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Archive for the category “Self Care”

Reciprocity in nourishing a relationship

We fall in love with people by the way they treat us. We have the power to demonstrate the way we desire to be treated by what we tolerate. ‬ All healthy relationships are witnessed in the sunlight. Not in darkness. We have the power within us to allow a runway of time for a person to demonstrate how they will set the stage to nurture us. If there is no nurturing present… one can only assume that one is either far too self serving or, “nurturing” elsewhere.

Treat others in a way that you too wish to be treated. There is an alchemical process to life that involves giving and receiving. And yes, we should give without expecting to receive. Yet there is something to be said about the sheer fact that one should not take pleasure without giving pleasure. That every touch, every caress, every glance and every piece of the body has it’s secret that is waiting to be woke. And will bring happinesses and joy to the person who knows how to wake it. And after every celebration of love the lovers should not part without admiring each other in the morning light. Because when reciprocity is not present one leaves over saturated and glutted while the other is left with a bad feeling of being drained, used and misused. So I ask you this … what have you given lately my luv?… Energetically and alchemically? Do you truly give of your heart when you are not even able to be vulnerable? And are you truly giving of your soul when you only have the expectation of being served on the physical? Because just as I was taught, you are being schooled that even “Gods gift” must learn to be a giver. If there is no pleasure given, if there are no words that hold sincerity or truth in the daylight, if there is no monetary reward, if there is zero collaboration within the creative realm then only a scar of a negative memory will be imprinted from this short journey that was meant to be much more.

For the last two years I have chosen to nourish me (yay). Outside of a few interruptions to steer me off my path, I realized that true love and a real feeling of nourishment would never be found in a dark mind space or, a dark room. It could only come from the nourishment within me.

I love you, my luvs

You’ve learned to love yourself

Now learn to love and give to others


Heal Your Heart & Body FAST!

 Life is speeding up!

In times of change we are called to look deeper. This is why it’s more crucial than ever to stay grounded. To be surrounded by people who champion your own inner calling and your deeper knowing. Your soul’s ability to journey through these fast pace times of change go far beyond what the minds eye can see. To venture into the underworld knowing you will return changed, and yet even more your beautiful self.

 If you have been feeling triggered, helpless and alone. This retreat is for you.

If you have felt confused and unable to make a decision towards a new career path that you feel is your calling, this retreat is for you.

If you have felt unsettled by situations relationships or jobs that have ended, And desire to clear out the mental repetition of confusion, this retreat is for you.

If you have felt stuck stagnant and like your thoughts are limitless but your actions are not this retreat is for you.

If you have a passion to learn about medicinal plants and their healing properties, this retreat is for you.

If you’ve always wanted to know how to make tinctures creams and healing foods from items you can grow in your own garden, this retreat is for you.

 If you have been wanting to do a gentle fast but have been too scared to try it on your own, this retreat is for you.

If you have wanted to unleash the wild woman or wild man within but have been too reserved, this retreat is for you.

 If you have 10 or more pounds to lose this retreat is for you!

If you love yoga sunshine, plant medicine, animals and positive minded people who are trying to change their health and their life towards a better future, this retreat is for you.

 If you’ve had difficulty releasing ancestral karma and childhood conditioning, this retreat is for you.

If you have a love of crystals, a passion for full moons and you know that there is a medicine woman or medicine man deep within you, this retreat is for you.

Our lives will ultimately be colored by our own experiences, opinions, emotional reactions (or non reactions of those we spend the most time with. Isn’t it time that you made the Proper choices for you? Choices that grow you instead of keeping you in an ego-based state of mind. While it can feel helpful when we are desperate to be told what to do, being plugged into other people’s channels often leads to more confusion.

The alkalize with Andrea Detox fasting Yoga spiritual retreats were created to help born empathic light-workers, healers and soul-based entrepreneurs (or those who wish to be) to answer the highest call of their souls destiny through the health of their bodies. Your five day reset and recharge detoxification retreat will support you to get clear on your purpose and message in order to focus on your craft. This will allow you to create a lifestyle and a business that’s in full on alignment with your souls calling!It’s been a few months since I’ve gathered a group to do this sacred cleansing.

I am now accepting a small group to join me on the following dates

September 30th – October 5th

November 11th – November 16th

These openings will go FAST! I prefer to keep the groups small. 

Reserve your spot Now!

Andrea Cox, Retreat facilitator

Andrea Cox, Retreat Facilitator

Andrea Cox, Retreat Facilitator

For a Quick pick me up, Do this!

In search of a Quick pick me up?

I hope you had a healthy balanced relaxing stress-free weekend! I hope you got out in nature. YOU are in charge of your life, your health & your choices! Positive healthy daily choices lead to FABULOUS results! I CHOSE to get 8 hours of sleep last night therefore I feel great today! Choose to do something great for yourself every day this week. Self care is not selfish! ! YOU have the power to change your entire existence TODAY!

 I have a rule I live by. I choose one of the following to do as a pick me up almost every day! Even though I stayed home today to wash my fur husbands, I still got my yoga in (at home), drank more water and will take a bath tonight.

Try choosing one of these healthy tips every day and see if it works for you!

 *Sit down to eat

 *Get more rest

 *Take a yoga class

 *Hit the trails with your dog or, take him or her on three walks today instead of two!

*Volunteer at a local animal shelter

*Make a vegetable soup from scratch

*Hit the gym

*Stay off social media

 *FaceTime that family member or friend you’ve been trying to ignore due to your own stuff

 *Drink a cold pressed juice

 *Drink a gallon of water

 *Take an epsom salt bath

 Choose one of the above and I promise you, you’ll feel better tomorrow!

 I love you, please love yourself!

Join me live Tuesday evening on FB live at 6pm pacific for a healthy meal! Here is the link!


Ways to Heighten your vibration

You clean your home almost daily! So why would you not clean out your body? One of my favorite sayings on both my new spiritual channel TheDetoxIntuitive and my detox channel AndreaCoxTV is “Your Issues Live In Your Tissues”!

What does this mean? It means that the less (hopefully none) dead decomposing foods we eat, animals and their by-products the more we will be able to FEEL into our heart space. YAY! If this sounds like a breeze, I can ensure you it is not. The cleaner the body the more troublesome memories, past life and childhood traumas and addictive behaviors come up to be purged.

Along with the animal products you’ll want to rid yourself of white flour, white sugar, packaged processed foods, alcohol, drugs (unless prescribed for an existing condition by a doctor) stagnant relationships that refuse to move forward, mind thought patterns that keep you feeling stuck, time wasting activities such as constantly scrolling social media feeds or playing video games. WHEW, that feels heavy!

Two decades ago I “woke up” by utilizing the above principals and many more. However 7 years ago I felt myself being heavily burdened by an energy vampire. As difficult as it was I’ve had to fight my way back to the light.

Here are just a few of the methods I’ve used to get myself back to the light. I hope you utilize these methods I have. We are all here to learn and grow off each other.

Daily Reflextion

Daily Reflection

Ways to Heighten your vibration

1) Declutter! Start by making room! The more room you create in your body and home the more room you create inside of your heart.


3) START JUICING! I will always be the worlds BIGGEST cheerleader when it comes to juicing! There is no better way to speed up your awakening.

4) Examine and embrace your shadow-side! Be conscious of and intentional about what you believe. Recently I went through a huge overhaul with my shadow-side. Coming face to face with parts of myself that I felt ashamed of. I assure you self reflection will be the beginning of your new life!

5) Expand your mind. Explore new ideas and differing beliefs. Beliefs that you may not agree with but may yourself one day incorporate into your own lifestyle.

6) Go outside. Connect with nature! Nature is the seed that nurtures our soul. There is energy and spirit and magic in the outdoors.

7) Take care of yourself. Self care is the life blood of your awakening! I’ve been teaching this for YEARS! Contrary to popular belief, it is NOT selfish to say NO or to put yourself first.

8) Learn to let go. This was my most difficult lesson. Once I woke to knowing I didn’t need the clarity I sought, the release was easy. There is beauty in being able to let go. Letting go gives us peace. It puts an end to any mind battle we may be fighting.

9) Go Within. There is grace that we can only find in solitude. “Chopping wood and carrying water” is a saying I embrace fully. This means we are to find the beauty in every day life tasks.

I hope that the above helped you embrace this new cycle we are in. As we embrace the new, let us let go of any guilt and shame from the past. Heres to new beginnings.

I love you, please love yourself



Mental Health – Depression

Depression…  let’s talk about it.

When I was 18 I was handed an anti depressant by my gynecologist , yea the gyno! I actually took the antidepressant for one year gained 40 pounds and was miserable. I was simply having a bad day when I walked in his office and I was handed a prescription drug. Not much has changed since then with doctors. In fact today with big Pharma Working hand-in-hand with doctors antidepressants are handed out like candy.

Winging myself off an antidepressant was the hardest thing I ever did in my life.

Here are my thoughts today.

A) If you are severely depressed or, if you fluctuate between extreme highs and lows you need to speak to someone. It’s not something to take lightly. Never and I mean never try to wing off any type of SSRI alone. This needs to be done over a long period of time. That being said there are several studies proving that SSRIs actually lead to further depression. Here’s another fact for you every mass shooting in the past 10 years has had a person that has been on or immediately winged off their medication. So again…talk to your doctor and be legit about your goals to slowly wing yourself off.

We all have good days and bad days as well as highs and lows. If you are a highly creative person, this is especially the case. Sometimes you need a time out from the chatter and the noise around you. It’s a time to center yourself and get back to your roots. Just make sure your solitude does not become a refuge to hide behind a deeper problem.

C) Reach out to talk to someone if you find yourself slipping into a dark room with no door handle. This is vitally important. You can compartmentalize a lot of things but when you begin to compartmentalize your feelings without communicating to others you steal both you and the other persons (people) ability to move past situations with growth and resilience.

D) Be keenly aware of the box of stagnancy that you or, someone else has placed you in. You are in control of breaking free. No one else holds the box cutter but you.

E) Become one with nature I can’t talk enough about this. When we see things from an above perspective…how the bark of a tree peels itself off like the peeling of an onion of all that we are…it’s moving, truly moving. It reminds us of how small we really are in this big world we live in.

F) Find one good person you can always go to. Someone who is trustworthy, someone who will not share your secrets with others. That one person who is honest and who walks in integrity. They may not be perfect however if they truly understand you, they do have an important role in your life.

G) Protect your energy always! Energy vampires DO exist! Once you are aware of this …even the mere seeing of them pop up on your Facebook stories can send you into a tailspin of hibernation and depression.

Be mindful, they know this…it is up to you to measure the level of detachment necessary for you to be at peace.

I hope this helped in even a small way.
Love you, please love yourself


Detox Retreat California

Michael from Canada and sweet beautiful Rosemary from New Jersey.

Michael from Canada and sweet beautiful Rosemary from New Jersey.

I had two locals and two people from out of town join me at La Costa resort for an intimate retreat this week.

My local couple partook in working their corporate jobs while taking on a juice fast. One has an hour commute each day and she rocked it!

These two lovelies in this photo came in from opposite sides of the globe. Michael my kind hearted cancer is from Canada . He’s teaching me to be calm through storms. Michael is in the process of changing his entire life beginning with his health. It’s impressive.

Rosemary my Italian mother of two who is a Leo/Cancer cusp is teaching me about pure unadulterated kindness. Rosemary takes care of her mom who has Parkinson’s. Her Javanese dog “Gia” is getting up there in age and she calls and checks on her daily. She is so nice that I leave her room wondering if I’ll ever meet another person with such a loving heart.

Both of them GLOW from the inside out! Not because of their accomplishments. Not because of the latest charcoal mask:) They glow because they both have open loving GIVING hearts! They glow because they are honest, kind loving people. They glow because they want the best for everyone. These are people who put others before themselves. I think maybe I’m teaching them how to turn their selflessness into selfishness! They are teaching me to turn selfishness into selflessness. Funny how that works.

They are just beginning their healthy not so selfish self love journey (self care is NOT selfish)! In the beginning of every transformation are people who know how to love themselves first. Knowing that we cannot give to others until we first give to ourselves.


When allopathic and Chinese medicine combine

Over the past week I’ve been faced with quite a few situations that have tested my faith in humanity. The veil that Big Pharma and Doctors play in the grand scheme of things is scary. There is a BIG place for allopathic medicine. It can save your life! There is also a HUGE need to look at Chinese medicine and nutrition as a way to treat conditions without side effects. I have been praying day and night that the more all of you awaken to this truth…the less the ones we love will suffer.

It is difficult for me to remain silent on a subject I feel so passionate about. It’s also hard for me to stay composed when it comes to those I love.

Hold space for people. Everyone has the freedom to choose. Give solid advice backed by factual evidence and then ….again….hold space. The world is changing and growing. Getting back to the knowing that eating plants and keeping things simple is the way to go. Know that not everything is a simple fix. This is where a doctors guidance is needed. But please….do your research. We get one body…be the person who holds dominion over yours.

Below…Raw cabbage kale salad with sprouts I grew in a jar via my window seal! Sprouted quinoa wraps with sweet mustard sauce! With a little imagination, plant based food can be art.

To me…this looks like a beautiful Picasso

I love you, please love yourself.


Is it anxiety Or Is IT Your Past Life Catching Up With You?

Shoutout to all the women who have a bit of unscrupulous activity surrounding them & choose to rise above, take the high road & live in integrity. Know you have arrived ladies!

If you think things won’t get better…I PROMISE IT WILL!  Your life is about to FLY LEAPS BEYOND your wildest dreams! It happend for me and I know it can happen for you too!

Grab a few crystals hit your yoga mat, sip a green juice and place all of your energy into MEGA SELF CARE MODE! The biggest sign of your awakening is to LOVE YOURSELF SO MUCH that only higher vibrational beings who also move in the energetic field of integrity, love and honor can come towards you. I promise you…this is the high road:) Your Life has the potential to be as beautiful as you choose to create it to be!


Have you ever had an anxiety attack or experienced herxheimer reaction while detoxing your body? Sure, it may be a detox symptom or, it good mean that you are having a memory from childhood or a past life come up. My favorite saying is “your issues live in your tissues”! I truly believe and know this is factual! I just uploaded a live video on my channel that speaks about the need of ALL of us to do both childhood regression and especially past life regression.

Watch the video here! 

Have Youthful Skin Without Plastic Surgery

Thank you for all the birthday wishes! I had a BEAUTIFUL day of self care!

I wanted to speak about being authentic about what we do to keep our youthful appearances. Tomorrow, I’m having micro needling RF done. This is actually my second session. The first time I had it done I videotaped it on my YouTube channel. Micro needling is not a form of plastic surgery it’s actually where thousands of little holes are poked in your face, then your blood is spun and has nutrients added and put back onto your face in cream form. This keeps my skin youthful but is certainly not my secret. My food however is!

Growing up I had cystic acne once I went vegan , the acne disappeared. I have been vegan 17 years now. When I went vegan in Ohio 17 years ago there were no juice bars. There were no raw food restaurants and when I said “raw food” people actually thought I meant sushi . Going vegan and getting rid of all chemicals is what changed the texture of my skin.

What I don’t like seeing is women who lie and try to sell products to create a youthful skin texture etc. who actually have plastic surgery done on their face. It’s like false advertising. People can see through that clear as day. The best advice I can give you on anti-aging is the following…

** Fast on a regular basis

** Go vegan NOT vegetarian but vegan

** Use organic products on your skin! No chemicals , parabens or sulfites on the hair

** Sweat!  I use my sauna daily! The skin is the largest organ of the body! It is a portal to detoxification.

** Against popular believe I actually feel we do need sunlight for vitamin D purposes and when used correctly it can be an anti-age or instead of an ager!

** DO NOT USE CHEMICAL SUNSCREENS Using zinc based sunscreen free of chemicals is the best route!

*** Ditch the perfumes and use essential oil’s! Perfumes are TOXIC!

*** Practice anti-stress coping mechanisms such as meditation and yoga

I hope all of these tips help you. You can incorporate all of this into your daily protocol. I have A TON of videos on AndreaCoxTV my health and detox YouTube channel that you may find useful on this subject:)



Spiritual Self Improvement – Get Un-stuck

We all get stuck in dark energy from time to time. A few things that can cause this ….

Not trusting our intuition
Keeping ourselves stuck or stagnant
Health issues
Financial problems
Loosing a loved one
Going through a breakup or divorce
Loosing a job
Being taken for granted
Fearing change
Avoiding growth

In my opinion, there is one thing that will keep us stuck in dark energy more than ANYTHING else! Not being authentic to ourselves! Not owning our truth!

Over the next few days I will be taking you through a few daily exercises to get you “unstuck”! Yes…this is for you!


Exercise one…Keep a daily gratitude journal for one solid month! By simply keeping a gratitude journal we can release stagnant energy that has held us back from forward movement.

Make sure you list five things you’re grateful for that actually shows your growth!

Here is what I listed yesterday….

I am grateful for my connection to my family and my loving rescue dogs.

I am grateful that I made it to yoga ‍♀️ five days in a row.

I am grateful that my finances are improving daily!

I am grateful that my sleep wake cycle is now on point!

I am grateful that I healed my psoriasis and can wear cute dresses again!

I am grateful for my growing list of clients both new and the good old faithfuls!

OK, you have your homework and run ‍ with it

I love you, please love53100542_10214303059031050_3805580146560204800_o

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