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I Almost Died on Saturday! :(

Accidents happen!


My beautiful car is not so beautiful any longer.

It had been 20 years since I had an accident. Twenty long years since feeling scared out of my mind! Saturday evening, I was on my way to dog beach with my rescue dog Rodger when traffic stopped suddenly on the highway. I stopped however not in time. Five minutes later I found myself petrified, on the side of the road holding Rodger in my arms. My nose was bleeding heavily and both Rodger and I were shaking. The gentleman I hit also had rescue dogs in the car. He was a kind man. His car had little damage. My car however was totaled. We were both SO grateful our dogs were all ok! Life is so short. I watched mine flash before my very eyes. I think the worst part about the situation is that I had no one to turn to in my time of need. That is when we must look up, have faith and know that everything will be ok. My insurance covered the gentleman’s car however not my car. This was a lesson to me to never allow certain aspects of my dealings to be handles by others. It is now my responsibility to face a Mercedes that I paid cash for being a total loss. I am forced to remember that EVERYTHING happens for a reason! EVERYTHING! The beautiful news is that although my airbag FAILED to deploy, I was wearing my seatbelt and had also just picked up a carseat for little Rodger! The officer said it could have been MUCH worse! I agreed with him and as Rodger sat on my lap in a dirty AAA tow truck, I felt full of peace that everything was going to be BETTER than OK!

Whatever you are going through…Someone has it worse!

Today I surrendered into the fact that I cannot “fix” the world! In fact, at times I cannot fix my own problems. I’m going through a lot of heaviness lately and I am proud to say that after struggling with an eating disorder over a decade ago, I am not allowing that heaviness to be placed upon my plate! I’m dealing with things as they come and allowing people who have “shown up” for me in the past to show up again. I’m also opening the doors for new people to lighten the load by being there for me in ways I never knew (or cared to admit) that I need. One thing I learned today is that someone always has it worse than we do! Always! So we may as well face our troubles head on rather than hiding from them. Hiding makes anthills into mountains! Facing situations that we really want to run from creates a sense of inner strength that cannot be found anywhere else. Go face your fear and watch as unexpected hands and the grace of God lift you up to places you thought were impossible!

rodger-dodgerRodger wanted me to let y’all know that we are healing and relaxing as we put out small fires one by one! I made a divine pineapple smoothie and he is just “chill~axin” with sweet little Louis! Lets all be thankful as we go through our day to day lives! Another day to live and to breathe!

Pineapple Smoothie on next blog post! 

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