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Is This You?

Do you ever feel this way…

Do you ever feel guilty about the eating choices you’ve made as a result of all the stress and responsibility you carry in your day to day life?

Do you feel lethargic mid day?

You don’t have much energy like you used to. Or maybe you’ve never had the energy you think you should have?

Is your husband or wife saying you are overly emotional?

Is your work life suffering?

Do you feel like your not in a position of doing what you were put here to do?

Do you feel scattered and have trouble concentrating?

Do you feel like you’ve “let yourself go”?

Do you find yourself standing in front of the fridge after midnight?

Are you addicted to food, drugs, alcohol or even work?

If you don’t take that first step towards healing…you simply will not heal. Reaching out for help is the first step towards your new life. The keys to your new life are waiting for you! All you have to do is reach out and pick them up!

At Alkalize with Andrea Spiritual Fasting Retreats we give you the keys to your new life!

Fasting is a health and spiritual practice, where you drink only water, elixir tonics and fresh pressed organic juices for a certain period of time. This allows the digestive system to rest allowing the body and mind to heal. Most do it for spiritual reasons, to test their willpower, to break addictions, to detox and cleanse their body, and lose weight. Spiritually speaking, fasting is considered one of the best ways to burn karma (toxins). Creating a fire in the body helping you to release negativities and toxins that often affect our emotional, mental, physical and spiritual health.

Isn’t it time you put yourself first?

People have travelled from all over the world to experience their spiritual sadhana. Letting go of their stuck mind thought patterns, addictions and poor binging habits.

Join us for a journey of cellular and spiritual detoxification. Your keys await!

Sign up for our next retreat here! 

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