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Intuitive Wellness and Life coaching, my Spiritual Sadhana

Andrea Cox, Intuitive healer and Holistic wellness coach

Andrea Cox, Intuitive healer and Holistic wellness coach

BOOKED UNTIL NOVEMBER 1ST! This is the message I had to send out via text to two former clients yesterday. It’s difficult to turn clients away however sometimes as I look over what all I’ve been through, it’s also gratifying. 

Sadhana literally means “methodical discipline to attain desired knowledge or goal”, Sadhana is also done for attaining detachment from worldly things.

I am not writing this blog to boast. I’m writing this blog because just two years ago I was sitting in a pile of tears after being repeatedly stalked and attacked online. This attack led me to the merriment of my true souls path. 

My ability to uniquely combine two different fields and harness the benefits of both was finally brought to the forefront when forced to start my second business which eventually merged into one. From the foolishness of others my intuitive gifts finally were forced to the forefront to collide with my wellness knowledge. 

Now that I am always booked and sometimes over booked I can say that I have learned a thing or two on how to fully engage my clients. 

All the marketing tricks in the world are great, but at the end of the day nothing is more life changing for your clients than to be completely present with them.  This is something that is severely lacking in most people’s lives.

Being completely present has become even more challenging in our always connected ADD world, where everyone is buried in their mobile devices and constantly distracted.

Each of us have met those people that when we are talking to them we feel like we are speaking to a brick wall. If you aren’t a person that was born with this ability of being fully present it is a skill you can learn.

Some of the most important aspects of being present are what you are not doing instead of what you are doing.

The following tips may sound very simplistic but give them a try.

The following tips are what I use when interacting with my clients. From high profile to your average Joe like you and I, these are my personally recommended tips. Seventy-five percent of my clients are repeat clients. From my private intuitive readings to my wellness and lifestyle coaching The majority of my clientele are referrals or repeat clients.

Ask questions! I have three E-mails automatically sent to each client that qualifies for my coaching program. Our first call never occurs prior to the long questionnaire they fill out.

The device you are communicating on should be the only device open.  If you are in person, put away your phone and turn off the ringer; if you are on the phone with someone just be on the phone, turn off your computer and don’t go checking Instagram while you are talking with someone.

Ground Yourself Prior to that FaceTime or phone call, GROUND YOURSELF! I do this by rebounding or simply taking a walk with my furry husbands. 

Remind yourself that you are doing your life’s work (if that is what you are doing)! For me, my life’s calling is my work! Using my intuitive abilities blended with my vast cellular detoxification, biohacking health knowledge and relationship experience has proven to be a gift to those whom I work with. Prior to each call I always ask “how can I be of service to this person, or this couple”? How can I assist them in solving this health, life or relationship issue they are being challenged with”?

One thing I DON’T do is think about what is in it for me. It’s never about the next book, product sale, etc. It’s always about being of spiritual service. I think out-loud “how can I be of service to this person”? This is the difference between marketing a product or service and truly living out your spiritual sadhana of serving others with grace, honor, integrity and unconditional love. 

Each of us are all basically the same in wanting to feel an authentic connection with another human being.  I have found that for lots of people that have tons of “problems” in their life, the biggest problem is that no one has taken the time to truly listen to them and to truly care.

Part of learning to be unconditionally loving and to truly give to my clients was to learn how to step outside of myself. This means, my life is never brought up on the call. It is ok if I use my life as an example however making the hour completely about them is a must! 

I hope this helps you along your journey

I love you

Only want the best for you

Please love yourself and drink your juice:)

Cilantro kisses ~ Andrea


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