Andrea cox

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Archive for the tag “coronavirus”

Could the Coronavirus Crisis be creating more healthful habits?

As unemployment and gun sales spike and Quarantine recipes circulate the Internet, it’s easy for me as a holistic health coach and detox specialist, to focus on all the noninfectious ways that the media is not affecting our health.

“I’m so scared to let my elderly father out of the house” one client said to me during our Facetime call yesterday. Another client told me how sedentary she had become since the lockdown went into effect in Chicago a week ago.

But, to my surprise, not everyone is reporting a decline in self-care since the start of the pandemic. They are the people who are lucky enough to have access to food and safe housing, and not be away from their loved ones. In fact, there are many indicators that the pandemic itself, and the massive shutdown it has triggered, is forcing the adoption of more-healthful behaviors. And hopefully the adoption of more pets in need of safe homes too! 

Before I give you my take on this “situation” we are in, I want to remind you not to judge! People are suffering even those who don’t appear to be on the surface. Be mindful of how you treat others at this time. Sensitivities are heightened. 

Andrea Cox, green juice

Here is my take on it!

This is not a dress rehearsal we are living in! Critical thinkers are an endangered species!

For 10 years I’ve demonstrated a beautiful plant-based lifestyle to you.

I’ve told you that you must go plant based. For the animals, this planet and for your health.

You must begin juicing every day.

You must grow your own food.

You must begin taking your health seriously.

We are at a critical time folks! If we don’t truly adopt the lifestyle that myself and many others have been living and teaching, many will perish.

We truly are living in the day of age where it is survival of the fittest.

No, this is not to say that if you have a degenerative disease or are not in tiptop shape that you will not make it. This is more about
* governmental control
* forced vaccinations that contain poison
* lies they have been feeding you about how to properly eat for decades!

News Flash They’ve been feeding you lies! And this post is not fake news!

Please head to my advice…

1) Start juicing! Juicing is different than blending as it removes the fiber creating a blood transfusion of vitamins and minerals that goes into the bloodstream within minutes.

2) Start a vegetable garden. Even if you live in an apartment you can still create a garden in a grow box.

3) Hydrate with quality water and invest in a high-quality water purification system.

4) Get your hands on an infrared biomat to reduce muscle soreness and help you sleep better during these stressful times such as the ones I sell here 

5) Hire a holistic health and life coach such as myself or one of the ladies I have worked with in my squad.

6) STOP using chemicals and parabens on your face and body! Use cruelty free skincare such as the ones I created and use here 

7) SAY NO to Big Pharma’s deceptions and get your mind and body right!

Take my free herbal assessment to get you on the right track! 

It’s time to start investing in your health and the health of your loved ones. Because at the end of the day you get one life and one body it is never too late to start treating it well.

I love you

Please love yourself and drink your juice!


Anxiety Over Getting Sick?

Want to build a strong immune system, have glowing skin, look years younger and get a full night’s sleep in less than 30 days…

Are you sick and tired of reading those very same E-mail headlines? I sure am. One thing I know for sure is this… No one gets sick on mama’s turf! AKA my turf! 

Hi luv, Andrea here…

There are so many gentle souls just like you who are fearful of getting sick with what’s going on in the world today! I mean you can’t turn on the TV without seeing COVID19 AKA The Coronavirus headlines. 

And rightfully so!

Everyday I talk to men and women who are now fully aware of the consequences of NOT eating a plant-based diet. They are hearing and seeing how this can lead them to having a compromised immune system.

On top of this, the more fear they pile on, the more their stress response systems kick in and the more taxed their immune systems become.

It makes them vulnerable to catching colds, flu’s and other terrible viruses!

Combine this with the economy crash we are facing and BOOM! You have a recipe for disaster! And it sure the heck isn’t one of my beautiful vegan recipes!

Look luv, this is NOT GOOD

I’m a fact kind of girl! A show me the evidence type of woman! I’m also the gal that WILL NOT go down without a good ol fight (hair scrunchie and all)!

So any amount of relief I can provide my clients system is not only helpful but life and health changing!

The Fastest way to do this is through detoxification protocols via my monthly coaching. There’s a reason they call me “The Detox Queen”! Because the proof is in the raw vegan pudding! 

Did you know my referral rate for my health coaching clients is 72%? YEP! This means 72% of my health coaching clients are referred from other people who have achieved their health, detoxification and weight loss goals by going through my monthly coaching program. 

When my clients use my detox protocols, their body releases decades of built-up “baggage” inside.

They sometimes lose 10lbs PLUS in 5 days while eating abundantly! Who couldn’t use a little weight loss in lockdown?!

Who doesn’t want to look in the mirror in the morning and see clearer skin? Who wouldn’t want their jeans a little bit looser because they have a 2-inch gap where they were once tight!

And who the heck doesn’t feel the need to SERIOUSLY BOOST THEIR IMMUNE SYSTEM right now?!

Above are just some of the physical benefits.

Inside? Now this is where the REAL MAGIC happens!

My clients always begin to feel calm, clear, and more in control of how they feel by the end of the first week of my coaching.

Relationships mend.

Intimacy begins to rekindle.

And overall…

Their lives start to become what they WANT it to be.

It’s like taking their foot off the brake of a car that’s been revved up for far too long.

They just feel better.

So I’m right now…

I’m taking on 4 coaching clients over the next 30 days. I’ll be designing a custom exact detoxification protocol for your unique situation.

So you too can have glowing skin, sleep a full night’s sleep every night and feel confident knowing you’re on your way to a strong immune system… while dropping pounds and inches!

Oh and you won’t be getting sick either! Not on my turf!

So shoot me an E-mail at and remember… This will go FAST! It’s a here today gone tomorrow thing, ya know! If you don’t hear back from me within 12 hours, E-mail me a second time.

I love you

Please love yourselves

With love, ~ Andrea


Subscribe to my two YouTube channels below

AndreaCoxTV {Health ~ Raw Vegan Recipes & Detox}

TheDetoxIntuitive {Spirituality, Sound Healing & Astrology}

Coronavirus or 5G

Hey Luv,

It’s interesting that the coronavirus happens to show up during a 5G roll out! Pure and utter mind fuckery! We really need to begin to ask ourselves some SERIOUS QUESTIONS! 

Why is our government about to mandate vaccines instead of mandating organic fruits and vegetables? 

Why are they giving you a $1200 check that will cover absolutely nothing with the state of the world today?

Why is there a major focus on the coronavirus but no focus on the fact that your children and your elderly parents are radiated daily with 5G!?

Here are the symptoms of 5G exposure 


 Hair loss


 Low energy

 Appetite loss

 Bone marrow damage


 Organ damage





A $30 million dollar study conducted in 2018 by the US National Toxicology Program found “clear evidence” that exposure to cell phone radiation increased the incidence of cancer and genetic damage in mice. Beyond cancer, multiple peer reviewed scientific studies have also proven that exposure to this type of radiation can result in a wide variety of other conditions I mentioned above. Even if 5G radiation emissions fall within current safety limits (there is STRONG evidence that the 5G exposures do not fall within these limits) does not mean that 5G is safe. 

Despite all of this factual information and a $30 million dollar study, the fact that 5G is leading to increased exposures to higher energy forms of EMF radiation, there has been no change to the safety standards that govern the technology. The towers are everywhere! Many close to schools churches and communities just like the one you live in. I don’t have children however if I did, I would NOT want them exposed to 5g radiation. This stuff penetrates through the walls of your home, office, schools and churches. There literally is no escaping this type of radiation. 

Please contact your local congressman like I did and become a voice that rejects 5G in your area and around children. If you think being radiated in a microwave of 5G is healthy, you are mistaking. 

I’m offering free long distance healing services for anyone over the age of sixty. Feel free to E-mail me at 

Thank you for continuing to support y work by subscribing to my two YouTube channels below. 

AndreaCoxTV {Health ~ Cellular Detox ~ Juicing & Raw Vegan Recipes}

 TheDetoxIntuitive {Monthly astrological Intuitive Readings ~ Spiritual Messages} 

 Until tomorrow …

 I Only want the very best for you

 Please love yourselves

 Stay Safe! 

 Stay home!

 Take your vitamin C and your zinc

 Get fresh air and sunshine!

 Find unique ways to move your body daily 

 Be there for the elderly and your pets

 Be there for people

 Give of yourself and of your gifts 

 Be kind Be loving

 I Love you Please love yourself and be the change you wish to see in others ~ Andrea 

My Birthday Wish During This CoronaVirus Outbreak.

Hey Luv,

Today is my birthday, I would like to share with you a little bit of what us single women are going through emotionally at this time.

I started my day with a walk in the park with my dogs. My neighborhood has taken on a different view as all of the neighbors & their children are home. People were walking around in my neighborhood not in masks but greeting each other saying hello from a distance waving & being kind. I only knew one neighbor prior to the outbreak.

I decided to knock on my elderly neighbors door to see if he needed anything from the grocery store. He’s a vet who served our country & outside of his son dropping him off some groceries and leaving them in the garage he’s pretty much alone with his dog all the time.

He made a joke about me needing to keep 6 feet away. I gave him a hug anyway.

I went to see my dear friend Kristen who gave me a colonic. She’s a single mom and her business like many is suffering. Afterwards I stopped to get gas. A woman nodded her head and smiled at me. I nodded back. It seems that people are being friendlier than usual and it feels like we are all in this together. I just ran the stairs for twenty minutes by my home. Being outside in fresh air was invigorating. Tonight will be spent on FaceTime with an Australian client who I adore. She is also vegan and our chats are lovely.

I’m trying to stay off of social media over the next few days as I undergo a water fast and continue to ask myself how can I be of service to others in a bigger way.

I think the elderly & the animals in other countries & our own are suffering the most. I think several people are going to suffer economically. One thing I can say that is very evident to me is that people are coming together within their family units, extended family units friendships & partnerships. If you don’t see those people that you hold near and dear inside of your heart showing up for you in a manner that they know they should then it’s time to make new decisions in your life. It’s times like these where we see the people who are truly there for us. Be there for people. Give of yourself and of your gifts. Be kind! Be Loving!

I’m offering free long distance healing services for anyone over the age of sixty. Feel free to E-mail me at

Thank you for continuing to support me by subscribing to both my channels below. Be sure and hit the bell notification button followed by the “see all” button.

AndreaCoxTV {Health ~ Raw Vegan Recipes & Detox}

TheDetoxIntuitive {Monthly astrological Intuitive Readings ~ Spiritual Messages}

I really do love you

Only want the very best for you

Please love yourselves

Stay Safe!

Stay home!

Take your vitamin C and your zinc

Get fresh air and sunshine!

Find unique ways to move your body daily

Be there for the elderly and your pets

Until Tomorrow, be the change you wish to see in others ~ Andrea

Six Ways Ways To Increase Your Immunity

Hey Luv,

There are many ways to increase immunity. I’ll be sharing an immune boosting juice recipe at 5:30 on Facebook live tomorrow night right here. I would love for you to join me.

Here are a few more tips to boost your immune system.

GO VEGAN! I went vegan 19 years ago prior to it becoming a healthy fad! I was able to see clearly the destruction in the world and the route we needed to go towards.

I was shocked the other day when I witnessed people buying up all the toilet paper when kiwis are packed full of nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin E, folate, and potassium. They also have a lot of antioxidants and are a good source of fiber.

GET OUTSIDE! There is no better immune boosting drug than fresh air and sunlight!

CLEAN AND CLEAR YOUR SPACE! Lets face it, we have some down time. Use this time wisely by clearing and cleansing your space. Both energetically and spiritually.

INTAKE MORE VITAMIN C Camu Camu is the best source of vitamin C in my opinion.

UP YOUR ZINC! French studies are proving the Coronavirus can be cured with high levels of zinc.

MAKE WISE FOOD CHOICES! These dried bananas I made will fuel you for hours! FAR MORE than those frozen hot pockets y’all are stock piling! Bananas contain respectable amounts of vitamin C (a must with this coronavirus crap)! And the Manganese in bananas is good for your skin too The potassium in bananas is good for your heart health and blood pressure. Bananas aid digestion when eaten on an empty stomach and help beat gastrointestinal issues. Bananas are an excellent source of energy – minus the fats and cholesterol!

Dried Bananas Using An Oven Or A Dehydrator Like I Used Here!
4-6 ripe bananas or ripe bananas 
1 teaspoon cinnamon powder
Preheat the oven to 170 Degrees Fahrenheit / 76 Degrees Celsius.
Slice bananas into rounds and sprinkle with cinnamon
Place onto a baking tray lined with parchment paper 
Place it in the oven for 3-5 hours or till the top is not longer wet to touch, is slightly tacky and the fruit leather peels off easily.
Cut the uneven ends with scissors and cut into strips. Roll it up or with a parchment paper in between.
Store in an airtight glass container.
For the dehydrator version. Follow the same directions above only place the bananas onto the dehydrator sheets. Dehydrate overnight. 

Variations You can use ripe plantains too.

More helpful links for you below

Here is a little rant video about the Coronavirus that I filmed.

Enjoy and thank you for subscribing to both my channels below. Be sure and hit the bell notification button followed by the “see all” button.

AndreaCoxTV {Health ~ Raw Vegan Recipes & Detox}

TheDetoxIntuitive {Monthly astrological Intuitive Readings ~ Spiritual Messages}

I really do love you

Only want the very best for you

Please love yourselves

Stay Safe!

Stay home!

Take your vitamin C and your zinc

Get fresh air and sunshine!

Find unique ways to move your body daily

Be there for the elderly and your pets

Until Tomorrow, be the change you wish to see in others


Who the Coronavirus is really affecting.

Hey Luv,

For the first time in my life, I’m without words.

I woke this morning with tears in my eyes. Seeing very clearly what is important and what no longer holds any value.

I feel grateful that all my needs are met. That I have a roof over my head. That my fridge has food. Many don’t have these simple luxuries. 

To turn on the news in any capacity has never and will never be part of my routine. But even to scroll the news feed on Facebook at this time I feel is damaging to my heart and mind and the minds and hearts of others..

Animals are being hung alive in the streets in other countries under the false notion that they carry this horrific virus. They do not! The elderly feel isolated and are basically being told that their is little hope.

I feel a deep rooted pain for the animals, the elderly and anyone who is alone at this time.

Please count your blessings. Do what you can for your elderly neighbors and aging parents. My gratitude is HUGE for my sister who cares for my mom and her husband who ran out to get my moms groceries yesterday. These little things really matter at this time.

My heart is heavy. My tears aren’t stopping. I cant give, perform, teach and even speak like I usually do.

I’ve always been able to see years ahead. Nineteen years ago I saw that the world needed go plant-based. Now I see more than ever that we all need to work together to clean up this planet, the ocean and this world. If we don’t get back to basics this world will become even worse off.

There is no better time than NOW To adopt a pet!

Animal shelters are closing down and pets are being euthanized. Do what you can PLEASE The BEST demonstration of unconditional love is opening your heart and your home to an animal in need!

There are several experts saying that the coronavirus began in the dog-meat industry on the streets of China. I’ve mentioned to you in the past of a wonderful Non-profit organization that has been rescuing dogs from the dog meat festivals for years. Now more than ever they need your support.

Here is a video to what this heroic soul does every year.

And here is how you as an individual can help and get involved.

I really do love you

Only want the very best for you

Please love yourselves

Stay Safe!

Stay home!

Take your vitamin C and your zinc

Get fresh air and sunshine!

Find unique ways to move your body daily

Be there for the elderly and your pets

Until Tomorrow, be the change you wish to see in others

Enjoy and thank you for subscribing to both my channels below. Be sure and hit the bell notification button followed by the “see all” button.

AndreaCoxTV {Health ~ Raw Vegan Recipes & Detox}

TheDetoxIntuitive {Monthly astrological Intuitive Readings ~ Spiritual Messages}

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