heaven! So much so that I repeated the meal last night!

Do I look bloated to you?

Does my skin look broken out?

Of course not!

I HAVE THE FREEDOM TO EAT ALL THE FOODS I LOVE in the right combinations and maintain a cellulite free STUNNING body and face! sfelt2

I’m not boasting here folks, I’m being honest!

WE ALL HAVE A CHOICE! And, this is EXACTLY what I teach you at my Alkalize with Andrea detox retreats and through my Skype coaching (more on those tomorrow)!

Don’t be foolish, learn how to have the FREEDOM to END food obsessions, food thoughts, dieting and starving for good! Did I mention there is NO PORTION CONTROL in my method! NONE!

Until tomorrow my friend, remember, I only want the very best for you!

Be well & namaste



 Good morning lovely, 

Before I share with you my secret recipe so you will NEVER be constipated again! Let me give you what you really came here for! MOJO anyone?

This is where I’m supposed to give you something motivating right? I mean it being Monday & all! You expect that from me, right?

Today’s motivation is called TRUTH! It’s something I try to practice but have NOT perfected! They say your ego is your souls worst enemy. I believe this to be true. I’m the queen of saying “when this happens I’ll be happy” or “when that happens I’ll be happy”. I use to say “when I fit into a size 2 again I’ll be happy”. I got back into a size 2 a year ago. Then I said “when my product line is done, I’ll be happy”. It’s done! Once I’m married, I’ll be happy! I’ve been engaged three times & none of them made me happy! You know why? Because it took me this long to realize that happiness is an inside job! It doesn’t happen once everything falls into place! We MUST make it happen! Depending on someone else for it is a very dangerous road! Once that person leaves or once you decide to leave them you’re right back where you started, ALONE WITH YOUR EGO!


I’ve been complaining for the last 5 months about why I can’t seem to get to the gym first thing in the morning. I had gone EVERY morning for 20 years! The past few months had me in bed with my laptop on my lap plugging away at my business! I was becoming miserable & thats not who I am! I began blaming those around me (EGO)! This morning I put a plug into that drainpipe of negativity! I woke at 3am got my work done & headed to the boxing studio! My run afterward was a tough reminder of how my body CRAVED that early morning movement!



Your evil ego will tell you over & over the following…

Tomorrow is the day you’ll start! 
Tomorrow’s the day you’ll eat healthy!
Tomorrow’s the day you’ll go to the gym!
Tomorrow’s you’ll start your business!
Tomorrow’s the day you’ll call your parents!

Kick your ego’s ass & start TODAY! Allow your soul to guide you in the direction you know you are to go! Your soul knows! Your heart knows! Your spirit wants you to be happy NOW! Then & only then… will the magic happen!


This elixir is my GO TO tonic when my bowels are backed up!THANK GOODNESS my bowels are NEVER backed up because of this drink! YAY! I call it my “SECRET COLONIC ELIXIR”!

aloe elixir

Andrea’s secret colonic elixir!

1 inch long skinned piece of fresh aloe

2 of “Andrea’s colon smooth” capsules

2 of “Andrea’s Happy Gut” capsules

the juice of one coconut

6 oz of fresh spring water

juice of one lemon (no seeds)

1 hand full of spinach 

1 tsp of spirulina 

2-3 single drops of stevia or RAW sweetener 

Combine all ingredients and blend until smooth! Drink on an empty stomach or prior to bed! To grab my RAW VEGAN products mentioned in the recipe above you can call

1-844-4DetoxPro to order! 

products copyThere’s your Monday MoJo!

Love you~Get on with your FABULOUS week!

If you are reading this and know someone that can potentially benefit from this, please SHARE this! They will be thankful and so will I!:)

Andrea L Cox

Latest face

Andrea L Cox is the owner of  The Healthy Haven &  (Detox, Yoga, Juice fast & Raw Food Educational Retreats!)

Andrea is a fitness model turned health coach who has written two books on the raw vegan healthy detoxing lifestyle! Known as “The Detox Queen” She has taken the media by storm & has an impressive social media following with her YouTube channel surpassing 2 million views & her personal Facebook page alone having 20,000 people! 

Andrea has appeared on numerous news stations TV shows and magazine publications in her home town of Dayton Ohio and now where she lives in San Diego! She has also had national media coverage! Her retreats have become a destination health vacation for several Hollywood celebrities! 

Andrea’s online detox programs may be found at

Andrea’s retreats can be found at

If you’ve not checked out Andrea’s Facebook, YouTube, Instagram or Twitter yet FOLLOW her below!!! She would love to see you there! 

I want to connect with you!

Find me on

FACEBOOK HERE –> click here

TWITTER HERE –> click here

INSTAGRAM HERE –> click here 


YOUTUBE HERE –> click here

TUMBLER HERE –> click here

MY RETREATS HERE –> click here


If you are reading this and know someone that can potentially benefit from this, please SHARE this! They will be thankful and so will I!:) HAVE A BEAUTIFUL WEEK EVERYONE! Be Well & Don’t forget to juice! I WOULD LOVE FOR YOU TO SHARE MY RECIPES AND BLOG POSTS ON YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA! Links are below! Thank you! Andrea!

7 Healthy Habits That Lead To a GREAT Sex Life!

35 Healthy Tips that will change your life!

Hi Beautiful! I wanted to share a little something with you today:) They are thirty~five “Life Tips” that I created years ago & try to live my life by! I don’t always follow through to the best of my ability however in 2016 I plan on REALLY putting these into play on a much bigger scale!

I’ve listed the tips below! I want to remind you today of how wonderful you are! Would you do me a favor? Would you remember to always hold your head up high even when you are finding it difficult to stand. You are part of a MUCH bigger plan here on Earth! When you keep the faith and know with all your heart what your true purpose is, you simply cannot go wrong!


“I live my life by the 35 Life Tips~Not everyday~I’m a work in progress”! Andrea Cox


1) Love what you do & you will never “work” a day in your life!

2) Have faith in all that you do while knowing you are a success & you will be sure to succeed!

3) Move forward~Only glance back to see how far you’ve come!

4) Leave everyone you meet feeling happier than they were before spending time with you.

5) Trust your gut, it never lies! Never!

6) Steer clear of salesmen, they always lie!

7) Do something different every day!

8) Eat chocolate often but eat nothing daily!

9) Stay hydrated! A dehydrated body creates a crazy mind!

10) Eat fruit to stay cute!


12) Drink your juice!

13) Move your body a minimum of 35min per day! Sweat daily!

14) Adopt a dog, a cat or both!

15) Take up a yoga practice! Thank me later:)

16) Try to meditate three times per day! Keep at it~It will come!

17) Be kind to everyone you meet! You never know what they are going through!

18) Listen more than you speak!

19) Know your worth & never allow anyone to make you feel bad about yourself! No-one can steal your happy!

20) Karma is a VERY real thing! Be mindful as you make your decisions!

21) Love more & worry less!

22) Eat organically grown food and always buy local!

23) You need very little supplementation to your diet when you eat quality food grown in REAL soil!

24) Try to eat a minimum of 80-85% of your fruits and vegetables RAW! Eat a lot of them!

25) Respect your elders!

26) Let go of who you thought you were meant to be! Know

that you are EVERYTHING you need to be, here & now!

27) Travel often & lightly (but always with a “Food bag”)!

28) Be good with not knowing what is to come~Learn to love the journey!

29) Recycle, we get one planet!

30) Treat your body like the temple that it is! You only get one body!

31) Love yourself first! Without this one key element, it will be impossible to love anyone else!

32) Appreciate your curves, freckles and gray hair! What you don’t like others see as beautiful!

33) Stop saying “I’m sorry” all the time!

34) Embrace your age! Forty is the new twenty & Seventy is the new fifty!

35) Always love with an open heart! ♡♡♡

I love you~Andrea


new for blog!
Andrea L Cox is the owner of  The Healthy Haven &  (Detox, Yoga, Juice fast & Raw Food Educational Retreats!)

Andrea is a fitness model turned health coach who has written two books on the raw vegan healthy detoxing lifestyle! Known as “The Detox Queen” She has taken the media by storm & has an impressive social media following with her YouTube channel surpassing 2 million views & her personal Facebook page alone having 20,000 people! 

Andrea has appeared on numerous news stations TV shows and magazine publications in her home town of Dayton Ohio and now where she lives in San Diego! She has also had national media coverage! Her retreats have become a destination health vacation for several Hollywood celebrities! 

Andrea’s online detox programs may be found at

Andrea’s retreats can be found at

If you’ve not checked out Andrea’s Facebook, YouTube, Instagram or Twitter yet FOLLOW her below!!! She would love to see you there! 

 Facebook click here

Twitter click here

YouTube click here

Instagram click here

The Christmas gift EVERYONE will LOVE!

Hey everyone! I wanted to give you a quick Holiday update and also tell you about a FABULOUS giveaway!



If you’ve not heard yet~I just got published in the Huffington Post! YEA! As an artist, writer and detox expert this is a HUGE bucket list item for me! Be sure and check it out on my blog!


Louis & I left Mexico but we had to take a “Good morning Merry Christmas photo for you first! Can you guess where we are now?


Good morning San Francisco! I’ve got you in my blood due to my father who loved you! I’m excited to EXPLORE you! Take me to the places you want me to see!

legs44                                                  DETOX TEA!

I realized I had forgotten any tea bags for my trip:( What did I do? Easy! I simply shaved ginger, turmeric and boiled in water! A squeeze of lemon and a dash of cayenne for my immune system and I had my own little tonic! YEA!



You’ve been asking for it! Here it is! ☆☆☆▪▪☆☆☆▪▪☆☆☆▪▪☆☆☆▪▪☆☆☆▪▪☆☆☆
From today until Christmas at noon I’m giving away a FREE Skype or phone consultation! Now, I generally charge $250 for these! But I want to give back for all of you supporting me & showing the love that you have! I truly have a passion for seeing people increase their quality of life while getting truly healthy!

To get you’re free phone consultation simply purchase my digital detox that I have on sale right now for just $97! {Yep~Crazy Deal!} This is the same program that people lose up to 1 pound a day or 30 pounds a month on! You can do this program for a short as 1 week or as long as a month!

The beautiful thing is you’re eating an abundance of food everyday! Even those who are not vegan can do this program although you’ll probably be a vegan by the time you’re done 🙂 To get my digital detox now cut & paste the following in your browser ~ 
Or simply go to
I can’t wait to see your before and after pictures! It’s never too late to get a brand new start on life!

Andrea L Cox is the owner of  The Healthy Haven &  (Detox, Yoga, Juice fast & Raw Food Educational Retreats!)

Andrea is a fitness model turned health coach who has written two books on the raw vegan healthy detoxing lifestyle! Known as “The Detox Queen” She has taken the media by storm & has an impressive social media following with her YouTube channel surpassing 2 million views & her personal Facebook page alone having 20,000 people! SUR

 Andrea has appeared on numerous news stations TV shows and magazine publications in her home town of Dayton Ohio and now where she lives in San Diego! She has also had national media coverage! Her retreats have become a destination health vacation for several Hollywood celebrities! 

Andrea’s online detox programs may be found at

Andrea’s retreats can be found at

If you’ve not checked out Andrea’s Facebook, YouTube, Instagram or Twitter yet FOLLOW her below!!! She would love to see you there! 

 Facebook click here

Twitter click here

YouTube click here

Instagram click here

Ten ways to detox daily & feel better today!


 1) The Grape Miracle! The Brandt Grape Cure was developed in the 1920s. I’m not going to get into the exact protocol but I am going to tell you how I use grapes below! 

  • Up until last year I actually didn’t care for them at all. I preferred more sweet tasting fruits like figs, dates and cherimoyas! Then a girlfriend of mine popped them in the freezer! WOW! My favorite treat! Took them with me today and ate 3 pounds of them yesterday! If you are going to enjoy grapes, I suggest you eat them as a mono meal! Mmm! I ♡ me some grapes:)

    Here are my top ten reasons you should make grapes a staple food!
    1) Easy to pack ~ great travel food
    2) Divine frozen
    3) Full of antioxidants 
    4) Good way to get your purple food in
    5) Grapes are a great lymphatic detox
    6) Kids Love them
    7) They are easy to digest
    8) They give you energy
    9) Great pre workout food
    10) They produce a mega Bowel movement!   grapes

    2) NAPPING Taking even a 20 minute nap between the hours of noon-3pm has proven to benefit both cognitive function and bodily functions! I try to nap at least 3 times per week. Try to set up a daily nap time in your home or office to reset your bodies rhythm.  napping                                                                                                                        


    3) COLON CLEANSING The way you begin your mornings is vital to how the rest of your day will flow! Due to traveling over the last 3 days, my mornings haven’t been flowing like I prefer them to. This is why I made sure to get up early this morning to clean out my colon and start the day with my favorite lemonade! Colon cleansing is imperative in todays world! Look into coffee enemas and colonics! Be sure to find a REPUTABLE THERAPIST! They are hard to come by! Find what works for you and begin to cleanse your colon!                                                                                                                                                                                              


    4) The Detox Lemonade! This drink is a must to detox your liver! The liver has enough burden as it is. Why not give your liver a break with this easy to make drink! The recipe is below~♡♡♡~Drink 16oz~32oz for optimal digestion, liver cleansing and beautiful glowing skin!  Make this the night before and leave in the fridge to marinate. Enjoy the liver cleansing properties and the energy from the vitamin C shot you will get!  

  •  2 Liters “good water” never tap!

  • 1 drop of Young Living Essential oil of lemon 

  • 1 drop of Young Living peppermint oil

  • The juice of one organic lemon

  • The juice of one organic orange

  • 5 cucumber slices  & a  sprig of mint (optional)                                             


    5) MEDITATION Meditation has been proven to lower blood pressure in individuals with chronic stress. What more proof do we need? During my interview with Meditation expert Tom Cronin I learned a way to “go within” that works for me. I try to aim for at least 20 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes at night. Although meditation does not have the effect that my yoga practice does, I always feel calmer and more centered when I incorporate it into my flow! 

    Meditation is a great way to settle the mind while traveling!

    Meditation is a great way to settle the mind daily!

    6) YOGA   The facts are in! The benefits of yoga far surpass any other exercise out there. For me, yoga is my moving meditation! Ive practiced 3-7 days per week for over 7 years now and find the benefits are long lasting for days after class. Aim for 3-5 sessions per week. 

    Getting my yoga and girlfriend time in all at once!

    Getting my yoga and girlfriend time in all at once!

    7) SPEND TIME WITH POSITIVE PEOPLE  When we surround ourselves with people who love us and who we to enjoy being around our lives begin to just FLOW! We sleep better. We feel more motivated! We just enjoy life more and the little things that tend to bother us simply disappear! Find your tribe and keep it small~ less friends, less drama! You don’t need to have a tribe of 30 to be happy! Two or three close friends along with a positive family is sometimes enough! post1

    8) LOVE ON YOUR FURRY FRIENDS! To love is to have a dog! I truly believe this! Having pets around and the simple act of just holding a dog, cat or bunny really does reduce anxiety! With SO MANY homeless animals in this World why not adopt a pet? The health, companionship and love you will get in return will pay you back for a lifetime!      post2

    9) EAT HEALTHY Eating NON GMO organic fresh in season fruits and vegetables is imperative to longevity and improving the QUALITY of your life! Aim for five servings of fruits and vegetables per day! Your mood, skin and overall zest for life will thank you!post5

    10) JUICE Got Juice? If you do I bet I would be able to pick you out of a crowd! For those of you who say “juicing is not natural~ we need the fiber” I say to you the following! When you give the body a break from digesting by removing the fiber even for one meal per day, you get a blood transfusion that is IMMEDIATELY absorbed into the blood stream within 10-15 minutes! WOW~ NOW THATS A POWERFUL VITAMIN! Yes, we do need fiber but not at every meal! We no longer live in a natural environment therefore it is up to us to detox DAILY! Juicing gives us this power! post6


  • post8Andrea L Cox is the owner of (Home of the Digital Detox~lose 30 lbs in 30 days program) & (home of Andrea’s Detox, juice fasting, yoga raw food retreats)! Andrea is a fitness model turned health coach who has written two books on the raw vegan healthy lifestyle and detoxification! After healing herself of bulimia and anorexia Andrea set out to spread the word on cleansing on a cellular level to create optimal health! Andrea has appeared on numerous news stations TV shows and magazine publications. She runs yoga juice cleanse retreats both in San Diego and Mexico! Her You Tube channel is approaching close to 2Million views. Her website for retreats is Her other programs may be found at Andrea’s YouTube channel is AndreaCoxTV

Detox pancake recipe & a success story!

Hi there beauties:) So I’m here in Mexico (again) and I just got done running an AMAZING VIP detox for a stunningly beautiful woman named Minerva! Minerva was Hands down one of my absolute favorite clients to ever do my detox program! Miss Minerva I like to call her! A wife, mother World traveler and speaker of truth!!! I love and adore this woman & wish she was my next door neighbor! 

To love what you do for a living is to have peace in your heart!!! This woman was sent from above and will forever be etched inside of my heart!!! Enjoy the photos of her retreat along with two versions of pancakes I know she will be whipping up! 

Miss Minerva’s 3 day detox VIP retreat!

Let the 3 day detox begin!

Let the 3 day detox begin!


After a guided super market tour and a trip to trade in toxic cosmetics for paragon free goods! YAY! Minerva is 100% a girly girl! She LOVES all things about being a woman! 

The beautiful Minerva and I stayed out a bit too late after our trip to the grocery!

The beautiful Minerva and I stayed out a bit too late after our trip to the grocery!










Waiting on my new favorite girl to get her colonic:) I was eating blueberries in the lobby while Miss Minerva was getting “cleaned out”!


























 Before she left, I took her a fresh coconut and made her a salad with organic soy-free tofu made from hemp! She loved it and I call that healthy travel food!!! 

travel food


Minerva left her 3 day detox GLOWING even more than when she walked in! I wrote about fears I was having prior to her coming that taught me a valuable lesson! The following is what I wrote on my Facebook wall after meeting this beautiful woman! 

Beautiful both inside and out!

Beautiful both inside and out!

“Today I had a VIP guest fly in from Texas to do a three day detox here in San Diego. As I went to greet her at the resort, I was a bit nervous. The truth is, as I’ve been speaking to her on the phone the past few months she reminded me a lot of myself. I’m not exactly easy to please and was beginning to fear if I would live up to her expectations.

I spent about an hour and a half with her and then returned this evening to teach her class. Within minutes she opened up to me and invited me to open up to her. Much like the last guest I had a month ago…I fell in love with her kind loving heart! Not only is she beautiful on the outside but also on the inside too!

On the drive home I began thinking “yes…we are a lot a like!” We are both “high maintinance women” with HUGE giving, loving honest hearts! Heck I’m proud to call myself “HM” for the first time in my life! To me high maintenance only means you demand people give you their very best and do the same for others! I’ll take that title ANY day of the week!

Today was a beautiful day of two women from different cultures, different up bringing and different lives coming together to share, love and to heal!

 I am forever blessed to be able to LOVE what I do!”


A divine salad recipe! VEGAN and NON VEGAN PANCAKE RECIPES! YUM!

So here I am “chill~axing” in Mexico and I thought hmmm what would the beautiful friends at the Healthy Haven like to see this week? Then it hit me…some easy to digest recipes! Enjoy these favorites below!
Curry tofu with dried fruit and seeds!
1/2 C pineapple
1/3 C dried cranberries
1 of Andrea’s “sticky balls” (dates, walnuts, sunflower and pumpkin seeds rolled into balls and dusted in dried coconut)
1/2 C hemp (soy free) tofu
1 tsp turmeric
1TB curry powder
1 TB hemp seeds
Combine tofu with curry, coconut oil and turmeric set aside.
cover a large plate with raw spinach, break up Andrea’s sticky ball, add pineapple and dried cranberries place curried tofu on top and add hemp seeds! BOOM! Enjoy without shame or guilt!


Ok folks I know I NEVER do NON vegan recipes but Ive been getting requests for this! Here are two FABULOUS recipes for pancakes! One is vegan and one is not!
Gluten free banana pancakes!
1 banana
2 farmers eggs
cinnamon oil by Young Living (E@mail me at to learn how to get 11 essential oils FREE!)
Thats it, yep! 4 ingredient pancakes! Simply mash, mix and cook! See vegan recipe below!!!
Andrea holding her banana blueberry pancakes topped with cinnamon mac almond sauce!

Andrea holding her banana blueberry pancakes topped with cinnamon mac almond syrup!

Here is the vegan recipe! Feel free to share the photo below onto your favorite social media page! I love that!










Enjoy this beautiful weekend everyone and enjoy the BEST part of your life! LIVE IN THE NOW!

Remember, I only want the absolute BEST for you! Andrea L Cox


The struggle I’ve always been too embarrassed to share.

Why I keep my food so simple/My struggle with OCD

Several years ago, after high school people around me noticed a strive for perfection that seemed to be deeply rooted within me. They also noticed a “routine” that as long as it was in place kept me happy because my goals were being reached at incredible speed. 

When I was 22 this was diagnosed as “OCD” or obsessive compulsive dissorder. My “illness” was surrounding diet and exercise. I always kept this as a secret. My significant other at the time knew and supported my decision to avoid medication in order to “keep it in check”.

Eventually this became an eating disorder called binge/bulimia. At my sickest I was 90 pounds. Instead of seeking help from a place that would feed me crap food and put me on drugs, I chose to educate myself on living foods, juicing and fasting in order to crush my addictive behaviors. I traveled around to meet very well known pioneers in the health industry. While others were going out drinking, I was barricading myself in my home reading, learning and studying the art of detoxification on a cellular level.

I did this all on my own, with God by my side. It took me almost a decade to be in the position I am today. I’m not perfect by any means. I still struggle every once in a while as we all do.

I will say that part of my healing process was to learn to keep my food very simple and very clean! This has a biochemical effect on the body and keeps my triggers at bay. Staying on an early to rise and early to bed routine during the week also has helped me tremendously. Recently, I’ve let this routine go and have noticed a significant difference in my “rituals” and mood. It is up to me to get it back on track but also to not stay so rigid that it causes me to fall back into my OCD habits.

The biggest struggle I’ve had is to actually come out with this in public. I was always scared that people wouldn’t love and accept me any longer. You really learn who your true friends are and who the people are that love you when you admit to having such an issue. 

About a year ago, I dated a man with the same struggle. He brought me face to face with my own illness and that was a very sobering moment in how far I had come.

I’m feeling grateful today for the people in my life and the struggle I have undergone. Those who accept me know that this has meant the world to me. Those who choose to not accept me for my faults and unique way of dealing with them have more work to do on their own journey. For those who have been supportive, especially my mother…I thank you for accepting me, ALL of me and the best part of my soul. ♡♡♡

On a side note I would like to wish my mother (a true saint) Bonnie Cox a very happy birthday today! I love you mom and would be nothing without your caring kind heart!


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