Andrea cox

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Why Vegan?

Issues Live In Our Tissues…

I don’t eat clean to keep a six pack set of abs

I am not vegan to claim the status

I don’t fast on a regular basis to have glowing skin

I don’t undergo healing modalities such as lymph drainage, massage, biofeedback and Colon Hydrotherapy to achieve longevity.

I do all of the above to achieve cellular healing because I know that the truth of the matter is “our issues live in our tissues” and in order to clean up our emotional house we must first start with our internal landscape. ©

Enjoy the lovely array of life force energy below. These are just a few of the meals you’ll learn to make when you attend the spiritual fasting raw food retreat (book here) 

I’ll see you tonight at 6pm for Tasty Tuesday’s! I’ll be introducing you to a FABULOUS way to quickly alkalize your entire body. really do love you – please love yourself




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