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Alissa Cohen Raw Vegan Chef

I finally met my twin flame and my furry husband Louis only bit her once!!!

18 years ago when I went raw vegan while living in Ohio there were no other vegans. There wasn’t a juice bar on every corner or any raw vegan restaurants. I couldn’t google raw vegan recipe videos or ask the neighbor for food advice.

I remember being in a Barnes N Noble a few years later and coming across Alyssa Cohen’s book. The book weighed 6 pounds and was full of raw vegan recipes. I made every dish at least once that year Alissa’s book was the inspiration that kept me on track and the reason I wrote my first raw vegan book.

Today Alissa interviewed me on her podcast. We had an instant connection from the moment we met. I felt like I knew her from the moment she arrived. Tonight she made us raw vegan celery soup. Alissa is far more than I expected! She’s a hippy raw food gal from Boston with a gipsy soul. 

Thank you Alissa for including me in the raw vegan pioneering pack! 

As far as the podcast goes… I’ll be sharing it when Alissa posts it later in the week. 

I Love you, Please love yourself

The Dawn of a New Era!

Life is about living learning moving and evolving. 

We’ve had time to “do the work”. I feel as a collective most of us see our old selves as a mere shadow of what we are today.

Because of this I’m going to be holding three group discussions per week to guide us into evolving in collective consciousness.

The times will be set as follows…

Tuesday’s at 6pm I’ll be teaching you to make high vibrational meals. When we heal our bodies we heal the masses.

Wednesday at 3:30 pm I’ll be channeling a group reading to help us grow on a grander scale.

Saturday at 3:30 I’m going to be holding the detox Q&A discussions again. These discussions will help us gently detox our bodies leading us to expand our mindset to help the greater good of humanity.

All discussions will be held right here and will also be shared via YouTube on my two channels. I’ll place the links to both channels in the description below.

There is a reason we go through suffering. It is so we can GROW together!

Thank you for your support over the years. It’s time to grow together.

If any of you have suggestions of an inspirational person you feel should be a part of this or if you are that inspirational person trying to make this Earth a better place, please send your suggestions to

Join me tonight! We will raise our vibrations together! I’ll be LIVE at 6 pm tonight on Face-book, IG and both my YouTube channels!

JOIN ME! Here is the link!


My interview with John Salley on The Healthy Haven Podcast Show!

My interview with John Salley

I’m humbled with gratitude to be able to announce that my very first podcast is up today! I’m SO EXCITED for this opportunity to be able to serve ALL of you on yet another platform! You’ve been so incredibly good to me through my You Tube channel (Andrea Cox TV) and via my blog and Facebook Live videos! To be able to serve you in this realm humbles me with gratitude!


I cannot think of a better person to have as my first guest then John Sally!

John is a former NBA star, actor and show host! He’s also a BRILLIANT entrepreneur, a father, a vegan who obviously LOVES animals! What amazed me about John via our first meeting one year ago when he had me as a guest on his show was his love for not only health but also making this world a better place and planet! He is TRULY a gentle giant! Enjoy the podcast below!

Luke Williams Sings and Talks about his Struggle with Anxiety

I am so excited to introduce you to Luke Williams! Today Luke sings Rollercoaster and we talk about his struggle with anxiety and how raw food and juicing can change your life!

I met Luke at my yoga studio, and he touched my heart! I know that Luke is going to touch your heart today too!

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