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Archive for the tag “beauty secrets”

My Biggest Health Secrets Revealed

Every day I’m contacted with the same question. I mean I get the EXACT SAME DARN QUESTION that is just worded differently EVERY DAY!

It’s a bit personal but I’m going to share it with all of you. Whether on social media, through my website, or from strangers I meet in everyday life, the same question pops up.

THE QUESTION: How do you look younger every year?

Despite the small percentage of naysayers (aka the small group of haters that hide behind fake accounts and big computer screens) that claim it must be botox or surgery, the majority of people can see that my appearance stems from a very holistic place.

The truth is I can’t get botox or fillers. I’ve suffered from psoriasis on and off for years. Unfortunately, those types of chemicals would create a flare-up that would have me covered in psoriasis for months! It’s just not worth it! In all honesty, If I could I would and y’all know I would be filming those procedures for you!

The truth is I actually practice what I preach! I juice every day, spend a lot of time in nature with my dogs and have been vegan (mostly raw) for 21 years. When I share my age with people the first thing I get is “OMG, YOU ARE LYING”! Um, no, I’m actually not!

Today I’m going to share a few of my anti-aging secrets to help you begin to take your health to the next level. Tomorrow I’ve got an even sweeter surprise! I’m going to invite you in on an even BIGGER secret! Sound good? AWESOME!

For today let’s just call this Andrea’s Alkalizing Anti Aging Tips! Sound good?

My Top anti-ging Tips!

1) Just say no to the diet foe

Your first step in taking your health to the next level while upping your anti-aging game is to let go of any attachments you might have to diets. Your hormones, physiology, lifestyle, profession, and environment are all continually changing and evolving. What may have worked for you in the past is exactly that, your past! If your goal is to make progress with your health and unlock your body’s full anti-aging potential, it’s time to learn the easy way!

Stop with all these fad “diets” Start by eating whole nutrient-dense foods. Be more aware of portion control. You don’t need to jump right into this restricted “diet” to get the results you want. You just need to start SOMEWHERE. 95% of diets fail and most will regain their weight back… why? Because you’re choosing a way of eating that isn’t maintainable or long term. This is why I have my clients follow my light to a heavy concept! This is what I teach them during our coaching calls! My clients NEVER cut portions! They don’t do the low carb keto lie! 

One thing I do have my clients do is to dump the white flour, white sugar, and the majority if not all of the animal products they consume! Bottom line, You are what you eat!

2) Dump the toxic make-up!

Ok ladies this is a MUST! Although I don’t want to list what I use and what I stay away from let’s just say this… I have an entire section on my website dedicated to the ONLY cosmetic line I will use! Heck, I even have my own skincare oil that was created just for me by an esthetician! You can find all of those paraben-free, cruelty-free products here!

3) Stop over-exercising to make up for the binge you had the night before!

Yes, you can pursue fitness and heal your relationship with food.⁣⁣ But if you’re obsessing over calories burned, your weight, all the things you dislike about your body and you’re fueling your workouts with self-hatred, something that is good will become toxic quickly.⁣⁣

As a fitness model, I had to discipline myself to shift the dialogue in my head around working out.⁣⁣ I stopped letting my Fitbit run the show. ⁣I stopped allowing the guilt to creep in over how much I ate the day before. I stopped hating my body! In fact, I love my body more today than when I was on the cover of magazines! I started repeating affirmations every day and you know what… that shit really works!

As far as exercise goes, gentle movements such as nature hikes, rebounding, and yoga are where it’s at for anti-aging exercise.

4) Stop believing (or even giving a shit) about what other people think! It causes wrinkles!

If I would have believed what other people said about me rather than what I know to be true about myself, I would have never had the opportunity to impact SO MANY women and men’s lives!

What an honor it’s been and continues to be to know I have worked with and impacted thousands of lives (including quite a few celebrities)! Heck, I think I may have impacted millions of lives if we include social media. Freeing myself from a deadly eating disorder and body struggles have allowed space for so much more freedom in other areas of my life, specifically the weight of other people’s opinions.⁣ Had I believed or given any energy into the negative that the 2% said about me, I wouldn’t be here sharing with all of you today!

In fact, let me take a moment and encourage all of you to take a moment to say THANK YOU to all of the naysayers! They are the reason you are leveling up today!

5) Get some sleep!

This is one of the most overlooked anti-aging tips in my opinion! It’s also the reason I bailed on three engagements! LOL! If it (or he) doesn’t bring you peace (and sleep), RUN! It is a scientific FACT that adequate rest and deep REM (rapid eye movement) sleep on a regular schedule is essential to feeling great and staying youthful. Sleep allows your body (and your skin) to regenerate, repair, and heal.

6) Get you some Red light therapy baby!

Red light beds (I have one in my home, they have salons everywhere) are said to help reduce cosmetic skin issues, like stretch marks and wrinkles. I began using a red-light bed to heal my psoriasis in a doctor’s office. I noticed immediately the effect it had on my skin! Although red-light therapy used in a medical office setting may be used to treat more serious conditions, like psoriasis, slow-healing wounds, and even the side effects of chemotherapy, it is an excellent anti-ager and really helps your body to develop a good sleep-wake cycle.

7) Hydrate like the fishy you are!

Look, you don’t have to be a Pisces to drink water like a fish! Hydration is key in anti-aging! I eat a plethora of raw water-filled fruits and vegetables to stay hydrated! I also harvest my own spring water and add a few secret ingredients that I’ll be sharing in an upcoming video! So if you aren’t already subscribed, you may do so here!

Be present, be mindful … be the change you wish to see in others.

I love you

I only want the best for you

Please love yourself and stay humble

Until tomorrow drink your juice

Cilantro kisses ~ Andrea


Andrea Cox with her morning detox juice

My #1 Beauty Secret!

My Morning Tonic! It’s my #1 Beauty Secret!

Hi there:)

I don’t claim to be a beauty Queen. In fact, I struggled with a low self esteem for the first twenty-five years of my life. What I do know is that I FEEL better than I did ten years ago! I truly believe that much of this is due to my Beauty Elixir I drink every morning!


I hope you enjoy this recipe as much as I do! It’s truly delicious!

16 oz of Synergy Kombucha

1 2 inch slice of fresh aloe

1/4 tsp green leaf stevia

2-3 capsules of My smiling gut pro & pre biotic {found here}

2 heaping TB of The Raw Detox Formula {found here}

1 TB of Sexy & Raw Hair Skin & Nails Formula {found here}

Blend and enjoy the earthy & sweet taste of a drink ULTRA HIGH in vitamins, minerals & probiotics!

I’ve drank this every morning for three years now. I feel that I look & feel better than I did at twenty-five!


Want to look 5 years younger? Do these 3 things!

Hey there beautiful 🙂

All of us wouldn’t mind looking five years younger! Nothing wrong with that! If you TRULY desire a more youthful look, I highly encourage you to watch the video at the end of this email and to register for the FREE webinar I speak about below!

First however let me tell you about the weekend! Lets catch up, shall we? 

We ended up visiting wine Country again! It’s truly a beautiful experience even if you are a non drinker like myself! I did notice however that most of the people in The Valley De Guadalupe look VERY youthful! Even those in their 80’s and 90’s! Their secret? They drink BIO-DYNAMIC ORGANIC WINE! YEP! Bio-Dynamic means that the grapes used to make the wine are watered according to the moons cycle! How cool is that! This girl who is a NON drinker may take up a healthy practice of drinking bio-dynamic wine!


Something else you will want to do to take five years off of your looks is to register for this FREE webinar I’m doing tomorrow with Ronnie Landis! We will be talking about the following!

Weight loss
Hormone balance 
Vibrant health
Radiant beauty
When Ronnie and I get going, its difficult for us to stop! Here’s the link to pre register click here

I’m looking forward to seeing all of you on the webinar!

The final thing you will want to do to take five years off your age, is to watch this video and make this AWESOME exfoliating scrub! I like to use it 3 times per week! By the way, if you want to get started using essential oils, just send me an email to I’ll help you!


If you are reading this and know someone that can potentially benefit from this, please SHARE this! They will be thankful and so will I!:)

watch video
Andrea L Cox

Are you helping your life become more beautiful? Healthy lifestyle tips!

Andrea lounging in Mexico eating one of her "nanna" salads! :)

Andrea lounging in Mexico eating one of her “nanna” salads! 🙂

I have a few questions for all of you….Please leave honest replies. Do you make an effort to create an even more beautiful fulfilled life than you already have?

When is the last time you dressed your salad with edible flowers? When was the last time you put on a little ylang ylang oil (or any essential oil) before you walked out of your front door? When is the last time you indulged in a piece of decadent dark chocolate (vegan-or not) cake with no guilt or shame? When was the last time you ate your lunch over looking the ocean? When was the last time you greeted your husband or boyfriend at the front door and gave him a 2 minute kiss while wearing next to nothing? When is the last time you created a four course meal for yourself, lit a candle said a prayer and indulged until satisfied? When was the last time you blew off work to treat yourself to a yoga class? When was the last time you took an hour walk in nature?

I ask you this because I do each and every one of these things EVERY DAY! I cannot remember a night when I didn’t eat a four course meal followed by a chocolate brownie, slice of vegan cake etc! I can count a million times when I’ve turned my car around to hit the grocery store a second time because I left the edible flowers there! I’ve been known to carry my essential oils in my car! I’m an entrepreneur just so I can go to yoga whenever I please~!!! YES! Those are my legs eating my big beautiful fruit filled salad in front of the ocean!

Life is SO very short! It is also SO very precious! I intend to do EVERYTHING in my power to enjoy every last delicious bite! More importantly, I intend on making my life & everything I touch BEAUTIFUL and filled with SO MUCH LOVE!!!



Skin healing tonic! Get beautiful glowing skin now!

I recently had a client come to me that had suffered with eczema for almost three years! I created an AMAZING juice for her to drink each morning that solved her skin issue almost immediately! 

The recipe is as follows and it must be made fresh daily and drank on an empty stomach! EVERYTHING MUST ALWAYS BE ORGANIC WHEN JUICING!

6 carrots (High in vitamin A)

2 inches of burdock root (great liver detoxifier)

1/2 inch of turmeric root (anti inflamatory)

1/2 of one cucumber (excellent for acne)

two stalks of celery (high in natural salt and hydrochloric acid to aid digestion)

a pinch of powdered ginger (great for digestion)

a pinch of cinnamon (blood stabilizer)

a pinch of cayenne  (lymphatic mucous destroyer)

Juice all of the ingredients and then pinch in small amounts of the ginger, cinnamon and cayenne! Watch any and all symptoms disappear!

Skin healing tonic

Skin healing tonic

My skin tonic juice is the ABSOLUTE best for anyone suffering with acne, eczema or rosacea! Recipe is going on my blog at

My number one beauty secret. Beauty secrets and tips.

You asked and I’m sharing. My number one beauty secret!
Sleepy girl shoots video to get her point across in todays quick tip video ♥ Enjoy!

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