Andrea cox

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Archive for the tag “chaga”

A FREE Portal To Health!

Today is the first day of a new month! A new month with brand new possibilities. I love the first of the month! It’s when I start fresh with a new group of clients ready and open to learning all of my healthy secrets. Below is a video on a ritual I do the day prior to starting with new clients. I really don’t think we spend enough time doing two things…

1) Grounding ourselves in mother nature

2) Staying away from our electronic devices

I hope the video above helped remind you how to “stay in flow”. We all fall out of flow from time to time (myself included). Just remember not to allow outside circumstances to interrupt your flow. You are the creator of your world, this is one thing we all have the power to control. We can choose non reaction over reactive behavior. It’s an on going practice but remember… practice makes perfect. The more you are tested, the greater you become and the more you will strive to overcome obstacles placed upon your path.

I guess you could say that nature provides us with a FREE portal to all our health needs!

It’s a great feeling to know we have the free resource of nature right outside of our door. At any given time during any given moment we can utilize this resource to our advantage Remember everything we do is a spiritual experience leading to us serving our highest good towards our highest destiny.

The other day one of my earth angels who is also a kindred soulmate reminded me that I am a Starseed… a unicorn Someone who is here to lead and be an example for others to follow. He reminded me that I sprinkle Stardust just by being who I am and that yes some people will try to take from my light but that others will want to emulate me and that’s a BEAUTIFUL THING! It actually is creating more growth for the universe to expand, grow and to wake up! How beautiful is that?!

How exciting is it to know that just by being who I am I inspire others to raise their vibration to grow their own food and to reach for the stars! I am so very grateful for these moments of growth and expansion! We really are all in this together.

Below… one of my favorite elixir tonic recipes! I encourage each and every one of you to check out the videos of my tonic’s on my YouTube channel AndreaCoxTV and to please try this for yourself. It’s a crown opener.

Chaga elixir

Base 2 cups of green tea

1 Cup of oat milk

A sprig of mint or mint essential oils

Half a teaspoon of chaga powder

A pinch of coconut palm sugar or Monk fruit

Directions Whisk this together as to not disturb the constitution of the magical healing powers that these herbs provide. I love starting my day with medicinal mushrooms blended into a tonic.

I love you

Only want the best for you

Please love yourself

And drink your juice

~ Andrea

Heal your adrenals and fight inflammation with Chaga!

Hey Loves:)

Do you struggle with your weight? Do you have an issue with brain fog? Do you ever feel that you are deficient in several vitamins and minerals? Tonight on Facebook live at 6:15 PM tonight. I have the owner of the ChagaCo company in town from San Francisco (YAY)! He will be making a hot tea, hot chocolate chaga drink to feed your adrenals! This is an utterly amazing drink made with his signature line of products!

Join us at 6:15pm right here!

Chaga is a medicinal mushroom that works as an adaptogen.

 Here are just a few of the benefits below



Cancer preventative

Appetite suppressant

Lowers bad cholesterol

Lowers blood sugar


Fights inflammation

I love you ~ Please love yourself:)


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