Andrea cox

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I didn’t always “LOVE LOVE”!

At least not other people’s love that is!

I was sad

I was lonely

I missed being in a relationship 😦

I remember seeing couples walking hand and hand and thinking “that may never be me again”. I can recall crying myself to sleep at night! Then, I woke up, I became strong again and most importantly, I began enjoying my life as a SINGLE VIBRANT WOMAN!  That my friends is what must be done in order to attract your twin flame as I have!

I can remember talking to a male friend of mine on the phone and hearing him say “you have to meet my friend”! I belted out a quick “NO WAY”! About a month later, I caved and decided to meet William. I’m so happy I did!

Two years ago Will & I first met after talking on the phone for a month❤️

Two years ago this man walked into my home spilling dog treats all over the floor. He was carrying the most beautiful purple & white orchid & I’m almost certain he had chocolates too!

We had spoken on the phone every night for over a month. He later informed me he hated that time and loathes the phone! He suffered through it however!

We cancelled our plans that night and spent the evening eye to eye on my couch.

His jeans were far too tight!
He was way too “stylish” for this Ohio girl!
He was quirky with his sexy glasses 👓!
He said EXTREMELY inappropriate things FAR to soon!

Somehow, I woke the next morning wanting to know more of him! I craved his words, his goofy nature, his deep voice and his intoxicatingly addicting laugh! I craved the conversation that left me feeling exhausted with emotions I didn’t know I had in me or had buried long ago. n2

We’ve gone through more in two years than most experience in a lifetime. I ❤️ him to the moon & back! After two failed relationships, this my friends is something I thought I would never have again!

Happy Anniversary to us! n3

I made the man-pan-ion a healthy salad before our date tonight❤️

We then headed out for some AMAZING vegan gelato in Mission Hills!

So is it all roses and butterflies? Of course not!

We argue, we disagree heck we even shout on occasion!

I think the thing that keeps us together is the fact that we both are willing to try. We also have a loyalty and a trust that we are both working at building more and more with each passing day!

I love William’s quirky, strange humor! I love his sense of style and the fact that he is a wonderful father to his son. What I love most however is that when you peel back his layers of being the tough business man, the jokester and the provider, he has a HUGE heart that loves animals and all people.

2017 We are ready for you! 


I think the best advice I can give to those of you who are “looking” for love is to STOP! Focus instead on being the very BEST version of YOU!

The last thing you want to do is wait around for someone to make you happy! You and only you are in charge of your happiness!

Namaste and blessings!  Andrea


Feel free to use this quote and photo above!!

Doing “the work” to become a better person.

Want to save the world from the destruction you are witnessing all around you? Then go to work on your self! Rarely ever is this type of “work” found in mass movements or by following the pack! 

If you want to eliminate the pain and anguish you see when you walk outside of the comfortable confines of your home then work on healing yourself from the pain and anguish of your childhood, past failures and failed relationships. Want to help a friend who is always negative? Then rid yourself of your own negativity first! Want to tell that person how you feel when you hear them gossip? Then take a vow to never speak poorly behind someones back again! Want your spouse to be 150% loyal and true? Then don’t do anything that you wouldn’t do if they were standing over your shoulder! Want your children to develop good healthy eating habits? Then first display respect to yourself, beginning with what you put in your own body and how you care for it!

Our learned behaviors become our personality traits that we grow to love or grow to hate. ANYTHING you struggle with including addiction can be conquered! We must ALWAYS go within FIRST to do this and to help others!

Doing "the work" to become a better person!

Doing “the work” to become a better person!

Here is something I wrote to myself the other day. It started out by being a silly list of personal goals Now its become something I am driven to succeed with!

“Today I will meditate for a minimum of 15 minutes. Today I will give praise and honor to the Lord. Today I will get my vitamin D from the sunshine! Today I will be more patient with others. Today I will be the girl smiling at the gym from ear to ear. Today I will set a goal to attend yoga seven times per week instead of six. Today I will work on my next book! Today I will spend a designated amount of time on my business! Today I will eat consciously without a computer or cell in front of me. Today I will love myself a little more than I did yesterday because I know, I deserve all the stars and rainbows this World has to offer”!

Now go out there and conquer this beautiful thing we call life!

Love you Lil A:)

You Are What You Think!

We are always creating & manifesting through our thoughts! More often than not we can succumb to negative thoughts that hinder this creating process and stop the flow. I don’t allow this in my universe. I choose to only surround myself with God driven, empowered, creative thinkers and doers! I am the person that others gravitate towards…are you? If you answered “YES! I am that person that others gravitate towards” . Then congrats to you! Feel free to delete this E-mail and go about your day! If you are a bit baffled or riding the fence on this then grab a pen and a note pad and jot down my suggestions below!

Grab that journal!

To manifest your own destiny you must be positively certain about what your goals are. No aspect is meaningless if it adds to your inner experience and the feeling of having what you want. Write down in clear and accurate detail exactly what you desire – by writing down your goals your mind completes a ‘mini-visualization’ and imprints a visual picture that connects to your goal. Your desire must be written in the “NOW” using a positive delivery. Set your words, thoughts and feelings with a positive focus on what your desire is and ensure that it is aligned as closely as possible to what you are truly feeling and wanting in your life at that very moment!

Focus on your goal

In order to create all that you truly desire you must have your heart set on it, be entirely committed, focused and driven and never give up on the belief that it is yours – don’t ever stop believing that what you want is on its way!  The very second you commit to an intention and get excited for your wish to come true, the moment you begin to believe that you are already living the life you are attempting to create, you will know that your focus is where it should be! Remember that the energy vibration that is radiated from our thoughts embodies itself, and is attracted to a harmonious vibration. The area that you consistently pinpoint your thoughts and attention on will be magnetically drawn towards you and will manifest in your reality.

Visualize what you are creating or manifesting!

Visualize and create an attraction in your mind of your intention. This is a wonderful method for speeding things up a bit! If you struggle with creating an image in your mind then try including sound, touch, sight, smell and taste to your visualization experience! This often helps me. I love to use my favorite fragrant oil or play music that takes me to where I am wanting to visualize!

While performing my daily visualization routine I have found that Pranayama Yoga or “the art of breathing control” to be an incredibly effective tool that helps me to stay focused on my goals, dreams and images that I am creating.

 You must believe!!!

Within your soul you must believe that what you desire is yours right now – feel your pulse race and the excitement overload from achieving your goal. When you are visualizing your goals imagine that it is already in your reality. Don’t worry about “how” it is going to happen – just know that you have placed your order for that slice of vegan, soy-free, dairy-free pie and it is on its way! Our universe is infinitely abundant and anything you desire is possible – just believe it to be so in the present moment.

We all have the ability to accomplish anything we set our hearts on. The true power of life is our incredible ability to manifest, and we all have this wonderful gift within us! I believe that manifesting miracles is what we were born to do!

Hey folks, I believe in you, I really do! I know you want to make all of your dreams and wishes come true! I was where you were at at one time in my life and I did it! I created the beautiful life I now have!  Like a genie in a bottle, let me guide you every step of the way, with your health, cleansing, and turning your dreams into reality.

Customers Like You Make Doing Business a Real Pleasure.

Hey everyone!

When it comes to trying to accomplish our goals in business or in our health. I’ve learned that it is best to let the ego move on over and focus on our own dreams, goals and accomplishments.

Lets face it, we all have a dream! Some of us want to be a millionaire, others want to lose that last ten lbs many of us have hopes of starting a family. Whatever it is, the following “prescription” is what I always tell my clients, friends and myself! Here’s the beauty in it, IT WORKS!!!! My treatment is still not yet approved by the -FDA-! I suspect it’s because there are no long words that are impossible to spell on the back of a bottle!

Still, if I were to write out a course of treatment for other Ambition sufferers, it might look something like this:


Take a capsule of Reality Check. It’s not about you. Whatever your strain of Ambition, channel it into a higher purpose. You are nothing more than dust-to-dust transience. Any enduring impact you hope to have can only be in reflecting God’s glory and making him famous, not yourself.


Inject yourself daily with Living in the Now. Enjoy the present. Don’t only crave future possible (or impossible) successes. Learn to love yourself and the journey TODAY!  Not the result (hopefully tomorrow) and how quickly you can get there. Celebrate the process or you will completely miss the lessons in the NOW!


Take a double dose of Trust. God knows what he wants to do with your talents. He gave them to you. It’s in his interests to position you perfectly for his beautiful purposes. Leave it to him. ‘Humble yourselves under the mighty power of God, and at the right time he will lift you up in honor.’ (1 Peter 5:6)


Cut out all forms of Worry. Don’t let it get to you when people are dismissive or condescending – when they won’t admit that you have what it takes. Just stay calm and know that many time when people come down on you while you are in the works of creating GREAT things, it is really their own feelings of lack and low self esteem coming to the surface.  Don’t stress out about proving or defending yourself.


Don’t worry about where others are on their path. Don’t keep checking the progress of strangers or friends. There will always be people behind and ahead of you. Your journey is your journey.


Swallow all the Right Thinking you can. ‘Don’t think you are better than you really are. Be honest in your evaluation of yourselves, measuring yourselves by the faith God has given us.

In closing I would just like to say that in my own personal experience I have learned that when ego is present, fear is always close behind. No good can possibly come into play when those two things are dancing the tango. Leave them at the door and replace them with forgiveness and love.

These guidelines have helped myself and thousands of my clients. It isn’t always easy to do it on your own though. I am here to support you and look forward to being a part of your health team. Lets set your goals together, then accomplish them! I wanted to make sure you knew that I am now offering skype consultations. If this is something you would like to know more about, just hit this link to find out more. 

Yours Sincerely,


Andrea L Cox

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