Andrea cox

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Archive for the tag “adopt a pet”

Shelter Dogs and a Healthy recipe?!


ATTENTION FRIENDS: The Downey county animal shelter in LA is undergoing remodeling! 40 kennels need to be emptied and dogs will be euthanized! Please read Rodgers story below! There has never been a better time to adopt🙏🏻

Love is never giving up on a dog {Or any animal} who needs a second chance at life! Remember him? His name was “Puppy”! When I saw him on “Dogmeetsfamily” page a few months ago he had a HUGE tumor attached from his neck to his chest! Being in the holistic health it looked like a fatty tumor that just needed removed to me. So off I went to LA and before I knew it he was my new addition to the dog pack!

 I will tell you I have never known a love like this. He is SO grateful I went and picked his stinky bum up! He’s even more grateful that I changed his diet to a vegan gluten-free diet and now, his skin looks fabulous!

Unlike Louis who wakes me up by jumping on my face every morning. Roger tiptoes around the house making sure everything is secure for my awakening. He is such a little gentlemen.

Please! If you have been thinking about getting a dog I encourage you to adopt from a high kill shelter! In fact, the Downey County animal shelter is being renovated and they are going to be killing many dogs! There’s no better time to adopt then now! Keeping in mind the dogs are a commitment I will say that this has been one of the most rewarding things I have ever done in my entire life!


PLEASE, ADOPT! DON’T SHOP! Photo above is of Rodger! Rodger is one of my three rescue dogs! He was adopted from The Downey County Animal Shelter in LA!

We are getting ready for summer with tonights raw vegan recipe on Facebook Live!

Let’s be real folks! No recipe is going to make you slim and vibrant for summer! Only my coaching will do that! That being said, I’ve been LOVING a dish I’ve been making the past few days and will be sharing it with you tonight, at 6pm LIVE! The recipe is FABULOUS and takes 15 minutes to make (YES)! WATCH ME EVERY TUESDAY LIVE AT 6PM PACIFIC (HERE-CLICK LINK)!


Weight loss and Puppies Oh My!


Tonight is Tasty Tuesday! Join me LIVE! We will make dinner together!

Join me tonight and EVERY Tuesday night at 6pm Pacific time in my kitchen for Tasty Tuesday”s! We make dinner together! It’s always vegan and always gluten free! Here’s the link to tune in on Facebook every Tuesday night at 6pm LIVE!


On my way to shoot more videos for the 7 Day Juicy Cleanse!

WOW! I cannot believe the turnout we’ve had for my 7 Day Juicy cleanse! We just passed 50 people who bought the program for just $197! I have two private Facebook groups, one group for the people who purchased coaching or a consult off me prior and another group for the “newbies”

{I love newbies}!

Yesterday I was knee deep in shooting videos and now until Friday I’m going to be wrapping up those videos for the private groups and even tossing in a few bonus’s!

I truly feel this is the absolute BEST way to connect with you personally and guide you through a detox! If you are interested please visit the shop below or click here

If you’ve been wondering what to get the person who is struggling with their weight, body image or overall health click here!

A great Cause! 

WOW! I connected with these two beautiful ladies last night! My heart feels INCREDIBLY FULL from the experience! The blonde is Stephani Rizzo, owner of Miracle Foundation animal rescue! She helped us find Jackson and also helped me adopt Rodger! The other pretty lady with adopted the sweet white Gizmo on her lap! He is blind, only has one eye and is deaf!

I believe (and many others do too) that ALL dogs deserve to have a second chance at life! I also believe that when we buy from a breeder we are breeding to a much bigger problem (the over population of animals)!

PLEASE adopt this holiday season! If you can afford a roof over your head, can you not afford the love in your heart for a precious dog? Elderly dogs are WONDERFUL to adopt because they are already spayed or neutered and have been house broken!

If you need guidance on finding your next pet reach out to me or Stephani for help!


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