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Archive for the category “Self Care”

The benefits of taking a Digital Detox

After feeling “looked at by many but known by few” I decided to turn my cell phone off over the weekend. I did this to reconnect with God. To reconnect with my yoga practice, my animals, and myself. I made the conscious choice of rediscovering the benefits of a Digital Detox.

I had my VA post to my stories for me and didn’t share anything on my platforms. I have also disconnected the messenger apps for Instagram and Facebook. This way, all messages go to my VA instead of me.

My discoveries…

Having trouble completing projects? I completed a home project and two business projects that I simply couldn’t find the time for prior. A headache that I began to get a few months ago disappeared. I reconnected with a friend I haven’t seen in years. I hit my yoga mat every morning consistently.

With all this newfound time on my hands, I decided to research the symptoms of people who truly needed a Digital Detox! My findings were alarming though not shocking!

Six Signs You Need a Digital Detox

1) You spend more time than intended on your devices.

2) You feel guilt/dissatisfaction afterward or like you just don’t measure up in society.

3) You are suddenly motivated by a fear of missing out or you feel like you are not producing enough in your business or career.

4) You experience sudden urges to check your social media (how many likes, comments, etc.)

5) You never have enough time in your day to spend with loved ones, pets or to complete important projects.

6) You experience headaches often

Above are only a small few of the side effects of being addicted to social media, the news, and other technologies. I could have extended that list further down to be completely honest with you.

There is a balance to everything in life and although I have been consistently sharing on social media for 10 years, I don’t intend on continuing. I am finding more balance out in nature, within my yoga practice, and by connecting with friends, clients, and loved ones. Not over social media, but in the flesh.

We can never get wasted time back in this life. And if we are constantly having our cell phone in our hands what will we have as regret at the end of our short time here on earth?

Are you ready to transform “Looked at by many and known by few” into “looked in on by few and known personally by many”? Let’s take a look at ten ways you can easily make this happen!

Six Tips to take a technology break! 

1) Turn your device off

Turn your device off when you leave your home and leave your purse (with your cell) in the trunk! I actually do this often. I began doing it to avoid texting and driving. It’s such a joy to listen to music while driving! Or, to roll the windows down and to be overwhelmed by the fresh air! Try this, you just may love it!

2) Don’t buy into the hype

Stop comparing yourself on social media to others. Seventy-five percent of what you see on social media is fake. The majority of people only share the positive parts of their lives, not the argument they had with their husband or girlfriend last week. In fact, a study was done found here proves that too much time spent on social media actually leads to more depressive thoughts. 

3) Employ the 25 rule

I have 25 people that I can actually see on social media. Even on my Facebook personal page found here that has 22,000 followers and 5000 friends. I actually have unfollowed everyone’s posts outside of my family’s. And I’ve done this for years! Trust me, it will work wonders in your life! If you need to know how someone is doing, call them up. This is what real connection is all about. 

4) Remove messaging apps from your device!

This was a game-changer for me. Messaging apps such as the ones that Facebook and Instagram provide will drain you of your time and life-force energy. When I removed these apps from my social media phone, I realized how much time I REALLY had available to me. 

5) Get a second phone and keep your social media phone off for 90% of your day!

I realize this may seem extreme but with the recent “change of terms and agreements” that many social media platforms have put in place, it’s a must in order to protect your privacy. The benefits of having one phone designated for your business and social media and then a second phone for personal use are astounding! 

I use my “tech phone” once in the afternoon and then for any client or business meetings I have. It’s generally turned off promptly at 5 pm. 

Only 12 people have my personal number. Honestly, after practicing this for a year, I wouldn’t have it any other way. 

6) Get outside 

This is the way of the masters! The bottom line is nature heals. If you’ve not mastered the skill of being in nature a minimum of one hour per day (rain or shine), there has never been a better time than now! 

Being in nature allows our cells to regenerate and our mind to rejuvenate.

Could it be this easy?

Could changing your life and improving your health really be as simple as turning your cellular device off on the weekends? For me, it’s looking to be the case.

More irony…

Ironically, the most popular detox program that I created 9 years ago that EVERYONE loses weight on is called “The Digital Detox”! Check it out here! Although this program isn’t about taking time off of your devices, (it’s actually about how to detox through the foods we eat), it works! 

It’s a program guaranteed to cleanse you of one pound of toxic waste per day.

I love you, please love yourself

Andrea Cox, creator of the Digital Detox

Andrea Cox, creator of the Digital Detox


How to change your health and your life!


Andrea Cox Intuitive healer, detox specialist, holistic health coach

Andrea Cox Intuitive healer, detox specialist, holistic health coach

Hello friend,

Once per year I extend an offer to you that far surpasses ANY Black Friday sale you’ll come across today! It’s the gift that keeps on giving! A gift of a renewed life refreshed mind and refurbished body! It’s the only gift that allows you to heal from the inside out. It’s the gift of my health coaching and intuitive guidance services.

The results my clients achieve after working one on one with me in the areas of cellular detoxification, weight-loss, eating disorder recovery, intuitive guidance and overall spiritual health are life-changing! In fact, I often say to my clients “I don’t want to see you back again let’s get it right the first time”. And every time, we do get it right!

You see, my goal is not to have you come back as a repeat client. My goal is to send you back into the world as an entirely new person. Someone who feels confident within their body mind spirit and soul. A healed person who is doing their life’s work. A balanced human who is interacting healthily with their life partner, family, and friends.

When I work with clients it is not for the sole purpose of them losing weight however most of them end up losing about a pound to two pounds per day. While discovering their true calling in life and ending codependent relationships friendships and business partnerships that have had them in a struggle or even feeling trapped.

Have you been struggling with your weight, emotional over-eating, binging, people-pleasing, relationship toxicity, or mental blocks? Do you feel that you are in a codependent relationship where you are not getting the love, attention, and admiration that you deserve? If you find yourself answering “yes” to any of the above mentioned, it’s time to book a call to begin our month-long coaching.

Here are just a few benefits my clients achieve along with proven healing protocols they learn with them during our month-long process together!

* Loss of the ego-self
* More Self-confidence and elevated self-esteem
* Profound emotional healing
* Identify and clarify business or personal goals (you will discover and clarify your life’s purpose)!
* Forgive others and release old feelings of resentment towards past partners, family members, and colleagues
* Improve relationships with loved ones and co-workers
* Get motivated with a clear action plan
* Create and maintain healthy boundaries
* Opening your heart (learn to become vulnerable while still protecting your boundaries)
* Work through major life transitions
* Develop and implement organizational skills
* Be held accountable for a weight loss plan
* An ending to binge eating
* Cellular detoxification protocols (never get sick again)!
* Meal planning for post-chemo patients
* Herbal protocol and meal planning for post addiction recovery
* Anorexia, bulimia, and BED (binge eating disorder) meal
* Stop over-spending and get out of debt
* Develop leadership and public speaking skills


Look, I’m not like other so-called “coaches”. I don’t take on 4-6 people per month. I am an avid teacher of self-care! I lead a VERY balanced life. Seventy-five percent of my new clients come from clients with whom I’ve worked with in the past.

I’ve found over the years that by only taking on one client per month, I can transform your life while maintaining a healthy balance of my own. Besides, I prefer your month of guidance to be entirely devoted to your healing process.

If you are ready to get back into the driver’s seat of your life. If you are ready to TRULY change the look and health of your body along with your entire outlook on life, please contact me on my business cell at 937-760-0865. Please note this cell phone only accepts text messages. 

I only want the best for you and I look forward to paving your path towards healthy, abundant, and mindful new beginnings!

~ Andrea

7 Tips to Heal Yourself from Plaque Psoriasis and Eczema

Andrea Cox psoriasis free

Today I am 3 years psoriasis free!

And NO! I am not posting a leg photo for attention! Just take a look at previous health articles I wrote. Those horrifying photos speak for themselves. One look at those old photos and you’ll see why I PROUDLY am able to wear dresses, skirts and shorts again.

I’ve been vegan 19 years

I’ve been Gluten-free for 13 years

I’ve engaged in Intermittent fasting for 20 years

I’ve was raw vegan for 9 years 

No soda pop for 20 years

No alcohol other than biodynamic wine 1 time in 20 years

I’ve used my Sauna daily for 10 years

I’ve been sun gazing for 15 years

No TV for 15 years

No use of a microwave for 20 years 

No antibiotics for 20 years

No pharmaceutical drugs for 20 years

No aspirin ever

I’ve ever been vaccinated

I’ve never had a flu shot

No eating of dead decomposing animals for 19 years

No animal by-products 19 years

No dairy 20 years

No packaged processed foods 20 years

No sunscreen EVER! 

Although I’m completely grateful to be psoriasis free for 3 years, I must say, I was SHOCKED when diagnosed. Our skin is the largest organ of our body. It takes COPIOUS amounts of stress to show up in the form of psoriasis.

And yes, after all of that clean living, a year of stress woke it up in me.

Here is what I used to rid my body of psoriasis…

1) Daily meditation 20 minutes I began taking 20 minutes of solitude and peace daily! This truly made a huge difference in my overall well being. 

2) Yoga Every Day! I dove even deeper into my yoga practice for an hour every morning at 4am in my living room

3) This tea crushed my food allergies! I grow my own thyme in my herb garden. I love the way it smells and tastes. Drinking thyme tea to reduce food allergies is an ancient practice in my family. Remember, we become allergic to food when we eat during periods of stress! Even healthy foods!

4) I trusted my intuition on the foods I ate and stopped eating before I became full! I began Intuitively eating! Only eating when I was truly hungry and most importantly, I stopped when I was full. 

5) Getting adequate amounts of Vitamin D! I sat in the sun for 20 minutes every other day with no toxic sunscreen {yes sunscreen is FULL of crap}!

6) I eliminated the stress! I learned to recognize what was a major source of stress in my life. I stopped blaming myself. I took action and became more outspoken to ward off environmental stressors (even people) who were toxic in my life. 

7) I healed my gut! I started taking my smiling gut probiotics every morning along with my raw detox formula and my Sexy And Raw hair skin and nails formula. (Shop Andrea’s Supplements Here)!

I hope this helps any of you who have had to deal with this. PLEASE don’t listen to doctors who try to hand you steroid creams, pills and sob stories that this is hereditary. Doctors who say you will be stuck with this for life!
Eliminate the major stress, eat a clean plant based diet, drink plenty of water, meditate or do yoga for stress reduction and relax!

I can’t begin to explain how traumatic of an experience it was to be covered with psoriasis for a year. I remember thinking to myself “no way am I stressed out to the point of causing a head to toe skin rash that keeps me up at night”!

Once I woke up to the fact that I was carrying FAR too much emotional stress, I made it my priority to balance myself and my emotional reactions to situations that were going on around me.
Now days, stress does not affect me! 
I look at the scars on my arms and legs from nights I spent awake, alone itching as battle wounds of victory. 

Have faith, it will get better and eventually be gone!
I love you ~ love yourself

Psoriasis Symptoms and Causes Triggers and Treatment

Today I was thinking of the frustration my psoriasis and autoimmune disease (eczema or whatever you want to call it) used to cause me a few years ago. It used to cause me to make me feel …

anxiety ridden

Please don’t tell me “I don’t know pain”! Don’t tell me I don’t know how it feels to suffer. I’m not sharing this for “shock” value! In fact, I debated even sharing this photo at all!

For two years I dealt with a debilitating skin rash that left me baffled! I went to dermatologist after dermatologist begging for answers! I went to natural docs, acupuncturists and even did a second ayahuasca ceremony!

Seeing as I already lead a VERY healthy lifestyle including being a gluten-free vegan I was shocked at what was going on with my skin! After seeing a skin specialist and Chinese herbalist in Santa Monica, I finally was properly diagnosed with an autoimmune disease called psoriasis.

The doctor asked a lot of questions! One of them being “have you ever had a similar rash”? Thinking back I did. Eight years ago while going through a difficult time I had a much milder version that lasted for a year. I was able to keep it at bay until encountering another stressful event. While searching for my boyfriends dog in Mexico I became extremely overwhelmed. This is when I first noticed the rash appear on my legs.

The Chinese doctor told me that she is seeing a lot of women with breast implants who are dealing with crazy autoimmune issues! We agreed that it would be best to eventually remove my implants.

I’m not sharing this for sympathy! I’m sharing this because having an eating disorder a decade ago was a CAKE WALK compared to this nightmare! I wouldn’t wish this on anyone! That being said there is some speaking up that needs to be done about the true cause of MANY women’s suffering! Suffering that doesn’t have to happen!

What I will say is this…. to any of you going through any type of skin issue… I never once listened to the doctors trying to give me steroids! I refused them every time! And to any of you women who are considering breast implants, I will just say they are my ONLY regret in life! I mean why was my skin acting out against me? 

I remembered this… Our government along with Big Pharma is cracking! They don’t want you to know that you’re eczema, psoriasis, cancer and health conditions are linked to a mast cell disorder, that is tied to an MTHFR gene mutation activated by all the CRAP food they are allowing and PUSHING you to buy! They don’t want you to know what they are adding to the vaccines they are giving BABIES! They want you to think the words “chem trails” are nonsense!

NOTE: Don’t you find it interesting that there is very little literature on low histamine GMO free organic plant based diets? Yet, there is plenty of information and commercial advertisements on fast food, soda pop pharmaceutical drugs and how genetically modified foods last longer on grocery store shelves!

Causes of skin conditions

Gluten in the diet

Eating an acidic diet or leading an acid filled lifestyle ( our thoughts create our reality)!

Chronic stress or a sudden stressful situation

An MTHFR gene mutation


THE CHANGING POINT! Before I knew it, it hit me!

* Just fifteen years ago I was struggling with bulimia!

* Just eight years ago I was in a terrible accident that left me with a reverse cervical neck!

* Just five years ago I had a broken foot and was broke in my bank account! 

When life gives you lemons juice those babies up! 

So what did I do to rid my body and my skin of psoriasis? And did I mention… It was even on my face! 

The first day I realised my #psoriasis was gone!


  • I didn’t buy into the hype (and don’t you either)! … Do your research and do the best you can to grow your own food and to adopt a healthier way of life!
  • I got angry and decided it was time to kick some psoriasis but! I mean I’m a well known intuitive healer and holistic health coach! I have lives to change! I cannot be caught up in sleepless nights and worry! 
  • I made the choice to NOT allow stressful people into my home or life! Bottom line, when these people were nixed from my radar, my skin began to clear.
  • I cut out all high histamine foods from entering my home! This included cashews, tomatoes and chia seeds!
  • “Yoga every day” became my motto once again! I went from practicing yoga three times per week to daily!
  • I created my own supplement line found here and I became religious about taking my supplements EVERY DAY!
  •  I made a conscious decision to adoptAN EVEN BETTER skincare routine & plant based lifestyle! In other words, I transformed my already clean lifestyle and skin care routine into an even cleaner one!
  • I spent a lot of time outside in nature! I left my devises (AKA VICES) inside and I got my bottom outside! 

Then one day I woke skin condition free! Look out world ~ I’m still winning the battle against psoriasis and eczema today! Then again, I always come out winning

I love you
Here’s to your healing journey
Only want the best for you
Please love yourself
And drink your juice
Copyright © Andrea Cox

Copyright © ALC

Who the Coronavirus is really affecting.

Hey Luv,

For the first time in my life, I’m without words.

I woke this morning with tears in my eyes. Seeing very clearly what is important and what no longer holds any value.

I feel grateful that all my needs are met. That I have a roof over my head. That my fridge has food. Many don’t have these simple luxuries. 

To turn on the news in any capacity has never and will never be part of my routine. But even to scroll the news feed on Facebook at this time I feel is damaging to my heart and mind and the minds and hearts of others..

Animals are being hung alive in the streets in other countries under the false notion that they carry this horrific virus. They do not! The elderly feel isolated and are basically being told that their is little hope.

I feel a deep rooted pain for the animals, the elderly and anyone who is alone at this time.

Please count your blessings. Do what you can for your elderly neighbors and aging parents. My gratitude is HUGE for my sister who cares for my mom and her husband who ran out to get my moms groceries yesterday. These little things really matter at this time.

My heart is heavy. My tears aren’t stopping. I cant give, perform, teach and even speak like I usually do.

I’ve always been able to see years ahead. Nineteen years ago I saw that the world needed go plant-based. Now I see more than ever that we all need to work together to clean up this planet, the ocean and this world. If we don’t get back to basics this world will become even worse off.

There is no better time than NOW To adopt a pet!

Animal shelters are closing down and pets are being euthanized. Do what you can PLEASE The BEST demonstration of unconditional love is opening your heart and your home to an animal in need!

There are several experts saying that the coronavirus began in the dog-meat industry on the streets of China. I’ve mentioned to you in the past of a wonderful Non-profit organization that has been rescuing dogs from the dog meat festivals for years. Now more than ever they need your support.

Here is a video to what this heroic soul does every year.

And here is how you as an individual can help and get involved.

I really do love you

Only want the very best for you

Please love yourselves

Stay Safe!

Stay home!

Take your vitamin C and your zinc

Get fresh air and sunshine!

Find unique ways to move your body daily

Be there for the elderly and your pets

Until Tomorrow, be the change you wish to see in others

Enjoy and thank you for subscribing to both my channels below. Be sure and hit the bell notification button followed by the “see all” button.

AndreaCoxTV {Health ~ Raw Vegan Recipes & Detox}

TheDetoxIntuitive {Monthly astrological Intuitive Readings ~ Spiritual Messages}

You Deserve This – Retreat Yourself! Customize Your Own Detox!


Andrea Cox, Your retreat facilitator.

Hello Beautiful!

Over the past few years I’ve been taking on more one on one clients than I have group retreats. What it boils down to is there simply is no one shoe fits all option when it comes to cellular detoxification!

Some clients need a simple juice or water fast to reset their digestion and to jumpstart their organs into flushing deactivation. Other clients come to me struggling to let go of alcohol drugs and prescription meds such as pain pills or sleeping pills. Then there’s your person who has went through chemotherapy and simply wants to detox the toxins out of the body on a raw food diet. 

Yoga at a girls only (one husband was aloud to attend:) retreat at a beautiful beach house in Solana beach.

Lately I’ve been getting a lot of couples where one is struggling and the partner wants to learn how to help the other work through inner child issues while letting go of addictive substances. 

 Whatever detoxification you need I have a customizable program for you. Whether I am traveling to you or you are taking a week to relax in sunny San Diego, I know at the end of your customized detox, you’ll return to your family, friends and co-workers as a healthier happier even slimmer version of yourself!  Even your little fur babies will recognize a difference. 

View your customized retreat options here.

A guest from NJ and a guest from Canada enjoying their guided super market tour at their customized retreats.

I Love you, Please love yourself

Awaken Through The Lessons ~ Coaching & Spiritual Detoxification Retreats!

For years I didn’t know how I would ever be able to clear out the emotional clutter of the co-dependent relationships of the past. I had no clue how to end LONG KARMIC CYCLES of on and off relationships or in and out behavior. I was fighting with the people that were the most dear to my heart. Those who I loved the most. I wasnt visiting my family or cultivating close friendships into my life. I was over working while being under paid. I felt like I wasnt truly living my lifes purpose.

My name in the raw vegan detoxification movement was up there with the big boys! But my soul was crying out for more. I knew there had to be MUCH MORE to what I was destined to leave as my legacy. More than just juices and a group of happy glowing people that I had taught my secrets to.


I’ve taken two decades of eating a living foods diet, juicing every day and my cellular detoxification secrets and combined them with a way of communicating with others from a perspective that includes our astrological chart and past life connections. This way of communicating evokes healing past pain to create a better future. Whether you join me for a month of one on one coaching or, for a retreat in a group setting. This program is sure to work in your life towards healing your health, mind and your relationships.

As our past life trauma is awakened the realization that we are working through our soul groups to create change is learned. Here is where REAL IMPROVEMENT OCCURS! Here is the kicker… the one fact that EVERYONE tends to miss! Our issues live in our tissues! If you don’t start detoxifying your body on a cellular level, these past life traumas will never truly come alive! They will simply stay dormat and you will continue to suffer.

With your health

your work

your family

and especially within the rhealm of your relationships!

So how does this work? How do you sign up today to be a part of this transformational life changing experience? You simply make a choice! You ask yourself the following question. 

Do I learn better over an extended period of time? Or, am I more receptive to learning when in a group setting away from home?


Here is the List of ceremonies and classes at the retreat

Divine feminine & Divine masculine Connection

Plants as medicine

Raw Living Foods Education

Food combining

Elixir Tonic making to heal adrenal failure

Juicing with Andrea

Vision board Creation

Daily yoga and meditation

Birth chart and reading from Andrea

Colonics and coffee enemas

Transformational breath work

Lymphatic drainage massage

Learn to lead and partake in moon rituals

All fresh organic juices, raw living foods and supplements provided All fragrance free, chemical free and fluoride free toiletries will be provided. A journal for jotting down Andrea’s recipes and your thoughts will be provided. IN A LUXURIOUS ALL-INCLUSIVE RESORT IN SUNNY SAN DIEGO!


List of classes through our coaching program

The coaching program embodies each of the above cerimonies and rituals that I will be teaching for you. This is excellent for those of you who simply cannot take off from work, or who want a one on one experience with me leading the way.

We speak over skype, Facetime or the phone three times per week for about one hour each call. You also have my personal cell number to reach out to me at ANY TIME within business hours. For services such as the lymphatic drainage, yoga and breath work, I’ll be referring you to the proper instructors in your area from my own personal data base.

To Book Your Retreat Simply Click Here

To Sign Up For Coaching You May E-mail me @

Remember, I only want the best for you ~ Congrats on taking the first step towards loving yourself ~ Andrea


Secret SOS Self-Care Routine

‪Daily Message ~ Peace is the recognition that everything that happens to you is actually happening for your highest good!


Once in a while I can fall into a routine of no routine. Although I LOVE spontinanty I recognise that not having a crystal clear routine does not work in my favor. Over the past few weeks I’ve been “extra” careful to nurture myself.

My top five tips on getting back to a routine

My every five day organic food haul!

* I load up on fresh fruit and vegetables. I never miss a good farmers market. If I’m super busy however… I’ll just hit the local organic grocery store.

* I take a detox epsom salt sage walnut bath every night. This is great for relaxing my sore muscles after a workout. It’s also a stellar way to ward off any negative juju from anyone who may be “jelly” of my transparency or light.

* I hit my yoga mat daily! Yoga is my moving meditation. Nothing relaxes me quicker than my practice.

* I get tucked in no later than 10pm! Even if I don’t fall asleep, I am always tucked in bed (or sometimes on me couch) by ten pm.

* 4:44 Prayer, Chanting and Meditation Although I only occasionally speak publicly about my spiritual practice, it is responsible for many things I value in life.

My peace of mind

My gratitude for everything I have

My connection with source and my ancestors

Remember, I only want the best for you.

Until tomorrow ~ Andrea

Enjoy my Secret Tips to raise your vibration at the start of each week in the video below!

Is This You?

Do you ever feel this way…

Do you ever feel guilty about the eating choices you’ve made as a result of all the stress and responsibility you carry in your day to day life?

Do you feel lethargic mid day?

You don’t have much energy like you used to. Or maybe you’ve never had the energy you think you should have?

Is your husband or wife saying you are overly emotional?

Is your work life suffering?

Do you feel like your not in a position of doing what you were put here to do?

Do you feel scattered and have trouble concentrating?

Do you feel like you’ve “let yourself go”?

Do you find yourself standing in front of the fridge after midnight?

Are you addicted to food, drugs, alcohol or even work?

If you don’t take that first step towards healing…you simply will not heal. Reaching out for help is the first step towards your new life. The keys to your new life are waiting for you! All you have to do is reach out and pick them up!

At Alkalize with Andrea Spiritual Fasting Retreats we give you the keys to your new life!

Fasting is a health and spiritual practice, where you drink only water, elixir tonics and fresh pressed organic juices for a certain period of time. This allows the digestive system to rest allowing the body and mind to heal. Most do it for spiritual reasons, to test their willpower, to break addictions, to detox and cleanse their body, and lose weight. Spiritually speaking, fasting is considered one of the best ways to burn karma (toxins). Creating a fire in the body helping you to release negativities and toxins that often affect our emotional, mental, physical and spiritual health.

Isn’t it time you put yourself first?

People have travelled from all over the world to experience their spiritual sadhana. Letting go of their stuck mind thought patterns, addictions and poor binging habits.

Join us for a journey of cellular and spiritual detoxification. Your keys await!

Sign up for our next retreat here! 

Back to enjoying the self

This week I’ve been stepping back into doing the things I LOVE! The things I never stopped doing however have been too busy to enjoy. For example, I make my tonic elixirs every morning yet rarely sit down to enjoy them. This week I sat down in the park by my home with the dogs. I felt the sunshine on my face. I placed my hand on little Rodgers fast beating heart and I thanked Louis for being my husband with fur for eleven loyal years.

It felt nice. I felt comforted knowing my little fur babies and I have so much appreciation for each other.


After a nice workout I had the joy of creating a few dehydrated treats.The crackers you see were made from left over juicing pulp, herbs and pumpkin seeds. The raw sweet balls are made from dates, coconut, almonds, spices and walnuts.

I’m enjoying them now while listening to the sound of an ice creme truck. I feel zero depravation. Zero! Subscribe to my YouTube channel to get hundreds of free recipes.


Around three my long time web security friend came over. I hadn’t met up with him in almost five years. We sat down at my dining room table and had a glass of my favorite water. I told him what I needed and he was able to scan both of my sites locating problems within minutes. We placed a plan in motion to implicate a strategy to achieve my goals and to place security measures in place that I didn’t even know existed.

When he left, I drew a card from my favorite oracle deck and this is what came out. I had a smile from ear to ear:)


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