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Archive for the tag “Detox in Southern California”

Kathryn’s Story – Juice fast retreat

Yesterday my absolute FAVORITE client checked into the resort for her annual cleanse. Kathryn is a third time cancer survivor who sees her illness as “a health opportunity”! If that is not a positive attitude, I don’t know what is!

She said that her getting cancer has taught an entirely new way of living! She no longer wakes with an alarm at 5am and heads to StarBucks at 8am for a dairy clogging latte.

Kathryn now starts her day by walking her rescue dog Chip. Kathryn adopted Chip when she went through her divorce 7 years ago. “Chip gives me companionship” she says.

After walking Chip she sips on lemon water while checking her e-mails. She loves the way it aids her digestive system. Kathryn then jumps on the rebounder for 15 minutes. This not only gets her lymphatic system moving, it also improves her mood.

Kathryn hired me to create a meal plan for her after she first came to detox with me five years ago. She now comes every year to keep on top of her cleansing regimen and to improve her overall health.

Learn More about my group and one on one 


Anniversary!! Be beautiful without botox!

Over the years I’ve been accused of getting botox, fillers etc! The only “work” I EVER had done was breast implants over 16 years ago (PRIOR to knowing about the dangers of implants)! That being said my implants are saline NOT silacone! Still toxic however I’ve chosen NEVER to go under the knife again!

I will say this to all of you …beauty can be achieved naturally through proper diet and exercise! We should LOVE aging because so many never have the opportunity! They lose their lives FAR to young such as my father did at age 36!

Love yourself! Every last drop of YOU! This my friends is what will make you beautiful!

It’s our anniversary!

Five years ago today I began Alkalize with Andrea Detox, yoga, raw food educational retreats!

We begin & end each day with yoga at our retreats! We cleanse our body with colonics & enemas while FEASTING on fresh pressed juices and Living foods! We educate ourselves on the benefits of cleansing! We utilize healing modalities such as breath work, lymphatic drainage and good old sweating to detox both our minds and our bodies! I can honestly say that work feels like play for me! When you do what you love, there is no work only happiness!

Book your retreat today at (click on retreats)

Fresh juice, fruit, greens and seeds!

I’ve often said “in order to take care of you (my clients and loved ones), I must first take care of myself!

Here is a little sample of the vegan gluten free food both my guests and myself indulge in at Alkalize with Andrea retreats!


The end to your overeating/binge eating and self sabotage! Video included!


Do you binge eat? Do you consume way more than you should especially when you are bored, lonely, sad or anxious? Chances are you have done this before and if you haven’t you know someone who struggles with this issue! Sadly I struggled for way to long with binge eating and bulimia! As a model it was imperative that I keep a certain “look” that look always involved staying a certain size.

 The good news is that I made a FULL recovery several years ago! The even better news is that I now teach around the World those same methods that helped me end this deadly cycle that was causing havoc to my body! The BEST news is that my method works and works fast! Not only will the pounds FLY off of your body but I can promise you that those daily and weekly binges will be a thing of your past! 

 I have a four tier program that has worked for not just myself but for all of my clients! Many of them stop binge eating and begin losing weight as soon as five days in on my program!  I only take on fifty people on this program per year! I’ve already got all but five spots filled for 2015! 

If you are finally ready to say goodbye to that excess toxic weight you’ve had on your body for FAR to long this is the program for YOU~! If you’re tired of feeling sick and tired and ready to end the binge eating cycles for good, than this is for you! If you’re ready to lose fifteen, twenty-five or seventy-five pounds than this is the program for you!

 Here is what to do…Send me an Email at and in the subject line say “BINGE EATING HELP”! If I don’t get back to you that means the spots have been filled. Leave me your information anyway. I may be able to send you in the direction of someone who also practices my method of coaching who can help. Please know that this is a minimum of a one month commitment! I only want people who are “in it to win it”!

 I’m only accepting five more people into this group! This will go VERY fast…so again…if I don’t get back to you within forty-eight hours that only means all spots have been filled.

 Check out this video I shot on self sabotaging behaviors! If you can relate then its time to move forward in your quest for THE BEST HEALTH EVER!  Here is the video >>>  End self sabotage

 If you are reading this and know someone that can potentially benefit from this, please SHARE this! They will be thankful

and so will I!:)

 One more thing….. Its vitally important that you hire a coach that walks their walk! Here I am after applying my own methods on myself to lean out for a few events coming up! I removed twenty-two pounds that were not necessary:)

Andrea Cox, detox expert, celebrity raw vegan chef, TV and radio personality and published author

Andrea Cox, detox expert, celebrity raw vegan chef, TV and radio personality and published author


Andrea Cox, detox expert, celebrity raw vegan chef, TV and radio personality and published author

Andrea Cox, detox expert, celebrity raw vegan chef, TV and radio personality and published author

Lose weight fast through a one on one cleanse!

I have a huge announcement to make!

Its become VERY clear to me that my one on one VIP clients are occupying 90% of my work time! This is WONDERFUL and I’m over joyed with this! In the past three months I have detoxed nine separate clients one on one! These clients have flown in from as far away as London, Japan, Australia and Vancouver! This is a HUGE sign to me that not only is my business growing but that I must scale back my group retreats to just three times per year!

I’m officially launching a VIP one on one or couples retreat for a private five day cleanse! I can travel to you or you can come to me! If you choose to come to me I have three private locations for you to choose from! Hawaii, San Diego or Mexico.

If you are ready to completely transform your life than this is for you! During your journey with me I will be cleansing your physical body, as well as your emotional body. We will work together to clean up things in your life that are ready to be let go of while transforming them into something beautiful! Morning meditation, colon cleansing, ocean front yoga, detox and raw living food classes, breath work, lymphatic movement, business and life coaching are all included!

This will book up fast! Send me a private email at I will send you back a brief questionnaire to see if we are a good fit!

If you know someone who you feel can benefit from this share this post! They will be forever grateful and so will I:)

Now go have the BEST Sunday ever! #detox #cleanse #retreats #retreatsinsoutherncalifornia #healthretreats #weightloss #loseweightfast #healthcoach #californiahealthcoach #detoxcenters #detoxweightlosscenters #weightlosscamps #vegan 



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