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Archive for the tag “angels”

This weekends Angel Guidance for Health, Spirituality and Love!

The weekend angel oracle card I chose for you is called “The sixth Ray of Devotion”. This card speaks of a couple “doing their work” while allowing one another to be free.
Free from clinging
Free from accusations
Free from judgement
The devotion between the two keeps the feminine feeling safe knowing the masculine is devoted to her as he goes through his journey. What a stunning photo of them both opening their heart chakras to all the world has to offer!

Honesty and Clear communication is a must in order for this to happen. Without either of these two components this beautiful awakening cannot take place.

Your healthy food I’ve chosen for the day is longevity tea by @dragonherbs This tea is wonderful as an anti inflammatory. I add a bit of homemade almond milk or any nut milk to give it a creamy taste.

Your health tip for the weekend is to stay close to the ocean in order to ground yourself. If you don’t live near the ocean you can about ground yourself by walking barefoot on unsprayed grass!

Enjoy your weekend and remember to love yourself!

Love always ~ Andrea


Your health wealth love & happiness message of the day!


What are your Divine Talents?

This mornings health wealth love & happiness message! Today we tap into our divine talents! Whether you are a male or a female you can tap into your divine talents here on Earth! These talents have been with you through past lives but aren’t usually recognizable until you’ve gone through a series of painful events. Usually with your Twin 🔥Flame soul mate. Allow the pain to guide you into stepping into the power of using your God given gifts!

Our freedom color I have chosen is Brown! In order to truly step into the power of using your divine talents, you must first be grounded. Brown foods such as nuts and seeds ground us. Enjoy these foods in moderation as they are a bit harder to digest.

Our healthy food of the day is almonds! Almonds are the only Alkalizing nut!

Our happiness message I’ve created for you is ~ If you are “Free” yet still struggling within your ruminating thoughts & darkness within the mind, there isn’t any escape ~ Free your mind!

Our healing recipe of the day is Almond butter dressing🌱

1/2 Cup sprouted almond butter
The juice of two lemons
1/3 cup purified water
a pinch of sea salt

Blend and pour over organic greens!

I love each and every one of you! Go love yourselves!


What I witnessed yesterday that is changing my outlook today.

Do you ever feel that angels are placed in our lives to make us think about how truly blessed we are?

Everyday as I leave my home to go to the gym I see a man walking to the grocery store from a near by apartment community.
He has a very noticeable limp and what would be a fifteen minute walk for you and I takes him at least forty-five minutes. 

He always has the BIGGEST smile upon his face and I always say a little prayer for him along my drive.
The prayer is not what one might think it is. Its not that he miraculously heals and is able to walk perfectly.
It that no one makes fun of him or is rude to him. His walk is very dramatic and I know how cruel teenagers and many adults can sometimes be.

Today I was driving to the store where he goes and as I sat at the light I could see his smile was not there.
I decided to pull over and ask him if he needed a ride. I said “excuse me,
I see you walking to Vons every day and I need to run in there, need a lift”?
He looked at me shocked and said no thank you.
I drove away feeling a little bit silly and even thought I may have offended him.

Thirty minutes later as I was leaving the store he was just arriving.
He stopped me at my car and said “Miss, in seven years no one has ever stopped me and
asked if I needed a lift, thank you, I appreciate your offer”.
He went on to say that he has MS and the walk gives him a daily dose of exercise.

We exchanged stories with one another briefly and then I got in my car and drove away.
When I got home the tears began to fall. Not because I feel sorry for him in any way.
Because I am so grateful that God places angels along our path to make us realize how lucky we truly are

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