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Archive for the tag “Andrea Cox”

My Biggest Health Secrets Revealed

Every day I’m contacted with the same question. I mean I get the EXACT SAME DARN QUESTION that is just worded differently EVERY DAY!

It’s a bit personal but I’m going to share it with all of you. Whether on social media, through my website, or from strangers I meet in everyday life, the same question pops up.

THE QUESTION: How do you look younger every year?

Despite the small percentage of naysayers (aka the small group of haters that hide behind fake accounts and big computer screens) that claim it must be botox or surgery, the majority of people can see that my appearance stems from a very holistic place.

The truth is I can’t get botox or fillers. I’ve suffered from psoriasis on and off for years. Unfortunately, those types of chemicals would create a flare-up that would have me covered in psoriasis for months! It’s just not worth it! In all honesty, If I could I would and y’all know I would be filming those procedures for you!

The truth is I actually practice what I preach! I juice every day, spend a lot of time in nature with my dogs and have been vegan (mostly raw) for 21 years. When I share my age with people the first thing I get is “OMG, YOU ARE LYING”! Um, no, I’m actually not!

Today I’m going to share a few of my anti-aging secrets to help you begin to take your health to the next level. Tomorrow I’ve got an even sweeter surprise! I’m going to invite you in on an even BIGGER secret! Sound good? AWESOME!

For today let’s just call this Andrea’s Alkalizing Anti Aging Tips! Sound good?

My Top anti-ging Tips!

1) Just say no to the diet foe

Your first step in taking your health to the next level while upping your anti-aging game is to let go of any attachments you might have to diets. Your hormones, physiology, lifestyle, profession, and environment are all continually changing and evolving. What may have worked for you in the past is exactly that, your past! If your goal is to make progress with your health and unlock your body’s full anti-aging potential, it’s time to learn the easy way!

Stop with all these fad “diets” Start by eating whole nutrient-dense foods. Be more aware of portion control. You don’t need to jump right into this restricted “diet” to get the results you want. You just need to start SOMEWHERE. 95% of diets fail and most will regain their weight back… why? Because you’re choosing a way of eating that isn’t maintainable or long term. This is why I have my clients follow my light to a heavy concept! This is what I teach them during our coaching calls! My clients NEVER cut portions! They don’t do the low carb keto lie! 

One thing I do have my clients do is to dump the white flour, white sugar, and the majority if not all of the animal products they consume! Bottom line, You are what you eat!

2) Dump the toxic make-up!

Ok ladies this is a MUST! Although I don’t want to list what I use and what I stay away from let’s just say this… I have an entire section on my website dedicated to the ONLY cosmetic line I will use! Heck, I even have my own skincare oil that was created just for me by an esthetician! You can find all of those paraben-free, cruelty-free products here!

3) Stop over-exercising to make up for the binge you had the night before!

Yes, you can pursue fitness and heal your relationship with food.⁣⁣ But if you’re obsessing over calories burned, your weight, all the things you dislike about your body and you’re fueling your workouts with self-hatred, something that is good will become toxic quickly.⁣⁣

As a fitness model, I had to discipline myself to shift the dialogue in my head around working out.⁣⁣ I stopped letting my Fitbit run the show. ⁣I stopped allowing the guilt to creep in over how much I ate the day before. I stopped hating my body! In fact, I love my body more today than when I was on the cover of magazines! I started repeating affirmations every day and you know what… that shit really works!

As far as exercise goes, gentle movements such as nature hikes, rebounding, and yoga are where it’s at for anti-aging exercise.

4) Stop believing (or even giving a shit) about what other people think! It causes wrinkles!

If I would have believed what other people said about me rather than what I know to be true about myself, I would have never had the opportunity to impact SO MANY women and men’s lives!

What an honor it’s been and continues to be to know I have worked with and impacted thousands of lives (including quite a few celebrities)! Heck, I think I may have impacted millions of lives if we include social media. Freeing myself from a deadly eating disorder and body struggles have allowed space for so much more freedom in other areas of my life, specifically the weight of other people’s opinions.⁣ Had I believed or given any energy into the negative that the 2% said about me, I wouldn’t be here sharing with all of you today!

In fact, let me take a moment and encourage all of you to take a moment to say THANK YOU to all of the naysayers! They are the reason you are leveling up today!

5) Get some sleep!

This is one of the most overlooked anti-aging tips in my opinion! It’s also the reason I bailed on three engagements! LOL! If it (or he) doesn’t bring you peace (and sleep), RUN! It is a scientific FACT that adequate rest and deep REM (rapid eye movement) sleep on a regular schedule is essential to feeling great and staying youthful. Sleep allows your body (and your skin) to regenerate, repair, and heal.

6) Get you some Red light therapy baby!

Red light beds (I have one in my home, they have salons everywhere) are said to help reduce cosmetic skin issues, like stretch marks and wrinkles. I began using a red-light bed to heal my psoriasis in a doctor’s office. I noticed immediately the effect it had on my skin! Although red-light therapy used in a medical office setting may be used to treat more serious conditions, like psoriasis, slow-healing wounds, and even the side effects of chemotherapy, it is an excellent anti-ager and really helps your body to develop a good sleep-wake cycle.

7) Hydrate like the fishy you are!

Look, you don’t have to be a Pisces to drink water like a fish! Hydration is key in anti-aging! I eat a plethora of raw water-filled fruits and vegetables to stay hydrated! I also harvest my own spring water and add a few secret ingredients that I’ll be sharing in an upcoming video! So if you aren’t already subscribed, you may do so here!

Be present, be mindful … be the change you wish to see in others.

I love you

I only want the best for you

Please love yourself and stay humble

Until tomorrow drink your juice

Cilantro kisses ~ Andrea


Andrea Cox with her morning detox juice

The Biggest health mistake I ever made

World Vegan Day

Andrea Cox

21 years ago I made the choice to go vegan. I lived in the small town of Dayton Ohio. Everyone told me I was crazy but my mom.
FACT: My fiancé of 11 years that I had built a home with said it “was a phase”. I left him the next day.
I felt alone and constantly called on my mother for emotional support which she graciously gave to me by continuously repeating the words “I think you’re on the right path”.
Going vegan helped me survive an eating disorder that almost took my life. By being able to eat whatever the heck I wanted in whatever amount I wanted I felt FREE for the first time! I was creating BEAUTIFUL works of art in the form of raw vegan food that I placed into my first Un-cook raw vegan book Raw~Licous Recipes! I was eating copious amounts of raw vegan ice cream’s, raw vegan cakes, raw Vegan cookies and pies along with my healthy foods like green juice and my HUGE avocado salads in whatever portions I wanted without shame or guilt. I began drinking fresh juice every morning and started growing my own food.
Today is World Vegan Day And 21 years later, I am PROUD to say going 100% vegan has worked for me. I love animals therefore I don’t put them on my plate. Give juicing a try! Give vegan a try! I promise you (just like me), you will not regret it! You will not die of a protein deficiency! You will begin to LIVE for the very first time!
In fact, The BIGGEST health mistake I ever made was NOT going vegan sooner!
So today (in order to celebrate World Vegan Day)! In order to celebrate my dog’s healing, my beautiful new home and the beautiful new lease on life until tomorrow at midnight… I am offering my monthly health coaching (Go vegan with ease) AKA “Easy breezy vegan” for HALF the price I normally charge! Why? Because today is the day that I chose to go vegan 21 years ago!

Here is what you’ll get! 

* Get the meal planning
* The daily coaching
* The weekly coaching calls
* The one on one Face-time chats
* My personal cell
* A private astrological chart reading
* Food combining 101
* My Juicing for beauty book
* A bottle of my Smiling Gut probiotics
* The 3 months of follow ups and SO MUCH MORE …
All you need to do is E-mail me and CC my assistant at the following two
E-mails with the title “I’M READY TO REACH MY GOALS”!
Annabelle’s E-mail ~
So if you happen to E-mail us and don’t receive a reply it just means that the spot is filled for this month. But hey, you never know, sometimes I take on 2-3 clients. With this INCREDIBLE ENERGY I’ve been feeling, I just may!
Remember I only want the very best for you!
Cilantro kisses
I Love you, Please love yourself and go vegan

7 Tips to Finding peace in nature

Today was tough! 
My dogs oncology visit was tough!
The drive there was tough!
The fact that they no longer allow you to go inside the veterinarian hospital with your dog due to Covid was TOUGH!
I had a client from Florida stay on the phone with me for the almost hour call with the vet who examined my furry husband.
Someone else showed up in full on support for me even though he lives overseas.
But nothing felt better than coming home and just being outside in the garden with the animals. 


I feel so grateful to live in a healing space. 
I am grateful for the trees!  
I am grateful for the birds!  
I am grateful for my family! 
I am grateful for my garden and I am grateful for my tiny furry humans. 
Animals are unconditional love incarnated! 
Treat them accordingly! 



Seeking Solace Creatively within nature

These day’s I seek solace in my garden. I see my animals and the wild animals that surround me as my best friends and helpers. Gardening, writing, creating tinctures, elixir tonics and jewelry made from crystals also brings me peace. Brushing my dog’s hair gives me serenity. Feeding my furry humans organically makes me feel happy within my heart space. 

As for these radishes from my garden… I saved some for you!
Organic Gardening

Organic Gardening

Here are my top 7 Tips to find peace within yourself (or, in your garden)! 

1) Writing outdoors ~ If you and I have connected before or, if you know of my history you probably already know I am a writer at heart. My writing has been published in Fashion 5.0,  Your Tango, The Huffington Post, Mind Body Green, The Good Men Project, The Chiropractic Journal, The San Diego Voyager, The Del Mar Times and Women’s Day just to name a few. 

As I sit here and write this I am in a sacred space in my new home that truly brings the outdoors in! A breakfast nook full of windows. I find I write better while in nature. With all cellular devices off, I become one with nature. Truly feeling the breathable expansion of my creative abilities.  

2) Walking to run errands instead of driving ~ I recently relocated to an area that has both a gym and an organic grocery store within a mile of my home. Before I knew it, I was leaving my fancy foreign wheels behind in an attempt to walk my errands instead of driving. At my old place I was constantly inundated by the smog. In my new location this is no longer an issue. 

If you live in an area that is conducive to walking to the local post office, grocery or gym, I highly suggest it! There is something special about getting things done while feeling the sun on your face. 

3) Sun Gazing ~ Did you know NASA has confirmed sun gazing’s healing properties? So why aren’t you partaking in this daily ritual?

Native American tribes held a yearly sun dance to the approach of the summer solstice. The native people worship the sun! As a part of the ritual, the sun gazers would first fast for 24 hours. They then would dance and stare directly at the glowing orb in the daytime sky! Now if they did this, why can’t you?

The act of sun gazing opens your third-eye chakra. It is intended to be an act of communion and rebirth with the earth’s rhythms. Now, as a newly re-popularized “trend”, Sun gazing is enjoying a resurgence.

My method of sun gazing. I sit Indian style or lay down in the grass. I begin by staring directly into the sun for 30-60 seconds each morning. This brings me greater vigor, energy, alertness, and of course greater focus.

You may be wondering “but don’t your eyes get damaged from that”? Many of us recall our mother’s telling us, “Don’t stare into the sun, you will lose your vision!” After a bit of research, I haven’t been able to find any evidence that supports that claim. In fact, many sun gazers note more acute vision and even ocular regeneration as some benefits.

4) Connecting with animals

I grew up with animals and will never stop having them as a huge intricate part of my life. Animals are a prime and maybe the only symbol left on earth of unconditional love.

Animals enter our lives for a short time for a reason. They teach us unconditional love. We fall so deeply in love with them and then they are gone. Most dogs, cats and animals in general have a maximum lifespan of 10-20 years (max). 
We can discipline them, ignore them or even leave for week long trips and they always eagerly wait to greet us.
I connect with my pets and wild animals both on a daily basis. Prior to relocating I asked the two doves that always greeted me every morning to follow me to my new home. I truly believe they did. A week after my arrival two doves landed on the brick pavers behind my home. I knew them and they knew me.

Researchers all over the world have ran scientific studies on the mental health benefits of having animals.

For example, researchers are looking into how animals might influence child development. They’re studying animal interactions with kids who have autismattention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and other conditions.

The verdict is in! Having pets is a win win! 

5) Organic Gardening ~ It truly is magnificent  how peaceful and inwardly fulfilling gardening can be.  What begins as a simple planting of a seed can  turn into a lifelong love of nature. From a simple natural way of relieving stress by relaxing and gently stretching tense muscles while getting back in touch with that quiet place is within our hearts; to acquiring greater inner peace and spiritual connectedness by being at full peace.

We really do reconnect to source by being in a natural setting for a little while.  Either way, we need to be kind to ourselves while gardening and give ourselves permission to take breaks, to breathe in the fresh air; to feel the inner peace expanding within our hearts; and to pour forth our loving gratitude to GAIA! Mother-Father GOD; the angelic beings; the flowers; and all life desire this from us. We should also give thanks to life for such a sweet, peaceful blessing such as gardening.

6) Nature Hikes ~ Ah… the warm sun shining upon your face, the sound of the wind rushing through the trees, and the soft earthy feel of the trail under your feet. Not only are these experiences enjoyable to have, but they’re good for your monkey mind too!

Whenever I am working with a client the first thing I say when they are overwhelmed is “take a hike”!

Hiking is proven to have many health benefits, ranging from the physical exercise you get when out on the trail, to emotional or mental relief that comes from being in nature.

I hike with my furry companions once per week. We always stop to rest in the flower fields. Just being on the trail with them provides both them and me with peace of mind.

Andrea Cox

Andrea Cox

7) Crystal Projects! ~ Recently I started an Etsy store! It was a way to earn extra income for one of my dogs care while serving as a creative outlet for me. The art of making jewelry out of objects from earth has always been a passion of mine. Although some of the items are vintage pieces found online, many are hand-made by me. 

You may support my shop and my sweet fur babies care here. 

Blessings of peace love and abundance! Remember, I only want the best for you!

I love you, please love yourself and drink your juice! 

Cilantro Kisses, Andrea

Intuitive Wellness and Life coaching, my Spiritual Sadhana

Andrea Cox, Intuitive healer and Holistic wellness coach

Andrea Cox, Intuitive healer and Holistic wellness coach

BOOKED UNTIL NOVEMBER 1ST! This is the message I had to send out via text to two former clients yesterday. It’s difficult to turn clients away however sometimes as I look over what all I’ve been through, it’s also gratifying. 

Sadhana literally means “methodical discipline to attain desired knowledge or goal”, Sadhana is also done for attaining detachment from worldly things.

I am not writing this blog to boast. I’m writing this blog because just two years ago I was sitting in a pile of tears after being repeatedly stalked and attacked online. This attack led me to the merriment of my true souls path. 

My ability to uniquely combine two different fields and harness the benefits of both was finally brought to the forefront when forced to start my second business which eventually merged into one. From the foolishness of others my intuitive gifts finally were forced to the forefront to collide with my wellness knowledge. 

Now that I am always booked and sometimes over booked I can say that I have learned a thing or two on how to fully engage my clients. 

All the marketing tricks in the world are great, but at the end of the day nothing is more life changing for your clients than to be completely present with them.  This is something that is severely lacking in most people’s lives.

Being completely present has become even more challenging in our always connected ADD world, where everyone is buried in their mobile devices and constantly distracted.

Each of us have met those people that when we are talking to them we feel like we are speaking to a brick wall. If you aren’t a person that was born with this ability of being fully present it is a skill you can learn.

Some of the most important aspects of being present are what you are not doing instead of what you are doing.

The following tips may sound very simplistic but give them a try.

The following tips are what I use when interacting with my clients. From high profile to your average Joe like you and I, these are my personally recommended tips. Seventy-five percent of my clients are repeat clients. From my private intuitive readings to my wellness and lifestyle coaching The majority of my clientele are referrals or repeat clients.

Ask questions! I have three E-mails automatically sent to each client that qualifies for my coaching program. Our first call never occurs prior to the long questionnaire they fill out.

The device you are communicating on should be the only device open.  If you are in person, put away your phone and turn off the ringer; if you are on the phone with someone just be on the phone, turn off your computer and don’t go checking Instagram while you are talking with someone.

Ground Yourself Prior to that FaceTime or phone call, GROUND YOURSELF! I do this by rebounding or simply taking a walk with my furry husbands. 

Remind yourself that you are doing your life’s work (if that is what you are doing)! For me, my life’s calling is my work! Using my intuitive abilities blended with my vast cellular detoxification, biohacking health knowledge and relationship experience has proven to be a gift to those whom I work with. Prior to each call I always ask “how can I be of service to this person, or this couple”? How can I assist them in solving this health, life or relationship issue they are being challenged with”?

One thing I DON’T do is think about what is in it for me. It’s never about the next book, product sale, etc. It’s always about being of spiritual service. I think out-loud “how can I be of service to this person”? This is the difference between marketing a product or service and truly living out your spiritual sadhana of serving others with grace, honor, integrity and unconditional love. 

Each of us are all basically the same in wanting to feel an authentic connection with another human being.  I have found that for lots of people that have tons of “problems” in their life, the biggest problem is that no one has taken the time to truly listen to them and to truly care.

Part of learning to be unconditionally loving and to truly give to my clients was to learn how to step outside of myself. This means, my life is never brought up on the call. It is ok if I use my life as an example however making the hour completely about them is a must! 

I hope this helps you along your journey

I love you

Only want the best for you

Please love yourself and drink your juice:)

Cilantro kisses ~ Andrea


Weekly Mind Body Soul News!

Your weekly raw vegan recipe!

Raw vegan meatballs

Raw vegan meatballs

This is one of my all time favorite raw vegan recipes! Cauliflower rice topped with raw vegan “meatless squared meatballs”!

Cauliflower rice

Ingredients :

1 head of Cauliflower

a pinch of sea salt

How to Make Cauliflower Rice

There are two methods for making cauliflower rice. You can either use a box grater with the medium-size holes (pictured below) traditionally used for cheese, or a food processor with the grater blade to blitz it into small pieces. With both techniques you’re aiming for little pieces the size of rice.

Meatless square meatballs

  • 8 oz. mushrooms, sliced (baby bella’s or cremini)
  • 2 tablespoons tahini
  • 1 cup walnuts
  • 3 tablespoons quick oats or oat flour
  • 1 large clove garlic
  • 1/2 small shallot
  • 2 teaspoons soy free tamari (or nama shoyu)
  • 2 tablespoons fresh oregano, packed
  • mineral salt + cracked pepper, to taste

Directions :

Place the ingredients for the meatballs into your food processor/blender, blend until well combined but still a bit chunky (not too chunky, but just a very minimal amount). Taste for seasoning. Scoop out 3 tablespoons of mixture at a time and form into balls by gently flipping back and forth between your palms and use your fingers to mold making a nice circle shape. Makes about 8. Set aside.

Andrea’s Saucy Sweet and Sour Sauce!

Ingredients :

  • 1/4 cup raw apple cider vinegar
  • 1/4 cup agave 1 tablespoon Nama Shoyu
  • 1/4 cup sun dried tomatoes
  • 1 date, softened
  • 1/2 teaspoon fresh ginger
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice

Blend the ingredients and pour over the rice and meatless meatballs, enjoy without shame or guilt!

Your Weekly Spirit Message!

Shout out to each of you who wake up every morning with a mission to break through governmental systems that include ending the lies about…

Big Pharma


The dairy industry

Factory farming

The food industry

Big banking


Fast food marketing ploys


Racism and systematic control while still trying to carry on a life of peace! I applaud you! This isn’t easy! You are the magical fairy dust holding this world together!

Andrea Cox

Andrea Cox

Anointing Oils!

Anointing oils

Anointing oils

Do you know your chart placements in vedic and western astrology?

My chart is made of water and fire. In fact my first five placements are all water! I become grounded around earth signs and lifted by air. According to our date time and place of birth, each of us is made up of either air fire earth or water. However many of us have too much of one element in our chart. For me, my chart is mainly composed of water and fire with a touch of Libra (air). However my Pisces cancer Scorpio placements dominate my chart. With almost no earth or air to ground me, I was often being told that I was “overly emotional” or “took things too seriously”. People would tell me I wore my heart on my sleeve.

Ever have anyone say this to you?!

This is why I created the conjuring oils that I’ll be sharing a link to in the description box below. When I created my second business {The Detox Intuitive} two years ago, I came out with a line of spiritual oils to balance each of the four elements. Each oil blend contains the four elements in a balanced state (Earth, air, fire and water). So no matter what type of oil you are choosing and no matter what type of “affect” you are trying to create in your life, you will remain in balance whenever you wear the oils. Each of my blends are balancing in nature! No matter what elements dominate your chart you will always remain in a state of constant balance. 

Shop the collection here!

Grow Your Own Food – Fast and Easy Home Harvests

Many of you have reached out to me over the past week asking when I’ll be shooting my videos again. Or, saying that you’re concerned because you’ve not received my newsletter.

The truth is I’m rediscovering God. Right before my move I had a series of women come into my life. Just as I had 16 years ago. Women of all walks of life, some religious some spiritual. But all women of power. And just like I was faced with myself years ago. I was faced with myself again.

the beautiful

the creative

the angelic

the ugly

Sometimes when we are given the gift of an outer shell that others may deem as perfect we can become lonely and introverted during this process of life. An unreachable need of feeling as though we must “live up to” the impossible standards of others. We can hide our true heart space behind walls of strength, walls of knowledge and walls of focusing on obtaining things that don’t really serve us.

The day of my move I rediscovered a box of books that had been given to me 16 years ago. Among them a more recent gift … a book of gold! Of course, always with me, my pink tattered bible was placed gently in that same box.

I spent two days last week in my garden absorbing the most beautiful writings. I allowed them to pour into me like the sun. Releasing any past pain with the moon.

So if you need me, Just know I am here for you in spirit. I am rediscovering God. He is reminding me of my purpose to serve others.

He is reminding me to remain humble amongst the gifts that he has given me.

He is reminding me that I do not walk this earth alone.

He is reminding me that we are all married to one another in spirit.

Most importantly he is reminding me that when I shine my light so brightly it is helping others to see the light within them.

I’m here Listening to the whispers of my soul ~ Rediscovering God

Rediscovering God

Andrea Cox ~ Pink bible and Rediscovering God book

My “art” appears to be prettier here!

Raw Vegan tomato soup w/ BBQ jackfruit on top! Heirloom tomato kale avocado salad! A meal at the queendom fit for a queen!

Tempting Tomato Soup 

Ingredients :

15 Roma tomatos

1 red bell pepper

2 TB lemon juice or apple cider vinegar

1 large avocado

6 leaves fresh basil

1/2 tsp dried oregano

2-3 garlic cloves

1/2 tsp kelp

Directions :

Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. I love to pour this cold summer soup over arugula. 

Option : Top with BBQ Jackfruit! I love The Jackfruit company’s BBQ jackfruit.

Andrea Cox Detox Salad

Andrea Cox Detox Salad

The First Harvest!

Andrea Cox

Andrea Cox in her garden

You can take the girl out of Ohio but you cannot take the Ohio out of the girl!

Farming ran in my dads side of the family. In fact I own a farm (farm house and all) with my sisters in Kentucky that was left to us years ago. My Kentucky roots on my fathers side of the family are POURING out from my soul!  My grandmother La Golda ( Goldie) on my mothers side had the most beautiful gardens. I feel her with me through this transition.

I feel right at home here. I’m grateful to not need to purchase any greens for dinner or lunch tomorrow!

Mind you this is only two weeks of growth!

Over the next few months you may see less of me. What can I say, I am far too happy to subjugate my personal life on social media. Social media just seems like child’s play these days. One thing is for certain however… I will continue to inform you of my up coming travels, garden growth and public appearances. There are also many projects in the works that I am keeping under wraps for now.


I love you, only want the best for you

Please love yourself and drink your juice!

Cilantro kisses ~ Andrea

Weekly Health Wealth and Spirit message!

Weekly Health Wealth and Spirit message!

Your soul has a history of lifetimes through which it has learned to be wise and develop certain talents. It is impossible to learn the lessons and acquire the skillset to take on these abilities while eating a complicated diet of too many ingredients.

With all the stressors we have today it is an absolute MUST to go within and center ourselves daily! But what about support? We know that when we don’t have support within a business structure it will fail. The same is true with our bodies. We  MUST support our adrenal glands and other bodily systems with adaptogen herbs!

I’m CHOOSING to create a light raw vegan meal for tonight’s Tasty Tuesdays. It’s what the energy is calling for.

With everything I have going on it’s important that I honor my body and nourish my soul. After all, we cannot be of service to others if we do not first take care of ourselves.

The following day at 3:33 pacific for Wednesday’s Wisdom

I’ll be sharing the spiritual connection to each bodily system and the way each of these systems has the ability to function at a much more elevated state when receiving proper support.

Sound complicated? It’s not! It flows in alignment of the universal law of self care!

May we align ourselves with our highest truth so that we may be able to set out to serve our highest destiny.



This weeks healing elixir tonic recipe!


2 Cups light coconut milk

1 tsp coconut oil

1 scoop of Thrive

a pinch of vanilla bean

1/4 tsp cinnamon

1 tsp dandy blend

1 TB Sexy and raw hair skin and nails formula

2 tsp coconut palm sugar

1 tsp grade B maple syrup for extra minerals

Top with edible flowers!


Heat the coconut milk

Pour the warm milk in a blender, add the rest of the ingredients and blend (leave the edible flowers out).

Enjoy without shame or guilt! I LOVE this drink in the morning!

Take your free health assessment here to learn about some of the FABULOUS adaptogenic herbs I mention in this recipe!


Today’s spirit message is the message of the pig.

Spirit Animal

spirit animal

Are you far too busy dealing with the everyday stresses in life? Have you forgotten how to have fun?

The pig reminds us to get out in nature. To connect with Gaia ~ mother earth! Connect in order to roll around in the mud a bit!

The pig also teaches you how to find the gems buried in mucky situations all while maintaining a playful spirit!

As a vegan of 21 years I must also remind you that it is impossible to open up the third eye while still eating red meat and pork.

So leave the precious piglets off of your plate and use them as a spirit guide instead!

This weeks wealth message

Andrea Cox

Andrea Cox

The truth about what people really pay me for.

Two years ago I started a second business and a second youtube channel. It’s a spiritual business where I use my wisdom, along with my own innate intuition and problem-solving skills and even a few tools in the esoteric arts to help people in their personal life, business and within the realm of their health.

Before I knew it I had more celebrity clients than I ever had in my health business. And thats A LOT! Word of mouth got around and today, I’m booked out three months into the future.

The truth is I’m a problem solver who is able to tap into the akashic records in order to bridge the gap of confusion. I’m not only the detox queen. I’m the queen of clarity. Not just in the realm of health but also within helping others tune into the proper direction they’re supposed to take in love and in life.

As an intuitive healer people come to me with their pain and their sadness and I transmute their pain into their greatest victory. I explain to them why the horrific pain they feel in their hearts is actually tied to their past life karma and how this transmutes itself into their relationships, business partnerships and health issues they have today. I also teach them that without first caring for their bodies at an optimal level they cannot give to others.

I teach people to turn their back to codependency and to embrace autonomy. To know that they are 100% OK and can even THRIVE when facing life situations solo.

You can be absolutely happy and filled with joy while on your own. In fact, you must learn to be joy filled solo. This is where true peace stems from. I learned this very valuable lesson of being perfectly content by myself… within myself many years ago.

Although many question this and often don’t like to see others solo thriving, it’s the key to true fulfillment. Allow their triggers to push you into self sufficiency even more! You can have a life filled with peace joy and happiness. In fact, you can have it all!

I’ve coined for the phrase “your issues live in your tissues”. No where is this more true than in the beautiful underground tribe I have created in my solid second business that has become my spiritual sadhana.

I’m sharing this with all of you for a reason. Just because I “recovered well” from heartache, loss and even a serious stalking situation, doesn’t mean I don’t have a story. I just don’t allow that story to be my current story today.

We should never be quick to judge. You never truly know what someone else is going through. Some of us fought hard to shine again!

If you think you can’t end the destructive chain of codependency

I’m here to tell you, you can!

7 Stress Reducing Health Tips

I can’t make any promises…

Over the next few months I am packing up my entire life from a home I have lived in for almost a decade and moving a great distance. I’ll try my very best to shoot my Tasty Tuesday’s Wednesday’s wisdom and occasional Detox Q&A and Spiritual Sadhana Sunday’s videos. But if somehow I should disappear for a month or two just know I am creating a beautiful new oasis and literally trying to build Rome in a day!

No one is here but me to put this dream in place.The only difference is that this time my creation will be all my own with no outside interference trying to toss blockages in my way. Those days are finally over.

Over the past month I’ve been qualifying to buy a home! Sounds exciting right? Not really! Purchasing a home is a huge deal! Moving from a home I’ve lived in eight years is not easy! I have people pressuring me from several angles. And I’m doing the very best I can to deal with my client load and all the beautiful messages y’all send to me.

So if I don’t get back to you over the next few months know that I am not ignoring you. I am literally rebuilding my life! Brick by brick, piece by piece and tile by tile.

I would never ignore any of you because you are the ones who were there for me in my darkest hours. And you will be there with me during my brightest moments. I appreciate each and every one of you. I’ll see you in my videos even if they are a bit random over the next few months!

I also want to share with you what’s been helping me immensely over the past few months get through these trying times. 

So here are my Top 7 Stress Reducing Health Tips

1) Get on an excellent herbal regimen!

Look folks this is a must! If you’ve been with me any length of time you know that I promote an AMAZING adaptogenic herb company! Interested? Take your FREE health assessment here!

2) Load up on burdock root and Thyme tea!

When you are stressed, cortisol is released and mast cells release histamine. Thyme tea is a great way to calm those mast cells down! Without pharmaceuticals!

3) Start taking both a pre and a probiotic! 

Look, I don’t want to boast but my pre/probiotic I created ten years ago is made from soil based organisms! What’s this? It means it feeds the good bacteria in your gut while starving the yeast and candida! In fact, most of my clients order three bottles at once! Get your bottle here!

4) Minerals, Minerals Minerals!

Over fifteen years ago I created to products that work synergistically together. These mineral based humic and fulvic acid clay based minerals work to balance you out on a cellular level. Most of my clients that take them together report that they have better sleep, thicker longer hair and skin rashes seem to disappear.

5) Spend time in nature!

For at least two hours per day I am outside and unplugged. I’ve practiced this for years! Every morning my first hour of the day is spent in nature. It’s the same with my evening walks. There is truly no better way to balance the body. Mind spirit and soul!

6) Move your body!

Ah how I miss my hot yoga since the lockdown occurred. This doesn’t stop me however from getting a powerful sweat on in my own back yard. Whether it’s rebounding, using my elliptical or hopping into my sauna, a closed gym doesn’t keep this girl from sweating daily!

7) Meditation

Meditation is something I introduced a year ago. Waking up prior to the sun has always been something I’ve done. This extra hour of time is me time! A time to nourish my spirit! This has changed my entire outlook on life! Some day’s I simply sit in silence. Other days I chant. And there are days I play my favorite calming music. 

Andrea Cox - 7 Tips to reduce stress

Cilantro kisses

I Love you, Isn’t it time you love yourself?

~ Andrea

Could the Coronavirus Crisis be creating more healthful habits?

As unemployment and gun sales spike and Quarantine recipes circulate the Internet, it’s easy for me as a holistic health coach and detox specialist, to focus on all the noninfectious ways that the media is not affecting our health.

“I’m so scared to let my elderly father out of the house” one client said to me during our Facetime call yesterday. Another client told me how sedentary she had become since the lockdown went into effect in Chicago a week ago.

But, to my surprise, not everyone is reporting a decline in self-care since the start of the pandemic. They are the people who are lucky enough to have access to food and safe housing, and not be away from their loved ones. In fact, there are many indicators that the pandemic itself, and the massive shutdown it has triggered, is forcing the adoption of more-healthful behaviors. And hopefully the adoption of more pets in need of safe homes too! 

Before I give you my take on this “situation” we are in, I want to remind you not to judge! People are suffering even those who don’t appear to be on the surface. Be mindful of how you treat others at this time. Sensitivities are heightened. 

Andrea Cox, green juice

Here is my take on it!

This is not a dress rehearsal we are living in! Critical thinkers are an endangered species!

For 10 years I’ve demonstrated a beautiful plant-based lifestyle to you.

I’ve told you that you must go plant based. For the animals, this planet and for your health.

You must begin juicing every day.

You must grow your own food.

You must begin taking your health seriously.

We are at a critical time folks! If we don’t truly adopt the lifestyle that myself and many others have been living and teaching, many will perish.

We truly are living in the day of age where it is survival of the fittest.

No, this is not to say that if you have a degenerative disease or are not in tiptop shape that you will not make it. This is more about
* governmental control
* forced vaccinations that contain poison
* lies they have been feeding you about how to properly eat for decades!

News Flash They’ve been feeding you lies! And this post is not fake news!

Please head to my advice…

1) Start juicing! Juicing is different than blending as it removes the fiber creating a blood transfusion of vitamins and minerals that goes into the bloodstream within minutes.

2) Start a vegetable garden. Even if you live in an apartment you can still create a garden in a grow box.

3) Hydrate with quality water and invest in a high-quality water purification system.

4) Get your hands on an infrared biomat to reduce muscle soreness and help you sleep better during these stressful times such as the ones I sell here 

5) Hire a holistic health and life coach such as myself or one of the ladies I have worked with in my squad.

6) STOP using chemicals and parabens on your face and body! Use cruelty free skincare such as the ones I created and use here 

7) SAY NO to Big Pharma’s deceptions and get your mind and body right!

Take my free herbal assessment to get you on the right track! 

It’s time to start investing in your health and the health of your loved ones. Because at the end of the day you get one life and one body it is never too late to start treating it well.

I love you

Please love yourself and drink your juice!


Cultivating Abundance a Money Ritual

Many people view me as living an abundant life! Not just within the realm of finances but within the way I create, live and eat. You see whatever I create in life, I make it abundant!

Take these blueberries for example. They aren’t just sprayed blueberries you would find at the store. These are fresh blueberries from a local farmer and my stunning red roses I grew with love surrounding them!  Everything I create in life is beautiful. It’s beautiful because it’s made and created with a deep ancestral love.

Andrea Cox, Farm fresh blueberries

My grandmother had a hill of flowers next to her home. She grew the majority of her food and made everything from scratch. My mother and oldest sister always took time in the mornings getting ready and making themselves beautiful. My middle sister has the strongest work ethic I know and both my older sisters and I are driven when it comes to business.

For me, I never understood how people could not see their food as art? How people could not have flowers growing with succulents at their front door. I am in a constant state of bewilderment at how people can view dead decomposing animals as fit for human consumption.

Not recognizing that we eat with our eyes and that having beautiful growth all around us is not abundant is a cardinal sin in my view. The more abundant our surroundings the more abundant our wallet becomes! 

Once something is dead and decomposing I don’t want it rotting in my body. Nor do I wish to have my consciousness filled with the suffering or death that an innocent animal endured. In the same token, this is not how an abundant mind thinks either. If you think for a moment filling your body with death will create life in your wallet, you’re wrong! 

I’m encouraging each and every one of you today to take the same love that you have for your dog or your cat and to direct that to your dinner table. Because at the end of the day there’s not any difference between a pig a cow and your pet that sleeps at the end of your bed. And from an abundance view point, the less death you consume the healthier your body will be and the more abundance will flow! 

Now I want to share with you my Thursday money ritual! I’ve done this ritual for years!

Every Thursday I do a ceremony in my beautiful home filled with 400 pound salt lamps, crystals and herbs that I grew and steeped for months upon months.

It’s an abundance ceremony! 

I chant, sing and dance while cleansing the energy with a Mexican Sage, Palo Santo Copal Blend smudge bouquet and invite new fresh energy and abundance into flow.

I call upon God and my loving ancestors who walked before me. I clean my floors with rain water and have a vegan feast in the evening.

It seems to work for me. The last time I checked there’s no husband hidden in the closet that takes care of the bills. I have an abundance of fresh organic food. Clean alkaline water and all my needs are met every month beyond what I could ever desire!

My pups and I get our hair done and we are able to set aside for our magical future!

If you wish me to add your name to a nice little list to RECEIVE abundance just hit the like button and say “I receive” in the comments below!

Abundance Ritual


I love you, only want the best for you

Please be mindful, Go Vegan and always remember… Money Flows!


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