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Inspirational Life lessons


When you want to give up, keep going♥️

Today, I feel BRICK STRONG, soft in my♥️heart and more focused than ever.
A few things I’ve learned

Be impeccable with your word. It saves people time and much wasted energy.

You will have two to three callings in this lifetime. Do what you are passionate about! What drives you!

Bring closure to personal relationships before starting new relationships . Both in business & your personal lives. To cripple another inside a wall of lies will only lead you back to where you began. Only this time, the door you face will be closed.

Be kind to both man & animals. Animals feel just as deep as humans. We now know there is no need to consume animals or sea life to survive! YOU WILL THRIVE when consuming plant based foods! Adjust accordingly!

Relationships are not business transactions. Relationships are made up of reciprocity. Giving & receiving. Some have a love of money. Others, have a need for physical affection. Some need words of affirmation. You can expect anything to fade away when this balance is not met equally.

Love forgive & respect your parents. You put them through tremendous burdens. Hopefully they still speak to you🙂

Communication is EVERYTHING! People are not mind readers. Communication is the foundation of a relationship.
Learn to listen more & talk less.

Don’t hold grudges, Forgive easily!

DO THE WORK! There are far too many people walking around wounded in this world. By not healing your childhood and past relationship trauma, you place the burdens from the past onto your new partner.

Money can be earned again. A persons heart time and trust often cannot.

When you respect yourself you respect others. You don’t make light of the misfortune of anyone. Nor do you feel indemnified when it comes at the expense of others. No one wins off another’s pain.

Think before you speak. You cannot take back the words you say. Be mindful of this. The guilt will be life long & crippling once that person is gone.

Be with a person who has the capacity to FEEL. God’s plan was not to place you here to fix the wounded. Fix yourself and he will take care of the rest.

There will be one person you will meet in this lifetime who you will KNOW is meant for you! Express yourself. These feelings are most likely from a past life. You are here to heal the pain in this lifetime together. This relationship will feel like a war zone you can’t escape. One day you will wake and realize this person is here to teach you your life’s lessons.


When all hope was lost…

Happy Full moon in Pisces,

I was never crippled until I lost hope

I never lost hope until I hit rock bottom

I can remember crying out for answers but no truth was spoken. I felt as though I was purposely being made to feel stuck in a sea of confusion. It was a mental Hell I wouldn’t wish on anyone. A hell I fought my way out of.

That’s when I went within.

That is the very moment I turned to God.

I turned to my angels.

I turned off my mind, tuned out ANYONE who said they “wanted the best for me” but truly wasn’t out for the highest good of all.That is when I discovered the tarot.

Being a born-again Christian, I felt as though I was a disgrace buying my first oracle deck. I sat with the deck un opened for a month. I heard the disappointment in my mother’s voice when I told her I was interested in tarot. But I ended up opening the deck anyway. Teaching myself each card one by one.

I began studying the stars, the moon and the sun. I researched their rotation and what each turn brings into our lives and strips away unexpectedly. The more I learned, the more my mind expanded, the more I grew in my heart to understand why people including myself act in the manner they do. I began studying past lives and the important role they play in our current existence today. I began to notice why and how animals show up for us in life. As our support, as a warning and more often than not holding great symbolic meaning.

I think over time my mom began to hear in my voice and see in my face that I was getting the answers I needed through the tarot. Her support is all I need. I also began to look at the tarot as an addition to my own spiritual practice. I stopped judging myself.

I didn’t set out to start a second business in spirituality. Spirituality found me and cracked me open. I feel that I’ve never been this open to helping others learn that our issues really do live within our tissues.

In December I began working on a second website that combined my love of health with my deep rooted Pisces/Scorpio intuition and the spiritual principles of the tarot. Along with the website a second YouTube channel was born. I am proud and happy to announce that just two months in, I had a video hit 16,000 views within two days. Of course I am still uploading plant based recipe videos to my AndreaCoxTV YouTube channel almost daily & yes, I am still & always will be your detox Queen:) I simply felt pulled to add another element that had been laying dormant deep within my soul. Probably since childhood. An element that I knew had awakened.

For all of you who have subscribed to AndreaCoxTV, THANK YOU!! We now have 17,000 subscribers For those of you who have subscribed to my new channel TheDetoxIntuitive , THANK YOU!! I am grateful for your non judgmental support.

And to all of you who showed up in my life to help me over the past year. Whether it was over the Internet, phone or in person… I cannot thank you enough. I truly appreciate you from the bottom of my heart.

I am grateful to be of service to you


Please bless me with sharing, helping and loving you more by subscribing to both my channels below.




Three “must do’s” to becoming spiritually enlightened!

Spiritual enlightenment does not magically occur in a clogged body! When you are clogged from eating animals and their by products, the mind is clogged too! More importantly the heart is clogged and cannot open to love, abundance and truth.

Eat only high vibrational living foods!

I know what you’re thinking! You don’t have the time. You don’t have the knowledge! You just can’t stick to a plant based let alone a high vibrational raw eating lifestyle!

My coaching FOUND HERE can help you! If you don’t want to invest in coaching a good one on one hour phone or Skype consultation FOUND HERE with me is LIFE CHANGING!

Your new life is a click away!

There are no excuses to having the health, energy and spiritual soundness you desire! Its all in your hands! y-pants

NIX the Dairy!

I spared you photos of half dead cows tossed into a pile left to die!

I spared you the blood work of a non dairy human compared to a dairy drinker!

I spared you live video of the cows screaming for their lives as they are lined up to be slaughtered!

I spared you the list of hormones, antibiotics and drugs the cows are shot up with daily! Hormones and drugs YOU in jest whenever you drink a glass of milk or put cream into your coffee!I spared you the HORRIFIC planetary affects the dairy industry is covering up!Wake up! Go vegan &Please go dairy free!


Actually “Getting the lessons”!

Forgive others! Forgive yourself!

The biggest part of the lesson is “getting the lesson”! Everyone we come in contact with in life (bosses, children and life partners) are one of three types. Karmic, soul mate or twin flame! I’m releasing a YouTube video today on this subject! Everyone you have a relationship with (even your parents) you chose prior to coming to this Earth!


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