Andrea cox

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Your health wealth love & happiness message of the day!


What are your Divine Talents?

This mornings health wealth love & happiness message! Today we tap into our divine talents! Whether you are a male or a female you can tap into your divine talents here on Earth! These talents have been with you through past lives but aren’t usually recognizable until you’ve gone through a series of painful events. Usually with your Twin 🔥Flame soul mate. Allow the pain to guide you into stepping into the power of using your God given gifts!

Our freedom color I have chosen is Brown! In order to truly step into the power of using your divine talents, you must first be grounded. Brown foods such as nuts and seeds ground us. Enjoy these foods in moderation as they are a bit harder to digest.

Our healthy food of the day is almonds! Almonds are the only Alkalizing nut!

Our happiness message I’ve created for you is ~ If you are “Free” yet still struggling within your ruminating thoughts & darkness within the mind, there isn’t any escape ~ Free your mind!

Our healing recipe of the day is Almond butter dressing🌱

1/2 Cup sprouted almond butter
The juice of two lemons
1/3 cup purified water
a pinch of sea salt

Blend and pour over organic greens!

I love each and every one of you! Go love yourselves!


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