Andrea cox

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Archive for the tag “autoimmune disease”

Psoriasis Symptoms and Causes Triggers and Treatment

Today I was thinking of the frustration my psoriasis and autoimmune disease (eczema or whatever you want to call it) used to cause me a few years ago. It used to cause me to make me feel …

anxiety ridden

Please don’t tell me “I don’t know pain”! Don’t tell me I don’t know how it feels to suffer. I’m not sharing this for “shock” value! In fact, I debated even sharing this photo at all!

For two years I dealt with a debilitating skin rash that left me baffled! I went to dermatologist after dermatologist begging for answers! I went to natural docs, acupuncturists and even did a second ayahuasca ceremony!

Seeing as I already lead a VERY healthy lifestyle including being a gluten-free vegan I was shocked at what was going on with my skin! After seeing a skin specialist and Chinese herbalist in Santa Monica, I finally was properly diagnosed with an autoimmune disease called psoriasis.

The doctor asked a lot of questions! One of them being “have you ever had a similar rash”? Thinking back I did. Eight years ago while going through a difficult time I had a much milder version that lasted for a year. I was able to keep it at bay until encountering another stressful event. While searching for my boyfriends dog in Mexico I became extremely overwhelmed. This is when I first noticed the rash appear on my legs.

The Chinese doctor told me that she is seeing a lot of women with breast implants who are dealing with crazy autoimmune issues! We agreed that it would be best to eventually remove my implants.

I’m not sharing this for sympathy! I’m sharing this because having an eating disorder a decade ago was a CAKE WALK compared to this nightmare! I wouldn’t wish this on anyone! That being said there is some speaking up that needs to be done about the true cause of MANY women’s suffering! Suffering that doesn’t have to happen!

What I will say is this…. to any of you going through any type of skin issue… I never once listened to the doctors trying to give me steroids! I refused them every time! And to any of you women who are considering breast implants, I will just say they are my ONLY regret in life! I mean why was my skin acting out against me? 

I remembered this… Our government along with Big Pharma is cracking! They don’t want you to know that you’re eczema, psoriasis, cancer and health conditions are linked to a mast cell disorder, that is tied to an MTHFR gene mutation activated by all the CRAP food they are allowing and PUSHING you to buy! They don’t want you to know what they are adding to the vaccines they are giving BABIES! They want you to think the words “chem trails” are nonsense!

NOTE: Don’t you find it interesting that there is very little literature on low histamine GMO free organic plant based diets? Yet, there is plenty of information and commercial advertisements on fast food, soda pop pharmaceutical drugs and how genetically modified foods last longer on grocery store shelves!

Causes of skin conditions

Gluten in the diet

Eating an acidic diet or leading an acid filled lifestyle ( our thoughts create our reality)!

Chronic stress or a sudden stressful situation

An MTHFR gene mutation


THE CHANGING POINT! Before I knew it, it hit me!

* Just fifteen years ago I was struggling with bulimia!

* Just eight years ago I was in a terrible accident that left me with a reverse cervical neck!

* Just five years ago I had a broken foot and was broke in my bank account! 

When life gives you lemons juice those babies up! 

So what did I do to rid my body and my skin of psoriasis? And did I mention… It was even on my face! 

The first day I realised my #psoriasis was gone!


  • I didn’t buy into the hype (and don’t you either)! … Do your research and do the best you can to grow your own food and to adopt a healthier way of life!
  • I got angry and decided it was time to kick some psoriasis but! I mean I’m a well known intuitive healer and holistic health coach! I have lives to change! I cannot be caught up in sleepless nights and worry! 
  • I made the choice to NOT allow stressful people into my home or life! Bottom line, when these people were nixed from my radar, my skin began to clear.
  • I cut out all high histamine foods from entering my home! This included cashews, tomatoes and chia seeds!
  • “Yoga every day” became my motto once again! I went from practicing yoga three times per week to daily!
  • I created my own supplement line found here and I became religious about taking my supplements EVERY DAY!
  •  I made a conscious decision to adoptAN EVEN BETTER skincare routine & plant based lifestyle! In other words, I transformed my already clean lifestyle and skin care routine into an even cleaner one!
  • I spent a lot of time outside in nature! I left my devises (AKA VICES) inside and I got my bottom outside! 

Then one day I woke skin condition free! Look out world ~ I’m still winning the battle against psoriasis and eczema today! Then again, I always come out winning

I love you
Here’s to your healing journey
Only want the best for you
Please love yourself
And drink your juice
Copyright © Andrea Cox

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