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Alissa Cohen Raw Vegan Chef

I finally met my twin flame and my furry husband Louis only bit her once!!!

18 years ago when I went raw vegan while living in Ohio there were no other vegans. There wasn’t a juice bar on every corner or any raw vegan restaurants. I couldn’t google raw vegan recipe videos or ask the neighbor for food advice.

I remember being in a Barnes N Noble a few years later and coming across Alyssa Cohen’s book. The book weighed 6 pounds and was full of raw vegan recipes. I made every dish at least once that year Alissa’s book was the inspiration that kept me on track and the reason I wrote my first raw vegan book.

Today Alissa interviewed me on her podcast. We had an instant connection from the moment we met. I felt like I knew her from the moment she arrived. Tonight she made us raw vegan celery soup. Alissa is far more than I expected! She’s a hippy raw food gal from Boston with a gipsy soul. 

Thank you Alissa for including me in the raw vegan pioneering pack! 

As far as the podcast goes… I’ll be sharing it when Alissa posts it later in the week. 

I Love you, Please love yourself

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