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Archive for the category “raw recipes”

Messages from spirit & Raw Vegan Recipe

Spirit Message for the week of October 26th ~ November 2nd

You were born an original… do not die a copy!

Do not become a sheep…As they have become sloppy

Dictating what you do, say and eat!

Claiming you will benefit from wheat & meat

You were born an original so this I tell you

Don’t become one of them… they’ll take you down like a fool

You are here for a purpose

Unique as your soul

Notice when you shine

How they attempt to troll

You were born an original

So never forget

Life is not meant to spend sleeping

Full of regret

You were born unique so if you cannot write well…

Stay off others lingo or you will wind up in jail

Andrea Cox

Andrea Cox

This weeks Oracle spirit message.

Often times when cleansing our body on a cellular level emotions come up. Like I always say “your issues live in your tissues”.  during these times of deep tissue cleansing we must have empathy for ourselves and compassion for those around us who are dealing with our ups and downs during the detoxification process. I just shared a new article talking about the difference between compassion and empathy. 

Read the article I wrote on compassion vs empathy here!



Everything shown above was grown organically in my garden! In fact, I’ve not went to the grocery in almost two months!

“The glory of gardening… Your hands in the dirt, face towards the sun your heart with nature and your feet in the soil.To nurture a garden is to feed not just the body, but the mind and soul”.

For the dressing on the salad, I wanted to keep it raw and light! Here is what I made! Feel free to share the recipe.

Garden salad

Garden salad

Andrea’s Raw Vegan Green Goddess Dressing


  • 1/2 cup raw tahini
  • 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 2 tablespoons water
  • 1 tablespoon monk fruit sweetener
  • 3 tablespoons ​cold-pressed olive oil (or another neutral oil, such as flax)
  • 1/4 teaspoon kelp sprinkles
  • 1 teaspoon fresh parsley (minced)

Steps to Make It

  1. Gather the ingredients.
  2. Combine all ingredients, except parsley, in a blender or food processor, adding more or less liquid as needed. Add parsley and pulse until finely minced and well combined.
  3. Goddess dressing will thicken quite a bit in the fridge, so add a bit more liquid as needed! without shame or guilt! Enjoy without shame or guilt!

I love you

Only want the best for you

Please love yourself!

If you want to enjoy dinner with me… join me live by subscribing here!





Celebrity Detox ~ The Raw Vegan Spiritual Way!

The New Dimension 

We have entered into a new dimension as a collective. Each of us is ascending at a more rapid pace. This paradigm shift is vital for our spiritual growth and souls evolution! 
Now more than ever it is a must to establish a healthy routine. Saying NO to the addictions that have held you back will serve you well at this time. Allowing you to gracefully walk through this portal door with ease.
By saying “NO” to … 
unhealthy food choices 
excessive cell phone usage 
negative thinking 
the very connections that lower your vibration energetically, you will be rising to heights you never dreamed were possible! 
As my wisdom filled mother has always said “tomorrow is a new day”!
Today I hit the gym, yoga and got a colonic! I completed my day with a beautiful salad made from the vegetables cultivated in my garden.
The conscious decisions you make today will serve you as you step into the time machine of the future. 
It’s all about making positive daily choices! What will you choose today?
Andrea Cox Fitness

Andrea Cox Fitness


Last week I had a client fly in from out of state for her yearly detox. Her end results were nothing short of miraculous! It was like a peeling of an onion! To watch her glow up was so incredibly beautiful. By the end of the week she had lost a whopping 13 pounds. 

Although my business is not focused on weight loss, it is an incredibly tantalizing side effect that all my clients seem to achieve. 

For those of you asking about retreat availability … at this time I am only focused on my one on one clients. 

My clientele lately has been appearing as a replica of a little black book of who’s who in Hollywood. For the moment, I would like to keep it that way. My current high profile clientele seem to have a keen understanding of my desire to want to keep my personal life private. As this is the way they live their lives. That being said, if you would like to experience what I teach others {how to detox on a cellular level} you’re more than welcome to purchase any of my programs on my website. You may not get the one on one treatment but you will certainly get the results. 

Stocking up prior to my client coming in!

Trader Joe's haul

Trader Joe’s haul

Prior to my clients arrival I hit the farmers market, ran to Trader Joe’s and also pulled all fresh ripe fruits and vegetables from the garden. 

Here is my secret Trader Joe’s vegan haul list!

Organic lemons, limes, apples, oranges, dates, figs and any other in season ripe fruit.

Apple + Banana Fruit Bar
Apple + Coconut Fruit Bar
Apple + Strawberry Fruit Bar
Organic Mango Fruit Bar
Roasted Coconut Chips

A mix of organic kale and wild arugula ( I grow most greens myself).

Organic white rice
Almond Flour Chocolate Chip Cookie Baking Mix
Enchilada Sauce
Raw coconut palm sugar
Falafel Mix

Organic Lentil Vegetable Soup
Organic Split Pea Soup
Organic Yellow Lentil & Brown Rice Pasta
Taco Shells
Tuscan Italian Dressing
Vegan Chicken-less Seasoning Salt

Coconut & Almond Vanilla Creamer
Miyoko’s VeganButter
Non-Dairy Oat Beverage
Organic Creamy Cashew Cultured Yogurt 

Fresh cold press juices (I keep these on hand for myself while dealing with clientele)  

About that salad picture above!!! Quick and easy cheesy salad dressing!

Ingredients :

  • (1 cup) raw soaked cashews (soaked overnight in water)
  • 3 tbsp nutritional yeast flakes,
  • 1 tbsp white miso (fantastic for digestion)
  • 1 tsp garlic powder, or fresh minced garlic
  • 1 tsp onion powder, or fresh minced onion
  • 1/2 tsp mustard powder
  • 1/8 tsp ground nutmeg
  • kelp sprinkles to taste
  • (1 cup) dairy-free milk, (unsweetened)

Instructions : 

  1. Drain the cashews and discard the water they were soaked in.
  2. Add to a high-powered blender along with the rest of the ingredients and blend until smooth. Add more almond milk, if needed to create the desired consistency. I like it when it’s thick but runs off the spoon.
  3. Use straight away or add to a container and store in the fridge for up to 3 days.

Enjoy without shame or guilt! 

I love youPlease love yourself and drink your juice

Cilantro kisses ~ Andrea 

Raw Vegan Cheesy Sauce

Raw Vegan Cheesy Sauce


Weekly Mind Body Soul News!

Your weekly raw vegan recipe!

Raw vegan meatballs

Raw vegan meatballs

This is one of my all time favorite raw vegan recipes! Cauliflower rice topped with raw vegan “meatless squared meatballs”!

Cauliflower rice

Ingredients :

1 head of Cauliflower

a pinch of sea salt

How to Make Cauliflower Rice

There are two methods for making cauliflower rice. You can either use a box grater with the medium-size holes (pictured below) traditionally used for cheese, or a food processor with the grater blade to blitz it into small pieces. With both techniques you’re aiming for little pieces the size of rice.

Meatless square meatballs

  • 8 oz. mushrooms, sliced (baby bella’s or cremini)
  • 2 tablespoons tahini
  • 1 cup walnuts
  • 3 tablespoons quick oats or oat flour
  • 1 large clove garlic
  • 1/2 small shallot
  • 2 teaspoons soy free tamari (or nama shoyu)
  • 2 tablespoons fresh oregano, packed
  • mineral salt + cracked pepper, to taste

Directions :

Place the ingredients for the meatballs into your food processor/blender, blend until well combined but still a bit chunky (not too chunky, but just a very minimal amount). Taste for seasoning. Scoop out 3 tablespoons of mixture at a time and form into balls by gently flipping back and forth between your palms and use your fingers to mold making a nice circle shape. Makes about 8. Set aside.

Andrea’s Saucy Sweet and Sour Sauce!

Ingredients :

  • 1/4 cup raw apple cider vinegar
  • 1/4 cup agave 1 tablespoon Nama Shoyu
  • 1/4 cup sun dried tomatoes
  • 1 date, softened
  • 1/2 teaspoon fresh ginger
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice

Blend the ingredients and pour over the rice and meatless meatballs, enjoy without shame or guilt!

Your Weekly Spirit Message!

Shout out to each of you who wake up every morning with a mission to break through governmental systems that include ending the lies about…

Big Pharma


The dairy industry

Factory farming

The food industry

Big banking


Fast food marketing ploys


Racism and systematic control while still trying to carry on a life of peace! I applaud you! This isn’t easy! You are the magical fairy dust holding this world together!

Andrea Cox

Andrea Cox

Anointing Oils!

Anointing oils

Anointing oils

Do you know your chart placements in vedic and western astrology?

My chart is made of water and fire. In fact my first five placements are all water! I become grounded around earth signs and lifted by air. According to our date time and place of birth, each of us is made up of either air fire earth or water. However many of us have too much of one element in our chart. For me, my chart is mainly composed of water and fire with a touch of Libra (air). However my Pisces cancer Scorpio placements dominate my chart. With almost no earth or air to ground me, I was often being told that I was “overly emotional” or “took things too seriously”. People would tell me I wore my heart on my sleeve.

Ever have anyone say this to you?!

This is why I created the conjuring oils that I’ll be sharing a link to in the description box below. When I created my second business {The Detox Intuitive} two years ago, I came out with a line of spiritual oils to balance each of the four elements. Each oil blend contains the four elements in a balanced state (Earth, air, fire and water). So no matter what type of oil you are choosing and no matter what type of “affect” you are trying to create in your life, you will remain in balance whenever you wear the oils. Each of my blends are balancing in nature! No matter what elements dominate your chart you will always remain in a state of constant balance. 

Shop the collection here!

Grow Your Own Food – Fast and Easy Home Harvests

Many of you have reached out to me over the past week asking when I’ll be shooting my videos again. Or, saying that you’re concerned because you’ve not received my newsletter.

The truth is I’m rediscovering God. Right before my move I had a series of women come into my life. Just as I had 16 years ago. Women of all walks of life, some religious some spiritual. But all women of power. And just like I was faced with myself years ago. I was faced with myself again.

the beautiful

the creative

the angelic

the ugly

Sometimes when we are given the gift of an outer shell that others may deem as perfect we can become lonely and introverted during this process of life. An unreachable need of feeling as though we must “live up to” the impossible standards of others. We can hide our true heart space behind walls of strength, walls of knowledge and walls of focusing on obtaining things that don’t really serve us.

The day of my move I rediscovered a box of books that had been given to me 16 years ago. Among them a more recent gift … a book of gold! Of course, always with me, my pink tattered bible was placed gently in that same box.

I spent two days last week in my garden absorbing the most beautiful writings. I allowed them to pour into me like the sun. Releasing any past pain with the moon.

So if you need me, Just know I am here for you in spirit. I am rediscovering God. He is reminding me of my purpose to serve others.

He is reminding me to remain humble amongst the gifts that he has given me.

He is reminding me that I do not walk this earth alone.

He is reminding me that we are all married to one another in spirit.

Most importantly he is reminding me that when I shine my light so brightly it is helping others to see the light within them.

I’m here Listening to the whispers of my soul ~ Rediscovering God

Rediscovering God

Andrea Cox ~ Pink bible and Rediscovering God book

My “art” appears to be prettier here!

Raw Vegan tomato soup w/ BBQ jackfruit on top! Heirloom tomato kale avocado salad! A meal at the queendom fit for a queen!

Tempting Tomato Soup 

Ingredients :

15 Roma tomatos

1 red bell pepper

2 TB lemon juice or apple cider vinegar

1 large avocado

6 leaves fresh basil

1/2 tsp dried oregano

2-3 garlic cloves

1/2 tsp kelp

Directions :

Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. I love to pour this cold summer soup over arugula. 

Option : Top with BBQ Jackfruit! I love The Jackfruit company’s BBQ jackfruit.

Andrea Cox Detox Salad

Andrea Cox Detox Salad

The First Harvest!

Andrea Cox

Andrea Cox in her garden

You can take the girl out of Ohio but you cannot take the Ohio out of the girl!

Farming ran in my dads side of the family. In fact I own a farm (farm house and all) with my sisters in Kentucky that was left to us years ago. My Kentucky roots on my fathers side of the family are POURING out from my soul!  My grandmother La Golda ( Goldie) on my mothers side had the most beautiful gardens. I feel her with me through this transition.

I feel right at home here. I’m grateful to not need to purchase any greens for dinner or lunch tomorrow!

Mind you this is only two weeks of growth!

Over the next few months you may see less of me. What can I say, I am far too happy to subjugate my personal life on social media. Social media just seems like child’s play these days. One thing is for certain however… I will continue to inform you of my up coming travels, garden growth and public appearances. There are also many projects in the works that I am keeping under wraps for now.


I love you, only want the best for you

Please love yourself and drink your juice!

Cilantro kisses ~ Andrea

Trusting your intuition to balance your food, friends and family dynamics.

I was having a discussion with my friend who has also been a pioneer in the Raw food plant-based health movement the other day. We were discussing how we both became a bit apathetic a few years back and moved more Into the realm of spirituality with our businesses. And in my case starting a second business and YouTube channel in the realm of using my intuitive-guidance to help guide others. Not only in their health but also in the way of diving deep into their akashic records.

I can’t speak for her but I will say for me, it felt like a natural progression. She mentioned she became a bit bored. For me… it felt natural due to decades of cellular detoxification pushing me more and more towards my North node of Scorpio and the esoteric arts. It became a new way of thinking feeling and knowing that if I didn’t drop the judgment and perceptions that other people had of me and go towards what I truly wanted to go towards, I would be living in the same box that they were. One where judgements, ridicule and societal/childhood conditioning ruled me. One where always staying the same and making date balls in the kitchen and filming my Tasty Tuesday’s show would be the norm at age 90!

And I may very well be filming tasty Tuesdays when I am 90! But the fact of the matter is creating that second business which is a complete niche for me and utilizing my intuition to not only heal people but to guide them in the right direction was the right path for me.

In the near future you’ll see more and more of me working my magic and introducing you more to what I do at “The Detox Intuitive”. The natural alchemic process of healing with herbs, connecting the dots between the troublesome co-dependent relationships we have with others in connection to our past lives and our Akashic records. And my teachings of how to tune into your inner guidance and intuition to find the proper balance of foods friends and family dynamics that work best for your constitution and choices YOU wish to make in this lifetime. Not the choices and constraints that others see fit for you.

I’ve said for years “Our issues live in our tissues”. This means that you cannot have balanced relationships a successful business and a beautiful home life until you first balance the body. With the way my chart placements are it is easy for me to marry these two together incorporating them into one business, body mind spirit and soul. 

Andrea Cox ~ Celebrity Vegan Chef ~ The Detox Queen

And don’t you worry! I am still going to be putting out raw vegan recipes, detox programs and videos on Andrea Cox TV! In fact, how about a simple salad recipe below! 

Simplicity is beautiful!

Today I hiked in the sun, harvested one of my aloe plants and fell asleep in the grass next to my dogs. It was peaceful and somewhat dreamy.  Life is so much more clear when you spend the day in nature.

When I woke, this creamy dressing came to mind! I hope you enjoy the recipe! Feel free to share!

Andrea’s Simplicity Salad Recipe 

4 Cups of wild greens such as arugula, mustard greens and spinach

a handful of chopped tomatoes 

1 cucumber chopped


4 TB stone ground mustard

1 avocado

4 TB Gluten-free nutritional yeast

3 TB apple cider vinegar

Directions: Blend salad ingredients in a blender and pour over greens. Enjoy without shame or guilt! 

Andrea Cox simple salad

Raw Vegan Carrot Soup Recipe |Tips on How to Break a Fast

Hey Luv,

Lately I’ve been doing a lot of dry fasting, water fasting,  juice fasting and systematic under eating. I’ve been getting plenty of rest and trying to limit my favorite treats such as Raw Vegan chocolate and my delicious Raw Vegan gluten-free cookies to a minimum. I’ve pretty much been living off my herb garden and foods I find from foraging and by hitting a local underground farmers market.

Working with clients on a one on one basis via zoom and over the phone takes a lot of my energy. So does digestion. Therefore reserving my energy for helping you become healthier wealthier happier and more in tune with your intuition is where I desire my energy to flow. One of the most common questions I get is how do I break a fast”?

This is a great question that I LOVE answering! I’ll just bullet point a few facts below… 

Easing back into solid foods after fasting

Stay away from processed foods and fast food! After a fast it is always important to ease back into eating solid foods.  This doesn’t mean to go out and get some fast food and eat it slowly, if you do, it will be a very unpleasant experience and not at all beneficial to your health. If you are like many people in today’s society who are woke, you simply have never or would never indulge in fast foods knowing the facts that are out there today. 

Focus on eating fruits I find what works best for both myself and my clients is to eat some of the lighter fruits, like apples or melons (melons are FABULOUS after fasting)! Just be certain to eat enough to produce a bowel movement within thirty minutes.  

Only eat until you are almost full. You will know you have eaten enough within the first 10-20 minutes because your stomach will feel full. Make sure you chew your food thoroughly. This allows your digestive system to work slowly, allowing your saliva to saturate each bite. This entire process allows the enzymes in your saliva called amylase, (also in fruits and vegetables) to break down carbohydrates into simple sugars.

Don’t eat until you are hungry! Tuning into our bodies can be difficult. This is where meditation, yoga and just plain old mindfulness come into play. 

Chew your food thoroughly Masticating your food into the tiniest parts, saturating them with your saliva, making digestion efficient and easy on your body. I like to say we should chew our juices and juice our food”. Meditate on that and there will be more in tomorrow’s newsletter.

The photo below is of one of my recipes found in my Raw-lic-ous recipes book here!

This is a quick and easy recipe that is full of enzymes because it’s raw not cooked! This makes it ideal for breaking a fast.

The photo below is of one of my recipes found in my Raw-lic-ous recipes book here!
This is a quick and easy recipe that is full of enzymes because it’s raw not cooked! This makes it ideal for breaking a fast. 
Raw Vegan Carrot Soup Recipe
Place the following ingredients in a blender or vitamix and blend. 
* 34 oz carrot juice
* 1 avocado
* 1 clove garlic (optional)
* 4-6 dates pitted
* 1 whole carrot
Enjoy without shame or guilt! 
I love you, 
only want the best for you
please love yourselves and drink your green juice Blessings of peace love and abundance
Andrea Cox
All material on this website and across all of Andrea’s social media is owned and copyrighted material. Misuse or stealing of this material is punishable by law. 

Foraged Wild Edible Salad Greens with Heart Healthy Omega 3 Dressing

Hey Luv,

In the springtime wild greens are fresh and tender for the picking, making them the best addition to your salads. These greens have been unaltered by man and are typically more nutritionally dense by containing more minerals and vitamins than hybrid vegetables.

I’ve been eating wild greens since I was a little girl in Ohio. My favorite thing to do would be to nosh on dandelion greens in the spring and summertime. Last summer, when my summer garden was nothing but a dried up bed of dreams. There was only aloe plants and a tomato bush. Not a single vegetable I had planted in the garden was growing well, which angered my midwestern ancestors above. Had I created better compost, this never would have happened. Oh well, live and learn!

Yesterday while looking over at the weed patch that I hadn’t pulled up yet, I decided to just eat them. Mostly out of desperation of not wanting to have another depressing grocery store trip. The coronavirus has the produce shelves looking like one of my ghosted boyfriends from last summer. So I plucked them, pulled them and tossed them into a bowl with my tasty fermented peppers and some nutritional yeast! After all, I did at water that patch all year while praying for a watermelon!

Fresh rosemary from my garden, Wild flowers picked on my hike Wild edibles from my baron patch of garden (chickweed, lambsquarter, dandelion greens and plantain leaves) Fermented peppers and sun dried tomatoes I grew, fermented and dried myself!

Growing a vegetable garden sure teaches a person a lot about nutrition and the importance of eating an alkaline diet. Even though our stomach needs an acid medium to digest food, it sure is worth the trouble to get fresh air and sunshine. It amazes me how the health of my soil relates to the health of the my body. After all, I come from pure good soil and loving Ohio roots! I’m just trying to make my Grandma La Golda proud!


Salad greens preparation
Collect and wash your choice of wild edible greens. I love to use the following, plantain, chickweed, lambsquarter, dandelion.

Omega 3 Wild Dressing

3 cups, or less Wild Harvested Greens
2 cups Red Leaf Lettuce, optional
1/2 cup Hemp Hearts
1/4 cup Spring water (only use water in glass)
1/4 tsp Grey Sea Salt
1/3 cup apple cider vinegar
1/8 tsp orange or lemon Zest
3 Tbsp Fresh Dill

Make the dressing by blending all ingredients except for the greens in a blender. Pour dressing over salad greens and top with dandelion blossoms and hemp seeds and avocado. I added nutritional yeast too. Dressing will keep for two days in a sealed container in the fridge.

Stay woke folks

Thank you for continuing to support me by subscribing to both my channels below. Be sure and hit the bell notification button followed by the “see all” button.

AndreaCoxTV {Health ~ Raw Vegan Recipes & Detox}

TheDetoxIntuitive {Monthly astrological Intuitive Readings ~ Spiritual Messages}

I really do love you

Only want the very best for you

Please love yourselves

Stay Safe!

Stay home!

Take your vitamin C and your zinc

Get fresh air and sunshine!

Find unique ways to move your body daily

Be there for the elderly and your pets

Be there for people

Give of yourself and of your gifts

Be kind

Be loving

I Love you

Please love yourself

Until Tomorrow, be the change you wish to see in others ~ Andrea

Six Ways Ways To Increase Your Immunity

Hey Luv,

There are many ways to increase immunity. I’ll be sharing an immune boosting juice recipe at 5:30 on Facebook live tomorrow night right here. I would love for you to join me.

Here are a few more tips to boost your immune system.

GO VEGAN! I went vegan 19 years ago prior to it becoming a healthy fad! I was able to see clearly the destruction in the world and the route we needed to go towards.

I was shocked the other day when I witnessed people buying up all the toilet paper when kiwis are packed full of nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin E, folate, and potassium. They also have a lot of antioxidants and are a good source of fiber.

GET OUTSIDE! There is no better immune boosting drug than fresh air and sunlight!

CLEAN AND CLEAR YOUR SPACE! Lets face it, we have some down time. Use this time wisely by clearing and cleansing your space. Both energetically and spiritually.

INTAKE MORE VITAMIN C Camu Camu is the best source of vitamin C in my opinion.

UP YOUR ZINC! French studies are proving the Coronavirus can be cured with high levels of zinc.

MAKE WISE FOOD CHOICES! These dried bananas I made will fuel you for hours! FAR MORE than those frozen hot pockets y’all are stock piling! Bananas contain respectable amounts of vitamin C (a must with this coronavirus crap)! And the Manganese in bananas is good for your skin too The potassium in bananas is good for your heart health and blood pressure. Bananas aid digestion when eaten on an empty stomach and help beat gastrointestinal issues. Bananas are an excellent source of energy – minus the fats and cholesterol!

Dried Bananas Using An Oven Or A Dehydrator Like I Used Here!
4-6 ripe bananas or ripe bananas 
1 teaspoon cinnamon powder
Preheat the oven to 170 Degrees Fahrenheit / 76 Degrees Celsius.
Slice bananas into rounds and sprinkle with cinnamon
Place onto a baking tray lined with parchment paper 
Place it in the oven for 3-5 hours or till the top is not longer wet to touch, is slightly tacky and the fruit leather peels off easily.
Cut the uneven ends with scissors and cut into strips. Roll it up or with a parchment paper in between.
Store in an airtight glass container.
For the dehydrator version. Follow the same directions above only place the bananas onto the dehydrator sheets. Dehydrate overnight. 

Variations You can use ripe plantains too.

More helpful links for you below

Here is a little rant video about the Coronavirus that I filmed.

Enjoy and thank you for subscribing to both my channels below. Be sure and hit the bell notification button followed by the “see all” button.

AndreaCoxTV {Health ~ Raw Vegan Recipes & Detox}

TheDetoxIntuitive {Monthly astrological Intuitive Readings ~ Spiritual Messages}

I really do love you

Only want the very best for you

Please love yourselves

Stay Safe!

Stay home!

Take your vitamin C and your zinc

Get fresh air and sunshine!

Find unique ways to move your body daily

Be there for the elderly and your pets

Until Tomorrow, be the change you wish to see in others


Quick Raw Vegan Recipe to Raise Your Vibration – Magic Truffles!

Hey Luv, look what I made for you! 

In order to have a high vibrational life you must feed your body high vibrational foods but also be mindful that stress within the wallet will create an oxidational stress on your body. 

I’m an independent woman who has a monthly overhead of close to $9000 before I even step out of my home. 

This $9000 includes 

$3200 in a monthly note for my home

$250 towards infusion soft

$150 towards WP Engine

$125 to T-Mobile

$170 to SDG&E 

The list is ongoing and never ending and this is before food costs.

There’s no husband paying the bills

There’s no boyfriend helping out

There’s no roommate

No senior discounts 🙂 

And I live in one of the most expensive ZIP Codes in the country. 

Recently I noticed that I was spending $50 – $65 a week at a local juice bar that I LOVE! One of the things I was spending money on were raw vegan truffles similar to these. I had to stop and ask myself at the end of the month why I was spending this type of money on Raw Vegan truffles when I was a Raw Vegan chef for years? 

Last week I took a screenshot of the ingredients, came home tweaked the recipe and have re-created them myself. Now I am saving roughly $50 bucks a week! I even like my truffles better! 

Be wise with your money. I cut coupons before I go to the grocery store just like my mother did. I cut coupons no matter how much I have in the bank. Always have money set aside. Because at the end of the day you never quite know how things will work out. Take it from someone who had to rebuild her self from the ground up more than once, you’ll want to be prepared for that time and not have to rely on someone else’s money to get you through. 

Be smart

Stay enlightened

I love you

Please love yourself and enjoy the decadent recipe below

These truffles are incredibly decadent! They’re also 100%




Gluten free

Dairy free

Guilt free

Pesticide free

Corruption free


  • 1 2/3 cups + 1 teaspoon gluten free coconut, chickpea or oat flour (I chose chickpea)
  • 3 tablespoons Grade B maple syrup
  • 3 tablespoons melted coconut oil
  • 1 inch of real vanilla bean
  • ¼ cup + 2 tablespoons vegan chocolate chips 

Place dry ingredients in a food processor and blend. Add the coconut oil and grade B maple syrup while the processor is still running. When this is blended, pulse in the chocolate chips. 

I used three toppings to roll my raw vegan truffles in.

Topping #1 Melt Sacred chocolate (or any raw vegan chocolate) on a double broiler and roll the balls in the chocolate. Allow them to harden in the fridge or freezer.

Topping #2 Healthy powdered sugar Simply blend equal parts of arrow root powder with coconut sugar and roll the balls in this mixture. 

Topping number #3 GO NAKED!  (My personal favorite is no topping at all)! The balls look just like raw vegan cookie dough without a topping! 

Enjoy without guilt! 

For weekly recipe videos subscribe to my YouTube channel here!

Persimmon Perfection

Hello beautiful! Did you know that over half the population is over weight? Yes it’s true. Did you know that your weight directly affects your self esteem and your esteem affects your relationships? Also true!

I’ve had this happen in my own life. Where I’ve not been at my best and allowed it to wreak havoc in my personal life. Although I have always maintained a healthy body weight, their were other areas that I just didn’t feel good about. Once I placed my focus on shifting my vibration the I naturally began taking care of my physical body more and more.

I know what you’re thinking. “Andrea how could you have self – esteem issues”? The truth is, we go through phases and shifts throughout our lives. The important thing is to love ourself throughout this process. But you also don’t want to throw the baby out with the bath water. It’s a must to place your body and the care of it right up there with your spiritual practice.

I thought of a hundred different ways of how I could help you with taking control over your health today. I decided I would start by keeping it simple. Simplicity is working in every area of my life these days. I’m choosing to share one of my favorite fall salads with you!

Enjoy and check out this video too!

Sweet and Savory Persimmon Salad

2 Cups dandelion greens

2 Cups romaine lettuce

3-4 medium size persimmions

1/2 Cup hemp seeds

1/2 Cup walnuts

1/2 cup chopped pitted dates

4-5 TB of your favorite vinaigrette 

Directions : Mix all ingredients in a big bowl and blend in the vinaigrette. Feeds one to two hungry people!

Here’s to embracing SO MUCH LOVE!I

I love you

I only want the best for you

Please love yourself.

Until tomorrow


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