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Five reasons you should workout everyday!

Andrea Cox fitness model

Andrea Cox fitness model

I woke at 4:30am to get my “business” done! It feels SO incredibly good to have released that fifteen pounds I had been holding onto since breaking my foot!

I’ve been waking earlier and earlier each day! It’s workout time now, YAY! In order to keep that lymph moving we MUST move every day!

Here are five reasons to move your body every day!

1) The lymphatic system controls water in the body! It only flushes itself when you move it!

2) Moving the body is excellent for your cardiovascular system! Its a heart healthy way to take care of yourself!

3) Improved mood! Feeling down? MOVE!

4) Sweat! Our skin is the largest organ of the body! Unless you have a sauna you must MOVE in order to get that sweat on!

5) You will look better! Lets face it when we look better we feel better!

Now get up and move that body EVERY DAY! Preferably in the morning on an empty stomach then once more before dinner!

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One of my ALL time FAVORITE exersizes is the lunge! Not only does it work your butt and thighs but it also gets your heart rate up during and after a few sets. Be sure and keep your form right:)

Andrea Cox lunges

Andrea Cox lunges

Words can hurt or heal! Working out daily, the best medicine for a sour mood!

Words hold so much power! Loving words from the heart can bring a grown man to tears. They can melt a woman’s heart in a split second. On the other side of that coin words uttered at an improperly chosen moment can ruin that moment and crush an innocent heart. Choose your words wisely. They can make or break a moment just as they can build someone up or tear a person down.

Words can hurt or heal!

Words can hurt or heal!















Today I woke feeling a bit sad:( I always honor my feelings and nurture myself when feelings like this come up. I would rather feel them In their entirety rather than stuff them down. One thing I didn’t do is skip my workout! Although It wasn’t one of my best, it was what I needed to get back to my “happy place”. Life Is full of sunrises, ups and downs …through it all, keep your health front and center:) luv u

Feeling down in the dumps? Move your body!

Feeling down in the dumps? Move your body!


One year after they told me I would never do yoga again!

Today is an anniversary of victory for me! You see, one year ago I could not stand on this leg you see me balancing on! One year ago I could not walk or drive myself anywhere! One year ago I was told I would never be able to run again or practice yoga!

I didn’t listen when they told me I would need surgery! Instead I went on an eleven day water fast. I allowed my body to rest and fed it the BEST of foods and fresh juices! I gained the weight I needed to gain. I retrained my foot to walk again.

Balancing on the foot they never said I would use again!

Balancing on the foot they never said I would use again!

My posture is not perfect….my balance a little off but you better believe that I learned a valuable lesson, NEVER let anyone tell you what you will not do!

You have everything you need inside of you!

Hi there:) I wanted to share with you a story that I hope inspires you to know that you have everything you need inside of you to succeed.

After having my first experience in the boxing ring:)

After having my first experience in the boxing ring:)

This morning I took my first boxing lesson. I arrived five minutes late and was not in the most chipper of moods. The instructor was a close to 300 pound former professional boxer who trains professional MMA fighters and boxers today. He wrapped my hands in this long pink bandage stuff, told me my nails would need clipped if I continued to take his class and placed a set of boxing gloves on my hands. He then told me I would be punching at him since it was my first class. What happened next blew my mind and everyone else’s. I began hitting…hard….VERY hard! These were not girl punches he said, these were “knock out punches” “strong punches! Punches I didn’t know I had in me!

About ten minutes in he asked me “where I had been boxing at before here”, “nowhere I said, he thought I was lying! “I think I’m pissed off” I said. He asked me what I was pissed off about and gave me the freedom to say it out loud. I looked around at the packed room and then back at him. I took a side jab so strong it almost knocked him to the ground and then it began.

I screamed while punching! I began punching harder and I was getting faster. As the flood gates opened I knew I had found a new addiction! I was born for this I said! It turns out my forward jabs and upper cuts were very strong and my ability to transition between the different styles of punching was extremely fast. So fast that as he danced around the room holding two protectors against his face I was “to punch” he could not escape me and I did not miss a single punch!!!:)))

When he stuck me on the speed bag that he said would be “difficult for a while and that some people never get the hang of”, I nailed it! I had that speed bag bouncing off my fists like it was a hacky sack! He looked at me with the most honest eyes I have ever seen and said “you sweetheart are a little bad ass”…with tears streaming down my face, I thanked him!

As the tears fell and I screamed out my frustrations at this man I had met moments before I was reminded of what life is about. Our ability to transition from one situation to another and our choice to not “react” in the moment is what really carries us through to the breath taking exhilarating moments and I for one LIVE for those moments!

Along your journey you may run into nay sayers…..

As you make your way along your journey there will always be nay sayers Turn your cheek and sfgo about your merry way. They don’t know what is best for you as you make your way along your path:) #Sundayselfie #vegan #yoga

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