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Eating better as you enter the 5D

It’s been months since I’ve had to buy fruits or vegetables at the grocery. There is abundant joy in growing your own food! I hit the store today for some dried herbs oils, vinegar,s and raw sweeteners to make a batch of my own dressings! I always put dressings in all my plant-based books but my next book has several! For me, it’s all bout Eating better as you enter the 5D!

I’m so excited about my new book, the future, and the way this world is changing! I literally FEEL like each day is becoming more fruitful than the next! People are waking up to the fact that they must change the way they eat, move, and live! This has been a dream of mine for decades… for this world to awaken to the truth!

I’m about to share with you a small change yielding BIG results! Let’s catapult you into eating better as you enter the 5D!

If you’re not currently making your own salad dressings I highly recommend it. There are so many fillers in the dressings you buy at the store! Many contain atrocious ingredients Such as calcium disodium (EDTA) and hydrolyzed vegetable protein (a source of MSG)!

With just a few ingredients (many that you can buy in bulk) you can save money and create delicious healthy alternatives! I make everything from… a dairy-free ranch dressing out of cashews to my famous tahini bikini salad dressing which is in a base of raw tahini!

There is never a need to waste the money or throw away your health on store-bought salad dressings. In fact, those very dressings that you are covering your greens with may be loaded with cancer-causing chemicals.

Wise up! Grow your own food and start making your own meals! Your body mind and soul will thank you

Raw Vegan Dressings

grocery haul

Comment on this post on my Facebook wall!

Below is a Fantastic Raw Vegan 5D Recipe to aid you during your ascension process!

Pour me a rainbow dressing

I’ve said time and time again that I don’t believe in eating overt fats. Overt fats are oils. I prefer you to eat an avocado instead of avocado oil, coconut meat instead of coconut oil, and olives instead of olive oil.

That being said, there are some people that just have to have a vinaigrette! They simply will not eat a salad unless you give them oil and vinegar on top.

For these people, I have designed a beautiful dressing that has a rainbow of colors! This is a crowd-pleasing dressing that won’t lower your vibration! My pour me a rainbow dressing will not slow your Ascension process just because it has a base of an overt fat. I have lightened it up with a plethora of colorful vegetables in order to balance out the energy.


1 cup of high-quality olive oil

1/2 cup raw apple cider vinegar 

2 stalks of celery

1/4 of a white large onion

4 TB dried garlic flakes

3 TB red pepper flakes

3 TB dried carrot flakes

2 tsp raw honey

2 tsp green stevia powder (green only) 


Put all the ingredients in a high-powered blender and blend until you get a rich golden green or red color! 

Note: The color of this dressing will always change depending on the amount of ingredients you use. Here I show it with more celery (rich green color) and with more red pepper flakes (golden-red color). 

I encourage you to play with the different types of vegetables you add. This dressing will keep in the fridge for up to two weeks.

Green Goddess dressing

Green Goddess dressing




pour me a rainbow dressing

pour me a rainbow dressing



Health benefits of my Pour me a rainbow dressing

  1. Apple cider vinegar is amazing for digestion
  2.  Olive oil is a natural anti-inflammatory
  3. Green leaf Stevia is a cancer preventative, this herb can also grow abundantly in any garden. 

Eating for ascension really isn’t that difficult.

  •  It’s about making sound choices for yourself and your family.
  • It’s about not buying packaged processed foods.
  •  It’s about not buying into the “Got Milk” ads or fast food commercials that you see on TV! 
  • It’s about learning to grow your own food
  • It’s about cultivating old ways of living such as our ancestors did. For me, this means making my own fermented foods such as sauerkraut.
  • It means growing, making, and storing your own pickled and canned goods in mason jars.
  • It means making more food at home and eating out less or maybe not eating out at all. 

Further assistance along your path…

Having issues with your ascension process? Let’s have a one on one session together to remove those blocks that are holding you back. This is common among many people today. I’ve listed two popular roads that many of my clients who are ready to ascend in a major way tend to choose.

You can read about them by clicking the links below. I look forward to holding your hand along this short journey we call life. Whether helping you get on a path towards Eating for Ascension or, aiding you with intuitive guidance, I’m ready to listen with an open heart and innovative strategic mind.

7 Health benefits of silence and meditation.

The benefits of days of silence 

Years ago I would take every Sunday to be in nature while remaining completely unplugged digitally. Often I would utilize this day for fasting and running my errands. During times that would normally require speaking such as checking out at grocery stores and farmers markets, I would simply nod my head in gratitude. If someone did ask me a question I carried along a note with me saying “Hello, I am taking a day of silence thank you for being respectful of my journey”.
I grew to love those days! Before you knew it. I had carried out four years of Sundays being my day of silence.
Recently, I took up this healing practice again. Instead of choosing Sundays, I choose whatever day feels right to me. What I find most profound during these days of peace and harmony is the way other people react when I turn my cellular device back on the following day.
Some people ask if I’m OK and others leave so many messages that I stop counting at ten. A few who don’t know me well write me off as being inconsiderate for not getting back to them in a timely manner. Of course I’m OK with this because I realize it is their process to digest the pain of their abandonment, not mine.
I am not suggesting or telling you that days of silence will work for you as they have for me. I am simply giving you another opportunity to learn and grow from the modalities that have assisted, taught and grounded me during my spiritual growth process.
One of the reasons I’ve only created three detox programs is because the first detox I ever created (The Digital Detox) works SO WELL! In fact, I’ve sold thousands NEVER having had a single return. 
The digital detox is an audio of me taking you through a cleanse that I suggest you partake in for 30 days.
My suggestion to new clients is simple. Begin with a day of silence (spiritual cleansing) while cleansing yourself physically on a cellular level by taking advantage of my Digital Detox program.


7 The Health benefits of silence and meditation.

1. Increased awareness of your surroundings 

During my days of silence I am often reminded that the days become longer. The long days allow plenty of time for self-reflection. You start to become more aware of the positive and negative sides to your personality and life. I usually end up spending the entire day in my garden with my dogs. With this improved awareness I feel much more in tune with my emotions.

2. Life is happening for you, not to you.

Remaining equanimous no matter what you experience. Equanimity is accepting every outcome be it good or bad. It is the realization that life is happening for us not to us! So when you have a nice enjoyable experience you don’t cling or become attached to. Likewise, with bad experiences, you do not run from them. Accept everything as it is. Remain unattached to the outcome.

3. Nothing lasts forever

Everything you know including yourself will eventually grow old and die. All of the people in your life and all of your possessions. During times of silence you are constantly reminded of this. Realizing that your life is in a constant flux allows you to accept things as they are as opposed to clinging to the people and things in your life. It also makes difficult periods easier as you know that they will end as well.

4. A Cellular Detox from life

I observe noble silence as a spiritual practice. I don’t allow myself any electronic devices. This is such a strange and at times difficult practice as we spent our whole lives in a constant state of stimulation. Eliminating these distractions keeps all your concentration on nature, animals, the sounds of birds and your meditation practice. This lack of extra stimuli allows for a deeper focus on meditation and a much better detox.


5. Happiness

The range of emotions I go through during the my days of silence and unplugging was like a condensed version of an entire year in the outside world. There are many challenges.  As the day moves along I begin to realize how many awesome things I have in my life. Living like a monk you see all of the things you take for granted each day. Not being able to talk reminds you of all the great friends and family you have. The long periods of silence allow you to appreciate all of the great people and things you have in your life.

6. Learning to Fail

Practicing days of silence has taught me to accept failure. Running two businesses and two youtube channels on my own is a lot! Add two rescue dogs (one who is ill) and a boatload of clients and well… it’s tough!

With meditation you are constantly failing. The goal is to concentrate the mind by focusing on the breath. This helps quiet the mind but you are never going to go completely without thoughts, unless you reach enlightenment and this state is still impermanent. 

7. You will obtain inner peace

Each day we are trained how to remain equanimous when different situations arise. We have a choice! I find my days of silence allow me to choose not to react over reaction. This practice has helped me to observe stressful situations without reacting to them in an emotional way.

Silent meditation retreat

Silent meditation retreat

I love you
Please love yourself and drink your juice

Grow Your Own Food – Fast and Easy Home Harvests

Many of you have reached out to me over the past week asking when I’ll be shooting my videos again. Or, saying that you’re concerned because you’ve not received my newsletter.

The truth is I’m rediscovering God. Right before my move I had a series of women come into my life. Just as I had 16 years ago. Women of all walks of life, some religious some spiritual. But all women of power. And just like I was faced with myself years ago. I was faced with myself again.

the beautiful

the creative

the angelic

the ugly

Sometimes when we are given the gift of an outer shell that others may deem as perfect we can become lonely and introverted during this process of life. An unreachable need of feeling as though we must “live up to” the impossible standards of others. We can hide our true heart space behind walls of strength, walls of knowledge and walls of focusing on obtaining things that don’t really serve us.

The day of my move I rediscovered a box of books that had been given to me 16 years ago. Among them a more recent gift … a book of gold! Of course, always with me, my pink tattered bible was placed gently in that same box.

I spent two days last week in my garden absorbing the most beautiful writings. I allowed them to pour into me like the sun. Releasing any past pain with the moon.

So if you need me, Just know I am here for you in spirit. I am rediscovering God. He is reminding me of my purpose to serve others.

He is reminding me to remain humble amongst the gifts that he has given me.

He is reminding me that I do not walk this earth alone.

He is reminding me that we are all married to one another in spirit.

Most importantly he is reminding me that when I shine my light so brightly it is helping others to see the light within them.

I’m here Listening to the whispers of my soul ~ Rediscovering God

Rediscovering God

Andrea Cox ~ Pink bible and Rediscovering God book

My “art” appears to be prettier here!

Raw Vegan tomato soup w/ BBQ jackfruit on top! Heirloom tomato kale avocado salad! A meal at the queendom fit for a queen!

Tempting Tomato Soup 

Ingredients :

15 Roma tomatos

1 red bell pepper

2 TB lemon juice or apple cider vinegar

1 large avocado

6 leaves fresh basil

1/2 tsp dried oregano

2-3 garlic cloves

1/2 tsp kelp

Directions :

Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. I love to pour this cold summer soup over arugula. 

Option : Top with BBQ Jackfruit! I love The Jackfruit company’s BBQ jackfruit.

Andrea Cox Detox Salad

Andrea Cox Detox Salad

The First Harvest!

Andrea Cox

Andrea Cox in her garden

You can take the girl out of Ohio but you cannot take the Ohio out of the girl!

Farming ran in my dads side of the family. In fact I own a farm (farm house and all) with my sisters in Kentucky that was left to us years ago. My Kentucky roots on my fathers side of the family are POURING out from my soul!  My grandmother La Golda ( Goldie) on my mothers side had the most beautiful gardens. I feel her with me through this transition.

I feel right at home here. I’m grateful to not need to purchase any greens for dinner or lunch tomorrow!

Mind you this is only two weeks of growth!

Over the next few months you may see less of me. What can I say, I am far too happy to subjugate my personal life on social media. Social media just seems like child’s play these days. One thing is for certain however… I will continue to inform you of my up coming travels, garden growth and public appearances. There are also many projects in the works that I am keeping under wraps for now.


I love you, only want the best for you

Please love yourself and drink your juice!

Cilantro kisses ~ Andrea

Types of Water and how much should you drink to stay hydrated.

One of the biggest questions my clients ask me is “what type of and how much water should I drink“?
Before I share with you the type of water I drink (I’m a bit of a water snob myself) let me share the different types of water available. 
There are a lot of choices available when it comes to what water you should drink. I’m a bit of a water snob myself and prefer mountain valley spring water to drink. Municipal drinking or tap water, well water, artesian well water, natural spring water, mineral water, distilled water, ionized/alkaline water and reverse osmosis water.  All of these choices make it very confusing to know what is good, what is bad and what is a fad. Let me explain a little about each one.  

Types of water


I drink 32 oz of warm water every morning

Municipal drinking or “tap water”

Tap water is chemically treated and filtered water, it has trace amounts of impurities, hazardous chemicals and pharmaceuticals in it.  It often has fluoride added too. If you’ve been with me for any length of time you know that I see fluoride as the antichrist. It ruins the thyroid gland.


Well water

Well water is water from an aquifer that is brought to the surface by a man made apparatus such as a pump or bucket.  This could be a very good or very bad choice depending on the environment around the well.

Artesian well water

Well water is water brought to the Earth’s surface by a hole under pressure from the aquifer that is between two permeable surfaces. The water from these wells are filtered by the porous rock that the water travels through to get to the aquifer. It is similar to a natural spring water source except the path that the water rises to the surface from. Because it is man made. This water is usually high in minerals.

Natural spring water

Spring water (my personal favorite) is water that is brought to the surface by pressure through cracks and fissures in a porous rock formation and sourced from an aquifer. This water is often rich in natural minerals and less acidic than other water choices. I personally love the way this water tastes! 

Mineral water

Mineral water is water that has a minimum of 250 parts per million (ppm) of dissolved salts or sulfur compounds, these minerals can be naturally or artificially added.  Sometimes CO2 is added to make it sparkling mineral water.

Holistic health coach Andrea Cox stays hydrated with tea, juice and fruit.


Your skin is the largest organ of your body 

Getting an adequate filtration system for your shower head is also ideal. The skin is the largest organ of the body. We absorb the water that hits our skin like a sponge. I find that a shower filter in the $65 dollar range from a local hardware store is adequate.
shower filters

shower filters

Finding good water while traveling!

I tend to find healthy water in glass bottles while traveling easily. And at the end of the day, if I am traveling and need to hydrate i’ll just buy some distilled water for my enemas and spring water to suffice my thirst.
I hope this healthy living hydration article helped you.
I love you ~ please love yourself
remember I only want the very best for you.
Cilantro kisses ~ Andrea


Could the Coronavirus Crisis be creating more healthful habits?

As unemployment and gun sales spike and Quarantine recipes circulate the Internet, it’s easy for me as a holistic health coach and detox specialist, to focus on all the noninfectious ways that the media is not affecting our health.

“I’m so scared to let my elderly father out of the house” one client said to me during our Facetime call yesterday. Another client told me how sedentary she had become since the lockdown went into effect in Chicago a week ago.

But, to my surprise, not everyone is reporting a decline in self-care since the start of the pandemic. They are the people who are lucky enough to have access to food and safe housing, and not be away from their loved ones. In fact, there are many indicators that the pandemic itself, and the massive shutdown it has triggered, is forcing the adoption of more-healthful behaviors. And hopefully the adoption of more pets in need of safe homes too! 

Before I give you my take on this “situation” we are in, I want to remind you not to judge! People are suffering even those who don’t appear to be on the surface. Be mindful of how you treat others at this time. Sensitivities are heightened. 

Andrea Cox, green juice

Here is my take on it!

This is not a dress rehearsal we are living in! Critical thinkers are an endangered species!

For 10 years I’ve demonstrated a beautiful plant-based lifestyle to you.

I’ve told you that you must go plant based. For the animals, this planet and for your health.

You must begin juicing every day.

You must grow your own food.

You must begin taking your health seriously.

We are at a critical time folks! If we don’t truly adopt the lifestyle that myself and many others have been living and teaching, many will perish.

We truly are living in the day of age where it is survival of the fittest.

No, this is not to say that if you have a degenerative disease or are not in tiptop shape that you will not make it. This is more about
* governmental control
* forced vaccinations that contain poison
* lies they have been feeding you about how to properly eat for decades!

News Flash They’ve been feeding you lies! And this post is not fake news!

Please head to my advice…

1) Start juicing! Juicing is different than blending as it removes the fiber creating a blood transfusion of vitamins and minerals that goes into the bloodstream within minutes.

2) Start a vegetable garden. Even if you live in an apartment you can still create a garden in a grow box.

3) Hydrate with quality water and invest in a high-quality water purification system.

4) Get your hands on an infrared biomat to reduce muscle soreness and help you sleep better during these stressful times such as the ones I sell here 

5) Hire a holistic health and life coach such as myself or one of the ladies I have worked with in my squad.

6) STOP using chemicals and parabens on your face and body! Use cruelty free skincare such as the ones I created and use here 

7) SAY NO to Big Pharma’s deceptions and get your mind and body right!

Take my free herbal assessment to get you on the right track! 

It’s time to start investing in your health and the health of your loved ones. Because at the end of the day you get one life and one body it is never too late to start treating it well.

I love you

Please love yourself and drink your juice!


Regan Russell and what they don’t want you to know!

The vegan community and this world lost a beautiful human recently! Regan Russell was brutally killed at a peaceful protest for the animals!

She was ran over by one of the slaughter truck drivers. The only thing she did was to show up like protesters had for years to give the suffering animals water before slaughter.

This world needs to wake up!

No we cannot be friends if you are still consuming meat and dairy products! I’ve spoken, shouted and written for nearly 20 years now, go vegan or stay asleep to what is TRULY going on around you!

Animals are not food! They are our friends! Regan stood for this truth and will live on in our hearts.

Her elderly parents and husband joined protestors from around the world to honor her yesterday.

Regan was a protester who stood up for animal rights since the 70s. Only to be taken down in her sixth decade of life. Look closely at the way she GLOWS from the inside out. That is from her love and compassion for animals. She obviously was a product of a clean vegan lifestyle. A woman with a huge open heart tragically murdered by the meat and dairy industry! 

If you are tired of wearing a mask PLEASE

🛑 STOP SUPPORTING an industry that kills 84,000 animals per minute!


🛑 STOP SUPPORTING an industry that KILLS activists!

🛑 STOP SUPPORTING an industry that os ruining our planet.



Not pointing fingers here but 

‪I see you‬
‪We see you ‬
‪Your tactics are failing!‬

Big Pharma we see you!

Johnson and Johnson we see you and the millions of lives you took through your cancer causing baby powder!

Round Up Shame on you!

The Dairy Industry… We see your murderous ways!

Factory Farms How can you sleep at night?!

China We see Yulin is still in full swing! 

Vaccine industry ~ Stop hurting children

Doctors ~ did you become a doctor to save lives or to shake hands with the pharmaceutical industry?!

Cyber bullies hackers and certain government personnel STOP abusing your power! 

Human trafficker leave our children and our people alone!

We SEE clearly now! We are no longer a small body of people that you continue to attempt to silence! We are growing BIGGER than you!


Getting You Back To GREAT Mental Health and Physical Health!

Hey Luv, Andrea here

In these strange times we are living in we need to remind ourselves that in order to keep a state of high integrity high energy along with a positive mindset…


Without these key components you will be deficient in vitamins, minerals and trace minerals.


* The soil sucks! Because our food is no longer grown in quality soil. Unless you are growing your food yourself it is not enough to be buying organic.

* Your internal house (bodily system) isn’t pure. With all the pharmaceutical drugs, recreational drugs, abuse of alcohol and yes (abuse of weed)! Along with the pesticides, herbicides and vaccines floating around we must supplement with quality herbs! Because chances are you’ve been exposed to one if not all of these at some point in your life.

* You are overwhelmed with stress! Chronic stress is also playing a HUGE role in the decline of our vitality and mental health.

* You don’t have a balanced gut flora. Chances are with all of the above your gut flora simply isn’t what it once was. Many of my clients were not taking probiotics prior to starting their health coaching program with me.

* You aren’t supplementing with high quality herbs and you don’t have a clue as to where to start! You aren’t on a reputable herbal regimen like the one I prote, teach you about and represent. (See the free health assessment below)!

* FAKE NEWS! You are being exposed to the TOXIC media! The good, the bad, the ugly, the truth and the not so true daily!

* You’re busy! Many of you who reach out for my help are working two jobs. Several of you have children, are single parents or (and this is rough) are taking care of your elderly parents. The bottom line here is you feel that there simply isn’t enough time in the day to exercise and prepare hearty home cooked meals. Let alone juice!

* You aren’t juicing! Ok, this is HUGE! Juicing is like a blood transfusion of vitamins and minerals into the bloodstream. Without juicing, you are likely deficient.

Chances are, unless you’ve lived under a rock ~ like me:) You’ve been exposed to one or all of the bodily, digestive or mental decline factors above!

Look folks, I care about you! I care about what you put in your mouth and what you put in your kids mouth’s. I also have stayed up many nights crying when y’all have reached out to me saying that you’re just super depressed.

I want you to have fantastic mental health, sexual health along with a great digestive system! 

There is a way around this through the food you eat and the supplements you take! You CAN improve your physical and mental health and well-being WITH THREE SIMPLE STEPS!

1) Join me live for Tasty Tuesday’s at 6pm pacific tonight!

2) Take your FREE health assessment here

3) Pick up a bottle of my AMAZING Smiling Gut pre and probiotics here!

Remember that after you fill out the coaching form above the good questions come! The questions that REALLY help both myself and my assistant get to the bottom of your herbal needs!

I love you

I only want the best for you

Please love yourselves

And drink your juice

All my love ~ Andrea

Just a few of Andrea’s beautiful creations!

Copyright © Andrea Cox

Juicing For Health

About twenty years ago I healed my gut and my life by making several lifestyle changes that I’m going to share with you below. I was suffering pretty bad and felt trapped eating six small meals a day as a fitness model. Every day was another day of trying not to upset my stomach. At one point my Crohn’s disease had me weakened down to a mere 97 pounds. Darn that Diarrhea! I didn’t leave the house other than going to the farmers market or gym. I was living in Ohio and there weren’t a lot of people who were educated on digestive issues. Like I said, I made several lifestyle changes but the number one change was, I began juicing every single day. In fact, I’ve not missed a day of juice in twenty years.

Here is what I did to heal below but first, I have a HUGE announcement! My Juicing For Beauty Book just hit 5000 sales! This was with ZERO advertising and just two mentions on Facebook! THANK YOU! Here’s a link to get your copy!

Ok, Now for the Tips and a few Juice Recipes too!

I began juicing cabbage daily. Cabbage juice is extremely healing for not just Crohn’s disease but ALL digestive disorders. I even began including small amounts of cabbage into my salads.

I started a regular yoga practice. I actually got into my yoga so much that I didn’t miss a day for two years straight!

I prayed. Yep! Sure did! I prayed to my angels and guides that my gut would heal completely.

I STOPPED stressing out about being perfect! Knowing that none of us are truly perfect, I let that “smit” go!

I stayed on my vegan diet! Of course ….I stayed on my vegan journey. I was already vegan at that time for two years. Some doctors were actually blaming my plant based lifestyle! I knew they were wrong. My intuition was SCREAMING that I was on the right path. My mother also encouraged me to stay the course.

I began taking probiotics and even created my own pro and pre-biotic called smiling gut! Today I include cabbage in my diet once or twice per week. I’ve been known to sneak it into other people’s food too. Cabbage and probiotics are key when healing digestive disorders. No pharmacy needed:)But it’s the type of pro-biotic that counts! I consider my “Smiling-Gut” pro-biotic to be the best on the market today. 

I kept things simple! It’s easy to get carried away with newby enthusiasm when you begin your health journey! You’ll be making elaborate concoctions comprising multiple fruits and vegetables! I once had a client call me and tell me that she tried to juice an avocado!

Juice as your first meal of the day

The best way to begin juicing is to replace your breakfast With a 32 ounce juice. Swish the juice around with your saliva like you’re at a wine tasting. A 32 ounce juice should take you a minimum of 15 minutes to drink. The idea is to nourish the cells into not craving the bad stuff but craving the good. Juicing first thing in the morning is like a blood transfusion to your body.

Juice in batches

One of the biggest complaints my clients make is that they don’t have the time to juice. In my opinion this is a poor excuse to not gain the healthy benefits that juicing provides. I usually do two different types of juices in one day, and store the second in a closed jar in the fridge (it can keep for up to 72 hours). Although it loses a few enzymes it doesn’t lose enough to not gain all the health full benefits. You can also freeze your juice for up to 3 months (though I use frozen juice within a week) without experiencing any significant loss of quality. Freezing juice is convenient because you can thaw frozen juice when you don’t have the time or the ingredients to make it fresh. The nutritional quality of frozen juice (especially when you freeze it immediately, use it quickly and pack it correctly) is high enough to make it worth the effort. And frozen juice trumps no juice. To freeze juice simply fill glass canning jars up and leave an inch at the top before sealing. This way they won’t burst.

Take it slow when coming from a SAD diet!

Many people turn to this lifestyle after eating a “SAD” diet (Standard American Diet). They end up attempting to juice and a week later, they’re selling the juicer on the Internet because it “didn’t work for them”.

Juicing is not a magical pill you take to heal your ailments. It takes time and you must stick with it. But over time there is no way to heal the body more than to begin juicing. It actually changes your body on a cellular level for the positive. Alkalizing you from the inside out. I often tell my clients it’s like a peeling of an onion. The best anti-aging cream does not compare with juicing.

Don’t start off fasting on juice Almost everyone who purchases their first juicer does so wanting to fast. We all try juice fasts, or replace all our food with juice eventually once we get into this lifestyle. This gives our digestive system a much needed break. While this can be great to detox, you might also burn out with all that juicing, and lose your motivation for it completely. Remember to make juicing a part of your lifestyle which means incorporating it into your day, whether it’s one juice a day or more. Slowly ease yourself into it so it becomes a habit, not a hardship.

My biggest tip for juicing is to keep it simple. Some of my favorite signature juice recipes are…

The Straight Up Sexy! 

(the benefits are profound)!

2 Large cucumbers

2 granny smith apples

one bunch celery

Run through the juicer and enjoy!


Charming Chocolate Milk

1 pound of carrots

1 head of Romain

a few drops of chocolate stevia (this tastes like chocolate milk)!

Run through the juicer and enjoy!

Love Thy Liver Juice (On days that I want a little liver cleansing)

2 green apples (less sugar)
8 pieces of flat leaf kale
1 small lemon rind included
1 half inch piece of ginger (any more will kill the juice)
2 cucumbers
1 medium beet

This is a delicious combination that gently detoxes the liver once you add the beet.

Good luck on your juicing journey!

My favorite detox green juice recipe is my Green Goddess


1 bunch Celery
1 Cucumber
1/2 inch of ginger
A handful of parsley
1 Apple (I prefer green)

Put everything through a juicer and enjoy.
TIP: This can be done by blender. You will just need to strain the pulp for it to be a juice. It is okay to just drink as is after blending. It’s a great source of fiber.

Copyright © Andrea Cox

I love you
I Only want the best for you
Please love yourself
And drink your juice


‪Who heals the healer … ‬‪

Who takes care of Gaia, mother of creativity, the earth & all ideas and seeds that grow… God and the universe do! 

Because the abundance that she gives, the wealth that she hands to the masses does not have a price tag and can never be bought. 

She… Gaia Mother Earth is always there to embrace and love us.. to hold and have us amongst every turn within every cycle of life. 

Steal from her bounty of color and creative riches and you will always falter, loosing in the end. Give to her with love, kindness and respect and you will rise faster and higher than you ever knew was possible. Oh but dirty her soil and leave her garden unwatered and your own fruit will fall to the ground and rot.

She is the earth mother 

the creator of all creators

She is the confusion of the mind that is so beautifully articulated from her lips and in the art that surrounds her and becomes her. Treat her well knowing that everything around you came from her see that she planted.

Hey Luv’s, lately I’ve been doing a lot of soul searching. I just feel that so much of what we are seeing on the news isn’t real. What people fail to see is we are in an election year. I can’t help but wonder how many of these events we are seeing on the media are staged. 

And YES… I know that racism is a very real thing! I would not want to be a black man getting pulled over in today’s society. But the truth is a lot of these events we see in the media are being staged with antagonistic players that strategically placed as part of a much larger agenda! 

And I am NOT going to give up on you! That you too will soon see through the BS!

Today, on Wednesday’s Wisdom I talked a little bit about what I’m seeing. Your thoughts are welcome. Click here for Wednesday’s Wisdom 

You’ll see in the video link above that I do share a few tips on how to continue to elevate your vibration during these trying times. 

  • Carry a small smooth selenite in your right pocket
  • Pick up a love tuner whistle that is tuned to 528 megahertz  
  • Stay hydrated
  • Keep your food limited to high vibrational raw living foods such as water filled fruits, vegetables, cold pressed juices and big girl salads! 
  • Get outside in nature daily! Nature heals! 
  • Ground yourself (bare feet) on the earth every morning. Try to do this in the sand or on un sprayed grass. 
  • Sleep next to a salt lamp
  • Speak your mind! Stuffed away hidden feelings turn into an acid filled body. This can lead to cancer and other degenerative diseases.
  • Stay woke by turning away from the news and mass media. Trade the news in for mother nature. Mother nature rejuvenates, the news will only create toxic thoughts that will manifest itself into illness. 

Copyright © Andrea Cox

Holistic Ways To Heal a Compromised Immune System.

Have glowing skin, a strong immune system and a full night’s sleep in less than 30 days…

Andrea Cox ~ The Detox Queen

Hi luv, Andrea here…

So many souls are fearful of getting sick with what’s going on right now.

And rightfully so!

I talk to men and women every day who are now aware of the consequences of a compromised immune system.

And on top of it, the more fear they pile on, the more their stress response systems kick in and taxes their immune system.

It makes them vulnerable and ripe to catch colds, flu’s, “other” terrible viruses!

Gaia here (AKA me ~ Earth Momma) says that ain’t good!

So any amount of relief they can provide their system is helpful.

The Fastest way to do this is through detoxification protocols.

It can be as satisfying as unclogging a stopped-up bathroom sink!

When my clients use my detox protocols, their body releases decades of built-up “baggage” inside.

They sometimes lose 7lbs PLUS in 5 days. (who couldn’t use a little weight loss in lockdown)!

Look in the mirror in the morning and see clearer skin.

And their jeans are a little bit looser because they have a 1 or 2-inch gap where it was tight!

Not to mention symptoms of a compromised immune system like fatigue and sleepless nights become few and far between. Now those are just some of the physical benefits.

Inside? Now this is where the REAL MAGIC happens!

They begin to feel calm, clear, and more in control of how they feel.

Relationships mend.

Intimacy begins to rekindle.

And overall…

Their lives start to become what they WANT it to be.

It’s like taking their foot off the brake of a car that’s been revved up for far too long.

They just feel better.

Listen, if you want that too, I don’t want you to feel left out in the cold and taking a chance of getting sick.

So I’m right now…

I’m opening a handful of Intuitive Health Readings for a few good people that will reveal the exact detoxification protocol for their unique situation.

So they can have glowing skin, sleep a full night’s sleep and feel confident they’re on their way to a strong immune system.

Aka they are NOT getting sick!

Now, if you want all of that?

Click here to secure your spot.

Live readings are scheduled within one week of securing your spot and you get your choice of Skype or FaceTime.

I can’t do a lot of these so let’s connect! I’m thinking I’ll accept 7-10 people MAX!

Health Reading Including Meal Plan And Detox Protocol!


Thank you for continuing to support me by subscribing to both my channels below. Be sure and hit the bell notification button followed by the “see all” button.

AndreaCoxTV {Health ~ Raw Vegan Recipes & Detox}

TheDetoxIntuitive {Monthly astrological Intuitive Readings ~ Spiritual Messages}

I really do love you

Only want the very best for you

Please love yourselves

Take your vitamin C and your zinc

Get fresh air and sunshine!

Find unique ways to move your body daily

Be there for the elderly and your pets

Give of yourself and of your gifts

Be kind

Be loving

Please love yourself

Until Tomorrow, be the change you wish to see in others ~ Andrea

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