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Archive for the tag “cleanse retreat usa”

Raising your consciousness

A gift from spirit of your consciousness evolving is the capacity to recognize and honor the sacred awareness that lives through ourselves. This awareness is blocked by our identification with our “mask” or ego self.

Do you see yourself or others as being superior or inferior? Honest or dishonest? Good or evil? Are you keeping others stuck or are you yourself stuck due to another persons indecisiveness? Why would you allow someone to have that heavy of a hand in your life?

Do you feel others constantly control you through money, words or actions that are kept hidden? Could it be that you yourself are not the one in control of your own bad habits, impulsiveness or being who you truly are?

Explore how mindfulness and kindness free us to inhabit the vastness of our intuitive awareness. This allows us to expand to greater consciousness in order to love all beings. Even those who have hurt us.

Below is a quote by Rumi: Are you searching for your true self? Then come out of your own prison.

Learn about a new type of retreat. A spiritual retreat that offers a gentle detoxification of the body while incorporating mindful intuitive eating, fasting, yoga and meditation


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