Andrea cox

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You can’t do it alone…

You can’t do it alone… 

Recently I went through a tough process of allowing someone to help me fix an ongoing problem. I don’t want to bring “said problem” up again because honestly… I’m spent from repeating it over and over. To shorten the story (that I no longer want as my story) I will just refer to it as a technical invasion of privacy. 

So a person shows up who showed up years ago when a similar problem occurred. At first I was my icy cut to the chase self that the entire last year had turned me into. 

Then I stopped

I tuned in

I thought to myself.. do I want to be dealing with this same situation a year from now? I came to the realization that delegating and getting help in areas of my life that are not my strong point are important. It’s just that lately the trust factor has been really difficult. 

And then it hit me! How can I trust others if I do not trust myself?

I’ve been let down quite a bit in the past ten years. I’ve had my ideas and even my writings stolen from me many times. I’ve dealt with nay sayers who hide behind fake accounts telling me “I would not succeed”. Some of them even go so far as to point out my looks and say hurtful remarks. I (like you) have also been wounded in my heart chakra. I’ve had experiences where ex girlfriends, new girlfriends of a past partner have blamed me for something that has zero to do with me. I’ve had my personal emails read and deleted so that important opportunities would pass me by. 

So I took a step back. I went into hermit mode and here was the conclusion I resolved to accept. We go through situations that either grow us or keep us stuck in life. It can be something that we think is small at the time like leaving a person without clarity and then finding out that years later they didn’t want to move on because they waited for us. Or, it can be someone stealing your quotes, words or even your teachings to sell as their own. Whatever it is, release it. I’m not about to let one group of people that have betrayed me hold me back from being the best person I can be both in business and in my personal life. I’m inviting you to do the same.  So I guess you can say we are releasing the final bit of control in order to move through open portal doors that are waiting for us. In my situation, I opened myself up to partnering with others. I’m listening to suggestions. I’m keeping an open mind.

In a few days, I’ll be working with you on how to open your heart to trust again. It’s going to be a little rough but I’m going to hold your hand through the process. So let’s call today day number one, OK? Seeing as it’s day one, I’m going to give you a homework assignment and I want you to trust yourself that you will succeed in getting it done. I want you to ask yourself this…. in what area of your life do you not trust yourself? Is it within your finances? Within your relationships? Or, is it in your health? Be honest and tell me why. This is the same process I just went through and I promise you every email I receive will be read.  Thank you for trusting me and emailing me your response at

I love you, Please love yourself ~ Until tomorrow

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