Andrea cox

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Coronavirus or 5G

Hey Luv,

It’s interesting that the coronavirus happens to show up during a 5G roll out! Pure and utter mind fuckery! We really need to begin to ask ourselves some SERIOUS QUESTIONS! 

Why is our government about to mandate vaccines instead of mandating organic fruits and vegetables? 

Why are they giving you a $1200 check that will cover absolutely nothing with the state of the world today?

Why is there a major focus on the coronavirus but no focus on the fact that your children and your elderly parents are radiated daily with 5G!?

Here are the symptoms of 5G exposure 


 Hair loss


 Low energy

 Appetite loss

 Bone marrow damage


 Organ damage





A $30 million dollar study conducted in 2018 by the US National Toxicology Program found “clear evidence” that exposure to cell phone radiation increased the incidence of cancer and genetic damage in mice. Beyond cancer, multiple peer reviewed scientific studies have also proven that exposure to this type of radiation can result in a wide variety of other conditions I mentioned above. Even if 5G radiation emissions fall within current safety limits (there is STRONG evidence that the 5G exposures do not fall within these limits) does not mean that 5G is safe. 

Despite all of this factual information and a $30 million dollar study, the fact that 5G is leading to increased exposures to higher energy forms of EMF radiation, there has been no change to the safety standards that govern the technology. The towers are everywhere! Many close to schools churches and communities just like the one you live in. I don’t have children however if I did, I would NOT want them exposed to 5g radiation. This stuff penetrates through the walls of your home, office, schools and churches. There literally is no escaping this type of radiation. 

Please contact your local congressman like I did and become a voice that rejects 5G in your area and around children. If you think being radiated in a microwave of 5G is healthy, you are mistaking. 

I’m offering free long distance healing services for anyone over the age of sixty. Feel free to E-mail me at 

Thank you for continuing to support y work by subscribing to my two YouTube channels below. 

AndreaCoxTV {Health ~ Cellular Detox ~ Juicing & Raw Vegan Recipes}

 TheDetoxIntuitive {Monthly astrological Intuitive Readings ~ Spiritual Messages} 

 Until tomorrow …

 I Only want the very best for you

 Please love yourselves

 Stay Safe! 

 Stay home!

 Take your vitamin C and your zinc

 Get fresh air and sunshine!

 Find unique ways to move your body daily 

 Be there for the elderly and your pets

 Be there for people

 Give of yourself and of your gifts 

 Be kind Be loving

 I Love you Please love yourself and be the change you wish to see in others ~ Andrea 

Who the Coronavirus is really affecting.

Hey Luv,

For the first time in my life, I’m without words.

I woke this morning with tears in my eyes. Seeing very clearly what is important and what no longer holds any value.

I feel grateful that all my needs are met. That I have a roof over my head. That my fridge has food. Many don’t have these simple luxuries. 

To turn on the news in any capacity has never and will never be part of my routine. But even to scroll the news feed on Facebook at this time I feel is damaging to my heart and mind and the minds and hearts of others..

Animals are being hung alive in the streets in other countries under the false notion that they carry this horrific virus. They do not! The elderly feel isolated and are basically being told that their is little hope.

I feel a deep rooted pain for the animals, the elderly and anyone who is alone at this time.

Please count your blessings. Do what you can for your elderly neighbors and aging parents. My gratitude is HUGE for my sister who cares for my mom and her husband who ran out to get my moms groceries yesterday. These little things really matter at this time.

My heart is heavy. My tears aren’t stopping. I cant give, perform, teach and even speak like I usually do.

I’ve always been able to see years ahead. Nineteen years ago I saw that the world needed go plant-based. Now I see more than ever that we all need to work together to clean up this planet, the ocean and this world. If we don’t get back to basics this world will become even worse off.

There is no better time than NOW To adopt a pet!

Animal shelters are closing down and pets are being euthanized. Do what you can PLEASE The BEST demonstration of unconditional love is opening your heart and your home to an animal in need!

There are several experts saying that the coronavirus began in the dog-meat industry on the streets of China. I’ve mentioned to you in the past of a wonderful Non-profit organization that has been rescuing dogs from the dog meat festivals for years. Now more than ever they need your support.

Here is a video to what this heroic soul does every year.

And here is how you as an individual can help and get involved.

I really do love you

Only want the very best for you

Please love yourselves

Stay Safe!

Stay home!

Take your vitamin C and your zinc

Get fresh air and sunshine!

Find unique ways to move your body daily

Be there for the elderly and your pets

Until Tomorrow, be the change you wish to see in others

Enjoy and thank you for subscribing to both my channels below. Be sure and hit the bell notification button followed by the “see all” button.

AndreaCoxTV {Health ~ Raw Vegan Recipes & Detox}

TheDetoxIntuitive {Monthly astrological Intuitive Readings ~ Spiritual Messages}

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