Andrea cox

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Archive for the tag “adopt a dog in 2017”

What I want for you in 2017


I want you to find this type of love… bf

I hope you find someone that gets excited every time you walk through the door. I hope you find someone that makes you laugh. I hope you find someone that calls you on their way to work just to hear your voice. I hope you find someone that holds you when you cry. I hope you find someone that never leaves you guessing about how they feel. I hope you find someone who tells you they love you every time the phone call ends. I hope you find someone that knows the purity of your heart and the depths of your soul. I hope you find someone who leaves you with lessons instead of pain. I hope you find someone Who doesn’t give you a few pieces but who completes the puzzle you always dreamed your life to be. I love you~Go find love!

I want you to eat like you give a damn! 

Last nights dinner for one… 16122040_10208482886610377_387129027_o

A big salad~roasted fennel onions & yams!Gluten freeDairy free VeganCrueltyFree

YES, I WANT YOU TO LOVE YOURSELF {and your selfies}! PLEASE, only place food in your body that you would give and aging loved one, a sick friend or a child! THE BEST un processed un pasteurized LIVING vegan foods!

I want you to know what unconditional love feels like…

If you know me, you know where I’m going with this! Please consider adopting an animal this year! I love all three of my rescue dogs like they are children!

Today I had 6 workmen in my home! Two were installing a furnace, two a water heater and there were to electricians. This sweet soul didn’t make a sound! He just sat on my lap out back giving me “puppy kisses”! That is what dogs do, they love unconditionally! YES! They are a HUGE responsibility and they are SO worth it!

Let us take lessons from dogs! They love us more than they themselves! PLEASE ADOPT and rescue or even FOSTER a dog, cat, goat or pig in 2017!


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