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California Detox Retreat and Program

A few people have shared with me lately they want a HUGE shift in a short period of time. Mainly because…They’re physically fatigued and find themselves snapping at their spouse, coworkers or family over the littlest things. Emotionally they’re on edge and they KNOW they’re not aligned with a healthy aim in life. Many are carrying around an extra 10+ pounds and feel bloated, physically drained and self conscious. Some have high blood pressure and are trying to juggle stress while figuring out the best food plan for them. For those of you making changes… I applaud you! I have a few people I love making these exact changes you are! I too had to make the necessary changes 17 years ago when I wasn’t well.

When most people think of detoxing…They think it just relates to food…But we now know the NEW way of detoxing is about much more than just letting go of physical toxins trapped in your body. We now know more than ever that the NEW way to detox is about gently letting go of toxic beliefs and the emotions stored in our body on a cellular level.

If you know you want to detox from food, electronics and the speed of everyday life so you can slow down……and let go of stubborn emotional blocks and beliefs. So you can learn what is keeping you feeling stuck in that 9-5 job. So you can feel good in your own skin, feel in control of your emotions and so you can be excited about life again. I can help! 🙂

Detoxing physically, emotionally AND spiritually can be confusing and take A LOT of time if you don’t have experienced help… But HUGE LIFE CHANGING SHIFTS can happen in a SHORT period of time. So…I am curious if anyone would be open to joining me for a 5-Day Deep Cleanse Retreat that TYPICALLY results in losing an average of 10 lbs in 5 days, waking up with clearer skin, and yes…wearing jeans that feel a little bit looser …but also waking up clear on who you are, where you’re going, and free of past limiting beliefs. This retreat doesn’t require anyone to eat “boxed” meals,” count calories, or do any kind of crazy exercise either. In fact we only partake in gentle yoga. It will however require you to be open to letting go and receiving what you truly desire and deserve…

The good news is you still have a little time to reserve your spot at our next retreat! Time to reserve your experience! Time to sign up to have my one on one assistance! Time to join myself and a small group of health minded people who have a deep desire to better their lives and truly GLOW from the inside out.

Do you have this burning desire? If so, reserve your spot now!



We had a beautiful retreat last week! My guests fasted on celery juice and had a raw detox soup in the evening. We had guests come from as far away as Canada. Ahlia led the group in the most rejuvenating daily yoga classes. I shared all of my detox secrets and recipes with the group during our nightly classes. Each guest got a one on one spiritual reading. Rosemary released loads of childhood and past relationship trauma! It was a healing happy time for us all. We ended the week with a guided super market tour at Jimbos!

They took so many notes and photos that we joked about them running out of room on their phones. 🙂

I too had a great time. I feel rejuvenated today from the guests positive energy. It was a beautiful exchange.

I feel forever grateful to be able to do what I LOVE! I also feel grateful for everyone I have come in contact with along the way!

I love you, please love yourself ~ Andrea

Do Yourself a favor…

Have you joined me live lately? 


I’ll be going live at 7pm tonight on my Facebook page here! Would you do me a favor and do yourself a healthy favor? After subscribing to my two YouTube channels AndreaCoxTV and TheDetoxIntuitive, would you join me live tonight at 7? 

I’ll be sharing a new way I’ve been eating that I think you may benefit from!

I also wanted to mention I’ll be taking ONE CLIENT ON mid November until mid December for my life changing coaching program! 

Heres what you need to know!

* The program is a thirty day program where I literally retrain your thoughts about food, what to eat, when to eat and how to combine foods properly in order to drop weight FAST! It’s literally magic!

* Binge issues GONE! The beautiful part of my protocol is that if you have any binge eating issues what so ever…they will be gone by the end of the month!

* The program IS NOT a diet! In fact I encourage you to eat high carb foods such as sweet potatoes and white rice. You even get to have chocolate or a sweet treat daily (and NO, you will not be triggered to binge after.

* You will know exactly what to eat and when to eat it! Food should come like second nature. My goals with you are clear. To help you find balance in your life, with your food, routine and within your mind. Only after this are you able to experience life fully!

* You WILL lose approximately a pound per day when you follow my program. If you don’t have at least 30 pounds to lose, than we can shorten the program however thirty days is optimal to get the program down to a science.

* There is NO portion control! (sounds crazy, I know…you will see)! My 30 day program gets results FAST so buckle your seatbelt!

* You must be able to free up time! I’ll need you to engage in three 30 minute chats with me per week for the next four weeks. I’ll also need to connect with you once per day or evening via E-mail. These chats can be via Skype, on the phone using a free calling plan (for out of Country clients) or, using any call app.

* You are stuck with me keeping you on track FOR LIFE! After your one month program is complete, I follow up with you once per month for a year. You also have access to my private cell phone number to text me about restaurant choices, health and detoxification protocols you have questions on. This never ends and I am ok with this:) We are always learning and growing.

* Your coaching program is WELL WORTH the cost! You can pay me now or pay in not living your life to it’s fullest and possibly pay high medical bills later! The choice is yours!

* You will see drastic changes! This program WILL change your health, your body, your skin and your quality of life forever! Your entire life will change in 30 days or you can have your money back!

Are you ready to show your friends and family your new body and new outlook on life over the holiday season?

Fill out this form on my coaching page and i’ll give you a call! 

Link to coaching form

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