Andrea cox

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Archive for the category “weight loss”

Sharing my secrets with you!

Imagine you at your very best!

You walk into a room and every head turns! Not because you have some low cut dress on or the latest tight fitting yoga pants. Not because you have a great new hair cut. Because you FEEL BEAUTIFUL!

I’ve shared with all of you simple food combining techniques and other tips to get weight off quickly. What I’ve NEVER shared with you (not even with my coaching clients up until this point) are my hidden secrets that have ASTOUNDING affects that get both the weight loss results you need and also the anti aging affects you desire!

Now (for a limited time) you can discover the special never revealed RESULTS I only share in my new two week “Intuitive wellness” program! I guarantee you will not find these time-tested secrets ANYWHERE else! You won’t even find them on any of my 600 videos!

This is your ticket to quick fast weight loss, beautiful skin and complete emotional balance over your food and your health.

Heres the great part about this program, if you don’t look and feel better at the end of the two weeks, I guarantee you a refund!

Now, if you LOVE your body, are happy with your weight and feel you are already on the anti aging ban wagon, just delete this E-mail and move along.

My intuition tells me this is not the case!

Starting today until Sunday at 6pm You can save money on this program! A whopping HALF OFF! Yes half!

As an added BONUS you will be automatically added to my private Facebook group where you will be able to have ANY health and beauty question answered for the next year!

Whether you have your class reunion coming up or you simply want to make your partner drop his jaw just like the first time he ever laid eyes on you, these secrets will change your body and skin health forever!

Again, you will not find these in ANY of my videos nor have I EVER shared them with any of my clients or even at my retreats up to this point!


Look, I know my coaching clients well! Especially the clients that are now coaching others! If you wait until Sunday, you will miss your chance. I want to see you feeling and looking your best! I want to see your self esteem go through the roof! I want to hear about your husbands jaw dropping!

Here today Gone on Sunday!

I need to mention to you one last time, you have until Sunday at 6pm to save half off on this program! All you need to do is send me an E-mail of your current weight, goal weight and any other health and aging problems you have.

We are going to fix your problems together!

I only want the very best for you! I want you to receive all the love you deserve! I want you to have the quality of life you deserve! Nothing makes me smile bigger than seeing you get the results you deserve!

Here is my private E-mail address or, simply respond to this E-mail!

Lets talk



I’m sorry to have to do this:(

I learned some pretty shocking news the other day. Due to my chart placement I’m going through my Saturn return. I was born during a weird series of an eclipse crossed with a weird astro conjunction thing so instead of hitting me twice, this crazy “life revamp” may hit me three times in my lifetime. Here is a short definition to what a Saturn return is below.

About every 27 to 29 years, Saturn returns to the sign it was in when you were born, a cycle called The Saturn Return. Understanding this cosmic rite of passage can help you advance into your next stage of adulthood. Now if you are born during some type of astrological upheaval (like I was) this even can hit you a third time approximately 8-11 years after the first. YAY! LUCKY ME! Or maybe not.

People refer to a Saturn return as a complete pile of life changes hitting all at once. For example, a divorce, a move, a new business and a marriage topped with a pregnancy. Thats a Saturn return.

 The last time my Saturn returned I was 29. I left a ten year relationship right before (and I mean right before) we were to marry. I got a brand new shiny car, found my furry husband “Louis”, moved into a STUNNING home and began three years of extensive travel. I ended my Saturn return cycle by moving across the Country knowing no one. Well, Louis was with me.

Others refer to Saturn returning as “God’s Harvest”. 

Well guess what, my Saturn return is here again. I have to admit, It’s kind of exciting! It’s like every emotion, situation and or person/place that has been holding me back has become a BREEZE to detach from. It’s crazy! I’m a Pisces on the cusp of Aries with a Scorpio moon and rising. This makes me EXTREMELY loyal to people, dedicated to my health and family and loving a stable home environment.

I feel as though I’ve taken a “no bullshit pill”. It’s like anything or anyone who doesn’t approach me in an open, authentic 100% legit, emotionally mature communicative manner gets tossed to the side like a contestant on “The Voice” who sings off key!

I see it

I smell it before it arrives…when it’s on it’s way and I red flag it like a Moscow soldier! 

Here’s the good side! 

Suddenly I want to travel travel travel, explore explore explore, move move move! I LOVE IT!

Ok this brings me to the sad part. I will no longer be answering your detox, health and beauty questions on Saturday’s. This makes me feel sad because when I began doing this 2 years ago so many of you have brought to my attention that this has helped you greatly! I just have a need for my weekends to be free and offline a bit more.

I also had a mega epiphany the other day while in a store. I was standing in line and heard a young teen talking to his dad about “needing” the latest cell phone. I run two YouTube channels and two businesses on an i-phone 6 plus that is cracked and has no sound without a headset. I shoot videos and tons of photos with no professional equipment! “Yea ~ I’m cheap” I thought to myself, then that Saturn placement kicked in and I was like “WOW Andrea, you give out SO MUCH FREE INFO”! Start charging a reasonable price for your knowledge for those who can’t attend a retreat or do coaching. I have hundreds of videos on my YouTube channel and do live videos three days per week on Facebook. I donate programs for free to people who have cancer all the time (and always will). It’s just too much however to give up my Saturday afternoon and there truly is a need to begin charging a bit more than i do.

So here is your last chance to get into the PRIVATE Facebook group and to jump on the 7 day Juicy cleanse for the next year! Here’s how it works. When you purchase the program found here, you are automatically entered into the group. I place private videos in the group weekly (we start this Wednesday). And the best part is, all of your detox health and beauty questions will always be answered by me in the group at any time for a year! 

So heres to my Cosmic right of passage working even harder for you and better for me!

As a final ~ I love you send off, I’ll be answering those questions a final time publicly today (yea-I know it’s a Monday, you’re at work and the new algorithm on FB sucks)! But if you do have a question you would like to ask, lets chat at 4:00 today LIVE! 

Here’s the link for the live cast on FB 

Hey you know the drill ~ I love you! Please love yourself and drink your green juice!


Get all the detox support you need for a year!

Today is so beautiful!

Please join me live at 3:30 today on my Facebook Andrea Leigh Cox Facebook page here  I’ll be doing a oracle read and talking about how we can keep ourselves grounded during Gemini season!

Gemini season is one that can cause a duel personality and a lot of indecision.

Let’s come together and work on this as a collective!

The card I drew this morning is called “Time to go”! It may be time for you to travel or, it may be time for you to leave a relationship, business partnership or living situation.

My grounding breakfast throughout Gemini season has been fresh fruit and a handful of sprouted nuts such as walnuts.I find the nuts keep me focused and balanced.

I wanted to give y’all FIRST DIBS on getting 7 days worth of private juicing detox and menu videos! I am reviving and opening up my 7DAY JUICY CLEANSE! I’m keeping it super easy too! You’ll get private access to a group where I’ll shoot seven days worth of private detox videos! So basically, I’ll show you EXACTLY what to intake when TRULY wanting to gain optimal health and vitality!

Check out the program here!

Please note that i’ll only be accepting 30 people into this group! The group is a private Facebook group!


Until 3:30 ~ I love you, go love yourself


A detox Spiritual retreat in Southern California and Mexico

Every outcome, experience and effect you see in your physical world has a specific cause which originated in the house of your mind. Andrea Cox

Over the past month I presented to you a new location and new style of retreat I am offering.

This new style of retreat has been born from a love, a passion and an obsession for all that is healthy, spiritually opening and mind/body/soul detoxifying. The retreats are not health specific, yoga specific or spirit specific. The new Alkalize with Andrea retreat is an experience that aims to bring health, creativity, love, and freedom from self imposed limitations together into a five day experience. It’s a beautiful opportunity to rediscover your passion for life and to discover how clean your body has the ability to truly feel!

As you let go of the pressures of day-to-day living, as you lose wight, as you practice yoga in front of the beautiful blue ocean…you’ll be brought back to that of which you love!

You are invited to par-take in as much or as little as you like. There will be no judgement or expectation, outside of respecting one another. I only ask that you free up your mind to expand and grow!

I invite you to join us ~ You may check out the details here

I love you, it’s time to love yourself.


Feeling stuck?

When 2018 rolled around I set a goal to help a minimum of fifteen clients one on one! I was seeking to help serious people who had a health issue or needed to lose a significant amount of weight. These private clients were not to be part of my retreats. They are people who could not spare the time away from home to attend one of my retreats. I’m happy to say I’ve helped forty-five of those fifty! This is why I’ve chosen to take on five new private clients during the month of April to get you in the most incredible shape of your life! During this time, I’m going to show you one on one how to cleanse and detoxify your body on a cellular level! Then the focus shifts onto how to keep it clean while removing excess weight and toxicity FOR GOOD! The majority of my clients lose anywhere from fifteen to twenty pounds during this phase! The beautiful thing is, you are eating the entire time abundantly! This by NO MEANS is a diet! This is a life style change!

The experience…We will begin with a one on one Skype consultation where I asses your current needs, goals and desires. After that you will get a program that I design exclusively for you! We will then be speaking a few times per week on the phone or via Skype for a period of thirty days in order to keep you on track! You will also have access to my private cell number! This will go fast…so if you message me (at the address below) and I don’t respond, that only means all five spots have been filled. You are more than welcome to private message me at a later date if that happens, and if you are EXTREMELY interested…I may be able to fit 1 or 2 more of you in. If you are reading this and know someone that can potentially benefit from this, please SHARE this! They will be thankful and so will I!:) 

Lets make 2018 your sexiest, healthiest year ever! With me holding your hand the entire way…you simply cannot fail!

Lets see if you are a good fit for my VIP coaching  e-mail at for your free 15 minute phone consult.

I only want the best for you

It’s time to love yourself, Andrea


Prepared to be blown away! Full Body, mind & soul detox!

I’m SO excited to be hosting a retreat in April at a beautiful resort in Mexico!

For years I have searched for the perfect location to hold my Alkalize with Andrea yoga, juice fasting raw food detox retreats! This never became so important as it did this past year! During the major planetary shifts that occurred in 2017, I was thrust into a spiritual journey! This journey has truly changed every facet of my life! So much so that I knew I had to bring my new spiritual awareness to all of you! The only part missing was a beautiful destination! 

I’m happy & proud to say that my angels, God & The Universe conspired to make this happen! A friend of mine told me about a retreat center their friend built last year! They were looking for a retreat facilitators. And the rest my detox savvy friends is history!

During your detox retreat we do not limit your cleansing experience to just the body! We focus on many spiritual aspects as well!

Chakra alignment ~ This brings your entire body into a higher vibration by opening the pathways for better receptivity & a faster healing process! You can expect better digestion, less foggy thinking and old aches and pains to disappear.

Natal Chart ~ Every guest who attends Alkalize with Andrea detox, yoga juice fasting raw food spiritual retreats gets their natal chart along with an explanation of each element. This helps you to better understand personality traits of yourself that you may have struggled with in the past. Often times we go through flux (ups & downs) of our moods due to planetary alignments.

Crystal therapy ~ Each guest will receive a crystal to balance them. These crystals are based off of their natal charts & planetary placements mentioned above.


Price is all inclusive {massages & spa treatments are available for an additional fee} All food & juices are 100% organic! No need to bring toiletries. In fact, we prefer you don’t! We provide organic soap, sulfite free shampoo’s, conditioner & fluoride free toothpaste! Just bring comfortable clothing, a good book, yoga clothes and your bathing suit!


Questions? E-mail me at

Enjoy the most stunning sunsets in the World!

Enjoy the most stunning sunsets in the World!


The rooms are incredible! Many rooms have ocean views! You’ll be right on the water!


Daily yoga classes are taught by a certified instructor in a beautiful environment with an ocean view! This assists the body in gently letting go of stuck waste, old patterns & addictions! If you are new to yoga, don’t be afraid! Yoga is like a moving meditation!

You will love it!


All recipes are my very own from my book Raw-Licous! The food & juices are made with 100% organic ingredients! These recipes of mine will be prepared by a professional chef on site!

I can’t wait to meet you at our April 29th retreat! 

The Great Protein Myth!

Vegans lack protein

Where do you get your protein?

This is the #1 question we vegans are asked!

I’ve been vegan for over a decade! I take NO protein powders or supplements! I know that adding protein from false sources or from dead decomposing animals ages us on a cellular level!

To answer this common question-we vegans get our protein from plants! Plain and simple.I’m hoping this photo taken of me two weeks ago helps knock out the common myth that vegans are lacking protein. We lack nothing! In fact, we gain daily with the simple knowledge of knowing eating death does not equal life!

This is what I teach at my Alkalize with Andrea detox juice fasting yoga retreats! Did I mention we have two spaces available for our March 25th retreat? WE DO!

Today and today only I’m offering two weeks of coaching FREE to the two people who fill these spaces! What do you have to lose? Other than toxic weight?

Check out the details here Join us for five days beginning March 25th



Intuitive eating!

Recently one of my clients asked me what time she should eat. This question comes up a lot and my answer is always the same. Just because its 8am and the rest of the world is eating does not mean you should be eating. On most days my first solid meal comes between 1:30 & 3:30pm

Sound shocking? It shouldn’t! A clean properly efficient body leans on it’s intuition of knowing exactly when to eat. Healthy bodies require eating less often. My body just so happens to run much more efficiently on less food! My mind stays clearer as well!

I’ve created a new program that I’ll only be sharing with my coaching clients on how to create more balance in our life through our eating patterns. I’m charging a fee of $997 to take everyone through this two week program based o intuitive eating and intermittent fasting.

I’ll be taking on five people and when the spots are filled, they are gone!

This is $2000 LESS than my normal coaching rate.

To sign up, hit the “E-mail” button below and send me a message of why you would like to participate, your goals and what your biggest obstacle is.

I only want the best for you

Until tomorrow, Andrea

Andrea's 4th of July Detox salad!

Andrea’s 4th of July Detox salad!

A year of coaching for $347?! WHAT?

I know what you’re thinking!

Andrea, your private coaching for just one month is over $3000! Yes, it is! When 2018 rolled around I said I want to help MORE people! This is why I created a PRIVATE detox group inside of Facebook where I am about to begin interacting with a SELECT few of you EVERY DAY!

Heres how it works! Any of you who purchase yourself a phone or Skype consultation from my “Shop” on within the next 24 hours will be added to my new private group on Facebook “The Detox Room”!

The Detox Room will be an interactive playground of recipes, live videos and weight loss secrets where I have guests on, talking about health, spirituality and of course DETOX! It all begins TODAY!

If you’ve ever wanted to have me as your private health coach but couldn’t imagine spending over $3000 now is your chance!

I wont be offering this for the remainder of the year! PLEASE don’t message me a week from now asking to be added to the group! It’s now or never folks!

It’s a new year!

Get off the coach and stop sitting on the fence when it comes to your health, weight etc! YOU DESERVE IT!


fav photo by W

I can’t believe I’m doing this!

I can’t believe I’m doing this! This is almost as bad as those men who post shirtless photos on dating sites:) I just want to show you what is possible with MINIMAL EFFORT! I wanted to show you what is possible while eating CARBS!

If you think you can’t eat carbohydrates and stay slim, you’re missing out! My plant-based lifestyle consists of

Organic vegetables

Fresh fruits

Nuts & seeds

White rice

Sweet potatoes

Gluten-free cookies brownies & dark chocolate!

Let me take you into 2018 feeling vibrantly healthy!

I’ve got three more Coaching spots open for 2018! E-mail

If your looking for a FANTASTIC gift for under $100, my best selling program makes everyone smile! Check out the Digital Detox here

Here’s to being healthy, happy and fit in 2018 25636959_10211146739725040_1086828120_o

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