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The Psychology of Gratitude

July 3rd is my mothers birthday and it had me pondering how very grateful I am for her and also about the gratitude she taught my sisters and I without even trying as we were growing up. You see, we didn’t grow up as trust fund babies. We grew up in a small town in Dayton Ohio. After we lost my dad, my mom often worked two jobs in order to put food on our plates. More about this below.

According to the dictionary this is the definition of the word gratitude below.  Gratitude ~ noun pronunciation ~ grat·i·tude

the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.


Now back to my beautiful mom who has me all up in my feels!

Happy Birthday to my beautiful mother! To know you is to love you!

I am really grateful for my mom. She has ALWAYS been there for me and always believed in me even when I didn’t believe in myself.

My mother is the wisest, funniest, sarcastic beautiful green eyed woman I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. I am proud to call her my mother.

Never unkind
Everything to us!

Andrea Cox with mother Bonnie

Today I want to share with you something my mother has always said… “tomorrow is a new day, always be grateful”.

Every day we have a choice on what to focus on.

Yesterday my Mac book and I said goodbye. Remembering that everything is always working out for our highest good I made the conscious choice of not making a fuss or attempting to fix it.
I thought oh well time for a new one! 

‪Today I am choosing to focus gratitude on‬ the following

‪The sun‬
‪My funky side yard garden‬ that is in full bloom!
‪My roses‬
‪Cellular detox body mind & spirit ‬
‪My green juice‬
‪My RescueDogs ‬
‪Getting my mom and sisters B-day gifts out at the post office!

Gratitude is something I teach in several of my programs. I even have you fill out a daily gratitude journal the entire thirty days of my Detox Your Life Program!

Andrea Cox’s #garden #raw #veganrecipes #greenjuice

Whether you go with my Detox Your Life program or, choose to keep a simple log of gratitude daily, I know the choice to write down your daily bliss will comfort you during these strange times we are living in!

Here’s another simple daily entry of mine from the fourth of July weekend!!

July 4th, 2020 Gratitude Journal entry

My plans today are simple

A manicure & pedicure!

A full body Ayurvedic massage

Beautiful people inside and out

An incredible Vegan meal

A gorgeous view

Happy 4th my friends!

Today’s menu ~

🌱 Fresh pressed OJ
🌱 Guacamole
🌱 Baked butternut squash
🌱 Homemade pita’s
🌱 Watermelon
🌱 Coconuts of course
🌱 Avocado chocolate mousse
🌱 Salad {of course}!

Raw Vegan Brunch
Fourth of July 2020
Andrea Cox

The bottom line here is this, a grateful heart will take you farther than you could ever imagine! This is a lesson my mother has instilled into my two older sisters and I for years. We grew up with very little yet she made certain we shared dinner together and always had a few laughs too! We watched Dallas and Falcon Crest on Friday’s. She popped popcorn and took us to the drive in movies. We visited my Grandma every week. My mother was grateful just to be able to give us the memory of sharing a meal together every night. 

So today, every organic meal I serve my two husbands with fur makes my heart filled with joy! Every juice I make makes me smile from ear to ear! Every meal I share with a friend creates a memory that fills my soul with gratitude! 

And this my friends is what life is all about! 

I love you

Please love yourself ~ Andrea

Relationship Advice in 2020

Happy New Year!

In 2020 …

May you continue to take brave steps

May you continue to open your heart

May you continue to forgive

May you continue to walk in faith

May you continue to enter into new doors

May you continue to mend even when the mending seems impossible

May you continue to allow someone to rebuild your self esteem as you continue to do the work on yourself.

I don’t know where this road is going but I know I am meant to enjoy the journey along the way.

Here are my Top Five Relationship Tips in 2020

1) Communicate! I cannot express enough with my clients how non communication leads to failure. Be open about what scares you. Talk about your feelings when something doesn’t feel right to you. 

2)  Learn to be vulnerable! If you don’t know how to be vulnerable in your current relationship you may have a lot of childhood wounding. Or, even worse, you may still be unknowingly holding on to pain from a past relationship. From a woman’s perspective, witnessing vulnerability in a man allows me to feel safe around him. From a mans point of view (as one of my favorite NY city Wall Street clients says) “it’s sexy when a woman is in touch with who she is and can open up. 

3) It’s the little things that count! I LOVE leaving sticky notes of encouragement in my partners work bag or, on the bathroom mirror once I’ve been in a relationship for a few months.

Hand written letters, flowers and making food for your partner are absolute beautiful signs of affection. The problem is sometimes these things go unrewarded. This is when people feel used and un appreciated. If your partner pulls in the trash cans every Friday, notice and thank him or her. 

4) Have your finances in check! I cannot stress this enough and it was a lesson that I learned the hard way! You cannot and will not have a co creative, loving honest relationship until both of you are financially stable and bringing in a good solid income. If one person is paying all the bills… lets be clear here, you have a “co-dependant situationship”! Not a solid relationship!

5) Last but certainly not least, keep your love and your partner off your social media. In my current relationship I am not tagging my partner in photos. I’m also sharing much less of my personal life. I’ve had my past relationships and partners be infiltrated by a jealous ex who I honestly thought had moved past us.  I will not allow this type of infiltration in my current love relationship. Not if I desire it to last.

Thank you for sharing this blog post!

Please subscribe to my two YouTube channels at AndreaCoxTV & TheDetoxintuitive

I love you

Please love yourselves

Here’s to embracing SO MUCH LOVE!I

I love you

I only want the best for you

Please love yourself and stay humble

Until tomorrow


Strength – Meaning

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the word strength. The people in my life who have embodied strength and some who have not. I come from a lineage of strong women. We all have been tested just as I’m sure you have been too.

Lately however the word strength has provided a different meaning. One that goes beyond courage.

There is a natural rhythm to life. A rhythm that should generally flow in a relaxing way. Sometimes however our strength is tested purposely. Not by the Universe but by people who have some sort of karmic beef with us unbeknown to us. By people or even ourselves when we haven’t done “the work”. It’s important to recognize that these unknown issues they (or you, or anyone) may be struggling with really have nothing to do with us at all.

It could be something like a deep issue from childhood. Maybe you remind them of a parental figure who somehow wounded them. It can also be that they aren’t doing what they feel is their life’s calling and want to blame and shame you for following your destined path. More seriously it could be a past life issue which can evoke jealousy or anger. Or, that they haven’t been taking care of themselves in the correct manner. Remember, “our issues LIVE in our tissues”!

My new meaning of the word strength is this… Strength when you’ve been forced into battles you never wanted to partake in and still feel victoriously grateful.

Life feels like art to me these days! Like a peaceful work of art that I am building from the ground up. Purified, strengthened and true to self. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever felt more happy or free! 

I invite you to discover your strengths in both health and within your spirituality. Please subscribe to both of my YouTube channels below. Discover the real you who has been buried within past pain. 



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