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A Must Have For Entrepreneurs

Hey Luv, 

A long time ago I learned that all that glitters wasn’t gold. I learned that the material things I was being gifted & offered were nothing more than material clutter corroding my space. Over the past two years a HUGE decluttering has taken place in my home, my mind & within my heart. We must clean out the old prior to the new entering. Even if you are to begin again with the past, you must first heal the heart chakra. 

My decluttering began after being robbed on Black Friday a few years ago. I had a bag of crystals in my purse that I took everywhere with me. Out of all the valuables that were stolen that bag of crystals meant more to me than anything else. Later, I realized that those crystals had fulfilled their healing duties and I simply didn’t need them any longer. I decided after that weekend that I would begin decluttering my home. For every 5 boxes I got rid of I would buy a medium to large size crystal or salt lamp. The results in my home have been nothing but feng shui mastery and a zen like feel. 

This pyrite crystal is a must-have piece for your office or workspace because it’s the ultimate symbol of wealth and good luck. Pyrite also known as “Fool’s gold” because of its shimmery hue, the color of gold & the midday sun at its full strength. 

Call on pyrite when you are lacking motivation or physical strength. Pyrite will bring you back to Mother Earth. Pyrite has powerful energies that ground you & guide your spirit to a place of higher wisdom. If you’ re ready to achieve your dreams & aspirations place a Pyrite upon your desk and watch your dreams manifest before your eyes. I find pyrite to be a powerful EMF shield. Traditionally, Pyrite is known as a stone of luck, helping to attract abundance, wealth and prosperity to the user, via its creative energies of manifestation, and its encouragement of following one’s dreams.

I prefer to have pyrite in my home over wearing it on my body. Pyrite is one of the best feng shui stones for attracting the energy of wealth and abundance. Pyrite is also an excellent choice for your wealth bowl (see my YouTube video on creating a wealth bowl) as well as a good decor piece for your home office.

Until tomorrow

I love you

Please love yourself

And go grab a pyrite.

For Free Tips Like This Subscribe to my New Spiritual Channel Here

Subscribe to my Healthy lifestyle channel here!

One of my smaller pyrites

How to do a new moon ritual

Tonights new moon is going to be absolutely fabulous! On both New Moon and Full moons I always do a ritual. Both are different as the New moon invites the new, the full moon gets rid of the old (thank goodness).

Cleanse your space ~ Sage Palo Santo or whatever you fancy! Just light and walk around your home saying the following “I only allow loving supportive happy positive people into my home and my life”.

Invite the four elements of Air, water, Earth and Fire into your space ~ I always grab a dish of water, light an incense to represent air, I use a candle for fire and bring in the outdoors in the form of a flower to represent earth.

Write your Intentions for the next 30 days Draw a large circle on a piece of paper with your pink marker . . . make sure it’s large enough for you to write in. Sign and date the bottom of the paper.

Meditate on how you will feel when your intentions come into fruition ~ This is my favorite part of the ritual. I sit and visualize my dreams coming into fruition. ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE during this process! I mean ANYTHING! The point here is to take as much time as you need in order to visualize.

I hope this helps you! It truly has helped me get through some pretty difficult times. It also clears my mind to know what I truly desire!


Tips to turn your home into a sanctuary ~ Video included

Aftermath of visiting the crystal cave!

I am humbled with gratitude at the loving care the girls the crystal cave showed me yesterday! They are so very generous! I also had the opportunity to listen to Elpis astrology who gave a lovely talk on the massive astrological events that have taken place since last year! Even David Palmer would have been impressed!

This is my kitchen table upon my return ~ Um yea!!!


My home is feeling more & more like a sanctuary these days. I feel as though I have divine protection and Universal support!

I just wanted to thank all of you who have supported my new YouTube channel! What a nerve-racking experience to have been afraid to begin a second business focusing on our spiritual health instead of our physical health. Although it’s been challenging to run both channels and both businesses, I think I am doing pretty well.
Like I always say “Our issues live in our tissues”! One cannot clean up and detoxify the body unless they take care of their emotional childhood and past life wounds!

I will be so grateful if all of you would subscribe to both channels on YouTube below

AndreaCoxTV ~ Health & Detox
TheDetoxIntuitive ~ Spirit health reads

In my most recent video I share ten tips on how to turn your home into a sanctuary.

How to Balance Your King

The King of Pentacles

This is the guy every woman wants to marry. Every woman except me!

The King of Pentacles upright is all about his pentacles {money}. He stands for Security, control, power, discipline & abundance!

A Reversed King of Pentacles however you may want to hide from. He can become Authoritative, domineering, controlling, verbally harsh & hyper focused on his work & money.

Cards in the tarot come out reversed during a reading when a person isn’t balanced. This almost always stems from poor nutrition and a toxic colon. Other causes can be lack of sleep.
The Color ~ The color I chose for the King of Pentacles is green. Wearing green while not will keep a King of Pentacles archetype in Balance while away from the office.
The Crystals ~ I chose to balance a king of pentacles are Jade & Honey Calcite. Both are excellent crystals for him to have on his desk! The honey calcite will help him make balanced choices. {A King of Pentacles can have trouble making decisions}. The jade is a balancing calming stone.
The Nutrition ~ A few foods that are balancing to a King of pentacles are hemp seeds, steel cut oats & plant based fermented foods such as coconut yogurt. He should be eating to always keep his brain and gut in proper balance!
Hemp seeds are full of a mega 3’s {brain fuel}! They are excellent to sprinkle on salads or to have in a smoothie. Steel cut oats are very grounding for a king of pentacles reversed archetype. Having this in the morning with a few berries on top and maybe some walnuts or almonds is an excellent start to the day!

Blessings of peace, prosperity health & love!


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