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EASY BBQ Jackfruit Tacos!

Hi Beautiful:)

I wanted to share a quick and easy recipe with you to start your new year off in the right direction! This is my GO TO post workout meal because jackfruit (the main ingredient) has all the protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals you need! This recipe takes less than 10 minutes to make! YAY!

One pound or two cans of organic jackfruit (place in food processor)

BBQ Sauce

2 Cups vegan no salt ketchup

1/2 TB Shoyu Sauce

1/4 Black strap molasses

2 TB olive oil

2 cloves minced garlic

pinch of the following spices ~ cinnamon, allspice, paprika and oregano

Place all of the BBQ ingredients on top of the jack fruit and enjoy without shame or guilt!

Until tomorrow ~ Andrea


Hungry? Make this!



Ohio girls LOVE our taters! This is my FAVORITE plant-based potato recipe! If you love dill, you will LOVE this! Enjoy my Dill and Parsley taters!

  • 2-3 tablespoons of water
  • 1 pound baby golden potatoes, quartered
  • 1 tablespoon high quality olive oil
  • 1 garlic clove, grated
  • 3 tablespoons chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley
  • 1 tablespoon chopped fresh dill
  • 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 1 tablespoon fresh chives

Step 1)  Bake the potatoes until fork tender at 350 degrees.

Step 2) Heat oil in a large cast-iron skillet over medium-high. Add potatoes; cook 3 minutes or until browned and crisp. Combine potato mixture, garlic, and remaining ingredients, toss and devour without shame or guilt!


Detox Salad Recipe!


My closest friends have always called me “The Detox Queen”! They laugh because I am constantly creating new recipes just to be able to prove to my clients that they can eat and detox at the same time! During the holidays people tend to over eat! I created this Quick and Easy detox recipe on the 4th of July to prevent any mishaps such as “BED” or binge eating disorder for you!

Just because the holiday is over doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy this! It’s so light you could eat it as a side or main dish every day!

Enjoy and let me know what you think of the recipe by sharing your thoughts with a post on my Facebook wall here


4 Large cucumbers cut in half then halved again

3-4 medium size tomatoes chopped

1 Medium Avocado chopped

1/2 Cup Apple cider vinegar

3 TB Coconut Palm sugar

1/2 tsp dulse flakes

1 packet of stevia

Mix all ingredients in a bowl. Will keep in the fridge for up to a day! Serves two people or one hungry woman! 🙂

Andrea's 4th of July Detox salad!

Andrea’s 4th of July Detox salad!

Nourish your adrenal glands while saving money by making my DIY Chia date milk & creating your own signature blend of tonic alchemy!

ac_linkedin_1-3-1Nourish your adrenal glands while saving money by making my DIY Chia date milk & creating your own signature blend of tonic alchemy!
dairy free

Did I mention that No baby calfs or sheep were ripped apart from their mothers at birth to make this milk?!

Date Chia Milk! 

This is such an easy recipe and a FULL ON crowd pleaser! I add this to my tonics daily!

3-4 cups quality spring water

5-6 pitted dates

3 TB chia seeds

Blend all ingredients together in a high powered blender such as a Vita-Mix. Strain the mixture through a nut milk bag or strainer! Pour the mixture back into the blender and add one date, vanilla bean and cinnamon! I always add some fresh chia too for Omega 3’s!

Blend again and serve!

Your herbal elixir tonic!

This is TRULY EASY! It’s also what the big herb companies don’t  want you to learn! They LOVE selling packaged teas and tonics for a GINORMOUS price!

Take your three FAVORITE herbs (I’m going to use an example below…

Oat straw



Order those three herbs online at a bulk herb store and store in a large glass mason jar! BOOM you have just created your own signature tea blend! Wasn’t that difficult?! 🙂

BONUS TIP: These make excellent gifts!

My marsh-mellow root, oat-straw anti swelling blend!

My marsh-mellow root, oat-straw anti swelling blend!


Making banana nice cream!


 Would you do me a favor?

Please eat healthy this week! Please honor your highest good! Please choose to take a walk, take a yoga class or hit the gym at a minimum of five times per week this week! Please promise me you will take the time to create healthy food like my nana nice cream here! Please exercise your mind with a crossword puzzle or by relaxing it through meditation! I love you and only want the very best for you! If I’ve inspired you in any way to become healthier, please share this onto your Facebook wall  and let me here your story below in the comments!

Namaste ~ Recipe in video below!






For The Health Of Our Kids!



I just read an Email from a woman who doesn’t share my views on autism being related to vaccines. She also disagreed with my views on a healthy plant based probiotic rich diet for kids. Her Email was brief, to the point and full of put downs. She ended her email by letting me know “it’s a good thing I don’t have kids because, they would be starving”!

I don’t have children. I’m considered to be an “earth mother” because I help millions of people find their healthy path! If I did have children fruits and vegetables would be their staple until they were old enough to make a decision on what they wanted to eat themselves! You better believe I would be damn sure that they would have enough information from me once they did become the age to make their own food choices that they would make the right ones!

Look, I’m not here to bash I know you’re busy! I know you work hard! I know it seems that there’s not enough hours in the day! But I also know that life is very short and that our time here is precious and it’s the QUALITY of life that matters. PLEASE people take this to heart I love each and every one of you and care about all of you! I even care for those of you I’ve never met! I care about the health of your body and the health of our children in this country & around the World!

Let’s educate ourselves about vaccines, about genetically modified foods! Let’s learn about herbicide pesticides fertilizers! Let’s wake up to the fact that food coloring and dyes are placed in our children’s food! Hello, Our children shouldn’t be eating foods that are blue!!!

We owe it to the children of this world to educate ourselves but that’s not all we owe to them! We also owe to them the gift of once we know what’s best for them to give it to them!
No, I’m not a mother! I’m a woman whose life’s calling, her passion her every breath is helping others get to the best health possible! Beyond that, their QUALITY of life is improving! I want this for our children too!

Do teach your kids to shop at the farmers markets! I pray that the next time you are with them at the super market, you show them to shop the OUTSIDE PERIMETER! If you do CHOOSE to go into “the danger zone” of the inner Isles, I pray for the love of God you will be reading those labels knowing that ANYTHING that you cannot pronounce you will put back on that shelf while expressing your dismay to the store manager that he would carry such bullshit in their {your} store!

Enjoy the rest of your week & to the women who wrote the “colorful” letter, here’s a colorful picture for you.

I love you and only want the best for each and every one of you!


One of my favorite vegetables!

Hey friends:) Most of you started your detox on Jan 1st! For those of you who haven’t GET EXCITED! We are still taking a few more people in The 7Day Juicy Cleanse program!

Enjoy this great vegan recipe as a main, or a side dish always remembering we don’t need NEARLY the amount of protein as we’ve been taught we need!


2 pounds Brussels sprouts, trimmed, halved, outer leaves removed (5-6 cups prepped)
3 tablespoons coconut oil
1 teaspoon dry Harissa spice blend
1/3 teaspoon cinnamon
3/4 teaspoon fine sea salt
White pepper {white is. Enter for digestion}

Preheat the oven to 375 and line a large baking sheet with parchment paper.
Trim off the ends of the sprouts, then slice in half lengthwise, and pick off any loose outer leaves. Place the prepped sprouts into a large bowl.
Add the oil onto the sprouts in the bowl and stir or toss with hands until throughly coated. Add the Harissa, salt and cinnamon and stir until combined.
Spread the Brussels sprouts onto the prepared baking sheet in a uniform layer. Garnish with fresh rosemary.

Roast the sprouts for 20 minutes, then flip with spatula, and continue roasting for another 5-15 minutes until browned to your liking. You may desire to “overcook” these because they are delicious when crispy and charred.

Drizzle a tablespoon or so of melted coconut oil and quickly toss to coat.

I find the purple Brussel sprouts to be lovely in presentation but I also love the color purple💜

I found Harissa spice online but then saw that Whole Foods also carries it.

Remember to Enjoy this as a side dish or for your main entrée! It’s a total crown pleaser!

Gluten Free Vegan Key Lime Pie, For Christmas?


Why is it UBER cool to serve key lime pie at Christmas? Because it’s GREEN like your tree & although I LOVE persimmons {I have a viral YouTube video in them} after all, during the holidays people tend to get a bit tired of persimmon & pecan pie recipes! This recipe is FABULOUS! You literally cannot go wrong with it! For an added fact top it with any raw ingredients that is red in color then you really got the Christmas colors going!

Serves: 12 and can be made into a pie as seen above or individual tarts!

Ingredients Crust: 1 1/4 cups graham cracker crumbs (about 1 sleeve graham crackers) 1/4 cup (4Tbsp) coconut oil

Filling: 1 cup raw cashews, soaked for 4-6 hours (or overnight), then drained

3/4 cup full fat coconut milk, well shaken

1/4 cup coconut oil, melted 3-4 large limes or 6-7 key limes

(1 Tbsp zest, 1/2 cup juice)

1/3 – 1/2 cup coconut palm sugar or agave nectar (depending on preferred sweetness)

Instructions: Preheat oven to 375 degrees F and line a standard 10in baking dish or muffin tins with 12 paper liners. Don’t use foil as it is toxic!  Add graham crackers to a food processor and process until you achieve a fine meal. Then add melted coconut oil and pulse to combine. Distribute evenly among muffin tins or your baking dish and press down with a glass or spoon to flatten. Bake for 10 minutes or until golden. Remove and set aside to cool.

Add all filling ingredients to a blender and blend on high (or liquify) until creamy and smooth. Taste and adjust flavor as needed, adding more lime zest/juice for more tart, or more agave for added sweetness. Pour filling into muffin tins and tap on counter to release air. Top with a bit more lime zest and loosely cover. Freeze for 2-4 hours or until firm. Remove from the freezer for 10-15 minutes to thaw before serving.

This dish is EXCELLENT for the Holidays! It’s always a crowd pleaser!

Will keep covered in the freezer for up to 2 weeks, though best when fresh.

Notes: To keep this recipe RAW simply sub gluten free graham crackers for a walnut-date crust.

Nutrition Information Serving size: 1 pie Calories: 216 Fat: 14 g Saturated fat: 6 g

Carbohydrates: 21 g Sugar: 11 g Sodium: 106 mg Fiber: .8 g Protein: 2.8 g

Another successful retreat & 3 FREE Gifts for you!

Wednesday was a big day for me! I had six beautiful ladies and one man check into the resort to detox and cleanse on a cellular level! Among them…

A doctor

A student

A bio molecular scientist

A proud wife & mother of two

A pro 🏀 basketball players wife

A clothing designer

An entrepreneur

I actually turned down two people from coming to this retreat. After listening to their reasons, I felt it would be a waste of time to take them under my wing as they both only wanted to fit into dresses for the holidays. I pride myself on ONLY taking on clients who TRULY want to learn this lifestyle! Bottom line, it’s a waste of both my time and theirs to have it any other way!

My pre greeting raw vegan cereal ~ oat groats & freeze dried blueberries with dried bananas covered in walnut milk!

Gift #2

1 C soaked oat groats

2 C freeze dried wild blueberries

1 C banana chips

2 C walnut milk

Place oat groats, banana chips and freeze dried blueberries in a bowl. Cover with walnut milk and enjoy!


Another successful retreat!  retreat-meals

This mornings set up at Alkalize with Andrea Detox retreat! My raw detox clay formula followed by my Rainbow juice! Brunch will be these delicious fruit salads with raw vegan coconut chia truffles! YES, you can release toxins & weight while eating abundantly👍

GIFT#1 Rainbow juice recipe

4 stalks of celery

1/2 of a large cucumber

1/2 inch of ginger

2-3 Granny smith apples

5 cranberries

Juice and devour knowing you are cleansing your body! 

Learn More about my retreats here   

Gift #3 A gift of poetry

She didn’t need much, fresh juice, a few dogs to sing to, her garden and a strong shoulder to rest her head!

It’s the holiday season and we ALL go through our ups and downs! I do just as I’m certain you do too!

This is why I’ve created a special section on my new website of my poetry for you to enjoy! There are several poems about love, the earth, self love and everything you can think of! ENJOY!!!!

Enjoy my Poetry here! My gift to you! 


The BEST tasting post workout Pumpkin smoothie!

Hi there healthy lovely people!

It’s that time of year again, the kids are about to have a break from school, football season is here, the days are getting shorter and colder, the leaves are turning colors and this can mean only one thing… IT’S PUMPKIN SEASON! YAY!
I know what you are thinking, “another pumpkin recipe?!” YES! Why not? I know all of you LOVE pumpkin, besides this recipe is a GREAT post workout meal!

Try the recipe below! I promise you, you will not be let down!

  • ½ cup pure pumpkin
  • ½ cup gluten free oats (Keep the smoothie raw by using oat groats)
  • 1 banana
  • 1 cup coconut milk or hazelnut milk
  • 2 scoops vanilla protein powder (I like Vegan Amazing meal)
  •  1 tablespoon chia seed
  • ½ tablespoon vanilla or a small piece of a vanilla bean pod (I prefer the pod)
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • ½ teaspoon nutmeg
  • ½ teaspoon fresh grated ginger
  • ¼ teaspoon ground cloves
  • pinch good salt
  • vanilla stevia or Grade B maple syrup to taste
  • ice (from purified spring water)
    1. Place all ingredients except the ice in a high speed blender and puree until smooth – about 45 seconds.
    2. Add ice and continue pureeing until you reach desired consistency.
    • If mixture is too thick, add ¼ – ½ cup of coconut water.
    • Want to lower the calories? Use hazelnut milk instead of coconut milk as suggested above:)
    • and of course…
    • Share this recipe on your social media outlets below….I LOVE THAT!
    Big pumpkin spice kiss from my heart to yours ~ Andrea

    Andrea L Cox is the owner of The Healthy Haven & (Detox, Yoga, Juice fast & Raw Food Educational Retreats!) She is known as “The Detox Queen” and is a woman who walks her talk!

    Andrea is a fitness model turned health coach who has written four books on the raw vegan healthy detoxing lifestyle! Known as “The Detox Queen” She has taken the media by storm & has an impressive social media following with her YouTube channel surpassing 2 million views & her personal Facebook page alone having 30,000 people!

    Andrea has appeared on numerous news stations TV shows and magazine publications in her hometown of Dayton Ohio and now where she lives in San Diego! She has also had national media coverage! Her retreats have become a destination health vacation for several Hollywood celebrities!

    Andrea’s online detox programs may be found at

    Andrea’s retreats can be found at

    I WANT TO CONNECT WITH YOU! Find me at the following Social Media Links!






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