Andrea cox

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Archive for the tag “California health coach”

Anxiety Over Getting Sick?

Want to build a strong immune system, have glowing skin, look years younger and get a full night’s sleep in less than 30 days…

Are you sick and tired of reading those very same E-mail headlines? I sure am. One thing I know for sure is this… No one gets sick on mama’s turf! AKA my turf! 

Hi luv, Andrea here…

There are so many gentle souls just like you who are fearful of getting sick with what’s going on in the world today! I mean you can’t turn on the TV without seeing COVID19 AKA The Coronavirus headlines. 

And rightfully so!

Everyday I talk to men and women who are now fully aware of the consequences of NOT eating a plant-based diet. They are hearing and seeing how this can lead them to having a compromised immune system.

On top of this, the more fear they pile on, the more their stress response systems kick in and the more taxed their immune systems become.

It makes them vulnerable to catching colds, flu’s and other terrible viruses!

Combine this with the economy crash we are facing and BOOM! You have a recipe for disaster! And it sure the heck isn’t one of my beautiful vegan recipes!

Look luv, this is NOT GOOD

I’m a fact kind of girl! A show me the evidence type of woman! I’m also the gal that WILL NOT go down without a good ol fight (hair scrunchie and all)!

So any amount of relief I can provide my clients system is not only helpful but life and health changing!

The Fastest way to do this is through detoxification protocols via my monthly coaching. There’s a reason they call me “The Detox Queen”! Because the proof is in the raw vegan pudding! 

Did you know my referral rate for my health coaching clients is 72%? YEP! This means 72% of my health coaching clients are referred from other people who have achieved their health, detoxification and weight loss goals by going through my monthly coaching program. 

When my clients use my detox protocols, their body releases decades of built-up “baggage” inside.

They sometimes lose 10lbs PLUS in 5 days while eating abundantly! Who couldn’t use a little weight loss in lockdown?!

Who doesn’t want to look in the mirror in the morning and see clearer skin? Who wouldn’t want their jeans a little bit looser because they have a 2-inch gap where they were once tight!

And who the heck doesn’t feel the need to SERIOUSLY BOOST THEIR IMMUNE SYSTEM right now?!

Above are just some of the physical benefits.

Inside? Now this is where the REAL MAGIC happens!

My clients always begin to feel calm, clear, and more in control of how they feel by the end of the first week of my coaching.

Relationships mend.

Intimacy begins to rekindle.

And overall…

Their lives start to become what they WANT it to be.

It’s like taking their foot off the brake of a car that’s been revved up for far too long.

They just feel better.

So I’m right now…

I’m taking on 4 coaching clients over the next 30 days. I’ll be designing a custom exact detoxification protocol for your unique situation.

So you too can have glowing skin, sleep a full night’s sleep every night and feel confident knowing you’re on your way to a strong immune system… while dropping pounds and inches!

Oh and you won’t be getting sick either! Not on my turf!

So shoot me an E-mail at and remember… This will go FAST! It’s a here today gone tomorrow thing, ya know! If you don’t hear back from me within 12 hours, E-mail me a second time.

I love you

Please love yourselves

With love, ~ Andrea


Subscribe to my two YouTube channels below

AndreaCoxTV {Health ~ Raw Vegan Recipes & Detox}

TheDetoxIntuitive {Spirituality, Sound Healing & Astrology}

When it rains it pours!



Hi there beautiful:)

Have you ever noticed that when it rains, it begins to pour? Of course I’m speaking in general terms of problematic times that we all go through in life. Your car breaks down, computer gets a virus, one of your children begins having difficulties in life. These are just examples of course.

What about within the area of our health?

Have you ever noticed that when you begin having a health issue, many soon follow? You can cough it up to aging but in my opinion thats just an excuse! After all, 50 is the new 20! The truth is our bodies are wired like a computer of a car. When we give our cars bad gasoline (the cheap stuff), our cars begin to break down and the wires to our computer stop working! Before you know it, your adrenals crash, hormone levels spike and your flat tummy you’ve always had is protruding like a GoodYear tire!

But where do I begin…I heard you shout just now:) Keep on reading below! nfa

The truth is you’ve been given bad information for a very long time! You know what bad info is? Right?

Low Carb

Low fat

High protein

Eat right for your blood type

How to kill Candida

Detox your metals “this way”

The anti histamine diet BLA BLA BLA

What if I told you I knew of a simpler way to gain control over your body, hormones and your health once and for all? Would you be interested? Would you want to know more? Or, would you keep on paying for a counter full of supplements that don’t work! Doctors that could care less about your overall well being and just rush you in and out of the door like a cattle call!

The truth is I’ve helped thousands of people just like you gently detoxify their bodies, regain their hormonal health and achieve their ideal weight without any struggle!

During the month of August I’m taking on three new clients (just three)! Three of you will be taken under my wing and taught the ins and outs of how to TRULY care for your body once and for all!


In fact, I believe I may already have one spot filled! You’ve seen the results and heard the testimonials from my clients. Now is your opportunity to jump on board with both feet! It’s a one month commitment that will have you anti aging at ROCKET speed while gaining control of your health and weight!

Interested? Send me an E-mail to Tell me why you want to work with me and more importantly, why you have a strong desire to regain your health and vitality!

The Best Christmas Gift Ever!

Hi Beautiful!

Today I found out that I’ve been published in The Huffington Post. The article I wrote came out a few weeks ago & I didn’t even know due to being so busy!

As an artist, writer & detox expert, this is HUGE for me! I’m incredibly grateful for my boyfriend who reads The Huffington Post everyday. He turned me onto them. That gave me the drive to want to be published there!

 Good things happen to good people who work hard! I would have never thought ten years ago in the midst of my eating disorder that I would be  living out my dreams in so many ways! This is a very proud moment for me! 

You can read the article here –> click here I would be humbled with gratitude if you shared the article on your social media!

I’m feeling that this will be the brightest Christmas will be the BRIGHTEST Christmas yet!  I hope you have a very merry Christmas too! Merry Christmas

Andrea L Cox is the owner of  The Healthy Haven &  (Detox, Yoga, Juice fast & Raw Food Educational Retreats!)

Andrea is a fitness model turned health coach & author who has written two books on the raw vegan healthy detoxing lifestyle! Known as “The Detox Queen” She has taken the media by storm & has an impressive social media following with her YouTube channel surpassing 2 million views & her personal Facebook page alone having 20,000 people! 

Andrea’s articles on detox, health, raw food, juicing and relationships have been published by Body Mind Green, The Huffington Post, The Good Men Project, Fashion 5 point 0 and several other publications!

Latest face

 Andrea has appeared on numerous news stations TV shows and magazine publications in her home town of Dayton Ohio and now where she lives in San Diego! She has also had national media coverage! Her retreats have become a destination health vacation for several Hollywood celebrities! 

Andrea’s online detox programs may be found at

Andrea’s retreats can be found at

If you’ve not checked out Andrea’s Facebook, YouTube, Instagram or Twitter yet FOLLOW her below!!! She would love to see you there! 

 Facebook click here

Twitter click here

YouTube click here

Instagram click here



Why your weight gain could be caused by your relationship!

I hear the following all the time from my clients. They’re over eating, not taking care of themselves, skipping yoga. Once we get to talking, I soon learn its not about the food at all! Its about their relationships with others, specifically their partner! They feel empty in their marriages, not listened to and disconnected from their mate. Some may even feel they have lost their identity in the relationship.  

The women I work with who have weight issues suffer from something I call “BED” or binge eating disorder. Women are emotional eaters by nature. Women eat when they are sad, angry, lonely or simply when they don’t feel listened to.

Many men I work with who are overweight also suffer from binge eating. They often complain of being talked over, controlled or simply feel bored with their partners. They’ve shut down  in order to avoid having an actual discussion about what comes up for them. Avoidance of conversation seems to be a huge factor with the men I work with. Sadly, many men also end up “eating their relationship problems”.

The biggest complaint I hear from women is that their partners don’t make them or their relationship a priority. There are no planned dates, rendezvous or even dinners together. They simply feel unloved and not cherished. This often ties into a under nourished “feeling”!

The biggest complaint I hear from males is that they feel unappreciated and that their female mate quite simply “talks to much”! They often shut down, become silent and don’t even hear what their mate is saying after the first few sentences. How does this relate to health? They end up with a “feeling” of needing to over nourish themselves to tune out the chatter.

When people come to me the first thing I ask them to do is to make a list of ten triggers that cause them to binge. Seven out of ten usually are perceived to come from their partner.

I then ask them to write down 25 traits in themselves that they LOVE! This can be physical or personality/character traits. This is often difficult for both men and women.

The third task I give them is to list 25 things they LOVE about their partner! Just as I did above. The list flows effortlessly. Odd? Not really. You see its not that they don’t love themselves and love their partners. Its that the traits they love about themselves are not being recognized and appreciated by their partners.

The key is communication. Both males and females always say “I don’t feel heard or understood” Why is it that if your marriage is the most important relationship you will ever have with another human being no one ever teaches us the precious skills of communication?

Here are the two homework assignments I always give to my clients who come to me with a food issue that are in a relationship (75% of them)! 

Create a safe place of love, a container so to speak where your love can thrive!This is generally different for men and women. 

For women this means shutting up! Yes ladies, actually being quiet when your man does open up to you (and he will). Often its as simple as allowing him to feel through his thoughts about you not appreciating how hard he works to provide or the little things he does for you like taking out the trash cans every week.

For men this means making her feel secure by making her a priority! Women are very different then men. We have a strong need to FEEL a certain way! This isn’t anything that comes with words. It comes with your actions. Planning things for the future such as weekend getaways or even creating a certain night during the week for a “date night” are all things that create a safe space for her to thrive! Women value and love their time with you. It gives them a sense of safety and support that only comes when they are in your masculine presence. Honor that and take pride in it. 

Learn to communicate effectively! This is something you must strive for in every conversation! Without it the relationship becomes a burden and often can become a thing of the past! This is where the over eating comes into play too! Often when we don’t feel heard, we tend to stuff down our feelings or our words with food!

Try to take 20 minutes of time out during an argument to gather your thoughts. This will allow you to both cool off! If yelling or interrupting one another over the phone is a common trait of your communication style I recommend meeting in person. If yelling in person is a trait one or both of you have, meet in a public place to have your discussions. 

Share meals together at home! This is one of the most connecting things you can do to strengthen your bond! Meal times should be sacred times! Allow this to be a time when candles are lit, music is on and cell phones are turned off! When this is done right, with the right mood and environment this always leads to a fabulous night of intimacy! And who would ever choose cookies or chocolate cake over being intimate with the one they love? 🙂

Remember…No matter how much stress is going on around us we can always take the time to pull together a beautiful meal next to candlelight. Keep your space tidy, your colon clean your mind open and your heart full of love!


 Above: A beautiful candlelight dinner for two with essential oils diffusing, soft music and an amazing organic dinner prepared by yours truly!



 Andrea Cox is a former fitness model. She is a raw food celebrity chef, author and owner of and  She has had national coverage speaking about her detox modalities

Her YouTube channel has just surpassed 2million views! Sign up for her news letter at

The end to your overeating/binge eating and self sabotage! Video included!


Do you binge eat? Do you consume way more than you should especially when you are bored, lonely, sad or anxious? Chances are you have done this before and if you haven’t you know someone who struggles with this issue! Sadly I struggled for way to long with binge eating and bulimia! As a model it was imperative that I keep a certain “look” that look always involved staying a certain size.

 The good news is that I made a FULL recovery several years ago! The even better news is that I now teach around the World those same methods that helped me end this deadly cycle that was causing havoc to my body! The BEST news is that my method works and works fast! Not only will the pounds FLY off of your body but I can promise you that those daily and weekly binges will be a thing of your past! 

 I have a four tier program that has worked for not just myself but for all of my clients! Many of them stop binge eating and begin losing weight as soon as five days in on my program!  I only take on fifty people on this program per year! I’ve already got all but five spots filled for 2015! 

If you are finally ready to say goodbye to that excess toxic weight you’ve had on your body for FAR to long this is the program for YOU~! If you’re tired of feeling sick and tired and ready to end the binge eating cycles for good, than this is for you! If you’re ready to lose fifteen, twenty-five or seventy-five pounds than this is the program for you!

 Here is what to do…Send me an Email at and in the subject line say “BINGE EATING HELP”! If I don’t get back to you that means the spots have been filled. Leave me your information anyway. I may be able to send you in the direction of someone who also practices my method of coaching who can help. Please know that this is a minimum of a one month commitment! I only want people who are “in it to win it”!

 I’m only accepting five more people into this group! This will go VERY fast…so again…if I don’t get back to you within forty-eight hours that only means all spots have been filled.

 Check out this video I shot on self sabotaging behaviors! If you can relate then its time to move forward in your quest for THE BEST HEALTH EVER!  Here is the video >>>  End self sabotage

 If you are reading this and know someone that can potentially benefit from this, please SHARE this! They will be thankful

and so will I!:)

 One more thing….. Its vitally important that you hire a coach that walks their walk! Here I am after applying my own methods on myself to lean out for a few events coming up! I removed twenty-two pounds that were not necessary:)

Andrea Cox, detox expert, celebrity raw vegan chef, TV and radio personality and published author

Andrea Cox, detox expert, celebrity raw vegan chef, TV and radio personality and published author


Andrea Cox, detox expert, celebrity raw vegan chef, TV and radio personality and published author

Andrea Cox, detox expert, celebrity raw vegan chef, TV and radio personality and published author

Lets get healthy together in 2015! Once and for all!

Wishing all of you an incredibly healthy, happy New Year! From my big open heart to yours…Happy New Year!
Thank you for allowing me into your homes via my news feeds and videos♡♡♡ I truly appreciate each and every one of you and only want the very best for you! 

This is why I am taking on five clients during the month of January!

When 2014 rolled around I set a goal to not only appear on TV more than I had in the past spreading the word about health and wellness. I also wanted to help a minimum of fifty clients one on one! These private clients were not to be part of my retreats. I was seeking to help serious people who had either a serious health issue or needed to lose a significant amount of weight. I’m happy to say I’ve helped forty-five of those fifty! 

During this time, I’m going to show you one on one how to first cleanse your body and then how to keep it clean while removing excess weight and toxicity FOR GOOD! The beautiful thing is, you are eating the entire time, abundantly!

This by NO MEANS is a diet! It is a life style change! I will be speaking to you on the phone or via Skype daily for a period of thirty days in order to keep you on track! You will also get exclusive access to my private membership site prior to it being open to the public! Along with all of this you will get a program that I design exclusively for you in an audio and written format!

This will go fast…so if you message me ( at the address below) and I don’t respond, that only means all three spots have been filled. You are more than welcome to private message me at a later date if that happens, and if you are EXTREMELY interested…I may be able to fit 1 or 2 more of you in.

If you are reading this and know someone that can potentially benefit from this, please SHARE this! They will be thankful and so will I!:)

e-mail andrea@thehealthyhaven.netnew years

Its that time of year again! The best gift to give yourself!

Ahhh! Its that time of year again! I’m so excited to offer this to you!

When 2014 rolled around I set a goal to help a minimum of fifty clients one on one! I was seeking to help serious people who had a health issue or needed to lose a significant amount of weight. These private clients were not to be part of my retreats. They are people who could not spare the time away from home to attend one of my retreats. 

I’m happy to say I’ve helped forty of those fifty! This is why I’ve chosen to take on ten new private clients during the month of January to get you in the most incredible shape of your lives!

During this time, I’m going to show you one on one how to first cleanse and detoxify your body on a cellular level! Then the focus shifts onto how to keep it clean while removing excess weight and toxicity FOR GOOD! The majority of my clients lose anywhere from ten to twenty pounds during this phase! The beautiful thing is, you are eating the entire time abundantly! This by NO MEANS is a diet! It is a life style change!

The experience…We will begin with a one on one Skype consultation where I listen and asses your current needs, goals and desires. After that you will get a program that I design exclusively for you! We will then be speaking daily on the phone or via Skype for a period of thirty days in order to keep you on track! You will also get exclusive access to my private membership site prior to it being open to the public! 

This will go fast…so if you message me (here on Facebook or at the address below) and I don’t respond, that only means all ten spots have been filled. You are more than welcome to private message me at a later date if that happens, and if you are EXTREMELY interested…I may be able to fit 1 or 2 more of you in.

If you are reading this and know someone that can potentially benefit from this, please SHARE this! They will be thankful and so will I!:)

Lets make 2015 your sexiest, healthiest year ever! With me holding your hand the entire way…you simply cannot fail!

e-mail at for your free 15 minute phone consultpretty

Are you turning your back on your health?

Look, I’ve been there. Ive been in an Unhealthy body and making up every single excuse not to higher a coach. The truth is you can think of a million excuses to ignore your health and the problem will still be there tomorrow. Thats why I decided to shoot this Email to you one last time! I trust you will make the right decision!


Hey there! So its that time of year again where as we approach the holidays and another New Year that we set the intention of doing better, feeling better and yes looking better! I wanted to offer you something that will ultimately change the way you look, feel and change the outlook on your entire life for the next year! I wanted to give you something that many people ask me for but that to be honest I don’t usually take them up on! Its something so personal and so intimate that I only take on twelve people for the entire year!

The year long intensive is me helping you for an entire year! Three calls per week and if needed daily check ins via text and phone! During the three calls per week we will not only keep you on track but also help you to break through any and all plateaus you are or will struggle with in the future!
Here are the benefits!
1) You have me the entire year! I’m your personal coach the entire time, through every season and during any and every issue that pops up (and they will pop up)! You can reach out to me at any time as you will have my personal cell number! Our weekly calls or Skype consultations will keep you completely in line both with your food and your personal struggles!
2) It is impossible to not reach your goal and to stay there for good on this program! The success rate  my clients have had with this program is  99% success! In fact, Ive actually had clients loose too much weight and have to pause the program for a month or so! Thats perfectly fine and we just pick up where we left off.
3) We cover a new total body cleanse for each changing season! I know right! YAY!!! Bring the cleansing on!
4) You receive 15% off any up coming retreats during the year of 2015 and you automatically have a reservation!
5) You receive 15% off all Healthy Haven products, books and programs for the entire year!

I really wanted to be able to offer something very similar to the program I offer at my private retreats that cost thousands, to all of you without the big price tag! As a bonus I’m throwing a twenty minute consultation in right away! I want you to be able to prepare this weekend for your new lifestyle! This way you have all the tools to begin right away! 

This will go fast…so if you E-mail me back at and do not get a response that only means all spots have been filled. You are more than welcome to private message me if that happens, and if you are EXTREMELY interested…I may be able to fit 1 more of you in.

Remember, I only want the very best for you! Make it an AMAZING healthy day!
Andrea L Cox

Spend a year with me!

Hey there! So its that time of year again where as we approach the holidays and another New Year that we set the intention of doing better, feeling better and yes looking better! I wanted to offer you something that will ultimately change the way you look, feel and change the outlook on your entire life for the next year! I wanted to give you something that many people ask me for but that to be honest I don’t usually take them up on! Its something so personal and so intimate that I only take on twelve people for the entire year!

The year long intensive is me helping you for an entire year! Three calls per week and if needed daily check ins via text and phone! During the three calls per week we will not only keep you on track but also help you to break through any and all plateaus you are or will struggle with in the future!

Here are the benefits!
1) You have me the entire year! I’m your personal coach the entire time, through every season and during any and every issue that pops up (and they will pop up)! You can reach out to me at any time as you will have my personal cell number! Our weekly calls or Skype consultations will keep you completely in line both with your food and your personal struggles!
2) It is impossible to not reach your goal and to stay there for good on this program! The success rate  my clients have had with this program is  99% success! In fact, Ive actually had clients loose too much weight and have to pause the program for a month or so! Thats perfectly fine and we just pick up where we left off.
3) We cover a new total body cleanse for each changing season! I know right! YAY!!! Bring the cleansing on!
4) You receive 15% off any up coming retreats during the year of 2015 and you automatically have a reservation!
5) You receive 15% off all Healthy Haven products, books and programs for the entire year!

I really wanted to be able to offer something very similar to the program I offer at my private retreats that cost thousands, to all of you without the big price tag! As a bonus I’m throwing a twenty minute consultation in right away! I want you to be able to prepare this weekend for your new lifestyle! This way you have all the tools to begin right away! 

This will go fast…so if you E-mail me back at and do not get a response that only means all spots have been filled. You are more than welcome to private message me if that happens, and if you are EXTREMELY interested…I may be able to fit 1 more of you in.

Remember, I only want the very best for you! Make it an AMAZING healthy day!
Andrea L Cox

Andrea Cox

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