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How to raise your vibration fast!

How to raise your vibration - Andrea Cox

How to raise your vibration – Andrea Cox

 Ways to raise your vibration!

Have you ever wondered how people you see on social media got to be so happy? Truth be told most of the garbage on social media is fake. Real happiness happens when you detoxify your body at a cellular core level. I call this raising your vibration! There are many ways to raise your vibration! 

Check out my top 15 tips below and the awesome BONUS tips in the video at the bottom of this E-mail and raise your vibe!

Welcome to the raise your vibe tribe!

1. Learn to be alone.

There, I said it! After a decade of working with clients on their internal health while processing them into ascension. I’ve learned a thing or two. One of the biggest things people struggle with is the inability to end codependent relationships. This stems from a deep-rooted core wound of not wanting to be alone (AKA abandonment issues). Look, friend, if you can’t be alone, are staying in an unhealthy loveless relationship, you aren’t ready to raise your vibe! In fact, just ignore the rest of this message. You need to do the deep core “work” on yourself first.

2. Do a yoga flow.

Yoga is my kryptonite! The series of poses in yoga encourages you to dive deep. The mind-body connection you will feel after will be intoxicating. Treating yourself to a yoga class, even three times per week will free up stagnant energy. This definitely has a HUGE impact on raising your vibration!

3. Practice mindfulness.

Mindfulness can lead us to be more considerate and thoughtful. It expands the heart. Let us also not forget about compassion! Both towards others and ourselves. Practicing mindfulness means becoming aware of your treatment towards others both at a spiritual and karmic level. Karma is like a rubber-band. The more you inflict harmful thoughts, words, or actions towards another, the more your targeted person will rise above. I’ve witnessed this in my own life. For years I had someone hacking my work and SEO. This person simply couldn’t stand to see me happy, evolving, with anyone else, or especially making money. The more damage he inflicted, the more my reputation and finances improved. It’s the rubber-band effect!

4. Balance your chakras.

The chakras are the spiritual energy centers of the body. You can say they are the spiritual portals to raising your vibration. The chakras run from the base of the spine to the crown of the head. When they are open and aligned, energy flows. I guide people through chakra balancing during our intuitive guidance sessions. The results are miraculous! 

5. Use crystals.

Who else is a crystal junkie? Crystals have been used for centuries to help boost positive energy and vibrations. You can place crystals around your home and on your body.

Check out my crystal store here.

6. Get outside

Get into nature! Bonus points if you do it barefoot! This tip is self-explanatory. Nature is God’s healing force. Nothing will raise your vibration quicker than feeling the sun on your face while breathing in the fresh air.

7. Got singing bowls?

Certain sounds are scientifically proven to facilitate a shift in our brainwave state that makes us more relaxed and receptive. Find an in-person class in your area, or seek out a recording online for an uplifting session in the privacy of your home. Here’s one I recorded for my dog here.

8. Eat more healthy, sustainable foods.

Same message different day. Look, my friend, if you are still eating dead decomposing animals in 2020, I don’t know what to say. There is scientific evidence that acidic foods affect your personality. It’s pretty difficult to raise your vibration while consuming death.

9. Random acts of kindness.

Kindness and compassion are high vibrational emotions. Just think about how good you feel when you give to the poor! For me, acts of kindness mean rescuing an animal, giving a bottle of water to someone who is thirsty or opening my heart to a friend who is feeling down. Perform a random act of kindness (to a friend or a stranger) and you’ll quickly find that this lifts your vibration. Give and you shall receive.

10. Develop a gratitude practice

Rather than focusing on what you don’t have, make a list of all the things you can be thankful for. I always practice this before I fall asleep, making a mental list of the people and circumstances I feel grateful for. It means I end the day on a positive note.

11. Set healthy boundaries

Some of us have a tendency to diminish our positive vibrations by continually ignoring our own needs in order to give more to others. Reclaim your energy by saying no to something that you don’t really want to do, and watch your mood soar.

12. Dance it out.

Dancing helps us express emotions, and it can also distract us from any negative thought patterns. It’s also great exercise! Go to a dance class, or move around to binary rhythms at home and feel the energy move through you. 

I usually do a practice almost every day where I dance for about an hour. Sometimes it’s in my kitchen while I clean. And other times it’s on the RARE occasion when my mind is going and I can’t seem to sleep. 

13. Breathe work

Did you know deep breathing calms your nervous system? Find a calm, soothing space (or create one for yourself with headphones) and focus on your breath for a few minutes. When the mind wanders and gets distracted, don’t worry, as this is completely normal. Using compassion, begin to draw it back to the breath. Breathe in for three counts and exhale for six. Repeat this process several times. Or, until you feel a sense of calm within your heart.

14. Mindset is everything

Ever hear the expression “what you think about you bring about”? There’s a lot of truth to the idea that our thoughts create our reality. I’m not saying you should shun difficult emotions, but don’t overindulge negative low-vibrational thoughts either. If your thoughts are overly pessimistic or anxious, you may find that you are drawn to situations that perpetuate these feelings. Keep your mind pure and your vibration will follow!

15. Cultivate high-vibrational relationships.

I’ve been known to cut people out of my life quickly. No need to be shaking in your boots. It’s not that I’m cruel, it’s that I give people one chance and one chance only. In the past (prior to my rebirth process), I gave people several chances. Through time, I learned that anyone or anything that causes me stress must go immediately. Make sure the people in your life lift you up and don’t pull you down. Spend time with those who love and support you. The people who lift you up. Ignore the one’s who’s motivation is to pull you down. Sadly, those types really do exist.

I hope you enjoyed these tips and my latest YouTube video. Do hit the subscribe button while you are there. If you want more fantastic tips on heightening your vibration, check out this article I found here! 

Want to read a related article I wrote? Many of my coaching clients found this link health article helpful!

Remember, I only want the best for you I love you, Please love yourself and drink your juice:) ~ Andrea

Weekly Mind Body Soul News!

Your weekly raw vegan recipe!

Raw vegan meatballs

Raw vegan meatballs

This is one of my all time favorite raw vegan recipes! Cauliflower rice topped with raw vegan “meatless squared meatballs”!

Cauliflower rice

Ingredients :

1 head of Cauliflower

a pinch of sea salt

How to Make Cauliflower Rice

There are two methods for making cauliflower rice. You can either use a box grater with the medium-size holes (pictured below) traditionally used for cheese, or a food processor with the grater blade to blitz it into small pieces. With both techniques you’re aiming for little pieces the size of rice.

Meatless square meatballs

  • 8 oz. mushrooms, sliced (baby bella’s or cremini)
  • 2 tablespoons tahini
  • 1 cup walnuts
  • 3 tablespoons quick oats or oat flour
  • 1 large clove garlic
  • 1/2 small shallot
  • 2 teaspoons soy free tamari (or nama shoyu)
  • 2 tablespoons fresh oregano, packed
  • mineral salt + cracked pepper, to taste

Directions :

Place the ingredients for the meatballs into your food processor/blender, blend until well combined but still a bit chunky (not too chunky, but just a very minimal amount). Taste for seasoning. Scoop out 3 tablespoons of mixture at a time and form into balls by gently flipping back and forth between your palms and use your fingers to mold making a nice circle shape. Makes about 8. Set aside.

Andrea’s Saucy Sweet and Sour Sauce!

Ingredients :

  • 1/4 cup raw apple cider vinegar
  • 1/4 cup agave 1 tablespoon Nama Shoyu
  • 1/4 cup sun dried tomatoes
  • 1 date, softened
  • 1/2 teaspoon fresh ginger
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice

Blend the ingredients and pour over the rice and meatless meatballs, enjoy without shame or guilt!

Your Weekly Spirit Message!

Shout out to each of you who wake up every morning with a mission to break through governmental systems that include ending the lies about…

Big Pharma


The dairy industry

Factory farming

The food industry

Big banking


Fast food marketing ploys


Racism and systematic control while still trying to carry on a life of peace! I applaud you! This isn’t easy! You are the magical fairy dust holding this world together!

Andrea Cox

Andrea Cox

Anointing Oils!

Anointing oils

Anointing oils

Do you know your chart placements in vedic and western astrology?

My chart is made of water and fire. In fact my first five placements are all water! I become grounded around earth signs and lifted by air. According to our date time and place of birth, each of us is made up of either air fire earth or water. However many of us have too much of one element in our chart. For me, my chart is mainly composed of water and fire with a touch of Libra (air). However my Pisces cancer Scorpio placements dominate my chart. With almost no earth or air to ground me, I was often being told that I was “overly emotional” or “took things too seriously”. People would tell me I wore my heart on my sleeve.

Ever have anyone say this to you?!

This is why I created the conjuring oils that I’ll be sharing a link to in the description box below. When I created my second business {The Detox Intuitive} two years ago, I came out with a line of spiritual oils to balance each of the four elements. Each oil blend contains the four elements in a balanced state (Earth, air, fire and water). So no matter what type of oil you are choosing and no matter what type of “affect” you are trying to create in your life, you will remain in balance whenever you wear the oils. Each of my blends are balancing in nature! No matter what elements dominate your chart you will always remain in a state of constant balance. 

Shop the collection here!

Cultivating Abundance a Money Ritual

Many people view me as living an abundant life! Not just within the realm of finances but within the way I create, live and eat. You see whatever I create in life, I make it abundant!

Take these blueberries for example. They aren’t just sprayed blueberries you would find at the store. These are fresh blueberries from a local farmer and my stunning red roses I grew with love surrounding them!  Everything I create in life is beautiful. It’s beautiful because it’s made and created with a deep ancestral love.

Andrea Cox, Farm fresh blueberries

My grandmother had a hill of flowers next to her home. She grew the majority of her food and made everything from scratch. My mother and oldest sister always took time in the mornings getting ready and making themselves beautiful. My middle sister has the strongest work ethic I know and both my older sisters and I are driven when it comes to business.

For me, I never understood how people could not see their food as art? How people could not have flowers growing with succulents at their front door. I am in a constant state of bewilderment at how people can view dead decomposing animals as fit for human consumption.

Not recognizing that we eat with our eyes and that having beautiful growth all around us is not abundant is a cardinal sin in my view. The more abundant our surroundings the more abundant our wallet becomes! 

Once something is dead and decomposing I don’t want it rotting in my body. Nor do I wish to have my consciousness filled with the suffering or death that an innocent animal endured. In the same token, this is not how an abundant mind thinks either. If you think for a moment filling your body with death will create life in your wallet, you’re wrong! 

I’m encouraging each and every one of you today to take the same love that you have for your dog or your cat and to direct that to your dinner table. Because at the end of the day there’s not any difference between a pig a cow and your pet that sleeps at the end of your bed. And from an abundance view point, the less death you consume the healthier your body will be and the more abundance will flow! 

Now I want to share with you my Thursday money ritual! I’ve done this ritual for years!

Every Thursday I do a ceremony in my beautiful home filled with 400 pound salt lamps, crystals and herbs that I grew and steeped for months upon months.

It’s an abundance ceremony! 

I chant, sing and dance while cleansing the energy with a Mexican Sage, Palo Santo Copal Blend smudge bouquet and invite new fresh energy and abundance into flow.

I call upon God and my loving ancestors who walked before me. I clean my floors with rain water and have a vegan feast in the evening.

It seems to work for me. The last time I checked there’s no husband hidden in the closet that takes care of the bills. I have an abundance of fresh organic food. Clean alkaline water and all my needs are met every month beyond what I could ever desire!

My pups and I get our hair done and we are able to set aside for our magical future!

If you wish me to add your name to a nice little list to RECEIVE abundance just hit the like button and say “I receive” in the comments below!

Abundance Ritual


I love you, only want the best for you

Please be mindful, Go Vegan and always remember… Money Flows!


The Psychology of Gratitude

July 3rd is my mothers birthday and it had me pondering how very grateful I am for her and also about the gratitude she taught my sisters and I without even trying as we were growing up. You see, we didn’t grow up as trust fund babies. We grew up in a small town in Dayton Ohio. After we lost my dad, my mom often worked two jobs in order to put food on our plates. More about this below.

According to the dictionary this is the definition of the word gratitude below.  Gratitude ~ noun pronunciation ~ grat·i·tude

the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.


Now back to my beautiful mom who has me all up in my feels!

Happy Birthday to my beautiful mother! To know you is to love you!

I am really grateful for my mom. She has ALWAYS been there for me and always believed in me even when I didn’t believe in myself.

My mother is the wisest, funniest, sarcastic beautiful green eyed woman I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. I am proud to call her my mother.

Never unkind
Everything to us!

Andrea Cox with mother Bonnie

Today I want to share with you something my mother has always said… “tomorrow is a new day, always be grateful”.

Every day we have a choice on what to focus on.

Yesterday my Mac book and I said goodbye. Remembering that everything is always working out for our highest good I made the conscious choice of not making a fuss or attempting to fix it.
I thought oh well time for a new one! 

‪Today I am choosing to focus gratitude on‬ the following

‪The sun‬
‪My funky side yard garden‬ that is in full bloom!
‪My roses‬
‪Cellular detox body mind & spirit ‬
‪My green juice‬
‪My RescueDogs ‬
‪Getting my mom and sisters B-day gifts out at the post office!

Gratitude is something I teach in several of my programs. I even have you fill out a daily gratitude journal the entire thirty days of my Detox Your Life Program!

Andrea Cox’s #garden #raw #veganrecipes #greenjuice

Whether you go with my Detox Your Life program or, choose to keep a simple log of gratitude daily, I know the choice to write down your daily bliss will comfort you during these strange times we are living in!

Here’s another simple daily entry of mine from the fourth of July weekend!!

July 4th, 2020 Gratitude Journal entry

My plans today are simple

A manicure & pedicure!

A full body Ayurvedic massage

Beautiful people inside and out

An incredible Vegan meal

A gorgeous view

Happy 4th my friends!

Today’s menu ~

🌱 Fresh pressed OJ
🌱 Guacamole
🌱 Baked butternut squash
🌱 Homemade pita’s
🌱 Watermelon
🌱 Coconuts of course
🌱 Avocado chocolate mousse
🌱 Salad {of course}!

Raw Vegan Brunch
Fourth of July 2020
Andrea Cox

The bottom line here is this, a grateful heart will take you farther than you could ever imagine! This is a lesson my mother has instilled into my two older sisters and I for years. We grew up with very little yet she made certain we shared dinner together and always had a few laughs too! We watched Dallas and Falcon Crest on Friday’s. She popped popcorn and took us to the drive in movies. We visited my Grandma every week. My mother was grateful just to be able to give us the memory of sharing a meal together every night. 

So today, every organic meal I serve my two husbands with fur makes my heart filled with joy! Every juice I make makes me smile from ear to ear! Every meal I share with a friend creates a memory that fills my soul with gratitude! 

And this my friends is what life is all about! 

I love you

Please love yourself ~ Andrea

My Heart Is Broken Why this world is going plant-based

I was going to post a happy photo of my juice.
I was going to post a video of my pretty vegetables. I was going to say something noble and positive. But I’m not going to!
All of it would be a lie.

My heart is heavy today

I’ve often talked about being an empath and how I tend to take others moods & feelings upon myself. I feel that’s part of this but I cannot deny the strong feeling of sadness deep inside my heart that stems from a much bigger issue. The issue that I’m not making a big enough impact to affect our beautiful sacred animal kingdom.

I see SO many animals that need homes! Especially in Mexico and other less fortunate countries. But this is also a HUGE problem here!

I see SO many people I know and love that don’t see the connection that animals are not food! They’re getting sick. They’re not connecting the dots from the paid fast food advertisers & Big Pharma!

I see the pictures & videos here on Facebook of both factory and even “organic Humane” farms & it makes my heart feel sad. THERE IS NO HUMANE WAY TO MURDER AN ANIMAL!

The burden I feel for what these animals have to go through & the little impact I’ve made is personally heartbreaking💔

I want to do more! It just seems like it’s never enough. My heart BLEEDS for ALL animals!

I want to encourage you that if this meat eating Ohio girl can successfully go vegan and rescue and place dogs & cats in her lifetime SO CAN YOU!

‪Feeling the weight of the world today! But it is nowhere near the weight that the animals suffer each day!‬

Bottom line! There is no reason to not be vegan! There is no reason to cause animals endless suffering.

‪PLEASE GoVegan‬
‪PLEASE STOP consuming dairy!‬
‪PLEASE STOP breeding animals!‬
‪PLEASE STOP buying from pet-stores‬
‪PLEASE Protest for animal rights!‬
‪PLEASE Don’t patronize zoos ‬
PLEASE Don’t patronize Sea World

Four Words I live by Animals Are Not Food!

And if you think for a moment there isn’t a spiritual side to being vegan… YOU ARE WRONG!

When we stop eating animals and all animal byproducts we open our heart chakra and become more compassionate towards all humans and especially towards the animal kingdom.

I truly believe all animals (including fish, birds, lizards, dogs, cats, cows, pigs, sheep and chickens) are spirit animals! They are here on this planet to lead us and give us signs. To guide us along our sacred path and journey.

FACT : One cannot open the third eye while still eating dead decomposing animal flesh!

But PLEASE, don’t take my word for it! Just try going vegan for yourself! You could start the process with baby steps having a vegan family night or going vegan for a week. I think you’ll find once you transition, you’ll never go back to eating animal flesh again. 

I love you

Please love yourself 

And please, Go Vegan! 

Andrea Cox, vegan 19 years, celebrity raw chef and detox specialist.


Regan Russell and what they don’t want you to know!

The vegan community and this world lost a beautiful human recently! Regan Russell was brutally killed at a peaceful protest for the animals!

She was ran over by one of the slaughter truck drivers. The only thing she did was to show up like protesters had for years to give the suffering animals water before slaughter.

This world needs to wake up!

No we cannot be friends if you are still consuming meat and dairy products! I’ve spoken, shouted and written for nearly 20 years now, go vegan or stay asleep to what is TRULY going on around you!

Animals are not food! They are our friends! Regan stood for this truth and will live on in our hearts.

Her elderly parents and husband joined protestors from around the world to honor her yesterday.

Regan was a protester who stood up for animal rights since the 70s. Only to be taken down in her sixth decade of life. Look closely at the way she GLOWS from the inside out. That is from her love and compassion for animals. She obviously was a product of a clean vegan lifestyle. A woman with a huge open heart tragically murdered by the meat and dairy industry! 

If you are tired of wearing a mask PLEASE

🛑 STOP SUPPORTING an industry that kills 84,000 animals per minute!


🛑 STOP SUPPORTING an industry that KILLS activists!

🛑 STOP SUPPORTING an industry that os ruining our planet.



Not pointing fingers here but 

‪I see you‬
‪We see you ‬
‪Your tactics are failing!‬

Big Pharma we see you!

Johnson and Johnson we see you and the millions of lives you took through your cancer causing baby powder!

Round Up Shame on you!

The Dairy Industry… We see your murderous ways!

Factory Farms How can you sleep at night?!

China We see Yulin is still in full swing! 

Vaccine industry ~ Stop hurting children

Doctors ~ did you become a doctor to save lives or to shake hands with the pharmaceutical industry?!

Cyber bullies hackers and certain government personnel STOP abusing your power! 

Human trafficker leave our children and our people alone!

We SEE clearly now! We are no longer a small body of people that you continue to attempt to silence! We are growing BIGGER than you!


Tips to grow your own food

Hey beautiful soul family,

I’ve been wanting to move out of California for quite some time. To get off this drama filled Pluto line and onto a more calm line that cultivates a more peaceful existence for myself and those I love. But the universe keeps throwing people along my path to help make my life more beautiful each day. Paulina from the Czech republic is one of those people.

Yesterday we built a plethora of sustainable grow boxes. Paulina has a mass of skill set for building these beautiful boxes.I’m also blessed to have my friend from Oregon delivering a greenhouse later this month!

The Lesson in all of this… Be happy where you are even if it’s not the exact spot you want to be. Sometimes what isn’t your ideal spot to be is a lot of other people’s dream come true.

When we learn to embrace the in-between life becomes easier. Loving where you are every moment of each day by living in the here and now is how we embrace those in between moments where we may not have everything in our lives that we feel we deserve. But we become grateful for where we are right here and now.

Today I am grateful for …

My Family

My rescue dogs

I am grateful for the love and support of all of you

I am grateful for my beautiful friend Paulina

I am grateful for my beautiful clients this month who are going through a rigorous Detox and health coaching program that is going to catapult them to do their highest good in this lifetime.

I am grateful for both my spiritual business and my Holistic health business and how they have become stable enough to carry me , support me and also to guide me along my path.

I thought I would share with all of you a few of my Grandmother La Golda’s un spoken gardening tips in today’s news letter. 

  • Plant wild flowers because where the bees go your garden flows! My grandmother had a hillside of wild flowers that were epically beautiful! Bee’s pollinated that hillside and would always travel over to her strawberry patch and vegetable garden to spread their dew there as well. Besides… have you ever smelled a patch of wild flowers?
  • Compost My grandmother (and I) both compost everything! I watched my grandma toss in eggshells, food scraps and anything that was made of waste. Remember your scraps are the gold for your garden!
  • Follow The Sun Always Misjudging sunlight is a common pitfall when you’re learning to garden. Pay attention to where the sun sets and what time it goes down. Sunlight plays through your yard before choosing a spot for your garden. Most edible plants, including many vegetables, herbs, and fruits, need at least 6 hours of sun in order to thrive.
  • Water Water Water Don’t forget to set your garden up close to your water source. I use rain water that I collect in barrels for my herb garden. Even if you only use a hose, this is vital.
  • Plant EVERYTHING with love and good intentions. My grandmother did this and her meals always had so much intention in them. I hope these tips help you and that you are on your way to planting with love! 

I love you,

only want the best for you

please love yourselves and drink your green juice:)


PS I’m going live in the early evening pacific tonight… simply click here and hit the follow button!

A FREE Portal To Health!

Today is the first day of a new month! A new month with brand new possibilities. I love the first of the month! It’s when I start fresh with a new group of clients ready and open to learning all of my healthy secrets. Below is a video on a ritual I do the day prior to starting with new clients. I really don’t think we spend enough time doing two things…

1) Grounding ourselves in mother nature

2) Staying away from our electronic devices

I hope the video above helped remind you how to “stay in flow”. We all fall out of flow from time to time (myself included). Just remember not to allow outside circumstances to interrupt your flow. You are the creator of your world, this is one thing we all have the power to control. We can choose non reaction over reactive behavior. It’s an on going practice but remember… practice makes perfect. The more you are tested, the greater you become and the more you will strive to overcome obstacles placed upon your path.

I guess you could say that nature provides us with a FREE portal to all our health needs!

It’s a great feeling to know we have the free resource of nature right outside of our door. At any given time during any given moment we can utilize this resource to our advantage Remember everything we do is a spiritual experience leading to us serving our highest good towards our highest destiny.

The other day one of my earth angels who is also a kindred soulmate reminded me that I am a Starseed… a unicorn Someone who is here to lead and be an example for others to follow. He reminded me that I sprinkle Stardust just by being who I am and that yes some people will try to take from my light but that others will want to emulate me and that’s a BEAUTIFUL THING! It actually is creating more growth for the universe to expand, grow and to wake up! How beautiful is that?!

How exciting is it to know that just by being who I am I inspire others to raise their vibration to grow their own food and to reach for the stars! I am so very grateful for these moments of growth and expansion! We really are all in this together.

Below… one of my favorite elixir tonic recipes! I encourage each and every one of you to check out the videos of my tonic’s on my YouTube channel AndreaCoxTV and to please try this for yourself. It’s a crown opener.

Chaga elixir

Base 2 cups of green tea

1 Cup of oat milk

A sprig of mint or mint essential oils

Half a teaspoon of chaga powder

A pinch of coconut palm sugar or Monk fruit

Directions Whisk this together as to not disturb the constitution of the magical healing powers that these herbs provide. I love starting my day with medicinal mushrooms blended into a tonic.

I love you

Only want the best for you

Please love yourself

And drink your juice

~ Andrea

Why you are Gaining weight while you are in quarantine

Why you are gaining weight while in quarantine…

Hey love Andrea here,

Be yourself! Everyone else is taken.
I’ve pretty much lived the past 2 1/2 years in a quarantine of choice. It has been a time of major spiritual growth for me. A time of starting a second spiritual business that utilizes my greatest gift of intuition combined with my knowlege of health and relationships. A business that thrusted me into self sufficiency and abundance. Although I’ve had several challenges and blocks strategically placed along my path by others, this and they have only elevated me to a higher spiritual state of consciousness. One that in my opinion I wouldn’t trade for the world.
I love how this Quarantine life has gotten me back to my roots! To my ancestral callings. To my sweet open hearted Pisces loving makeup-less uniqueness. I also love how it’s brought out my more masculine Scorpio Moon and rising protective vibe. 
Happiness is not a place, a person or a soverign bank account. Happiness is being perfectly content, at peace and in love with every flower, every green juice, every elixir tonic and every twin soul we meet along the way! 
People will always be challenged when they see you creating magic out of thin air… but hey… I’ve done that since the day I came out of the womb.:) ‬And this my luvs is where the magic is! 
Back to the subject at hand… Why in the heck are so many of you gaining weight during quarantine?! Read below to find out!

Over the past 48 hours I’ve spoke to three different women and one man who reached out to me via social media, set up a phone consultation and told me that they were sick and tired of feeling sick overweight and tired. 

I know what you’re saying “great Andrea… so all of them signed up for coaching with you and all of them are on their way to better health, a sexier healthier body, more energy and an increased immune system”!

The truth is out of all four people only the man signed up for coaching. All three women have either not gotten back to me or, have said it’s just not the right time”. 

Why am I pointing this out to you today? 

Well, first off… let me tell you that I asked for permission from my new client Alexander and he said I could share the following information with you. Alex is an attorney in Houston Texas who is married with two kids. He has an overwhelming schedule, barely finds the time to exercise and often eats standing up while listening to his kids talk about their day and simultaneously going over legal documents. 

Bottom line, he’s busy yet he is still taking the plunge and moving forward with the coaching program.

Alex‘s wife has followed me for years and got a Health Reading in March. She knew when that reading was done that I was the only person that would be able to help her husband lose the weight he needed to get rid of in order to be healthier happier and to give more to their children. 

So why is it that out of all four people only the guy took the plunge? The following is my hypothesis…

Since ancient times men have always gone after what they wanted. They don’t allow finances, other peoples opinions and especially a busy schedule to hold them back. When a man sees something he wants i.e.

a woman

a healthy body

a new job or business idea

or a goal, he goes for it! 

Women often don’t. Which is exactly why I’m sharing this with all of you! 

Now is the absolute perfect time to lose the weight you desire. It’s the perfect time to get the body you have always wanted. To get the man you’ve wanted! It’s the absolute perfect time for you to visualize yourself the way you’ve always wanted to look and feel in order to cultivate the life, home, health and partner of your dreams!

Over the next 48 hours I’ll be accepting one last client for the next 31 days! Not three but one! If you’ve always wanted to fit into those jeans if you’ve always wanted to have a healthy body you can be proud of, heck if you’ve always wanted to have sex with the lights on now is your time to hop on board! 

Shoot me an email at

CC that E-mail to my assistant at

Now is the time for you to get truly healthy and happy in your own skin! 

Remember I only want the very best for you!

Cilantro kisses 

Love you, Isn’t it time you love yourself 

~ Andrea

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A Must Have For Entrepreneurs

Hey Luv, 

A long time ago I learned that all that glitters wasn’t gold. I learned that the material things I was being gifted & offered were nothing more than material clutter corroding my space. Over the past two years a HUGE decluttering has taken place in my home, my mind & within my heart. We must clean out the old prior to the new entering. Even if you are to begin again with the past, you must first heal the heart chakra. 

My decluttering began after being robbed on Black Friday a few years ago. I had a bag of crystals in my purse that I took everywhere with me. Out of all the valuables that were stolen that bag of crystals meant more to me than anything else. Later, I realized that those crystals had fulfilled their healing duties and I simply didn’t need them any longer. I decided after that weekend that I would begin decluttering my home. For every 5 boxes I got rid of I would buy a medium to large size crystal or salt lamp. The results in my home have been nothing but feng shui mastery and a zen like feel. 

This pyrite crystal is a must-have piece for your office or workspace because it’s the ultimate symbol of wealth and good luck. Pyrite also known as “Fool’s gold” because of its shimmery hue, the color of gold & the midday sun at its full strength. 

Call on pyrite when you are lacking motivation or physical strength. Pyrite will bring you back to Mother Earth. Pyrite has powerful energies that ground you & guide your spirit to a place of higher wisdom. If you’ re ready to achieve your dreams & aspirations place a Pyrite upon your desk and watch your dreams manifest before your eyes. I find pyrite to be a powerful EMF shield. Traditionally, Pyrite is known as a stone of luck, helping to attract abundance, wealth and prosperity to the user, via its creative energies of manifestation, and its encouragement of following one’s dreams.

I prefer to have pyrite in my home over wearing it on my body. Pyrite is one of the best feng shui stones for attracting the energy of wealth and abundance. Pyrite is also an excellent choice for your wealth bowl (see my YouTube video on creating a wealth bowl) as well as a good decor piece for your home office.

Until tomorrow

I love you

Please love yourself

And go grab a pyrite.

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One of my smaller pyrites

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