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Archive for the tag “Andrea Cox’s poetry”

Love from the heart ~ By Andrea Cox

If you’ve followed me for any length of time on my Healthy Haven blog you know I write poetry. I write when I’m happy, when I’m sad and “just because”. blue

For the past week I’ve been pondering something pretty deep. A decision has deeply been weighing on my heart. I’ve probably tossed out more items from my home in the past 48 hours than Ive tossed out in the past ten years. I’ve also been cleansing my body even more than usual (with the occasional cookie tossed in).

My poem today flowed through me at 5am. Waking me in a dash for a pen and paper.


Love from the heart

Is it wrong of me to love from the heart? To not hold back from the very start.

Is it wrong to want to take each day? Turning it into fun and play.

Giving you the very best in me. Who cares if all the world should see.

Rolling on the ground with you. Absorbing the ways you love me too.

Is it silly to think love lasts forever? Is it ever that way or almost never?

Is it possible for two people to be true? Loving me as I know you do.

Does any love last anymore? Or do all the love songs hit the door?

Falling deep slip away~is it ever real or just for play?

Do the truths ever topple lies?~ Or is it all about getting at those thighs?

Is there anything in this world so true
As you with me and I with you?

Do people truly love anymore? Or does love lead straight to the door.

Can two people ever stay~ the way they were when they met that day?

Is it wrong of me to love from the heart? Giving loyalty from the very start.

I know one thing that is very true. You will never be loved the way I loved you.

Copy write ~ Andrea Leigh Cox

A poem for my mother & father

In honor of national poetry month, I honor two of my biggest loves. My mother and my father who is in heaven.

Because you loved me you gave me life
You set aside your pain and strife mom-and-dad

You never even had any doubt
I wasn’t planned but you figured it out

You were divorced when I was three
It was ok because you both still loved me

I know your pain was difficult to do but you still
Gave us girls the best of both of you.

I’m so happy you ended up friends.
I remember when you made amends

You didn’t know one of you would leave
Three little girls left behind to silently grieve

It’s ok, mom figured it out.
She did her best and we all turned out

Better than you ever could have dreamed!
Three outspoken mouths like you’ve never seen

I know that God had a plan
When he took you to heaven to be an even better man

I love this photo of the two of you
A reminder of a time that was honest and true

I know one day we will all meet again
Maybe we will spend it somewhere on the sand

Until that day comes I have this picture of you
To remind me that I’m worthy of love because I came from both of you ❤️❤️❤️

I love my mom and also loved my dad who passed away at 36I know he is reading this now.

Don’t be foolish, live by the sea!


It’s Monday and most people fret!
Thinking bout how much money they’ll get!

Don’t be foolish, live by the sea!
Find a place for you and me!

I’ll watch the waves come crashing in.
Do some yoga, find my “zen”!

You’ll come home and I’ll nourish you
We’ll take a walk with nothing to do

So keep it simple and keep the ocean near
Before you know it, another year

Will have come and gone away
So let’s find a place where we can stay

Love yourself and love me too
Your a simple man who loves the ocean too!

Andrea Cox💗💖💗

#poetry #flowetry #ocean #surfer #healthyliving

Take the path that is right for you ~ Poetry

Take the path that’s right for you! poetry2

Not what feels right to someone else.
Not what looks good on paper.
Not the road someone else says you should travel. Not a road you’ve been down before.

Take the only path that leads you to be the absolute BEST person you can be!

It may hurt for a while.
You may even hurt someone else.
In the end you’ll find … You’ll have peace of mind!

You may have to walk alone. It’s ok if it’s the path you’re shown.
You’ll find once you push all the pain aside, happiness will join the ride!

Because once you’re old and gray, there won’t be a another day.

Make the choice staring you in the face! You need not flow with the human race!

Choose the path that’s right for you! The one you feel led to do! When you look back you will see,this path you chose fit perfectly!

Your feet may be tired and your shoes may look worn. But the path you took will have you reborn!


I Dare You……

I dare you, to let love in! To exit your past and where you have been!

I dare you to love out loud! To shout from the rooftops in front of a crowd!

I dare you to live Authentically! Get rid of the programming. Stop acting selfishly.

I dare you to hold me tight. No games or bullshit as though its a God given right!

I dare you, to love like you mean it. Don’t scratch the surface or try to wing it.

I dare you to come ~ as you are! Raw authentic showing me your worst scars!

I dare you to mean ~ what you say. To not play games, be there night and day!

I dare you, to want me after my looks fade away! To still love me, when I’m old and gray!

I dare you to take your next big step! Stop living a lie and watch what you get!

I dare you to walk with me! Not just “you” but us as “we”!

I dare you to let go of the thoughts. The lies you tell yourself, and the cheap verbal shots.

I dare you to love only me. To pick me up when I’m sad and to never leave.

I dare you to pick up the pace! To end this war we play face to face.

I love you. This will always be. Let go of the lies, wake up and see.

Poetry by Andrea Cox ~
Body by plants😊
Glow by sunshine🌞
Photo by Chris M Gallo


For the good single women & every great man on this Earth~I love you!

In the midst of all my “love bliss”,  I’m feeling you single ladies out there this holiday season! I want you to know that the poem below, my words of wisdom and the Osho quote are all for you!

Let us choose wisely men who know how to love and nourish. Men who view touch as a necessity not a nuisance. Let us choose those who are wise beyond their years and know how to love wildly in the bedroom! Let them be slow not fast. Kind not cruel. Let us pick the men who are just as good to those who are inferior to them as they are to their superiors! Let us choose the ones who aren’t crass! Lets pick the guys with class! Find the man who is gentle with his words. The guy who wouldn’t dream of raising his voice & already knows he is heard. Pick the man who wants to know you inside and out! The guy who finds out what you’re all about!

My Love Glow

By Andrea L Cox

Have you seen me in love? I glow! I look like some type of cosmic rainbow!

When I’m in love I smile from ear to ear. After all I’m in love~with nothing to fear!

When I’m in love you best stand back! Grown men have heart attacks!

My glow so bright, my beam so strong! So beautiful my sweet love song!!!

Don’t get angry, jealous or sad. Because my love makes you mad.

Your love will find its way. Breaking you open on a sunny day!

If you see me walking & my smile is down. I’ve replaced it with a temporary frown.

I’ll be alright I’ll be Okay~ love will find me another day

beachy hair


“Man goes from one woman to another, goes on changing. People think he is a great lover; he is not a lover at all. He is avoiding, he is trying to avoid any deep involvement because with deep involvement problems have to be faced, and much pain has to be gone through. So one simply plays safe; one makes it a point never to go too deeply into somebody.

If you go too deep you may not be able to come back easily. And if you go deeply into somebody, somebody else will go deeply into you also; it is always proportionate. If I go very deep in you the only way is to allow you also to go that deep in me. It is a give and take, it is a sharing. Then one may get entangled too much, and it will be difficult to escape and the pain may be much. So people learn how to play safe: just let surfaces meet — hit-and-run love affairs. Before you are caught, run.

This is what is happening in the modern world. People have become so juvenile, so childish; they are losing all maturity.

Maturity comes only when you are ready to face the pain of your being; maturity comes only when you are ready to take the challenge. And there is no greater challenge than love.” ~ Osho

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